???? The United States of Israel. pic.twitter.com/U6k1jSSKFk
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) November 10, 2023
Fetterman mocks ceasefire protesters being arrested by waving an Israeli flag at them. pic.twitter.com/N0ZHW6NZSA
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 10, 2023
Palestinian mother walks for five hours while pulling her children, hoping to find shelter from the heavy lsraeli bombing targeting northern Gaza Strip. pic.twitter.com/fHEN03UwfH
— TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) November 10, 2023
[1] BREAKING: Now in Tuba (Masafer Yatta, Firing Zone 918) Settlers accompanied by soldiers arrived at the village, opened water tanks of the Awad Family and emptied them to the ground. pic.twitter.com/YICo6SqrDl
— Yehuda Shaul (@YehudaShaul) November 10, 2023
??Video showing tons of phosphorus munitions dropped on Al-Shifa Hospital now pic.twitter.com/u4cfOlDZQg
— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) November 10, 2023
??Israeli strike on Al Shifa Hospital Yard this morning leaves Palestinian civilians slaughtered
— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) November 10, 2023
Israeli warplanes intensively drops phosphorus bombs at the vicinity of AL Shifa Hospital. pic.twitter.com/ldVyUnuf2L
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) November 10, 2023
According to testimonies, an #American R9X Hellfire have been fired at journalists at Al Shifa Hospital tonight. The missile has blades that rotate at high speed leaving amputations around and few damage in buildings.#Gaza pic.twitter.com/pB00SvcAs7
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) November 9, 2023
???????? IDF: “Hamas”
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) November 10, 2023
??? Anam is a 90 years old Palestinian woman.
— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) November 10, 2023
She was made a refugee during the 1948 Nakba, and is a refugee today AGAIN as she’s forced to leave Gaza.
She is older than Israel. pic.twitter.com/elJ72SLdpl
Do you see it?
If you are Israel, you can literally get away with anything.
You can’t believe anything a Jew says department.
Bibi already told ’em on TV today that there was NOT going to be any 4 hour or 6 hour cease fire.
Our Greatest Ally’s goal here is actually to get the U.S. to attack and destroy Iran. Even King Cyrus, bad as as he was wouldn’t go that far. With the help of the warmongering Republicans and their lapdogs in the Lügenpresse Our Greatest Ally may get their wish. If they do get their wish it will be the end of GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire as oil climbs to $300/barrel and destroys the petrodollar regime.
That is the only way to change the current system, “burn the bitch down” as they say in Ferguson, Mo. This Republican “debate” is just kabuki theatre only not as entertaining. Voting for any of these idiots makes no difference, the system is cannot be reformed.
Our enemy is destroying any shreds of credibility they had in front of the whole world. With the news of Jewsmedia reporters embedded with Hamas, the revelations that IDF indiscrimately fired on the folks fleeing the ‘music festival’, and Pollard dropping the bomb about stand-down orders issued to IDF units along the Gaza border, even some Israelis are starting to question the massive doses of bullshit they’re being fed.
Remember Napoleon’s dictum: Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a fatal error.
“Z.O.G. Isn’t a “Trope””
No unfortunately it’s not. It’s a hidden system that most people are too afraid to even acknowledge it even exists; it would destroy peoples world view of their comfortable reality.
“Israel can get away with anything” means: The U.S. is getting away with it. The U.S. weapons industry is testing many new weapons on these indigenous so-called “animals,” who “have no souls” and “must be killed,” according to the supremacist religion, in its chief colony and most vital military proxy, keeping the Middle East divided. One of the U.S.’s new weapons being tested is a “blade” bomb that scatters metal blades at high velocity, causing horrendous stabbing, laceration and amputation injuries that doctors say they had never seen before. Israel bragged yesterday that it has already killed not just 11,000 (the official, incomplete death count) but “at least 20,000, or one percent” of the population of Gaza. Dropping illegal white phosphorus all over Gaza for weeks, and around a hospital today, made me think of an old American song that fully expresses the glee of these Talmudic terror bombers as they burn children alive: NAPALM STICKS TO KIDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fUh2Y0R9x8&t=24s
“The U.S. is getting away with it.”
The Jews who control the US are enabling the Jews in Israel to do it. You can’t oppose Zionist crimes without opposing Jewish power, Jewish power in the US. But Leftists never oppose Jews because Leftism is bankrolled by the Jews and its target is ordinary Americans.
