I was hoping for something more like … as an influencer, I will use my YouTube platform to pressure Bernie Sanders and The Squad to stop funding this stupid war in Ukraine before it spirals out of control.
I was hoping for something more like … as an influencer, I will use my YouTube platform to pressure Bernie Sanders and The Squad to stop funding this stupid war in Ukraine before it spirals out of control.
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@Brad The Trotskyites of both parties are backing the Ukraine. You only have to look at their newspaper the Millitant if you don’t believe me!
Don’t underestimate the Trotskyites because they have a presence in every major American metro area, and are usually among those organizing most anti-war/social justice protests. Particularly those aimed to influence organized labor. https://themilitant.com/
I made it about 5 minutes in and had enough.
This little hypothetical exercise is the problem with “intellectuals” and people that write and make this vacuous content for a living and why we need fewer of them with any influence on people.
RE: Kyle…. nobody in Russia or Ukraine gives a damn what he thinks needs to be done to resolve the conflict. Neither Ukraine or Russia are his country and he doesn’t even get an opinion on it. Its not his business.
If he and people like him, whether liberal interventionists or neocon war profiteers hadn’t meddled there in Ukraine, none of this would be happening. Ukraine is hopelessly corrupt and was totally in Russia’s orbit under control by Russian kleptocrats and puppet dictators. Its not our problem their country sucks. Its theirs. All we have done by screwing around there is to make all of that worse.
Quit tossing our blood and treasure into every meatgrinder basketcase third world shithole in the world and focus on our own problems.
Nuclear war isn’t going to happen. Neither is a new Russian Empire. They have managed to totally screw up an invasion of a country that they surround on three sides and is less than 1,000 miles from the bulk of their military assets because they can’t even handle the logistics and their military is more corrupt and incompetent than ours. These people are ridiculous and should be ridiculed and ignored for the dipshits they are. Fuck Russia.
If there is something in Ukraine we need, we need to either trade honestly for it, or run up the black flag and take it by force like we have the oil from Syria. Stop fucking around and come back to reality. War is hell, resources are scarce and we got problems of our own at home.
I’m tired of reading idealistic bullshit and hysteria from professional professionals with zero clue how things actually work.
Kyle Kulinsky is a dumbass, and he should shut the fuck up and go shovel shit and sweep floors for a few years until his sense of self importance is brought back to Earth. Honestly Krystal is dumb for even talking to him. But, she’s an airhead too so go figure.
Fuckin retards think they have it all figured out when all they are is a bunch of dimestore philosophers, coffee shop sophisticates and trust fund junkies. The death smell of decadence is on all of them, and not one of them understands or suffers the consequences of their own misguided actions. This whole class of useless over educated oxygen thieves are nothing but a glorified peanut gallery of pseudo pundits wholly lacking self awareness.
There is nothing of any value whatsoever to us in Donbas, but you are forgetting that these people are motivated by stupid abstractions like “Liberal Democracy” have already pushed things this far because of it. Whether they go all the way depends more on how long Russia can put up with this shit. Two more years of this is a long time
It is a long time for sure and its going to suck hardcore.
What is really frustrating about the Ukraine thing is that in Eastern Ukraine its a massive coal region and agricultural. We have plenty of our own wheat. More than enough to gouge Sti Lanka and India with.
If we had been mining our own coal, pumping our own oil and gas, Russia wouldn’t have done this because they know it would just have stimulated our economy when they invaded.
Instead because of our dipshit “intellectual” class of oxygen thieves we are getting bent over after they let Saudi Arabia get away with a price war that destroyed our domestic oil and gas, and their own policy of destroying our domestic coal production so we pay for gouge prices on stuff we literally have more of than most other countries in the world but are too damn dumb to harvest.
Have you seen the documentary of the Donbas civilians getting hit by incoming artillery at the coffee shop enjoying some piano or standing out on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette?
It is called the monsters who own Ukraine and yes it is the usual suspects.
O/T-it is Monsters Who Run Ukraine and not for the squeamish.
