Interesting article.
Wyoming conservatives are embracing identitarianism. They are Becoming Who They Are. They are embracing White identity politics. It is just that … their identity ISN’T Nietzscheanism or Apollonianism.
“Wyoming politics began to change beneath their feet, slowly at first, as the Tea Party rose to power, and then rapidly during the Trump years, as a new guard waged war with the establishment, making politics less about ordinary governance than about identity.
We’ve spent the last year traveling Wyoming, from Cheyenne in the south to Sheridan in the north, from Evanston in the west to Wheatland in the east, talking to local political activists and leaders. This obsession with identity left a mark everywhere, but nowhere more obviously than at the recent Republican state conventions. Just a decade ago, few delegates would have attended party meetings with guns strapped to their hips. Now many do. That wasn’t enough for one delegate at the last convention: He reportedly strutted about with a gun fully cocked. In another departure from old norms, many delegates have taken to wearing their cowboy hats inside the convention center. “That’s not a Wyoming thing,” noted JoAnn True, a patron of the old party. This is mostly because there is no need to wear a cowboy hat indoors — unless your goal is to sport a costume that signals a conservative social identity.
Virtue signaling is also on the rise. One convention delegate argued that Wyoming schoolchildren should not be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance, since the word “indivisible” suggests that states can’t secede from the union. Another Republican Party figure was criticized for allegedly failing to adopt an appropriately respectful posture during the pledge.
Acting the part of a true Wyoming conservative is a delicate art. It’s not only about signaling that you belong to a rugged, rural working class, but also about highlighting your conservative bona fides, which often means exiling anyone who doesn’t toe the line. Now a conservative cancel culture as unforgiving as its progressive rival is sweeping over the Wyoming G.O.P. …
Plenty of the new insurgents are themselves comfortable members of the professional class pretending to be “one of the people.” Some, like Ms. Hageman, simply seem opportunistic, while others sincerely share cultural affinities with Wyoming’s working class. But to its credit, the new identity politics has also done something rare in this gilded age of American politics: It has elevated genuinely working-class citizens into positions of power. For example, Tom James, elected to the State Senate in 2018, grew up in a foster home and campaigned for office as he delivered pizzas. Meanwhile, Frank Eathorne, the current chairman of the state party, previously worked as a Terminix pest exterminator. As Tim Stubson of the old establishment acknowledged, “It’s a much more blue-collar party.”
These candidates are starting to reshape the G.O.P. beyond Wyoming as well. Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado earned a G.E.D., having left high school after she got pregnant. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, a truck driver won a State Senate seat on a shoestring budget. And in Arizona, Rusty Bowers — who resisted pressure from Donald Trump to overturn his state’s election results — was just badly defeated by David Farnsworth, a small businessman and former crane operator with an A.A. degree …”
Welcome to your Jewocracy masquerading as a ‘democracy’, where the politicians don’t represent the people but the Zionist-Communist Oligarchs that select, groom & hire them to represent themselves. You have two main Parties in the USA: the Zionist Party (Republican) & the Communist Party (Democrat)–both owned/managed by Jewish billionaires. They both work together to transform the nation into an anti-white mongrelized dystopia.
This Semitic system can be basically extrapolated to all ‘western democracies’ of the world. In the UK Labour is the Communist Party & Conservative is the Zionist Party–both colluding to turn Britain into a subhuman society of scum…but hey, you didn’t want to listen to Mosley or Colin Jordan so this is what happens
Agree. The PIC (People in Charge) just let the American people think they vote in their leaders. But they would never allow this. As long as the sheep believe this, the status quo remains.
As I recall, for years the Government has been pushing people to vote. There are all sorts of reasons given for this, but the real reason is that the number of voters was decreasing so rapidly, that it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide the fact that voting changed nothing. How could you make make a case for “representing the will of the American People” if only 10% of eligible voters actually voted? That’s how they always hid, but now it’s getting to the point they can’t hide it anymore.
We’d like to think so. But understand that Liz Cheney and her #*$&&@ military industrialist father Dick Cheney were winning over 70% support before Trump – they just LOVE these Neo Conservative J wars, interventions, regime changes and also the Reagan Cliven Bundy Cowboy ranchers in Wyoming just love sub minimum wage Mayan ranch hands and hate environmentalists that want to save the wolves that are sacred to native American Indians and Nordic Pagans.
