? BREAKING: The U.S. has carried out multiple air strikes against Iranian proxies in Syria. pic.twitter.com/hpmezsLPHM
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 27, 2023
Here we go.
Iranian proxies have repeatedly attacked U.S. military bases in Syria. The United States retaliated with air strikes last night. Both sides are testing each other ahead of the war.
U.S. forces conducted airstrikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by groups linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps at President Biden’s direction, the Pentagon announced late Thursday.
The big picture: The “precision self-defense strikes” were in “response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria” by Iran-backed groups that began on Oct. 17, per a Pentagon statement. A U.S. defense official told reporters late Thursday Iran was responsible for the attacks against American bases in Syria. …
The Pentagon is straight up lying.
These narrowly tailored strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria. They are separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and do not constitute a shift in our approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict. We continue to urge all state and non-state entities not to take action that would escalate into a broader regional conflict.
1. The attacks on U.S. military bases are in response to our unwavering support for the actions of OUR GREATEST ALLY in Gaza.
2. The air strikes on IRGC related targets are supposed to be a form of deterrence … you know, just like sending two aircraft carriers into the eastern Mediterranean, assembling an enormous NATO fleet in the region, sending 900 troops to American bases in the region, passing a resolution in the House that reaffirms our military alliance with Israel, delaying the ground invasion of Gaza so that we can ship equipment over to deal with the inevitable missile attacks when the war begins.
Israel is going to invade Gaza.
When Israel launches the ground invasion, Hezbollah is going to attack Israel from Lebanon.
When Hezbollah attacks Israel, the American fleet in the eastern Mediterranean is going to attack Hezbollah.
We are going to plunge into a hot war with Iran. Everyone in Washington knows it and is resigned to it and it is 100% attributable to mindlessly “Standing With Israel” because AIPAC owns Congress.
Note: Unlike previous American wars like Iraq, Syria and Ukraine, the difference here is the Biden administration clearly does not want this war. No one else in the region and especially the Saudis want this war either. This war is being forced on us because of Israel.
Jews always won because of their megalomania, madness and recklessness.
One of their greatest heroes Moshe Dayan once said that Israel must be like rabid dog so nobody wants get it’s way.
Now we see all out war against Russians, Muslims, domestic opponents as C’ville monument melting and also against it’s own supporters, forcing them into war what they don’t want.
Basically rabid dog attacking erverybody on the street in hope that everybody will have nervous breakdown and everybody running back into submission. Typical blackmailing, keep rising pressure until opposition losing it’s willpower.
They do it in the army too. In the British small unit manual there is counter ambush drill and one element is direct frontal attack to ambushers. There is strong psychological element in this. We shooting and instead of hiding and falling back, those lunatics running trough the bullets straight on us without fearing anything. So we freak out, quit ambush and run.
Now we see this on the global scale only this time rabid dog berserk attack on everybody does not work.
@Brad I don’t know how much the Turks are going to take, before they get involved. The Turks and the Iranians are both non-Arab Muslims, and don’t seem to exhibit hatred for each other, or old tribal animosity common to the Arabs.
As I mentioned before, Robert E. Lee met with the Turkish Ambassador in 1869 at the Greenbrier. There is a photo of the meeting with Lee seated next to the Ambassador. Maybe, one of my old friends from up in West Virginia knows more about the Lee-Muslim relationship as a number of Lee’s Lieutenants was present.
I’m willing to bet that there will be at least as many Murikan Darwin Award nominees going into the Gaza tunnels as there will be jews, probably more. (Jews, as usual, will just sit in a secured area and issue orders). Betcha most of these ‘Murikan patriots’ will be whites as well. Maybe they’re hoping that Schlomo will give them a nice golden shower once they’ve killed a sufficient number of hadjis. At least the smarter ones among the cattle herd might be thinking along those lines, the tards will be doing it because they were taught in Sunday schul that folks like Jeffrey Epstein are god’s chosen who have a special back door to heaven which by-passes that troublesome Christ figure. Meanwhile, at the open and unguarded borders, God only knows how many Hezbollah units (already with nodes in Mexico, BTW) are walking across.
It’s absolutely hilarious to read the Pentagram’s lies about “self-defense” as they allow the borders to remain open and unguarded against an ongoing invasion. Your masters “dank yu for yo’ servitute”, niggaz.
Biden doesn’t want this war war because his party is engaged in creating a BLM-Palestinian-Iranian-Moslem alliance from San Francisco to Tehran. It’s the final building floor of the grand Trotskyite edifice of mud people beating down on whitey forever. Thankfully, it’s not solidified. In turn, when completed, its current visionaries will be thrown off its top by the Iranians for being fags. So, it’s a fools errand.
