— Clash Report (@clashreport) October 28, 2023
This is not a battle between two equal sides. It's a battle between good and evil. It's a battle between civilization and savagery. Iran is responsible for this and no one wants to talk about it.
We’ll do what has to be done. pic.twitter.com/6q4BKQevFA
Trump tells Republican Jewish Coalition donors he'll "stand with Israel all the way, 100%, without qualification." Reminds wife of the late Sheldon Adelson that he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem just like he wanted. Says if he's not elected in 2024 Israel will be eliminated pic.twitter.com/cAD2bkKHE1
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 29, 2023
You: goober people who twist yourself into pretzels because you have fake morality and try to reconcile how America is on stolen land but Israel isn’t.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 28, 2023
Me: might makes right, Israel has the land because they have strong friends, that’s how people or countries obtain property.
?? Israel is not taking revenge on HAMAS, they are taking revenge on PALESTINIAN CHILDREN.
— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) October 28, 2023
?? Israel = ISIS pic.twitter.com/HmNQMZ31IL
Trump is going to Stand With Israel in prison.

Donny boy sounding like a neocon. Maybe he always was.
Will Jews resume animal sacrifice after they are done eliminating the Palestinians?
Killing Palestinians (or any other goyim) is animal sacrifice under Talmud. They’ve been doing ritual murder of white children for centuries. There isn’t an oven hot enough …. except maybe in hell (their natural home).
There may be only one halfway decent republican at the national level and that’s Rand Paul.
Rand Paul is the only one who didn’t vote to give Israel a blank check.
The rest are total scum.
The republican party itself is scum.
Worse than scum they’re religious fanatics, genocidal terrorists, radical Zionist extremists hellbent on plunging us into WW3.
It’s a death cult, they look forward to WW3 because they believe it’ll be followed by the 2nd coming.
Next to these guys ISIS seems level headed.
At least ISIS is fighting for their own kind, Christian Zionists are Jewish supremacists fighting for aliens who hate them.
How stupid do you have to be to vote republican?
Vote 3rd party/independent or don’t vote.
ISIS – a joint venture of Mossad and CIA – fights for ‘muh Israel’. They like to kill Christians and Shiite Muslims (the only ones who actually defended the small Christian populations of Syria and Lebanon). Juan McStain and Lady G both visited them to boost their attacks upon Syria. I think the better comparison would be that ISIS are like the caved-head ‘Christian Zionists’ who sign up to fight for the Globo-Pedo empire. Hezbollah fights for their own people. Perhaps Hamas does as well, but they were founded by Mossad 30 years ago to topple Arafat’s Fatah organization. They might not be under Mossad’s control anymore.
Whole war is uncle Donald fault. His Abraham accords made war inevitable. Donald is very wise man and he definitely understood consequences of giving Jew a blank check. This viped out entire moderate ” let’s try negotiate” folk away in the whole Middle East and radicals got sole power and also permissions from their societies to solve Middle East problems by massive force.
Donald touting all the time how much he loves Jews but thanks to Donald actions, Jews are in worst shit in centuries.
You could be right about that, but if so it wasn’t any 666-D chess on Kang Cyrus’ part. His entire reign was a four-year blow-job for Schlomo. They kicked him in the teeth for it and will soon have him behind bars. Yet he continues to grovel and ask to blow them again. The “God-Emperor” of the goyim has to be the most pathetic chump in history. Suck moar harder, goy!
Of course it’s wasn’t 666 chess but common tactics in Byzantine or in Stalin administration to get rid from somebody.
Tell the victim how much you love him, bring expensive gifts , call him to most important events and promote him to highest level. So you seduce the victim awareness so he will not notice or will not pay attention when you make some small moves. What later become deadly.
Trump uses same tactics what helped Stalin to get rid from he’s almighty Jews like Trotsky,Bukharin, Kamenev, Yagoda and others. Who considered Stalin their dumb and submissive servant. And later paid dearly for their ignorance and stupidity. When Stalin appointed Yagoda to commander of NKVD and let him fill all posts with his fellow Jews, Jewry thought that Stalin delivered them entire security apparatus and couldn’t understand that this was death trap
Pretzel Logic from a Slavic Trumptard. So were those all of supporters that Trump summoned to DC and sent up into the waiting arms of ZOG at the Capitol on 1-6 part of The Father of the Vaccine’s Master Plan to take down International Jewry? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Sometimes yes but not this time. Whatever happened in J6, it destroyed tens of millions of people faith into system and gave system big blow. Also it sent trumpenreich into hiding and now they definitely do not apply to fight for Israel or defend system when final collapse arrives. Or draft. Millions of refusniks is terrible force. Soviet Union collapsed because Government employees and just citizens rejected the regime call for defending Soviets.
