The FBI broke into another house yesterday morning and killed the occupant, this time in Tennessee
— Stephen Horn (@stephenehorn) August 17, 2023
I had to read the article twice before realizing this was about a different incident than the FBI killing of Craig Robertson in Utahhttps://t.co/UP3MGnBAbx pic.twitter.com/ALp79mwnU4
So what’s the “issue” @Apple?! pic.twitter.com/r111EXD8uS
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 16, 2023
Looks like Apple restored my 3000+ episodes to their platform but still don’t have clear answers as to why this happened. Hope to have an update for you tomorrow on radio.
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 16, 2023
How late is it?
It is so late that the FBI is censoring the internet and killing people in predawn raids.
Note: Glenn Beck was deleted from Apple iTunes after stepping all over the Craig Robertson narrative. It looks like his account has since been restored though. Was that a shot across the bow?
It is astounding he calls for his own show to be re-platformed on free speech rules, but sat idly by while people to his right were deplatformed and censored.
Let’s not forget the “true conservatives” said that Facebook, Google, Apple etc. are private companies and can censor whomever they want, the glorious “free market” at work. Never mind that they effectively constitute a monopoly, a monopoly free from prosecution as a monopoly because they work hand-in-glove with scumbags like the FBI, NSA, DHS etc. to destroy opposition to the deep state’s real and perceived opponents. Any “true conservative” like David French would just start their own Google, Facebook or Apple.
Now that Apple has given Glenn Beck a warning by “accidentally” suspending his podcast maybe he will realize the U.S. Government and its lackeys put him in the same basket of deplorables as the “far right” he loathes. Once you’re on the Government’s enemies list you don’t get off it either.
It’s not “astounding,” it’s despicable.
Who knows though, maybe some reality can yet penetrate through his thick cuck skull.
Are Snoop Dogg and Kathy Griffin OK?
Remember when they had faux assassinations with toy guns and severed heads regarding Trump?
This just in from Stacey Abrams-I bee winnin my elections cracka.
A few more of these, and Country boy Roy is going to have second thoughts about fighting them thar, Chinese. And without white southerners the American military is a bunch of homos, trannies, and Mexicans under the command of Irish officers. I see much fragging, much much fragging.
“We stand for organized terror — this should be frankly admitted. Terror is an absolute necessity during times of revolution. Our aim is to fight against the enemies of the Soviet Government and of the new order of life. We judge quickly. In most cases only a day passes between the apprehension of the criminal and his sentence. When confronted with evidence criminals in almost every case confess; and what argument can have greater weight than a criminal’s own confession.”
Felix Dzerzhinsky, interviewed in Novaia Zhizn (14th July, 1918)
Iron Felix knew how to protect a revolution from regime criminals and they’s organs.
Hail victory !!!
FBI, like NKVD, is reflecting the character of its director, Garfinkle or Felix Dzerzhinsky, the viciousness of their genetic breed reveals itself.
” killing people in predawn raids.”
I think that was the intention with Chris Cantwell.
So, too late to be saved by curry obama then? I was looking forward to keema again.
Maybe its not wise to vote on an empty stomach.
I suspect that the FBI is so overwhelmed with threats to those public officials prosecuting Trump that they can’t handle all the threats, so they resort to killing a few as a method to intimidate others from making such threats.
This would fit the kosher character, control by intimidation.
Officials Investigate Threats Against Trump Grand Jurors in Georgia
Some of the jurors’ identities have been shared on social media, with suggestions that they be harassed or made “infamous.”
…….The New York Times.
Oh, when ANTIFA or BLM dox ppl that’s free speech,
But when zog’s servants are doxed ‘Officials Investigate’.
I’ve never been very fond of Beck, but lately he seems to overturning some rocks…carefully, as is the case with controlled opposition, but I sense that the state is willing to ramp things up. Bill O’Reilly, another I have doubts with, said that the government going after the political opposition with trials is madness and crossing the line. As Tom Chittum said in Civil War Two, when you dress cops up like stormtroopers, they start acting like them.
But I also think that, as much as the state will do what they want without regard to public opinion, they know a certain percentage of the populace is just fine with a dictatorship…provided it be a moral one, although God knows what liberal morality defines itself as being.
Itz coming?
Beck made someone mad when he did that interview with Craig Robertson’s neighbor.
“Beck made someone mad ”
……..who heads the DOJ ?
If they take out a few innocent people, they expect the rest of us will be so prepared when they come that it will retroactively justify everything the FBI does. Lose a little legitimacy now only to say “I told you so” later and win it back and then some.
They will say they that beforehand, they were acting on information that they discover after the fact.
It’s like the black cellphone ambush, only on a grander stage.
Never forget what Solzhenitsyn said:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
“Dwell on the past, and you’ll lose an eye. Forget the past, and you’ll lose both eyes.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1973)
Props to whoever recognised that the FBI are doing their best impression of the NKVD. Does the milquetoast FSB do anything like this in Russia? This is very very heavy handed stuff.
Nice knowing you Brad
I think at least part of the motive for acts like this, and much other evil committed by the TPTB, is something like this. “We did it. Now what are you going to do about it? We’ll tell you what. Nothing. Like you’ve always done.Now don’t you have the Big Game to get ready for or something?”
