? BREAKING: New Washington Post/ABC Poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by 10 POINTS.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 24, 2023
Trump – 52%
Biden – 42% pic.twitter.com/tRi9dy2tRZ
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) September 24, 2023
(R) Trump 52% (+10)
(D) Biden 42%
(R) Trump 52 (+13)
(D) Biden 39%
Trump 54% (+39)
DeSantis 15%
Haley 7%
Pence 6%
Scott 4%
Christie 3%
Ramaswamy 3%
ABC/WP (A) | 890 RV | 9/15-20https://t.co/gQAFyanIdp pic.twitter.com/nAftBfXbKk
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) September 24, 2023
(R) Trump 46%
(D) Biden 46%
(R) Haley 46%
(D) Biden 41%
(D) Biden 46%
(R) DeSantis 45%
Trump 59% (+43)
DeSantis 16%
Haley 7%
Christie 4%
Pence 4%
Scott 3%
Ramaswamy 2%
NBC News | 1,000 RV | 9/15-19https://t.co/3ZJs9oEvMS pic.twitter.com/NikW7Ljdp5
According to ABC/WaPo, Trump is beating Biden by 15 percent among the youngest voters, 18- to 35-year-olds.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 24, 2023
I don’t trust polls, but after starting and running @TPUSA for more than a decade and being told we’ll never win young people, I’m going to enjoy this one today. pic.twitter.com/QOCsQLL8jG
Imagine being Joe Biden and being on track to let in 10-15 million illegals into America in an effort to pander to Hispanics…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 24, 2023
And waking up to ABC/WaPo telling you you’re losing Hispanics 50% to 44% and that your lowest approval rating is on immigration. pic.twitter.com/yX2Yh52cZw
The two national polls of the day, since they’ll likely be all anyone talks about:
— Taniel (@Taniel) September 24, 2023
NBC: Biden 46, Trump 46
ABC/WaPo: Trump 52, Biden 42.
The latter is likely one of the single best national polls Trump has gotten in any of the last 3 cycles.
— Red Lion Politics (@lion_politics) September 24, 2023
MSNBC’s ?@cornellbelcher?: “Biden’s even better positioned than Obama … He [has] a story to tell about his old age; you know what his age & wisdom has been able to do? It’s been able to pass transformative pieces of legislation no president has ever been able to do before” pic.twitter.com/EYu8zxC46e
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 23, 2023
MEET THE PRESS “60% of Democratic primary voters say they want options other than Biden in 2024 in the latest NBC News national poll. This is not a normal number for an incumbent”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 24, 2023
If you believe Donald Trump is clobbering Joe Biden in the youth vote, Hispanics and with Independents by this wide of a margin, I have a bridge to sell you.
It is much more likely that Trump is just holding his coalition while vast swathes of Joe Biden’s coalition are disaffected and angry and unlikely to turnout.
“ABC/WaPo: Trump 52, Biden 42.”
Ok, we can firmly establish at least 42 % of Americans are retards.
Are 42% STILL in favor of the policies of this administration?
If this is to be believed, and they, the pollsters, have not oversampled large cities in Blue States, then, it would seem to me, that ”Retards’ is a very kind term for them.
Personally, I think that ‘brain-dead’ … would be an appropriate medical term.
“If you believe Donald Trump is clobbering Joe Biden in the youth vote…”
Among those who haven’t seen a dozen 1040s.
I think Trump is a sham but I still think he can win. Biden is imploding. I still think Trump is the fakest anti-interventionist in history, shifting his positions and continuing wars while talking as if he’s Pat Buchanan. But people are idiots, so Trump can win.
I agree Trump is a sham. That’s why he’s being set up as the last great White hope. Never forget our enemies control the “two party” system: Heads they win, tails we lose.
By the way your url says Trump is up 9 point, while your post says 10 points.
The Republicans always believe that the next election, the next time for real, the colored folk are going to vote “R.” in droves, next time they will. This shit has been going on in Republican circles since at least 1972 and each time, like Lucy pulling the football away and Charlie Brown ending up flat on his dumb ass, the colored folk vote Democrat overwhelmingly. The idiot Republicans never learn a damn thing of course.