Meanwhile, the Democrat Party is heavily backed by Jewish donors, some of whom, like George Soros, absolutely hate Israel, others, like most Jews, are ambivalent, and a small portion, are old post-war coalition new deal interventionists who never became neo-cons, but are pro-Israel. To further muddy the water, Israel has excellent relations with Russia, has refused to sanction it, and basically sounds in private like Hunter when talking about Putin.
It is true, everyone in DC is resigned to war in the Middle East. The Democrats basically effed up the entire region with their election stealing, Russia meddling b.s., World War Gay crusade, and attempting to build with the Iranians, the aforesaid Trotskyite Tower of Babeling Commies. So, war is coming because of reality. If Iranian backed militias in Syria attacked US military bases, simply because they are allied with Israel, it stands to reason those militias are allied with Hamas, aim to attack Israel, and along with Iran, attack any of Israel’s allies on a grand jihad of Islam. Which is exactly what the Israelis have been saying and Biden and Obamanation have denied for years.
Which begs the question, who should US support, Israel, Iran, or nobody? If you think Palestinian refugees will be hard to stop coming to Europe and America if Israel attacks Gaza Strip, its 100% certainty that Israeli Jew refugees will be settled in Hunter’s backyard throughout the South and Midwest if it’s abandoned by America and faces onslaught from the Moslems. So, why else might our forces be there then? Our forces in Syria and the few in Iraq are there to keep ISIS down, and thanks to some aryan globalists in the Trump Administration, actually protecting oil fields owned by Western interests. So, unless you want bad ass Israelis next door, see oil prices spike even more, and Jihadis running thru to Europe, might be best to back Israel.
So, the question becomes, why the hell is this all happening? Because “Duh, Jews?” Perhaps, if the British Balfour Declaration had inserted Hindus for Jews, then everyone could blame the dots for Moslem’s being asshole savages. It’s also hard to blame “Duh, Jews” when China is running covert action everywhere, moving millions of people, smuggling everything from cigarettes to clothing which targets and undermines Western interests. The reality is the world is a dangerous place of moving interests, and it rarely stays in one place for long. Failing to keep up results in disaster.
So, for failing to keep up, our leaders have let the world catch on fire. So, 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Russia hoax, and 3 years of Biden, have erased 8 years of Bush, and the world is back to blowing up American cities. There is no hiding in your backyard. Hell, they are certainly targeting the World Series. Figure out something. Clearly, most American Jews support their Democrat masters’ plan to hate Russia. But not the Jews in Israel. Seems to me the Israelis are pretty “based.” Maybe some coffee with Hunter by someone special could give us “The Griffin Declaration” and end this petty conflict between American Right and Israel Right thereby providing a potent alliance to crush the leftist progressive who got us here.
> Biden doesn’t want this war war because his party is engaged in creating a BLM-Palestinian-Iranian-Moslem alliance from San Francisco to Tehran. It’s the final building floor of the grand Trotskyite edifice of mud people beating down on whitey forever. Thankfully, it’s not solidified. In turn, when completed, its current visionaries will be thrown off its top by the Iranians for being fags. So, it’s a fools errand.
Biden can’t even change his Depends. He’s a drooling retarded ventriloquist dummy who decides nothing whatever. BLM is funded and owned by Jews. Note they burned churches but no synagogues. Soros doesn’t hate Israel as much he pretends and the Kosher Nosetra only attacks tribe members who break the omerta code to the goyim – most of whom are still too gaslighted to catch on to their exterminationalist agenda. Yes the Musloids here in the west – who would not be here were it not for jews and their house-honkies – are recruited into the anti-white free-shit army. That coalition is falling apart right now thanks to Israel’s actions but Repuke’s retarded support for Jews only makes them hate YT more.
> Our forces in Syria and the few in Iraq are there to keep ISIS down, and thanks to some aryan globalists in the Trump Administration, actually protecting oil fields owned by Western interests. So, unless you want bad ass Israelis next door, see oil prices spike even more, and Jihadis running thru to Europe, might be best to back Israel.