Vax killed approximately 20 million fools around the planet this is more than 3 holocausts but it also incriminated entire elite and gave us perfect excuse to do the same what happened with Nazis after the war. When the time is right, jabbed folk will driven into hysteria with propaganda and then hundreds of millions will demand harsh punishments for their poisoners.
Big things need big reasons. When you want get rid from whole elite, then you must turn hundreds of millions of people from regime loyalists to regime bitter enemies.
Now Jews killing people in Gaza. Without those horrors, it is impossible to make Global Alliance against Jewry. Whole Muslim world, Russia China. Without Abraham Accords, probably cooler heads prevailed and Israel would not have taken the bait. Abraham Accords were the last straw what removed last control mechanisms of Jew lunacy. They could treat Hamas attack as normal act of terrorism and today it would be already forgotten. Instead of rational thinking, Jews launched massive war without hope of winning.
I’m not up on all of the details of the Q-theories but your explanation is one of the more interesting ones I’ve seen posted. There is a certain level of logic to it. Let’s parse it out a bit:
> Whatever happened in J6, it destroyed tens of millions of people faith into system and gave system big blow. Also it sent trumpenreich into hiding and now they definitely do not apply to fight for Israel or defend system when final collapse arrives. Or draft. Millions of refusniks is terrible force. Soviet Union collapsed because Government employees and just citizens rejected the regime call for defending Soviets.
It destroyed some people’s faith in the system but tens of millions? Look at all the retarded cheerleading for Israel right now. What makes you so sure about the size of this “trumpenreich” when their Führer is busy giving Schlomo a blow-job in Las Vegas right now??
> Vax killed approximately 20 million fools around the planet this is more than 3 holocausts but it also incriminated entire elite and gave us perfect excuse to do the same what happened with Nazis after the war. When the time is right, jabbed folk will driven into hysteria with propaganda and then hundreds of millions will demand harsh punishments for their poisoners.
COVID-19 was an engineered bio-weapon deployed by the US Deep State against China (the third of three deployed. 1 was against their chicken population, 2 was against their swine population, 3 was to wreck the Chinese economy and kill/terrorize a large number of Chinese). Gates, Fauci, Collins were all in on it, along with Pfizer, Moderna, et al. Trump went along and even endorsed the whole pile of dogshit. Why wouldn’t the masses want his head along with the others??
> Big things need big reasons. When you want get rid from whole elite, then you must turn hundreds of millions of people from regime loyalists to regime bitter enemies.
That much is quite true. Can’t argue with you there.
> Now Jews killing people in Gaza. Without those horrors, it is impossible to make Global Alliance against Jewry. Whole Muslim world, Russia China. Without Abraham Accords, probably cooler heads prevailed and Israel would not have taken the bait. Abraham Accords were the last straw what removed last control mechanisms of Jew lunacy. They could treat Hamas attack as normal act of terrorism and today it would be already forgotten. Instead of rational thinking, Jews launched massive war without hope of winning.
Not a bad point. This also dovetails with Escobar’s interesting observations and with the ones done by Black Mountain on substack. The “Abraham Accords” have basically collapsed with the recent apparent detente between Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia. Perhaps their collapse has more to do with the unleashing of Jew lunacy than their presence. It should be noted that Trump’s devil-worshipping son-in-law is often credited as the “genius” behind the Abraham Accords. I guess we will see in time….
That horrible moron from Missouri, President Truman, complained: ‘If Jesus Christ couldn’t satisfy the Jews while on earth, how the hell am I supposed to?’ LBJ did nothing when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967. Trump is a fool. He did more for the Jews than any other president to date.
In spite of recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, assassinating an Iranian general, pardoning notorious Jewish criminals including Jonathan Pollard, responsible for the deaths of U.S. spies, Jews worked day and night to destroy the Stable Genius as a gesture of thanks. They still hate Trump while he fellates them daily, hoping for their support. He is willfully blind, an idiot or both. He apparently has learned nothing since he rode down the escalator in 2015 and announced his presidency.
> LBJ did nothing when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967.
LBJ’s crime was worse than doing nothing. He actually ordered the abortion of a rescue attempt being organized by the USS Kitty Hawk who was in the region and received distress calls from the Liberty. That’s high treason and would have led to his impeachment, conviction and execution in an earlier America. Just goes to show that the Kosher Nosetra was already calling the shots by 1967.