I guess I am a small government cuckservative now.
I’m starting to see why the Founders were so skeptical of concentrated and centralized power. Joe Biden is acting like an Early Modern monarch squandering the wealth of his realm. I’m thinking specifically here of the decline of Spain and all the wars of the Counter-Reformation. In Joe Biden’s case, he is crusading for “liberal democracy” and the “rules-based international order” in Ukraine.
“WASHINGTON, Aug 24 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden marked Ukraine’s Independence Day on Wednesday with $3 billion in security assistance, Washington’s largest aid package since Russia’s invasion six months ago but one that could take months or even years to arrive in Kyiv. read more
The aid announcement came as U.S. officials warned that Russia appeared to be planning to launch fresh attacks in coming days on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities. …”
Robert E. Lee, a well known “semi-fascist,” predicted this:
“I can only say that while I have considered the preservation of the constitutional power of the General Government to be the foundation of our peace and safety at home and abroad, I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the States and to the people, not only essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard of the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the States into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it. I need not refer one so well acquainted as you are with American history, to the State papers of Washington and Jefferson, the representatives of the Federal and Democratic parties, denouncing consolidation and centralization of power, as tending to the subversion of State governments, and to despotism.”
Robert E. Lee to Lord Acton, 15 Dec. 1866
Aggressive abroad? Check.
Despotic at home? Check.
“President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide USD 13.7 billion in emergency dollars for Ukraine as U.S. aid to the war-torn country is running out.
The request, which comes as lawmakers are preparing to return to Washington, is part of a larger USD 47.1 billion emergency spending package the White House is proposing to pay for the COVID-19 response, the ongoing monkeypox outbreak and help for recent natural disasters in Kentucky and other states. Congress will have to extend current financing for federal agencies before it runs out on Sept. 30.
The money for Ukraine would be on top of USD 40 billion that was approved earlier this year. Administration officials said that roughly three-quarters of that military and budgetary support has been disbursed or committed. …”
I was hard on Trump for not pulling troops out of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
I was happy when Joe Biden pulled the last troops out of Afghanistan. I gave him credit for it.
Dark Brandon has created a bigger disaster in Ukraine though than either Barack Obama or Donald Trump. How long can this continue? How many billions of dollars are we spending on Ukraine a week? Where is this firehose of billions of dollars in military spending even going?
ZOG is on its last binge, before the dollar loses its reserve status and is then replaced by a CBDC Amero.
By the way, you have the “founders” exactly backwards. They took a decentralized Confederacy and massively centralized it. The Bill of Rights was forced on them by the antifederalists in exchange for ratification.
“Where is this firehose of billions of dollars in military spending even going?”
A large fraction is going to hire mercenaries.
I’m thinking most of that “aid” is going into the pockets of corrupt officials and jew gangsters.
Ukraine was used for money laundering prior to the war and it hasn’t stopped. I would wager that most of the money is being siphoned off even before it gets near the Ukraine. The fun part is they’re ripping off America and handing the bill to the Ukraine, who if they survive as a nation, will be forced to pay back that money. Those repayments will probably also “mysteriously” disappear.
“Ukraine was used for money laundering prior to the war and it hasn’t stopped”:
Also for drug running, and for weapons running, and for human trafficking (the nonstop bonanza of Khazarkrainian brides and “housekeepers” and orphans) and especially, organ trafficking: Casualties of war and Russian prisoners and other young ethnic Russians (like young ethnic Palestinians in Zionist-occupied Palestine) are very profitable to dismember and “part out” on the global market: healthy young kidneys, livers and corneas, etc. are fetching high prices to keep the elites and upper middle class alive much longer than the commons, whose life expectancies are actually dropping in many countries.
That might indeed account for some of the firehose of spending. The recent failed attempt to capture the Zaparozhye Nuclear Power Plant left all sorts of dead washed up with Blackwater patches. Blackwater is no longer the name of the company itself (Prince sold it and it’s now part of Constellis Holdings) but the trademark might be used for some department or special operation. If a high percentile of the 700+ dead from that escapade are mercs, a fair amount of money would indeed be involved.
> whereas the consolidation of the States into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.
He sure as hell got that right.
Dark Brandon has created a bigger disaster in Ukraine though than either Barack Obama or Donald Trump. How long can this continue? How many billions of dollars are we spending on Ukraine a week? Where is this firehose of billions of dollars in military spending even going?
Joey Shitpants deserves no credit for withdrawl from Trashcanistan. It should be obvious by now that the real rulers needed to pull out of there in order to get the self-licking ice-cream cone over in Ukraine fully operational, which is what we’re seeing now. It’s basically a massive economic burn-off to keep the inflation here in Murika down to a level where the idiocracy will believe the daily lies broadcast by gaslight media along with being part of the asset-stripping and looting of what remains of wealth here in Murika by the usual suspects. The burn-off serves to pacify the normies so they won’t be able to perceive the ongoing plan to loot, enslave and exterminate them.