Excellent video. It points out expressly that the Jews behavior is that of psychopaths. I have said over and over that maybe all Jews are not psychopaths but that there is no discoverable difference when a bunch of Jews move into your country from a tribe of psychopaths moving into your county. Their whole religion is just one psychopathic idea after another, and their religious text are nothing but a manual for psychopaths to live by. Maybe I’m wrong, not likely, but if you assume that the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you can frequently make sense of what they are doing and predict their behavior.
I may have commented twice on this. My apologies if so.
Excellent video. It points out expressly that the Jews behavior is that of psychopaths. I have said over and over that maybe all Jews are not psychopaths but that there is no discoverable difference when a bunch of Jews move into your country from a tribe of psychopaths moving into your county. Their whole religion is just one psychopathic idea after another, and their religious text are nothing but a manual for psychopaths to live by. Maybe I’m wrong, not likely, but if you assume that the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you can frequently make sense of what they are doing and predict their behavior.
Q: Will mankind turn earth into a dead frozen burned out cinder via an all out nuclear war?
A: No, God will intervene because God has other plans for this earth and mankind/demons cannot alter those plans.
But this does not mean there cannot be nuclear wars and many people killed.
Earlier predictions of nuclear winter:
On the 8th Day – Nuclear Winter Documentary (1984)
There are also predictions of a nuclear summer that will follow the nuclear winter:
Nuclear summer
A “nuclear summer” is a hypothesized scenario in which, after a nuclear winter caused by aerosols inserted into the atmosphere that would prevent sunlight from reaching lower levels or the surface,[59] has abated, a greenhouse effect then occurs due to carbon dioxide released by combustion and methane released from the decay of the organic matter and methane from dead organic matter and corpses that froze during the nuclear winter.[59][60]
Another more sequential hypothetical scenario, following the settling out of most of the aerosols in 1–3 years, the cooling effect would be overcome by a heating effect from greenhouse warming, which would raise surface temperatures rapidly by many degrees, enough to cause the death of much if not most of the life that had survived the cooling, much of which is more vulnerable to higher-than-normal temperatures than to lower-than-normal temperatures. The nuclear detonations would release CO2 and other greenhouse gases from burning, followed by more released from the decay of dead organic matter. The detonations would also insert nitrogen oxides into the stratosphere that would then deplete the ozone layer around the Earth.[59]
Other more straightforward hypothetical versions exist of the hypothesis that nuclear winter might give way to a nuclear summer. The high temperatures of the nuclear fireballs could destroy the ozone gas of the middle stratosphere.
— Wikipedia: “Nuclear winter”
But some have dismissed this idea of a nuclear winter. Here is one:
Allen E Hall
Studies the evolution of strategic defense
Nuclear Winter an Improbable Result in the Worst of the Worst Case Scenarios.
The average warhead size in the USA arsenal is 330 KT. The Russian average is higher, but not enough to change this outcome. To cause a nuclear winter the debris clouds and smoke have to be elevated above the troposphere into the high stratosphere. Any debris or smoke that is released into the troposphere (below 70,000 feet) quickly rains out in the weather within a few days to a week or so max.
Nuclear weapons yields do not affect the environment on a linear scale , that is to say that a 1 megaton bomb, even though it is 10 x more energy than 100 KT bomb, doesn’t mean it produces 10 x more destruction. Thermal radiation decays as the inverse square while blast decays as the inverse cube of distance from the detonation point. Much of that extra heat and energy goes straight up and drops off quickly as distance is increased from the point of detonation. With smaller yields the energy is not enough to breach the stratosphere, and for bombs that are not multi-megaton the earth has its own protection mechanism for particles released in the troposphere called the weather, and it is extremely efficient.
The only way to get particles to stay aloft longer is to blast them considerably higher than 70,000 feet. The reason this will not happen today is that the US and Russia have eliminated megaton size weapons from the high alert strategic forces (ICBM’s & SLBM’s). The small quantities left of the B-83 variable yield ? 20 KT – 1.2 MT gravity bomb are slated for retirement in 2025.