“The US is getting away it” = “Oy Vey, the Capitalist exploiters and their Darbyite Christian followers are USING the poor Zionist Jews to carry out their racist atrocities and warmongering agenda.”
Re: “Leftists never oppose Jews”:
You must mean FAKE leftists, the neoliberals, the woke and the fake-socialist capitalists, whereas true left Levelers are the real opposition, the nemesis of all usurers regardless of their race or religion. Erasing class and establishing equality is death to the usury system.
“Capitalist exploiters and their Darbyite Christian followers are USING the poor Zionist Jews”:
There is a synergy of evildoers of all races that worship the same false god (Money). Contradictory to your view of genetic moral determinism, there are people of Talmudic descent who DON’T worship that false god.
“Jews who control the US”:
Note that “U.S.” also stands for U.sury S.ystem. As long as it exists it will have some controllers, aka the elites. Changing the race of the controllers in order to “reform the system” is a right populist pipe dream. After Populism finishes its work of distracting, confusing and disappointing, and has thereby relieved a dangerous build-up of revolutionary social pressure, thereby saving the system, the system always comes back in full force, doubling down on exploitation. and increasing inequality, to make up for the lost time.
There’s a fair amount of evidence, MR, that the whole racket is actually run from the (((City of London))). Gomorrah-on-Hudson and Sodom-on-Potomac are merely the branch offices, ditto for Brussels, Paris and Rome. It seems that funny one-square mile is not subject to any laws save its own. It has much more independence than any ‘country’ in the EUSSR does. Its Royal Charter goes back to at least 1067. All the important folks show up there, too.
A person cannot be of “Talmudic descent”, any more than they can be of “Koranic descent”. Talmudists are basically running a mafia under the color of religion. They ruthlessly enforce the omerta upon their fellow jews who are not ‘made’ men, and most comply as the cost of not obeying can result in murder or being destroyed financially. A few of the non-elite have exposed the racket, but it comes with a price even then.
Re: “A person cannot be of Talmudic descent, any more than they can be of Koranic descent”:
Yes, “of Talmudic descent” is just a little expression I came up with. But membership really is mostly by birthright (of recent generations) plus some rituals.
“There’s a fair amount of evidence, MR, that the whole racket is actually run from the (((City of London))) (…) Talmudists are basically running a mafia under the color of religion. They ruthlessly enforce the omerta upon their fellow jews who are not ‘made’ men, and most comply”:
I don’t fully understand and haven’t been convinced by the City of London argument, but I do know that money rackets thrive best when the victims are of the same mind as their victimizers – when they ALL worship the same false god Mammon (money). The victims really are pleased with the elites. The class system thrives when workers admire and want to be like their worst exploiters.
The weird thing about the image is that it’s presumably the same number of senators the Mossad has Epstein-Island-tier videos of.
“””….get away with anything….”””
Or incriminate itself so badly that solving Jewish Question becomes acceptable.
Our side must prepare for professional holocaust denial. Sooner or later events boil to this point that holy hoax becomes central topic in politics.
Happy 100 Year Anniversary Of the Beer Hall Putsch to everyone on OD.
Great to see someone else remembered; thank you my Leader for being courageous enough to try to make the world to see the threat to us all.
During most commercial breaks in NHL games there are Army commercials with an all white cast. WWW3 probably soon.
Read a report of someone whose congressman asked him for recommendations for the local draft board – soon to be re-activated apparently. Not near enough Jim Snow’s signing up for the Globo-Pedo Golem-Legion.
One of the Occidentaldissent columns linked to this column is one “Why Vanguardists Can’t Win”, written over 13 years ago.
With 13 years of hindsight, is there anything you would change in the column?
Seriously, why don’t they go all the way by replacing the five-pointer stars on the American flag with six-pointed “stars of David?” I am sure that resolution would pass Congress by a huge margin, and any POTUS would jump at the opportunity to sign it into law.
Sheriffs typically have a 6 pointed star back from their tax farming days.
