I’m not interested in debating Jason Köhne’s work.
The only thing that interests me is the underlying question. Are White liberals waking up? Are they shaking off White guilt en masse? Are they “going free” or becoming “White positive”?
The answer is no.
White liberals have doubled down on being White negative.

The answer is no.

I believe I first met Jason in 2010.
Over the past 12 years, Whites have polarized and radicalized in opposite directions. White liberals became SJWs and embraced Wokeism. White liberals have dug themselves into a deeper hole of White guilt. They have become colder toward other White people. They embraced a more extreme version of antiracism. We can see it with their stupid virtue signaling yard signs which scold their neighbors. White progressives are the extremists in their party who are to the Left of non-Whites on race and immigration.
White conservatives who believed in the old colorblind version of antiracism and who are normal people who are somewhat ethnocentric and who are not self-hating have been radicalized. These people are not White Nationalists, but they are offended when they are attacked for being White. The term “anti-White” has gone mainstream. The Great Replacement has gone mainstream. “Woke” has become a slur on the Right. Conservatives embraced nationalism. This has all happened because White conservatives have been polarized and radicalized toward White Nationalism by the woke version of antiracism.
Obviously, this is only the general trend of how our politics have changed. There are True Cons who have become Democrats. There are woke libtards who have “gone free” and now support Trump. The broad shift though has been that White liberals have become more anti-White and White conservatives have become more pro-White. Joe Biden is a far more anti-White president than Barack Obama because White libtards have been radicalized by BLM and Trump and social justice politics since around 2014.
Note: In case you are wondering, I am not Robert Wills on Counter-Currents.