It makes sense for the colored people to vote Democrat, the Democrats are the party of the gibs. The Republicans worry about tax cuts, budget deficits, enterprise zones, privatizing social security, interest rates, free trade and other bullshit no one but them cares about. The Republicans believe once they explain that the Democrats “are the real racists” like Fox TV bleats out, keeping blacks on the “Democrat plantation” with welfare and other gibs they will start reading the National Review/WSJ, Go to the library and read “Atlas Shrugged,” start watching Fox TV, worry about school choice and the budget deficit and vote Republican.
The Republicans are hopeless. They only win occasionally because the Democrats are marginally worse and screw everything up and the system needs to preserve a patina of legitimacy by having a controlled opposition. If the Republicans were to control every single seat in the House and Senate, the Presidency, Vice-Presidency, appoint all nine Supreme Court justices, control fifty out of fifty state legislatures and governors’ offices it would do no good, the Republicans would still give away the store to their oligarch owners and screw White people. They just can’t help themselves.
next time for real, the colored folk are going to vote “R.”
Most retardicans are just spoiled brats who spend their time drinking and whoring. They let their (((consultants))) set the agenda.
“If the Republicans were to control every single seat in the House and Senate, the Presidency, Vice-Presidency, appoint all nine Supreme Court justices, control fifty out of fifty state legislatures and governors’ offices it would do no good, the Republicans would still give away the store to their oligarch owners and screw White people.”
Absolute fact. I came to this conclusion when they were busy putting together the “Gang of 8” to make sure the grassroots voters didn’t stop the previous unrelenting stream of immigration.
“They just can’t help themselves.”
False. Themselves are the only people they can and do help.
Lukashenko was the one to make sense of the entire world turning against Ziolensky. Luka said they are just preparing to dump Ziolensky, as they need a different leader for the next stage of the war. What he said is obvious, but someone has to say it.
Same deal with ‘Biden’, the entity that was once a real person from Delaware. They are planning to dump the ‘Biden’ entity. Running 5 more years on body doubles is unworkable.
They sent Newsom to the debate in place of ‘Biden’, so it seems Newsom is a contender. Why wouldn’t they send Camel, she is the VP?
Since I really don’t follow or understand electoral politics, I can’t be sure about this; but it seems to me this sort of thing always ends, in the last week or two of the campaign season, with news stories whose headlines are something like “Polls narrow as campaigns enter final stretch.”
like “Polls narrow as campaigns enter final stretch.”
Always true.
How else do you expect them to get viewers for their boring worthless ‘news’?
They could at least give us weathergirls in string bikinis, as some So American stations do.
Like the first time Reagan was elected,
“Oh the polls are just too close to call”, all media, right up to polls closing.
Reagan won by a landslide.
Undecided voters who tune out until a month or so before the election always make up their minds at the very end.
The thing I struggle with is how there can be so many “undecided” people in this day and age.
I mean, it isn’t that hard to choose. Either you are for turning children into Frankenstein with chemical castrations, or you are not.
Now that doesn’t necessitate that Trump is the right choice, but clearly Biden is the wrong one. It still may be a lesser of two evils choice, but that choice is still pretty clear.
Whosoever still supports President Biden must have a vendetta for his/her Fellow Americans, as I have never seen an administration more purposefully antithetical to what would make life conducive to live here.
That’s the downside.
The upside is that tens of millions of Americans, who did not get it, or simply refused to get what their (our) situation is, now really do.
Most people in my part of The South have come out of denial, though many still are not sure what must come next, in part from fear, and in part because they do not know history.
Be that as it may – we have to thank President Biden, and all those right behind him, for he, and they, have made abundantly clear what I thought the first two terms of GW and then the next 2 terms of Obama had established.
There is this too Hw!
There are multiple goofballs who are potentially splitting their vote. I really don’t get RFK. All the ammo he has to have put on an actual campaign and he has just dabbled.