They will, they will – don’t be so impatient , geez louise …
The GOP already subtly turned the three stars in its elephant logo upside down, in 2000 (according to https://fightingthetyranny.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/why-did-the-g-o-p-turn-the-stars-on-their-logo-upside-down), as Zio-stooge Dubya was being prepped to invade the Oval Orifice. This is the position Satanists use, since it resembles the goat head of their chimeric transgender god Baphomet. The inversion also hilariously makes each star look more like Texas, Dubya’s adopted HQ. The Bushes’ ancestry traces back to Iran. “Iranian” is the origin of “Aryan.” (In my opinion, this is why 41 & 43 never attacked Iran, & why 44 essentially gave them their modern nuke program. Just as the U.S. could easily capture Cuba, it chooses not to, because having a bogeyman next door adds to the existential tension & makes its citizenry willing to fund the military more.)
Welp, as soon as I write that, I find the logo on items at shop.gop.com now has the stars reverted to their correct position, w/ 1 point up, though Wikipedia still shows them w/ 1 point down.
The GOP logo probably should just use six-pointed stars at this point. That would create a covert 6 6 6 in it. The age to join our military to die for Amerisrael is 18. 18 = 6+6+6. And the monument to our first Prez, a well-known Freemason (Satanist), is 6660 inches tall, with 660 inch (so we’re told… probably 666 inch) edges on its base. I could go on.
How are they making these videos (especially the last one) if electricity and therefore internet were cut off? Something is rotten in Denmark
I think they make video-shooting devices with batteries now.
You can charge a mobile phone by manual devices these days, I remember the dynamos on the bike wheels when I was young way back in the 70s.
Getting it uploaded is another matter, hmmm….
Neither is the Kwanstain.
The most retarded worthless populace in human history.
The laughingstock of the world.
In the Talmud killing non jews is praised as a mitzvah, a good deed. There is no punishment for a jew killing a non jew. It is a mitzvah.
This along with the usury is how they took over this nation. They murder constantly and with no remorse. It is a mitzvah.
In the OT, Moses calls for the seven nations of Canaan (Palestine) to be exterminated by the Jewish Hebrews. I suspect this is a justification for killing off the Palestinians in the area.
The pentagram is the correct symbol for the Synagogue of Satan.The Jews murdered Christ Jesus and were proud of this most evil deed in history.They are still proud of it and hate our Lord as much as 2000 years ago.I rebuke the Jews in the name of Jesus.They are filth and without any human qualities.Eternal Hell awaits them.God bless Hunter and kinfolk and all here in good faith.May God shield us all from the horrors we see each and every day.
ZOG is not a trope; it is a cope. We have all of the means needed to reduce the wealth and power of our fellow white people in the socialist toolbox. And American Jews are in demographic decline and marry into outgroups, so it only gets easier from here. While Jewish power still exists, it peaked in the Bush years.
The problem is that grugs aren’t really grugs. Statistically speaking, people with low intelligence are less likely to vote. Gruggery is a mask used by country clubbers like Tucker Carlson. Slumming it is a smokescreen. Deep down, they really really really like conservatism — think of all of the African fetuses we’re now saving in the Gulf states — but are too embarrassed to admit it. They cowardly hide behind conspiracy bs, as if we’re supposed to believe their policy goals are not in alignment with the establishment because of some edgy performance art. You’re telling me, millions and millions of right-wingers are tricked every single election? Every election? Really? Oh, you were just voting against the other guy? I don’t believe any of you.
If the people with the small hats weren’t here, sad-sack conservative losers would use the state to make some other group rich and powerful instead. Then they would complain about their persecution as if they were walking in the footsteps of Jesus. It is a self-serving myth for both GOP politicians and their voters that they are at odds. They’re not. Trump is the most pro-Israel president in our lifetimes by his proud admission, and many holocaust deniers will be voting for him. This makes sense. The stuff that is performative is the stuff that is performative; the stuff that is real is the stuff that is real. Cuckservatism is the only kind of conservatism.
Conservative ideology is solely designed to make Benocide Shapiro as rich and as powerful as possible. Conservatives wouldn’t have it any other way.
Bro, we get it, it isn’t necessary to blame ZOG for “everything.” Only what it’s guilty of. What’s wrong with that?
That’s not what I’m saying at all. Blame away. Reducing the power of the tiny hats by pushing policies a,b,c,x,y,z is fantastic. Support the BDS movement? Raise the capital gains tax? Overturn Citizens United? Regulate the crap out of hedge fund managers? Protect workers against unscrupulous employers? Enact socialist European laws that painfully punish companies for using illegal labor? Go for it. Go for it all.