Sheer delight in mockery of cattle in human form.
the levels of anti-semitism are out of control.
Oh the tragedy, oh the inhumanity of it all.
(Such a meaninglessly trivial incident could even be published, about ppl who have no power.)
As far as the FBI goes…
It is utterly terrifying to think that this could happen to any of us at any time, for literally nothing, no valid reason, other than being badthinkers… and because of our obscurity, and because of bread and circuses and 24/7/52/365 media desensitization and gerbil level attention spans, nothing would happen, nobody would care, and they would suffer no consequences, and this would only incentivize further escalation of the political oppression.
JFC times are getting dark
“terrifying to think that this could happen to any of us”
That’s the plan, fear and intimidation.
(So long as you don’t ‘fed post’ or make direct threats you’re safe.)
Well, I just assume that, regardless for whom I would push the button for or even if I show up at all, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. will be getting my vote just like he got those of my parents who have been staunch Democrat voters since they both died in 2020.
The GOP establishment has been too busy trying to oust Donald Trump and the Deplorable Walmart Shoppers from their ranks that they are cheering on the impeachments, the lawfare, the bogus charges and likely imprisonment that will ultimately be turned on them. I looke forward to breaking out a cold drink and some hot buttered popcorn to watch the entertainment. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
In any case, for several decades now, the Progressive Democrats and the True Cons Republicans have not been competing for working class or middle-class donors, but for wealthy donors, the PMC, the affluent LBGTQ, and urban welfare recipients.
However, the Left has so consolidated its power that they no longer see any need for the Useful Idiots that are the True Cons at all even as controlled opposition.
Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Nikki (Nimrata Randhawa) Haley, Asa Hutchinson, or any of their other ilk will never win the White House again. The True Cons, along with the rest of the Republicans will ultimately be purged from both the Senate and the House and will be truly lucky if the can hold onto any state, city or local power.
My gut feeling is these two over-the-top executions of what appear to be regular, socially active people who posted some heated anti-Biden sentiments on the internet are not threats directed at the people who frequent this board. Most here are composed of alienated people who know the elections are rigged and don’t feel the need to waste their time standing in line to have their wishes flouted by the Diebold Machines.
These executions were done to set a chilling example of what will happen to them if the True Cons or other Republicans try to channel the anger and frustration of the two executed men and organize their own voting drives to challenge their hegemony. More and more, any who disagree with the Democrats are going to be tarred with the same racist, homophobic, zenophobic, islamophobic, antisemitic brush they painted Trump and his loyalists.
That would not include most of the “White Supremacists” they like to use as bogey men to scare Non-Whites. They have monitored boards like these and know that this group was the first to become disillusioned with Zion Don and his catering to Blacks, Latinx, Gays, Muh Israel and every one else but those who swept him into the White House in 2016.
Back in the dying daze of the Russian empire the peasants called the Tsar’s Secret Piglice the “faros” because like pharoahs they could kill, rob, rape the commoners anytime they wanted and were never punished as they were “the law.”
Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky was the Bolshevik who spent the longest time in prison fighting for the Bolshevik regime and knew how to torture a class enemy. So Lenin put Iron Felix in charge of safeguarding the Revolution. Russia has 138 million in its multi-ethnic Empire spread across 11 time zones. Iron Felix was made head of the Checka and figured that if you liquidated the 1% head then the rest of the 99% would obey. So Iron Felix would round up the 1% around 2am in the morning and then proceed to torture them until they confessed then throw them naked and in handcuffs to the mob who would literally tear them to pieces then send the regime-criminals to a death camp. In 19 months 260,000 counter-revolutionary paraites were eliminated. This was a popular program and got quicker and better results than the “bread, peace, land and freedumb” propaganda. The peasants and proletariate got to engage in payback against the mighty evil empire of theys’ day which cared little or nothing about their suffering which the Tzar’s regime made worse. Then the Tzar lost the War.
“We stand for organized terror — this should be frankly admitted. Terror is an absolute necessity during times of revolution. Our aim is to fight against the enemies of the Soviet Government and of the new order of life. We judge quickly. In most cases only a day passes between the apprehension of the criminal and his sentence. When confronted with evidence criminals in almost every case confess; and what argument can have greater weight than a criminal’s own confession.”
Felix Dzerzhinsky, interviewed in Novaia Zhizn (14th July, 1918)
I took great comfort from the actions of Iron Felix while being tortured and doped up in the Fulton State NutHouse and I take comfort while being civil-lawfared by the ZOG korts doing the bidding of Bryan Reo today.
Rather than whine about FBI ZOGpigs shooting ZOGling whiggers down rather cooncentrate on what is to be done with regime-criminals and counter-revolutionary Satanic parasites and rheys families. ZOGling whigger ass-clowns do things the herd way, why worry when they are destroyed by they’s Mighty Evil Empire on the way out?.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
Yes Pastor, and there is nothing more terrifying to the children of the lie than the truth..What is truth, Pilate ask Christ?, “I am the truth” (John 14:6). And the truth scares the living crap out of the chosen.