To get anything above 70,000 feet you need yields substantially above 1 megaton. The bombs deployed today will throw debris up 50,000 – 60,000 feet into the atmosphere and all of that will rain back down to the earth in hours and days later near the point of detonation…
What is known is that the TTAPS study made famous by Carl Sagan and his team, used exaggerated volumes of soot and smoke in their model. Their assumptions for a nuclear winter were significantly off in their calculations and in 1990 the original team largely retracted their study as being invalid.[64] Key government studies since then have shown that the available combustible materials used in the models in TTAPS were significantly overstated and this has flawed all the studies since that have used the TTAPS study as the basis of their work…
An interesting note about several major recent reports to the contrary of my conclusion and even ones going back 10 years as well. None of these reports question the fuel loading and levels of atmospheric smoke generated. They all seem to use the original basis as put forth by Carl Sagan’s team, even though Sagan himself admitted his model did not work. The footnote here will take you to an example of the poor quality models still being pushed as real science. A Rutgers 2010 report that references the work by Sagan and offers no explanation for the mechanism of smoke and soot transport into the stratosphere. Quality work is not guaranteed just because the sources are listed as a professionals in this field. Healthy skepticism is your friend, use it. [87]
So nuclear winter was always a stretch because the science was unfounded and we never had enough high-yield bombs in reality to cause it ever, but for sure in 2017 because we do not have any in the high yield range required within the active strategic nuclear arsenals of Russia or the USA. China has approximately 50 which is not enough to change the outcome and actually is not deemed even a credible threat to the mainland USA.[88]
Entire response:
Q: Will mankind turn earth into a dead frozen burned out cinder via an all out nuclear war?
A: No, God will intervene because God has other plans for this earth and mankind/demons cannot alter those plans.
But this does not mean there cannot be nuclear wars and many people killed.
Earlier predictions of nuclear winter:
On the 8th Day – Nuclear Winter Documentary (1984)
There are also predictions of a nuclear summer that will follow the nuclear winter:
Nuclear summer
A “nuclear summer” is a hypothesized scenario in which, after a nuclear winter caused by aerosols inserted into the atmosphere that would prevent sunlight from reaching lower levels or the surface,[59] has abated, a greenhouse effect then occurs due to carbon dioxide released by combustion and methane released from the decay of the organic matter and methane from dead organic matter and corpses that froze during the nuclear winter.[59][60]
Another more sequential hypothetical scenario, following the settling out of most of the aerosols in 1–3 years, the cooling effect would be overcome by a heating effect from greenhouse warming, which would raise surface temperatures rapidly by many degrees, enough to cause the death of much if not most of the life that had survived the cooling, much of which is more vulnerable to higher-than-normal temperatures than to lower-than-normal temperatures. The nuclear detonations would release CO2 and other greenhouse gases from burning, followed by more released from the decay of dead organic matter. The detonations would also insert nitrogen oxides into the stratosphere that would then deplete the ozone layer around the Earth.[59]
Other more straightforward hypothetical versions exist of the hypothesis that nuclear winter might give way to a nuclear summer. The high temperatures of the nuclear fireballs could destroy the ozone gas of the middle stratosphere.
— Wikipedia: “Nuclear winter”
But some have dismissed this idea of a nuclear winter. Here is one:
Allen E Hall
Studies the evolution of strategic defense
Nuclear Winter an Improbable Result in the Worst of the Worst Case Scenarios.
The average warhead size in the USA arsenal is 330 KT. The Russian average is higher, but not enough to change this outcome. To cause a nuclear winter the debris clouds and smoke have to be elevated above the troposphere into the high stratosphere. Any debris or smoke that is released into the troposphere (below 70,000 feet) quickly rains out in the weather within a few days to a week or so max.
Nuclear weapons yields do not affect the environment on a linear scale , that is to say that a 1 megaton bomb, even though it is 10 x more energy than 100 KT bomb, doesn’t mean it produces 10 x more destruction. Thermal radiation decays as the inverse square while blast decays as the inverse cube of distance from the detonation point. Much of that extra heat and energy goes straight up and drops off quickly as distance is increased from the point of detonation. With smaller yields the energy is not enough to breach the stratosphere, and for bombs that are not multi-megaton the earth has its own protection mechanism for particles released in the troposphere called the weather, and it is extremely efficient.