The Brandon regime is actually a result of decentralization. Without a strong centralized state designed to serve the nation, special interests (Jews etc.) were able to take control of the levers of power for their own purposes. The judeo-masonic founders of the USA designed the country to be controlled by a plutocratic oligarchy, and that is what we have. Strong central states tend to be nationalist and much more in line with the popular will than decentralized oligarchies like the USA are. “Small government” just takes us right back where we are today, with a group of plutocrats buying and selling puppet politicians and the state opposing the interests of the populace.
You just need to look around the world to see that the democratic countries all have the most unpopular governments that never do anything that their people want, while “authoritarian” governments are extremely popular and serve the interests of their people.
“aggressive abroad and despotic at home”
Prophetic !
The term ‘mass formation psychosis’ emerged not long ago to describe unquestioning compliance with COVID measures — but it could and should be used more generally to describe the ‘current thing’ phenomenon as well — because it was just as disturbing to see so many people unthinkingly adopt the regime line on the Russia/Ukraine conflict; how quickly that became part of the secular moral canon.
>Robert E. Lee, a well known “semi-fascist,” predicted this: …
And yet they are taking down monuments to this great man/American (some of the monuments may even be destroyed), all because the multi-faceted secession movement (Lincoln is responsible for the Civil War) has been dishonestly turned into solely a morality play about slavery.
Why was Lee a great man? He was an excellent leader obviously but accomplished nothing. Surrendering immediately would have been a better outcome for the South.
>He was an excellent leader
For that reason alone he was a great man — contemporary accounts confirm Lee was held in very high regard.
>Surrendering immediately would have been a better outcome for the South.
Those who were willing to declare and then fight to attain their independence would probably not agree with you.
Why is the South the most loyal region to the Federal Leviathan? The most eager to shed blood and have the blood of its men shed in its service? This started just decades after the Civil War. How many Southern boys of the 101st Airborne stuck their bayonets at the backs of white schoolgirls at Little Rock in 1957? Uncomfortable questions the Southern Nationalists never answer.
We are just better than that. Racists up North went there to hide.
The US approves 1.1 billion to Taiwan angering China.
“The US approves 1.1 billion to Taiwan”:
An act of war. But if Russia gave billions to Alaska, or to Hawaii, to encourage them to separate from the U.S., it would have some historical justification. Alaska was settled first by Russia (and the rotten, unelected Tsar had no right to give it away, to pay off his personal debts and line his own pockets) and Hawaii was almost colonised by Russia before the U.S. did. And suppose Russia gave billions to Puerto Rico and to the U.S.’s Pacific island colonies….
Shitpants is such a zionist, that we’re pickin up the tab for the Israel backed belt and road initiative through Eurasia. The feds going full parasite.
Countries can be authoritarian hells without reserve currency status.
With these massive foreign aid spending binges Joe Biden is like the anti-Pat Buchanan.
After the Cold War ended there was talk of a peace dividend. That has clearly gone down the memory hole. Oy very!
Russia is waiting for the winter, they were forced to wait until after the Olympics were over by Xi. Pissing him off was a non starter, they needed the world economic powerhouse on their side before this undertaking but the delay did have devastating consequences on the effectiveness of their assault. When the winter comes and the rivers and fields freeze over operations will be easier and most importantly the economic devastation on the west will ensue as they get the wishes of the females they put in charge who plan to power the modern world on Unicorn Farts. People under the Brussels Witches will be chopping up their picket fences and shutters to burn to keep warm and eating cats and dogs.
The U.sury S.ystem spends billions more on the Khazarkrainian proxy war against Russia, but the meager funds for the mitigating the pandemic run out completely with the final mass purchase of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines “tailored for Omicron” that have not been proven safe and are already ineffective against the newest Omicron variants. As the virus mutates into new forms that the newest Pfizer and Moderna injections do not control, and all of the remaining public hygiene mitigation rules are rescinded, the population is left to fend for itself with no help at all from the state. The official death rate remains about 500 per day (the real rate is probably much higher due to less testing being done) and will rise into the thousands this winter. Meanwhile China’s truly science-based “Zero Covid” policy is working, and China has developed a very safe and very effective (controlling ALL kinds of Covid, even the newest variants) non-injected nasal aerosol vaccine. Russia has also developed a similar very effective nasal aerosol vaccine. The U.S. is falling behind in medicine too. Life expectancy and quality of life are dropping for the vast majority of the empire’s “homeland” population with the greatest capitalist depression in history just getting started.