Sending all our readers a joyous Christmas Eve. Here are links to an AMAZING foreign movie made about the miraculous, spontaneous Christmas Eve truce by British (Scottish), French and German frontline troops in the World War I trenches.
Link Movie Trailer “Joyeux Noel”
This was a time not that long ago (just over 100 years) where all of Britain, France, Germany even my grandfather’s Russia was led by White European Christians – including three closely related by blood Christian Kings (no Queens thank you). The “powers that be” back in those days conspired to demonize rival White European/British people and demonize rival leaders as :
Barbaric (HUNS!)
Ungodly, alien enemies”
Those brave front line soldiers discovered on this one Amazing miraculous Christmas Eve…that they were brothers – brothers in blood, culture and yes brothers in Christ all part of a blessed Christendom. And they discovered they knew and could sing the best Christmas carols/hymns.
This was probably the 2nd greatest Christmas Eve in human history.
Who knows – maybe we can petition our “best friend in the Middle East” to announce another Christmas Eve truce in Gaza to honor Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace and amongst other things…
The King of the Jews.
Maybe influential Js in Israel/Palestine and their “Amen Lobby” on the occupied East Bank of the Potomac River will hear our message of peace on earth, good will toward men in Gaza, throughout the Holy Land and throughout what we still call… our lands…
Even if it’s only for one night, like this beautiful Christmas Eve 1914 “silent night” , stille nacht, nuit nilencieuse, stille nag…. Peace on Earth, good will toward men…
Well probably not.
Please check out this link to the Joyeaux Noel movie trailer and watch the entire film with your friends and families… it sure beats consuming some horrible Harvey Weinstein produced Christmas mass release of
“Bad Santa”
“D’Jango Unchained”
A Bob Iger/Kathleen Kennedy Disney MCU bomb
Keep the faith for our kinfolk
Merry Christmas
The last movie about the Christmas truce that I watched portrayed the British as the ones who initiated the friendly interactions. Of course this is false, it was the Germans. Such a shame that more peaceful thoughts did not win out. This war may well have been the beginning of the end for European Man.
Similar things happened in WWII.
Russian troops went to the Germans soldiers, under a flag of truce, to talk to them about their socialist goals for a better society, seeking cooperation.
……they returned to Soviet lines and the NKVD shot them .
Now it looks that we see rebirth of European Man. Even our enemy thinks so and desperately pushing another war to avoid Great Awakening.
Recently we had metoo to launch war between men and women. It failed
Then we had climate warming to launch war between younger and older generation. It failed.
Then we had BLM to launch race war. It failed. No we have Gaza war to launch war between Europeans and Muslim immigrants. It is failing already, thanks to all anti semitic trolls.
Then we had Corona to launch war between believers of science and deniers of science. It failed.
Then we had Ukraine to mobilize people against Russia. They expected miles long lines of volunteers in front of Ukraine Embassies. It failed.
I think communism West passed already point of no return. All attacks to the society did enormous damage but critical mass survived. For the revolution, you don,t need majority. You need strong group big enough to launch social changes and The Donald has his MAGA army.
My home country won independence war by only 10% population participating. Politicians, nationalists, army. The rest of population just lived their lives and did not understood why someone needs such a mess like independence war. To paraphrase , US needs only 30 million magatards to make fundamental social changes. Of course enemy knows it too and is very afraid and spend its time to useless vandalism like fighting monuments.
@Tikkum Olam,
An Aussie nationalist that I chat with is of the belief that it wasn’t the Jews(in this case) that made the English as he wrote, ” We ‘ate the Krauts, ‘ate the Frogs, and ‘ate the Mediterraneans.” Just organic English haughtiness, and a undeserved sense of supremacy over continental Europeans.
“English haughtiness, and a undeserved sense of supremacy”
That’s what happens when an overly ethical chancellor stops the luftwaffe from leveling London.
Merry Christmas!