The only way to get particles to stay aloft longer is to blast them considerably higher than 70,000 feet. The reason this will not happen today is that the US and Russia have eliminated megaton size weapons from the high alert strategic forces (ICBM’s & SLBM’s). The small quantities left of the B-83 variable yield ? 20 KT – 1.2 MT gravity bomb are slated for retirement in 2025.
To get anything above 70,000 feet you need yields substantially above 1 megaton. The bombs deployed today will throw debris up 50,000 – 60,000 feet into the atmosphere and all of that will rain back down to the earth in hours and days later near the point of detonation…
What is known is that the TTAPS study made famous by Carl Sagan and his team, used exaggerated volumes of soot and smoke in their model. Their assumptions for a nuclear winter were significantly off in their calculations and in 1990 the original team largely retracted their study as being invalid.[64] Key government studies since then have shown that the available combustible materials used in the models in TTAPS were significantly overstated and this has flawed all the studies since that have used the TTAPS study as the basis of their work…
An interesting note about several major recent reports to the contrary of my conclusion and even ones going back 10 years as well. None of these reports question the fuel loading and levels of atmospheric smoke generated. They all seem to use the original basis as put forth by Carl Sagan’s team, even though Sagan himself admitted his model did not work. The footnote here will take you to an example of the poor quality models still being pushed as real science. A Rutgers 2010 report that references the work by Sagan and offers no explanation for the mechanism of smoke and soot transport into the stratosphere. Quality work is not guaranteed just because the sources are listed as a professionals in this field. Healthy skepticism is your friend, use it. [87]
So nuclear winter was always a stretch because the science was unfounded and we never had enough high-yield bombs in reality to cause it ever, but for sure in 2017 because we do not have any in the high yield range required within the active strategic nuclear arsenals of Russia or the USA. China has approximately 50 which is not enough to change the outcome and actually is not deemed even a credible threat to the mainland USA.[88]
Entire response:
Kyle Kulinski is probably one of the dumbest, “successful” commentators that the internet has. It is shown glaringly obvious in the video by his Dark Brandon meme loving liberal wife having a more nuanced understanding and interpretation of what’s going on. I’m not sure why you waste your time with him.
He used to have good takes. Maybe it was a phase?
Everyone on our side is banned from YouTube. The only people left are Pop Left types like Jimmy Dore
“…They have managed to totally screw up an invasion of a country that they surround on three sides and is less than 1,000 miles from the bulk of their military assets…”
They haven’t screwed up anything. They have done exactly what they said they were going to do. They invaded and, fake, threatened Keiv to tie down troops there while they moved into the Donbass and Southern Ukraine. The Russians said from the beginning they were not trying to pulverize the Uk countries infrastructure. Most of the Uk train system is electric and they didn’t even hit them but we see now they could have at any time. They retreated when the Uks came after them, then blasted them to hell and back with artillery after driving them into pockets. Standard WWII tactics used by Nazis and Russians.
I happened on some links I saved and comments I made in May on bannedhipster’s site where IronicSockAccount said the Russians would lose. IronicSockAccount was wrong then and he’s wrong now. Does it look like they are losing? Hell no. I said then and now that they will win. The Russians have carved off all the major industry, minerals and a large part of good farm land from their former Russia owned land. The Uks will never retake this, they can’t over power them if it’s part of Russia, and they can’t use guerilla war because all the Russians there hate their guts. There is no path to victory for the Ukrainians or actually the Jews who are running the whole operation.
I think it very likely that the whole operation is nothing but some harebrained psychopathic scheme by the Jews to kill off as many Ukrainians and Russians as can be possibly be done. Clearing the land so they can move there from their imperiled criminal enterprise in Israel. I wrote about this here,
Even the latest punishment strike, they didn’t take out as much as they could. The Uks have very little way to stop the Russians from firing missiles or air delivered bombs. They’ve been restrained. It’s possible that the Russians see the same thing that I do and realize that the Jews strategy is to create as much hatred as possible, so they are trying to limit this by not carpet bombing Ukraine and only trying to hit military targets.