Now, suppose someone identifies themselves online as “Aryan Kikeslayer Supreme 1488” and spews apocalyptic narratives about birth certificates, FEMA camps, Clinton body counts, secret pedophile rings, and other stuff a Fuentes or a Parvini might say that belongs in a dumb Marvel movie. In those cases, you’re always always always looking at a reliable conservative voter, a stooge for Ben Shapiro’s economic and foreign policy goals, despite the protestations.
It makes sense. Think about it.
Yep, after seeing the recent posts and comments, its clear this site is going into a final all or nothing blitzkrieg on Eternal “Duh Jews.”
After the purge of Occidental Dissent of any dissent from the official “Duh, Jews” policy, I hereby declare this space not just judenfrei, but judenrien. O.D. can now in politico-racial purity, break out the uniforms, meet at the corner in Skokie, and show solidarity with fellow Anti-ZOGer Black Lives Matter negro gangsters and Brown Palestinian Moslem jihadis in a final glorious gotterdammerung of the Dissident Right as its pounded into irrelverancy to the backdrop of Wagnerian opera music. Hunter will likely sneak out the back door door of the O.D. Bunker, and escape to his fishing hole in Argentina Lake, Alabama, though.
Then baby Hitler will swoop in, add the remnants of O.D. to his Papal Supremacist Empire, and start the next ideration of Eternal “Duh, Jews.” The end.
Globo-Schlomo Hasbarastein sez: We must fight the hadjis over there so we don’t have to fight them here! (As he holds the gates open for the invading hordes). Same old scam as back in 2001. Borders remained open then – as now. Wait until the ‘bi-partisan’ uniparty votes to bring back the draft to fight for “our greatest ally”.
Opposing being entangled in an endless war between Arabs and Jews is now defined as “anti-Semitism” and by our resident troll as “showing solidarity with fellow Anti-ZOGer Black Lives Matter negro gangsters and Brown Palestinian Moslem jihadis”. As always, AGB conveniently forgets to mention (((who))) funds BLM and kept the borders wide open for “Brown Palestinian Moslem jihadis” he accuses OD of siding with.
Only a few chapters of Burn-Loot-Murder have left Uncle Schmuel’s plantation because they like all that free money coming in from the folks who operate the magic-money machine. Thus most chapters are remaining silent on the issue. As the Globo-Pedo invincible legion continues its buildup to fight the dreaded jihad, endless hordes of military-age males from all over keep pouring over the border – well-funded for their journey from Brazil and Peru (after being flown from Africa and Asia) by the same friendly folks who fund BLM. I rather doubt this ready-made army will be getting drafted to invade Iran…
Much like other degenerate race traitors like that Ortho Bro guy who come around here, you will not be missed. Fuck Off.
Do you watch the Young Turks? This is the best episode I’ve seen
There are currently an ad on US TV promoting army sign ups. The ad only features young WHITE men.
Make of that what you will.
Come on young YT’s……..fight for a country that hates you!
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Borders remained open then – as now.” Therefore, we do nothing? So, the jihadis will still come over the border, prepare to set up ballistic missile bases in Guatemala and the Darien Gap, and bombard your fishing hole despite doing nothing to intervene to disrupt their growth? And the Border will still remain open? Your argument rests upon a fallacy, that intervention is what is causing open borders and ensures infiltration.
In fact, they are two separate issues. If anything open borders is causing our intervention because it requires we disrupt their militant plans. The border should be closed but intervention of various types are needed to disrupt the enemy from infiltrating until we’ve subordinated the enemy. Meanwhile, because it remains open we must intervene or your fishing hole is gone. It’s magical thinking to believe otherwise.
“Opposing being entangled in an endless war between Arabs and Jews is now defined as “anti-Semitism” and by our resident troll as “showing solidarity with fellow Anti-ZOGer Black Lives Matter negro gangsters and Brown Palestinian Moslem jihadis”.
The war isn’t between Arabs and Jews its between Islam and Christendom, East and West, non-White and White, America and whole bunch of countries. If Jews end up fighting against Arabs, then they are helping the fight. The idea that leaving the ME will somehow magically make the Brown people not want to invade and rape White ass, is retarded.
“As always, AGB conveniently forgets to mention (((who))) funds BLM and kept the borders wide open for “Brown Palestinian Moslem jihadis” he accuses OD of siding with.”