On a much smaller scale (3 American soldiers, 4 German soldiers, a German mother and her 12 year old son) was the WW II Christmas truce. The dramatizations of this incident on YouTube add a lot of fluff. Here’s a link to the “Unsolved Mysteries Show” episode that featured it, including an interview with the man who was the German boy. This telling doesn’t have any additions or deletions.
Excellent post and subject, Jaye. I was about to post a comment and video about the Christmas truce, and here you did it. The “truce” was a spontaneous, bottom-up mass act of disobedience, of “treasonous” dereliction of duty, of fraternizing with “the enemy.” The System could not arrest, court-martial and imprison or execute that many traitors, so it used psychology, and dispatched snipers to make the traitors return to their trenches and resume slaughtering, fearing and hating “the enemy.” War is an extremely profitable racket that is absolutely essential to the System, so the elites who depend on it will never stop it. Only the common people who do the actual fighting and dying, and do the work of producing the weapons, and pay for the cost of it all (through taxes) can stop it. But first, the common people need to be educated to become fully aware of the nature of the system, and of their own power to stop wars and overthrow the system.
“Hei Pawb Nadolig Llawen!” (Hey, everyone, Happy Christmas to you!) sung by two Welsh girls:
Wrong link, this is the one I intended:
What language is this fun Christmas song being sung in?
Is it Gaelic ?
We need our own unique White languages like the Js have Hebrew
I m voting for Dutch Afrikaans
Merry Christmas
Welsh, not Gaelic. It’s a real living, every-day language, taught in the public schools (mandatory) all over the country, and road signs and business and government documents and communications are written in Welsh first and English second. These girls are among the less than one million people on the world who speak Welsh.
It is essentially the same language, the original native tongue, that was spoken all over Britain before the coming of the German-speaking Angles and Saxons, and the French Normans who brought Latin-language-based Roman Catholicism to Britain.
Isn’t “Welsh” a native Celtic language, instead of Germanic/Latin as you mentioned of the Angles, Saxons and Normans that crossed over to Britain?
It’s very important now for us White separatists, survivalists to have our own languages and customs, culture – too much of the world now speaks English as a first or second language
There must be ~ 100 million Black Nigerians that speak English as their first language and are looking to move to White English speaking countries or they are already here.
This is the typical dumb as* Amurikun response to brutal migration, racial conflicts “Oh if these migrants only speak English”, English Only. 3rd generation Chicanos, Hispanic, 1/4 Black Puerto Ricans/Ricans don’t speak Spanish. Neither did/do Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Winnie Mandela, the Carr Brothers, Willie Horton, Willie Bossett, Emmett Till.
It’s racial, ethnic, cultural – language is just part of the mix.
Welsh is considered a branch of Gaelic, but it’s a different fork than the one made up of Irish and Scots Gaelic. The nearest relative of Welsh is Breton from the Brittany peninsula in the western part of France. Welsh is also an officially recognized language in Argentina thanks to a fairly significant Welsh settlement there in the 19th century.
“Isn’t ‘Welsh’ a native Celtic language?”
You could call it Celtic, like Gaelic (Irish, Scottish and Manx) are “Celtic.” Brythonic was the language of Britain, and still hangs on in the small population of Welsh people who still use it every day. It can easily be extinguished by foreign immigration and cosmopolitan “culture.”
“It’s very important now for us White separatists, survivalists to have our own languages and customs, culture – too much of the world now speaks English as a first or second language (…) It’s racial, ethnic, cultural – language is just part of the mix”:
I think Ethnocentrism is a natural tendency that does not need to be saved or supplemented up by artificial devices such as patriotism or nationalism of the Class System that really tends to destroy ethnicities. When people are exploited by an upper class, ethnic patriotism or nationalism is used as a distraction, and as a psychological motivation tool for imperialist war, and divide-and-rule, or ethnicity may be deliberately destroyed (ethnocide, blending and replacement) as suits the purpose of private profit. But where there is Equality (socialism), there is Fraternity: Ethnic language, customs and traditions, and “pure” ethnic genetics will persist and grow naturally when the people are most free and happy.
