Editor’s Note: I knew something was stirring when Eric Metaxas punched that punk. Rod Dreher spent a lot of time handwriting about it.
CNN's @oliverdarcy on Republicans denouncing the FBI raid: They're "assaulting the character of the FBI"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 14, 2022
"It's very extreme. It's extremist rhetoric. It's incendiary rhetoric." pic.twitter.com/0fFjoPKH4k
CNN's @brianstelter on criticisms of the IRS planning to seize another $124 billion from lower- and middle-class Americans: "MAGA media’s hatred of government is reaching a new high" pic.twitter.com/ghUtkM0WH7
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 14, 2022
Eric Metaxas says that, as Christians, they are required to support such lawless actions because “we take our orders from Jesus”: “It is a manifestation of our faith.” https://t.co/ZzTRKXivrB pic.twitter.com/921FDnkD2g
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) August 12, 2022
Charlie Kirk urges Republican state attorneys general to launch raids on hundreds of liberal organizations without legal justification as political retaliation for the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago https://t.co/zLVy0CSEfy pic.twitter.com/7P4VxIe5uq
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) August 12, 2022
This is really scary. Dad claims doctor asked his 3-year-old if he’s a boy or a girl at a routine check-up pic.twitter.com/rwOVNJeDHU
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 14, 2022
This is another positive development.
I’ve been wanting to get rid of it for years and now my fellow Christians see that the FBI and “intelligence community” are completely corrupt and ought to be abolished. We also need to get rid of thr groomers who have infested corporations like Disney.
Note: I recently saw this trash at Target.

Can’t wait
>Watch for my next book, about the Oklahoma City bombing, coming in 2023 from @simonandschuster
This does tend to bother me in a way. Why do I see the FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. being abolished but suddenly being replaced with a single all encompassing Federal Police force? We’d be hopping from the frying pan into the fire. I always get nervous when politicians suddenly hop onto the bandwagon.
The left is in love with law enforcement know that they went after Dump. Such hypocrites.
Shitlibs and Jews, stop expecting normal people to respect or appreciate your state secret police and their prosecutions of political prisoners.
TWA800 shoot down did it for me. I suppose the Jack Whack was the start of the new Deep State. Having an inherently political national police force just seems like a bad idea.
>TWA800 shoot down did it for me.
You know, after I took some interest in the JFK assassination as a teenager, another huge WTF moment for me was when I read a news account of the co-pilot of another airliner in the sky at the same time, who said just before he saw the explosion of (what turned out to be) TWA 800, he saw a streak of light shooting upward toward the same area — in the same article some ‘expert’ debunked what the co-pilot said by claiming what he saw was probably just a meteor — as if a pilot for a major airline carrier could not tell the difference between a streak of light traveling upward vs downward.
The TWA 800 Whistleblower Is Legit
Most people have forgotten about TWA 800 — they’ve also forgotten that the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian passenger plane in 1988.
Another ‘drill’ gone wrong
>Extreme Anti-FBI Rhetoric Is Now Mainstream
Exhilarating, isn’t it?
Yep we’ve got to fire these federal agencies. We need a new national capital and need to hire a whole new crop of people loyal to the real America. A new president should not even go to that white house but set up shop somewhere centrally located like Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, Ft Leavenworth in Kansas, etc. Then fire everyone in DC and rebuild with loyal people. Somewhere new like Branson Missouri which would be sort of part of the south, sort of part of the midwest, close to the great plains states where support for real America still remains strong. Let the east coast Boston-DC megapolis corridor and the left coast go their own way. Build that wall not only along the southern border, but the new borders along the coasts. Send them our illegal aliens, hindu carpetbaggers, etc. Then a massive purge through the cultural institutions in the real America. MacCarthy was a dress rehearsal for the purge. Pink slip all the commie teachers etc and bar them from any profession of cultural influence. They can either go to the coasts or flip some burgers and salt some fries.
The first American revolution came about due to a tax situation, and now the US is about to sic 87,000 armed IRS parasites onto low and middle class Americans.
History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes, as Samuel Clements once said.
Metaxas is exhibit A in the radicalization that is taking place
Christiana have been shocked awake by the vaxx mandates and the stealing of the last election. Time to drive the money changers from the Temple again. Jesus Christ was the first populist!
Vox Day has an interesting post in TWA 800.
>Note: I recently saw this trash at Target.
The author has a new book coming out:
A Tale of Two Princes (‘God save the queers’)