That has to be one of the more ignorant remarks I’ve seen here. The Trump administration had Aryan Globalists?? Zion Don’s administration was a four-year fellation-fest of jews from the Kushner crime family to muh Izrahell. Who do you think is benefitting from all the Syrian oil stolen by the Murikan woke military? It’s sold to Israel via Turkey at bargain-basement prices, along with the stolen grain. ISIS is the joint-creation of Mossad and the CIA – along with Al-Quaeda (which means ‘the foundation’ – as in ‘fundamentalist’ – whose very name is quite uncharacteristic of Muslim jihadi movements, which normally refer to Allah or Islam in some way). The occupation of Iraq is there to keep the majority shiites down and block Iran – all on Israel’s behalf. Dumpf, a totally worthless POS, even signed off on the lawless assassination of the Iranian general. The (((City of London))) and (((Wall Street))) want to steal Iran’s oil again as in the days of their puppet-Shah. They’re still butthurt that the Ayatollah ended their free gravy-train. As I noted earlier, the Iranians would be batshit insane not to nuke-up as fast as possible.
Going to war (again) on behalf of Talmudic Satanists might well lead to our final extermination, which has been their plan for 2000 years running. Even living as dhimmis under Muslim rule – horrible as it would be – is more survivable than waiting in line for Jewish-run death squads. It took the Spanish 700 years to reclaim their country but they eventually did it. Ferdinand and Isabella’s one error was to allow jews (and Muslims) to ‘convert’ to Christianity and remain in the country. Such ‘converts’ should have been expelled to ‘convert’ some distant part of the Dar-al-Islam instead.
My use of the person Biden, is as much a symbol for his crime family as the senile life of shit. Consider it a catch all term just as Obama and Clinton’s were when describing their crime families. Which is what is running things, a bunch of crime families of Anglo-Protestant and Judeo-Catholic origin.
I can’t go into details about my reference to Trump’s involvement in Syria and Iraq or so called “Aryans” in his Administration (which was more tongue and check anyways), but your insistence that it’s all “Duh, Jews” running Trump and MidEast policy is incorrect. Fact is we actually have troops and proxies guarding actual American mineral interests, and that happened regardless of “Duh, Jews.” Fact is there is no monolithic Jew force running everything. The State department is full of anti-Zionists, Sinophilee, Arabists, neo-liberals, etc. Take it from somebody who knows.
In turn, our fundamental disagreement lies in “Duh, Jews.” It’s not all about them, and frankly the idea of 20,000,000 people running 7,500,000,000 people is retarded. In fact, if we are so retarded that it is true, we deserve to be run by such powerful magical people. But, it’s not. In turn, aligning with Israel, a country of 7,500,000, to stop a potential 320,000,000 Moslems from rising to war against the West is a good thing. Not worried about “Talmudists” as much as Islamists.
Dear IDF Agent,
There is no misdirection you can make that will convince anyone commenting on this website that Jews aren’t an organized, hostile force acting against the interests of the White Race. Your What-Aboutisms are all Bad Faith arguments designed to deflect from the fact that your race, the Jewish Race, is responsible for basically every bad thing that has happened to Whites over the last 2000 years.
Every other race on this planet can be dealt with. Yours is unique in its ability to stick to its host. It was Ben Shapiro who was in that interweb chat with Netanyahu and like six million other Rabbis who were having a go at Elon Musk over his censorship policies. There is no other race so uniquely concerned with shutting down the voices of Whites who oppose Jewish power and its pernicious influence.
Let me make this clear: Israel does not have a moral right to exist. By virtue of the fact that its a Jewish state founded to protect a race of hostile insects, it has no credibility or claim. I hope Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and all its other enemies wipes Israel from the face of the earth. Jews as a race have proven through their actions and stated intentions that they are evil. There will be no alliance between the Aryan Right and the Israeli Right. Ideological disputes are within the White Race only. Yours is a race of hideous, awful parasites that the Cosmos has created as test for whether our own race can survive and ascend to its destiny. Insofar as there is a real life manifestation of Satan incarnate, its the Jews. Its “God’s Chosen People.”
What an obnoxious and stupid post. We Aryans with a higher IQ than a rock, hope to send all the former IDF agents to live in your neighborhood as refugees should Israel be wiped off the face of the earth. Then, they can put you to work doing something practical, like cleaning the new Jew Sewers.
> In turn, our fundamental disagreement lies in “Duh, Jews.” It’s not all about them, and frankly the idea of 20,000,000 people running 7,500,000,000 people is retarded. In fact, if we are so retarded that it is true, we deserve to be run by such powerful magical people. But, it’s not. In turn, aligning with Israel, a country of 7,500,000, to stop a potential 320,000,000 Moslems from rising to war against the West is a good thing. Not worried about “Talmudists” as much as Islamists.