“elites who depend on it will never stop it”
Strange, the ‘leaders’ are never in the frontlines, just so odd.
The 1914 Christmas Truce is one of those historical moments that tempt one to wonder about ‘what if?’. What if millions of those men in 1914 came to realize the Truth of Smedley Butler’s great axiom (War is a Racket) and simply started to walk bank home? Yes there would have been some officers commanded by the criminals running Britain, France and Germany who would have issued order to shoot those walking away but they would have been quickly disposed of.
Merthyr nails it here:
> The “truce” was a spontaneous, bottom-up mass act of disobedience, of “treasonous” dereliction of duty, of fraternizing with “the enemy.” The System could not arrest, court-martial and imprison or execute that many traitors, so it used psychology, and dispatched snipers to make the traitors return to their trenches and resume slaughtering, fearing and hating “the enemy.” War is an extremely profitable racket that is absolutely essential to the System, so the elites who depend on it will never stop it.
The decision to obey the criminals running the racket at the end of the day led us all, over a century down the road, to the horrible place we stand in now. In any military of the Clown World Imperium’s prison of nations, the only true act of patriotism is to refuse to go and fight whichever enemy has been nominated to its status by the regime and its pressitutes.
” patriotism is to refuse to go and fight”
Many Mennonites and Amish did that in the US during WWI.
they were sent to prison where they were tortured to death by fellow prisoners with the complicity of the guards.
What’s rarely discussed are the massive mutinies by English, French and ANZAC troops. Multiple divisions mutinied. The principal organizers of the mutinies were tied to a stake and shot, dozens of them.
In WWII many Russians refused to fight, they were forced to march through minefields.
Refusal isn’t so easy, when zog wants battle slaves.
“Refusal isn’t so easy, when zog wants battle slaves”:
Refusing to fight is not the answer. A new system is the answer. The masses who believe in and are pleased with the class system may disobey it now and then, but they are not revolutionary. The masses worship money too (just like the elites) and they dream of “climbing the ladder.” Therefore they vote instead of revolt. They vote for conservatives, liberals, libertarians, fascists and populists, There is a maxim that applies to the exploited masses who believe in the system that exploits them: “You can fool some people ALL the time.”
Sadists and psychopaths are drawn to the military in wartime like moths to a flame. They get to do what they love. The Truce soldiers were a tiny handful.
Well my idea of another Christmas Eve, Christmas truce in Gaza, the holy land, the Middle East it never took hold.
I hear that the USA military is once again bombing, slaughtering people in Iraq.
God forbid the American military would ever be used in my lifetime to defend our country, defend our nation as in “National Defense” – it’s always wars (that aren’t called wars) for Israel, slaughtering the neighbors of Israeli Js or just slaughtering people for some Je* cause, old grudge like giving that horrible Je* President of Ukraine $ billions in war toys to slaughter our/my kinsmen the Russians for some supposed sin Russians 150 years ago did to those Js.
Let’s all sing a song:
“If you’re happy and you know it clap your hand
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hand.
Only substitute these words:
“If you’re happy and you know it bomb Iraq
If you’re happy and you now it kill Arabs in Iraq
IF you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it
It you’re happy and you know it bomb Iraq”
Watch 6 days a week of 300 lbs Negroes smash each other on SEC/NFL TV.
Watch 6 days a week of Negro Felon League TV
If you’re happy and you know and you really want to show it.
Watch 6 days a week of 300 lbs Negroes smash each other on TV
Happy New Year, same as every other New Year in my adult life.
Or the following song sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syme dedicated to White football
All hail to thee the God race
Thy sacred Blackness be
To me and mine a symbol of thy African divinity
The White race will be no more
Their time on Earth now done.
Behold the rising here today a new Black sun!
“Sadists and psychopaths are drawn to the military in wartime”
Much of the time, countries empty their prisons to fill the frontline ranks. That’s where a lot of ‘Sadists and psychopaths’ come from.
They make life miserable for regular troops.