1. This is some of of the worst pseudoscience I have ever heard. If God wanted for the races to remain separate, why did he make them capable of producing fertile offspring? So they could sin? I know a bit about human evolution. This crap insults my intelligence and many others.

    • “races to remain separate, why did he make them capable of producing fertile offspring?”

      USDA forbids the importation of African Antelope because they could interbreed with American Antelope and contaminate the genetic pool.

      Why is it important to preserve the genetics of antelope and not humans ?
      Which will have the greater impact on global environment, antelope or humans ?

      Invasive species are having a disastrous impact, globally.
      How much more invasive races of humans ?

    • “If God wanted for the races to remain separate, why did he make them capable of producing fertile offspring?” Or you could look at it this way: If God wanted the races to mix why did he even bother making separate races to start with?

  2. Race is not a social construct. Instead, society is a racial construct. It is often said politics is downstream from culture. But that is incomplete and needs to be revised for the 21st century. Culture is downstream from genetics just like politics is downstream from culture. (So genetics, culture, politics)

  3. Why, what is it? I burned myself out on podcasts on my way out of the Altright.

    Gimme the skinny, HW.

  4. The double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid molecule is not only beautiful but a mystical reminder of something greater to this life and universe than the misery that so many of us are aware of.

    Chemically extracted and centrifugally separated from the denatured proteins maintaining its viable structure it appears as a meaningless off-white speck of semi-snotted nothingness.

    Held together by the weak electrostatic force of hydrogen bonding between its inner purines and pyrimidines it is continually unzipped by protein machinery to replicate and transcribe all of organic life on Earth.

    We emote, think, feel, and act in many similar ways our ancestors did.

    Not only is race real but the potential for re-awakening hidden strengths tracing back millenia remains a degree of phosphorescence…….

    • “but the potential for re-awakening hidden strengths tracing back millenia remains a degree of phosphorescence”

      This would require a willful effort or a drastically altered environment. Modern society is completely dysgenic.

  5. I’ve long been fascinated by the Table of Nations. I don’t think it gets enough attention in Christian circles, that and the Tower of Babel. I’m looking forward to listening to these. Thanks for sharing.

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