Anybody old enough to remember White Conservative savior Ronald Reagan’s secretary of the Interior/Posterior James Watt!
James Watt tried to get the Beach Boys banned from playing on the Washington Mall at President Reagan’s inauguration because the Beach Boys supposedly played degenerate Rock and Roll music and the Beach Boys fans sometimes smoked MJ!
Fortunately Nancy Reagan made that idiot James Watt shut the F up.
Here’s our/my best ever OD blog about idiots, fools on the Western Rancher Right:
Here’s a video about Ronald Reagan’s idiot Secretary of the Interior James Watt.
What f#*$&#@ idiots.
Ah yes, Ronny the Ray-Gun. I suspect the alzheimers set in after H.W. Bush’s neighbor got his few shots in. The ruling oligarchy likely figured that offing another nominal president so soon after JFK might cause more to explore alternate explanations from the official story – which is guaranteed to be a lie in every single case. Watt was indeed a disaster. That was before the Jews bought out the Sierra Club as I recall. Back in that era, the SC actually was about conserving the natural wonders, etc. Watt of course just wanted to strip mine and clear cut everything. He even managed to piss off some of the working class Catholics by making a crude snark about the pope and abortion (he no play-a da game, he no make-a da rules!)
Reagan of course signed the amnesty and the borders have been open ever since. In many ways he was like Trump, but not so much the con-man as Cheetohead is. He probably did love the country but ended up doing little. The factories were all shut down and moved overseas, NAFTA and other “free trade” bullshit was pushed, while we had an explosion of fake-money – the bulk of it going to the one percenter bank accounts. He flipped the mood into an optimistic one. but it was largely fake when the dust settled. His term was largely deck-chair feng-shui on SS. Titanicamurika at the end of the day. He seemed much diminished and sad at the end of his term, to be replaced by the reptilian spook H.W. Bush.
Just win, baby.
After Losing in Landslide, Cheney Hints at Presidential Run
HAHAHA, will the propaganda BS never stop ?
“Wyoming conservatives are embracing identitarianism (…) embracing White identity politics”:
Ethnic identity (aka ethnocentrism, etc.) is a strong natural tendency. It is to be expected, not surprising at all that it happens. The system’s elites would much rather have the plebs’ attention focused on a resurgence of suppressed identity, rather than on the evil system itself. “They” can manage you with your “White identity.” The system can be just as White or as diverse, and as conservative or liberal as it needs to be. It can even reform itself (become POPULIST) when necessary, but it doesn’t really become better, doesn’t really change.
“Wyoming conservatives are embracing identitarianism. They are Becoming Who They Are. They are embracing White identity politics. It is just that … their identity ISN’T Nietzscheanism or Apollonianism.”
It isn’t Nietzscheanism or Apollonianism, but it’s probably not Jesus freakery either. I wouldn’t be surprised if they vote against banning abortion and you decide they, like the people of Kansas, are coastal shitlibs you don’t want in your country.
I’d settle for either social conservatism or “Leave Me Alone” style lolbertarianism.
Under the former, Whites are forced to conform around a proper set of morals and values, which keeps degeneracy out of the spotlight. Under the later, the competent adults (like me) can be free to Become Who They Are and live orderly, peaceful, prosperous lives. Which is fair and just.
I think some of the people commenting on this site, would be the last know when winning actually happens. They never saw any good news they recognize….
Agreed, shadowbass.
Let me sum up —- do I agree with everything Dwight D. Eisenhower did during his 8 years as president? No. Do I think he was a much better president than lyndon Baines Johnson? Absolutely.
“But to its credit, the new identity politics has also done something rare in this gilded age of American politics: It has elevated genuinely working-class citizens into positions of power. For example, Tom James, elected to the State Senate in 2018, grew up in a foster home and campaigned for office as he delivered pizzas. Meanwhile, Frank Eathorne, the current chairman of the state party, previously worked as a Terminix pest exterminator. As Tim Stubson of the old establishment acknowledged, “It’s a much more blue-collar party.”
These are the people who had been totally frozen out by both wings of the OneParty, the judenpresse & every other gatekeeper.
But what their new Dump-assisted access to the corridors of power will really mean remains to be seen: if they’re not smart enough or lack integrity, they’ll be coopted & controlled like all the rest before them.
Twilight of the pigs