The Union Facilitates a Foreign Invasion

The Union must be dissolved.

I have been saying it for over a decade now.

The Constitution is a dead letter. We have to endure this invasion only because the Union exists.

Note: I hate to sound like a broken record, but I think more people are beginning to accept this now. Millions of our fellow citizens are enjoying this chaos. We live like this because of them.


  1. Re. Store shelves locked.

    That takes too much employ time.

    As I’ve said before, it will have to go back to 1800s style, clerk behind a counter with all products.

    Of course automation could cure that.
    Automatic pick-in-place robots, shuttle everthing up to the counter clerk.

    Amazon and other e-commerce systems will thrive. Who wants to go to a mall and be mugged or raped by diversity?

  2. That’s a nice idle, but the dissolution of a nuclear power would be infinitely dangerous and messy.

    Isn’t going to happen.

  3. These migrants of any ethnicity could overwhelm and take down most western so called democracy governments.

    It’s how you use a crisis to win!

    Fight fire with Fire!


  4. The barbarian invaders are annoying but they are a great blessing to us. They greatly hasten the onset of secession. And once we have some free states we can just tell them, no benefits of any kind, move north. All of them in the northerly direction, where Satan dwells, north of Richmond.

  5. The only thing holding the country together is the dollar. When the money goes bad the country will be wracked by disorders everywhere, worse than Antifa/BLM last time. The colored folk, especially the “new Americans” from south of the border and other shithole places will be mighty disappointed when money problems stop the gibs from flowing. They won’t be interested in explanations, economic theories or new ideas either.

    At that point it will be open season on Whites north, south, east and west. The wogs won’t care about anyone’s political philosophy, voting preferences or BLM signs in the front yard. Your skin color will be your uniform, like it or not which the good liberals and “colorblind conservatives” definitely won’t like. Their childish beliefs in equality and diversity will not survive contact with the colored folk, especially the particularly vicious Central and South Americans, the “new Americans” as the liberals like to call them.

  6. Well, when I saw the title about “Union facilitates a foreign invasion” I thought it was going to be about the UAW making sure the big 3 fade into irrelevancy by asking for crippling pensions, a 39% pay raise while cutting hours to a 32 hour work week as if the Japanese manufacturers in the sunbelt didn’t exist? This UAW model doesn’t work anymore, 100 years ago when we protected our markets and the sunbelt was an agricultural backwater that no companies would ever think of moving to before the adoption of widespread air conditioning. You’d spend 6 months a year as lethargic and sweaty as Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. They want better conditions? Do it on a national level with better Social Security checks replacing all these silly 401K and pension schemes that either don’t work or cause high property taxes and prices drive business out of states with improved working conditions making the reforms moot. How bout an increase in the minimum wage to say $17 or $18 an hour as with Bidenflation $15 is now pretty worthless. We have a labor shortage so the 32 hour thing seems impractical, but if the geeks are right about machines doing everything maybe some day that too. But still, after all the repairs my folks made with big 3 cars and my own expenses, I’ll stick with the Japanese makers who gave me 200,000 trouble free miles when I replaced my last car.

  7. It’s no mistake, or blunder or well-intended. It’s a deliberate Anti-White policy. Both parties are guilty. Traitors and open enemies are running the country and have been for a long time.

  8. ” We have to endure this invasion only because the union exists “…..yes, yes, very true…..
    That being said, we need to have our SOUTHERN REPUBLIC on standby, because if we don’t, we will just be a part of the north American union, sector one, of their new world order, the deep state does not recognize our borders or our soverneignty, they plan on replacing the American union, with something even worse……

  9. Good idea to call it the Union again. A Union is a joining of separate pieces. A Union can be broken up.

  10. Don’t go feeling as if you’re alone. Every western country is witnessing the same activity and predicament.
    Whites are a despised race, but still seen as better to live under than any other group.
    Seems non whites just can’t get enough of dat terrible white oppression……

  11. The Constitution is a dead letter. We have to endure this invasion only because the Union exists.

    Note: I hate to sound like a broken record, but I think more people are beginning to accept this now. Millions of our fellow citizens are enjoying this chaos. We live like this because of them.

    Must be what Northerners felt like in the 19th century regarding the “Slave Power.”

    “Gotta expand muh slavery, we wuz Cavaleeyuz.”

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