Then, when he is getting shut down by the donkeys because he isn’t serious and will only split the vote, he wants to join the lulbertarians…. if he really understands whats going on with Covid, Foreign policy and the fact the US killed his dad and uncle…. why the fuck doesn’t he just go to mar-a-lago and make a deal with the great orange one to be his vice president?
The two of them could craft the most devastating anti establishment platform that has ever been presented for the presidency.
But no. He just can’t be brought to dive in the trough with the rest of the dissidents.
Well, fuck him, and his SWPL Irish bootlegging family of bullet magnets.
“””… Donald Trump is clobbering … youth vote, Hispanics and with Independents by this wide of a margin…”””
Well, sometimes times are changing. Nothing lasts forever. Not even Jews and communists psychological warfare, brainwashing and propaganda.
If this is true. It’s gonna be really funny watching them square their defending “Our Democracy™?” bullshit with crucifying the guy who has the lead in the “democratic” process.
I honestly think this is why the polling keeps moving in the direction it is taking.
@Brad: Taylor Swift is attending the Chiefs vs. Bears game with Travis Kelce’s mother.
Dude took the ticket.
>In May of 2023, he signed with Creative Artists Agency for off-the-field representation
So did Oliver Anthony. Just try to imagine my total shock and awe, if you possibly can.
>both 33
“The mayor is going to dump him in the spring.”
“Why? He’s a hero!”
“A war hero. This is peacetime.”
-The Dark Knight Rises
That’s what’s going on here. Joe Biden grew up a poor Irish guy in Pennsylvania, and really wasn’t that wealthy for most of his Senate career from 1972 up until 2008 when he became Vice President.
In hindight, Biden and his family members got opportunistic and decided to profit off their family name. Most poor White guys who climb the ladder of power like that and otherwise have no inherent cleverness and no sense whatsoever of The Name of The Game end up engaging in some sort of straight forward corruption scheme.
And the Republicans, who set the precedent for political witch trials with the Bill Clinton impeachment – a man who himself was basically a crime lord turned President – in 1998, were all too willing to use the Biden Family Influence Peddling Scheme to score political points and advance their own awful agenda.
These polls are cooked. Biden is being sold down a river. He deserves it, but at a gut level, it bothers me.
The bribes that these probes are talking about in the media are really small potatoes when you consider there are people who posted on these forums who invested in bitcoin very early.
I don’t believe the polls. Yea, Trump is going to get all these groups. Sure. One problem I have with Trump voters is the support they give to Trump, is like the marianis trench in the Pacific Ocean. It’s narrow but deep. However Trumps supporters think they are the whole Pacific Ocean. They aren’t. Lots of people, and many very traditional or right wing, simply don’t like Trump.
Rasmussen has just weighed in on the usefulness of these polls. He says, even his polls are completely worthless. Due to vote fraud on such a massive scale.
And Fat Margie Greene has been in the news for posting the wrong imagery for a Jewish holiday. Did she run as a Jew? It is a very white district, probably 1 in 300 are Jews there. Can’t they find a Christian to replace that idiot?
White Catholic. LOL. Like Puerto Ricans?
White kid… 60 degrees is cold enough to kill a little kid but it takes a while to get hypothermic, maybe never if the dogs stayed in contact with her which it sounds like at least the spaniel/setter was doing. The dogs made all the difference.
Pay attention to where your kids are folks. Its all the excuse CPS needs to take them from you.
As a White parent, you don’t really have rights once you screw up this bad.
Dire accusations HW. This warrants discussion.
The Young Turks are flipping out over the polls.
“It is much more likely that Trump is just holding his coalition while vast swathes of Joe Biden’s coalition are disaffected and angry and unlikely to turnout.”
Don’t worry about turnout, the democratic ballot harvesting machine will ensure that they deliver a vote.
The media could also be deliberately hoping Trump is the nominee because he is the easiest to rally the democratic base out to oppose. Although Desantis shot himself in the foot by signing the 6 week abortion ban well after it became apparent that the anti abortion wacko crap is a big loser in the polls. Basically the economy is crap and most of the American born hispanics are struggling with high prices and rampant black crime so just want something different and will probably be effectively sold the nonsense that “It’s just Biden, get another Democrat and everything will be solved”.