Jews don’t control all 7.5 billion on the planet, as much as it might be their fondest dream. They do totally control this pathetic dumpster-fire of a country, and the even more pathetic European provinces of its EUSSR imperium. This was just demonstrated by the performance of the congress of their paid whores in Sodom-on-Potomac along with the various stooges who run the Euro-provinces who obey every command whether its over Israel or the fake-and-gay country called Ukraine (= New Israel). The jewish crime cartel controls Catholicism – now ruled by a flaming anti-Pope – and Protestantism, whose two de-facto branches are now open Satanism (Anglicans, et al – full Church of Woke) and Dispensationalist heresy (Christian Zionists – mainly USA). Orthodoxy isn’t much of presence in the ruins of the west, where Christianity in any form is basically a dead religion.
As far as simple strategic thinking, if one must chose sides, it would be far more logical to align with over 1 billion Muslims than with 15 million jews. They have the numbers and they aren’t very fond of Jew supremacism to boot. Pakistan already has nukes and Iran will soon have them. There is a reason jews have been expelled from 109 countries and counting, and it has zero to do with their allegedly superior intelligence or on what fine, upstanding folks they are – much less any worship of any god (other than Satan – who they serve faithfully day and night in word and deed).
Modern jihad is a largely a reaction to Anglo-Zionist imperialism, supremacism and looting. Shit-brained Euros and Murikans who serve jews like shuffling step-n-fetchits cause the average Musloid to think that all whites are just worthless shabbas-goys for jews. Muslims should be left to live in their own societies as they wish to live. Why should anyone give a rat’s ass if they don’t allow women to drive cars, toss Sodomites off roofs or even stone sluts? They should not be allowed to move here – which of course is one of the jews’ biggest and most well-funded ongoing projects for every single white country. Yes Muslims are longstanding enemies of the west, but lesser enemies at this stage. Jews are enemy no.1. The opened the gates of cities in Visigothic Spain for the invaders, just as they open our borders now. They have proved this over and over for 2000 years without interruption. The Austrian painter wasn’t altogether wrong.
That all being stated, whites need to eliminate their treasonous elites with extreme prejudice. The simple fact is that there is no way such a small group could exercise such total control over so many were it not for the considerable assistance they had from elites in all fields ranging from government, business and churches alike. If the Musloids in London got ahold of both Chuck the Turd and the Archbishop of Canterbury and beheaded them, it would be more mercy than they deserve. Ditto for the Pope, Hagee and the rest of the filthy lot. Christians are so pathetic they can’t even take back their own churches.
@exalted cyclops
“ As far as simple strategic thinking, if one must chose sides, it would be far more logical to align with over 1 billion Muslims than with 15 million jews.”
That shows you don’t understand power strategy. One always must use the smaller minority against the larger majority. That’s power politics 101, which clearly you haven’t even taken let alone graduated. If the reasons for supporting Moslems against Jews were correct, “Duh, Jews,” would support the far larger White population against Blacks. Go read Machievelli’s The Prince and educate yourself.
Your thinking is muddled because it’s based on false premises and statements like, Catholics are controlled by Jews, therefore when Catholics do bad things, it’s really “Duh, Jews.” Or that Christianity is dead, therefore we are dead. If all you get from Hunter’s posts is that it’s “Duh, Jews,” and the West’s salvation lies in atheistic socialism, you aren’t reading.
However, Hunter does post reasons for being an isolationist. Fortunately you did as well. To answer, these reasons have nothing to do with why we advocate crushing Islamic power and oppose isolationism. The Aryan Globalist point isn’t to really care so much about whether the Muzzies allow women to drive or persecute gay Catholics like Nick Fuentes. They could throw as many Catboys off the roofs in Gaza as possible and we wouldn’t care.
What we do care about is rising Islamic power, which is still based on oil aside from them breeeding like rabbits. In turn, oil is the basis for the US reserve currency. Which in turn is the basis for why you have any ability to eat let alone run your mouth. Consequently, retreating from the MidEast because “Muh, Washington’s Faewell Address,” isn’t an option with survivability as a goal. Instead, it’s civilizational suicide.
One thing we can agree on is the corrupt and treasonous leadership in our country. Hunter, made an excellent case showing the antecedents of that leadership doesn’t lay in “Duh, Jews,” but in liberal degeneracy, the Civil War, and the cosmopolitan classes in NYC, originally led by Yankees. Things have evolved since then, but in general it remains true, this leadership class is not exclusively Jewish. Neither do the Jews of that class exclusively support Israel. Learn how to divide and conquer. Again, I suggest you read Machiavelli.