That would be globalists who consists of multiple ethnicities, and yes some Jews. But especially it consists of Catholics, like Klaus Schwab, Pope Francis, Nick Fuentes, rent-a-nazi feds, and retards, and yes some Hindus, Chinese, and others. All of whom want to do nothing or side with the Browns, Arabs, whatever because “Duh, Jews.”
“Only a few chapters of Burn-Loot-Murder have left Uncle Schmuel’s plantation because they like all that free money coming in from the folks who operate the magic-money machine. Thus most chapters are remaining silent on the issue.”
Actually not true, they are doing demonstrating. Tens of thousands in various US cities, hundreds of thousands in Paris and London. Loads of autistic Rent-a-Nazi feds like Fuentes and Damigo are showing up at BLM-Hamas solidarity parties in the US. Eventually, as Israelis pound more and more Hamas into the ground, BLM will come out in force or be wiped out. So, the Israelis are doing is a favor domestically. This is chess man, not checkers!!!
“As the Globo-Pedo invincible legion continues its buildup to fight the dreaded jihad, endless hordes of military-age males from all over keep pouring over the border – well-funded for their journey from Brazil and Peru (after being flown from Africa and Asia) by the same friendly folks who fund BLM. I rather doubt this ready-made army will be getting drafted to invade Iran…”
Basically, the US is being invaded at multiple levels while various categories and sectors of government and leadership are under anti-Western control. Some of these anti-American occupiers are in fact, Jews, more are Catholic, even more are Moslems, the largest are Asiatics and Latinos, but all are leftists. You keep only worrying about Duh, Jews, you will miss the bigger fight.
They are not two separate issues. They are two sides of the very same shekel (or thirty pieces of debased silver if you prefer) – both of which say ‘Death to Whites’. Failing to protect one’s own border dooms any chance of projection elsewhere. The 1848 republic which captured Mexico City didn’t have a wide open border under invasion for decades running and thus captured the western portion of the present US borders via the peace treaty which ended the Mexican War. As noted before, the empire won’t be drafting any of these invaders for its wars.
The Empire has to be destroyed. Otherwise whites will basically cease to exist. Supporting the empire is guaranteed death for YT. Exterminating whites is the one of the core objectives of the empire. As for Muslims, the only white populations on earth with above-replacement birthrates are those who are Muslim, apart from a few oddball exceptions (Amish, some Orthodox enclaves in North Russia) scattered around the world. The fact that White populations exist in the Dar-al-Islam (Albania, Muslim enclaves in Russia, Poland, etc.) stands as proof that Islam is not intrinsically anti-White.
Not even formerly Catholic countries in Europe (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, South Germany) are replacing themselves. That which calls itself Christianity in the west, regardless of whether it claims to be Catholic or Protestant, is (overwhelmingly) anti-White. Our own elites, including Anglo-Protestant Bushes and Rockefellers, are all anti-White (zero exceptions). Even the Evangelicals are anti-White, as exemplified by the Christian-Zionist Mike Johnson with his negrolatry.
The zeks will not be voting themselves out of this mess – regardless of whatever hasbaras like yourself say. The most rabid, white-hating group on the planet – bar none – are jews. Even the fake-Muslim ‘Nation of Islam’ hates the white devil less than jews do. If the real Muslims want roll in with a billion jihadis and exterminate the Zionist colony, that’s their issue to solve. The Zionist colony has been an irritant for a long time for Muslims. If the Muslims are ruled by corrupt leaders and unwilling to solve the problem it will fester until it gets even worse. I note that most jews continue to remain in formerly white countries to direct the great replacement/erasure and looting instead of moving to the jewish state to defend it themselves. Perhaps they should pray to their god (Baphomet) for help.
Rather odd for supposed WN to be here all of a sudden advocating whites join with Globo-Pedo – and accuse those opposing the evil empire of marching with BLM to support the Palestinians. At least with Greg Johnson supported Jewkraine because he was afraid of the blonde-catamite supply running low. BLM is the creation of Globo-Pedo and had vast support from all manner of government entities at federal, state and local levels. The fact that they are allowed to demonstrate is just proof that the usual suspects are there to get control of any real opposition. Whites should stay away from such demonstrations. I suppose you would argue it was Yedolf, all of the gold-chained not-expired rappers and NFL afleetz who organized it all. The hasbara farm needs to send a replacement. Not buying, Schlomo.