“The answer is no.”
I think you’ve put your finger on it.
Re: white liberals’ negative view of the white race. When Gregory Hood cited the above stats in the recent VDARE livestream, Peter Brimelow asked whether Jews were included in the white liberal responders. This is a very important question, right Hunter? We need the answer to give us a more accurate sense of how badly anti-whiteness permeates white liberals. Perhaps it’s not as bad among gentile white liberals as we currently think.
Jews are only two percent of the American population though.
“Jews are only two percent of the American population though.” I’ve always suspected the ethnic Jewish population was larger than 2%, including many non-religious Jews who prefer to “fly under the radar,” although I don’t have proof. Maybe a couple percentage points higher. Two percent or not, I would think their numbers & hostility to white identity would have an impact, statistically, though I don’t know how much, being too lazy (& likely incompetent) to number-crunch various models. But somebody should run the numbers & see.
.” I’ve always suspected the ethnic Jewish population was larger than 2%, ”
Be certain of that.
That’s a valid question. Jews are notorious for identifying as ‘white’ when they are busy subverting. Many look very white (blonde hair, blue eyes), there’s quite a bit of intermarriage (kids usually raised Jewish, btw). The spawn of the rodentine-visaged Jew Kushner with Trump’s daughter (a convert to Satanism) would early pass as white in Murika and Europe. It’s a different tale when it comes down to the half-assed moralizing (from the literal Synagogue of Satan) about “white supremacy”. The palest chameleon all of sudden morphs into a kinky-haired darkey from the middle-east who has suffered most of all!!! at the hands of the wicked white untouchables. Goodhwites eat up this bullshit by the bucketload, and not a few Evangelical Christians swallow it as well. I do not consider any Jew to be white, regardless of their complexion or their professed religion.
“White conservatives who believed in the old colorblind version of antiracism and who are normal people who are somewhat ethnocentric and who are not self-hating have been radicalized. These people are not White Nationalists, but they are offended when they are attacked for being White.”
^^ I think this is exactly right. The White people I know personally believe in the old colorblind pablum; they were weaned and raised on a solid diet of it. They are older people who were also raised to believe in “fairness” and have the best intentions in following the Golden Rule. Unfortunately for them, this is an outdated and now harmful worldview for anyone who cares about “White Wellbeing”. They have an instinctive defensive reaction to being under attack, but I do have my doubts about how much racial solidarity that will translate into. They kind of do the Tucker thing: “Why is everybody making this about race?! Race shouldn’t matter!”
The Jew controlled media especially news (propaganda) should me shut down. They should have been providing balanced reporting that matched what came out later in the Heaphy Report instead of this one-sided ganging up on the Right and ignoring the situation in which the Left was engaging in violence and physical confrontation against those who actually had the legal permit to be there. This excerpt from the table of contents is a rebuke against the Communist M$M…Lest we forget…
D. What Went Right and What Went Wrong……………………………………………….. 150
1. What Went Right…………………………………………………………………………. 151
a.Despite the Presence of Firearms and Angry Confrontations Between
Protesters and Counter-Protesters, No Person was Shot and No
Significant Property Damage Occurred. …………………………………….. 151
b.The Charlottesville Fire Department and UVA Health System Had
Effective Operations Plans That Allowed Rescue Personnel to
Extract and Treat a Large Number of Injured Persons Within
Minutes of a Violent Attack…………………………………………………….. 151
c.Law Enforcement Planning and Response Was Informed by
Thorough, Accurate Intelligence Before and During the Event. ……… 152
2. What Went Wrong ………………………………………………………………………. 153
a.The Charlottesville Police Department Did Not Seek Input From
Law Enforcement Personnel Experienced In Handling Similar
Events. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 153
b.The Charlottesville Police Department Did Not Provide Adequate
Training or Information to Officers In Advance of the Event. ………… 153
c.The City of Charlottesville Waited Too Long to Request the
Specialized Assistance of the Virginia Department of Emergency
Management………………………………………………………………………… 154
d.The Charlottesville City Council Unduly Interfered With
Operational Planning By Directing That the Event Be Moved to
McIntire Park Just Days In Advance. ……………………………………….. 154
1) Lack of Deference to Law Enforcement. …………………………….. 155
2) Timing of Decision to Move the Event. ……………………………… 155
e.The City of Charlottesville Did Not Provide Adequate Information
to The Public About Plans For the Event. ………………………………….. 156
f.City Planners Mistakenly Believed That They Could Not Limit the
Possession of Certain Items Used as Weapons At the Unite The
Right Event. ………………………………………………………………………… 156
g.The Owners of Private Property Adjacent to Emancipation Park
Refused Access to Their Facilities, Which Hampered Law
Enforcement Response During the Event. ………………………………….. 157
h.The University of Virginia Police Department Refused Multiple
Offers of Mutual Aid Assistance from the Charlottesville Police
Department, Resulting in Violent Encounters That Emboldened
Protesters at the Unite The Right Rally. …………………………………….. 158
i.The Charlottesville Police Department Implemented a Flawed
Operational Plan That Failed to Protect Public Safety On August 12. 158
1) Law Enforcement Did Not Adequately Ensure Separation
Between Alt-Right Protesters and Organized Counter-
Protesters. …………………………………………………………………….. 158
2) Law Enforcement Failed to Intervene in Violent Disorders and
Did Not Respond to Requests for Assistance. ……………………… 159
a)Areas Where Conflict Predictably Occurred Were Not
Occupied by Officers. ………………………………………………. 160
b)CPD and VSP Personnel Were Insufficiently Equipped To
Respond to Mass Unrest. …………………………………………. 160
c)CPD Commanders Failed to Deploy Available Law
Enforcement Resources to Quell Violence …………………… 161
d)VSP Directed Its Personnel to Remain Behind Barriers
Within Emancipation Park……………………………………….. 161
e)Upon the Declaration of an Unlawful Assembly,
Protesters Were Pushed Directly Toward Counter-
Protesters Without Separation. ………………………………….. 162
3)The Traffic Plan Placed Insufficient Resources at Particular
Intersections and Left the Downtown Mall Vulnerable to a
Vehicle Used as a Weapon. ……………………………………………… 162
4)The Charlottesville Police Department and Virginia State
Police Failed to Operate Under a Unified Command, Resulting
In Delayed And Ineffective Responses To Critical Events. …….. 163
a)Failure to Share VSP Operational Plan ……………………….. 163
b)Lack of Unified Decision Making ………………………………. 164
c)No All-Hands Briefing …………………………………………….. 164
d)Lack of Interoperable Communications ………………………. 164
j. Failure to Protect Public Safety Erodes Trust in Law Enforcement …. 165
Secede now!
May God Save the South!
Indeed! God Save the South(worst national anthem ever) because white Southerners won’t!