2023 White Renegade/Traitor of the Year Paul Ryan

Romney and Ryan - White Squeaky Clean Fronts for the Great Replacement

Paul Ryan – he failed as Wisconsin’s GOP US Congressman. He failed as the GOP Vice President candidate. This year, Paul Ryan failed us/betrayed us as the Fox News board member who purged Tucker Carlson. Fox News board members purged Tucker Carlson, Meagan Kelly and any and everyone that dared speak out against the Great Replacement of our people in the USA, Europe, the West. Paul Ryan bowed to Je * ADL, AIPAC, Neo Conservative orders to purge any White American gentiles to dared to oppose their 3 plans for our people’s destruction:

1) Invade the world for Israel – endless budget destroying US Wars , military interventions, regime changes slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza/Palestine. There will apparently be more Israeli/USA funded invasions of Lebanon, $ trillions for that J pervert comedian President of Ukraine to slaughter our Russian kinsmen in Ukraine and Crimea.

False Advertising

2) Invite the world to the USA – mass migration invasions, the Great Replacement of our White Western European peoples in Europe, UK, USA, Canada and Australia – the White West. Of course Israel gets air tight border walls and remains a Je*ish ethno state with the added move of ethnic cleansing 2 million + Palestinian Arabs in Gaza; -Israel demands these Palestinian Arabs must be relocated to USA/Europe “to the White West”.

3) In hoc to the world, to the Je* Federal Reserve banking cartel – putting us, our children and our grand children in to eternal, usury, debt slavery.

Paul Ryan beat out many other terrible 2023 White traitors such as former GOP Vice President Christian Zionist Mike Pence. Tucker Carlson’s last noble act for our people was destroying Mike Pence’s campaign/crusade for GOP President. Tucker asked Mike Pence at at a key TV televised GOP Presidential event: “with American cities collapsing under criminal anarchy of mass looting, murder and mayhem, our Southern border open to mass migrant invasions, why are you running now to spend $ trillions in US $ tax dollars on more tanks for Ukraine and more wars against Iraq when most Americans can’t even find Iraq on the map?”. Traitor Mike Pence responded:
“That’s not my concern”…

Link to Mike Pence – Collapse of White Western Civilization not my concern.

Mike Pence’s Presidential campaign/crusade is over. Thank you Tucker Carlson. But, thanks to the ADL, AIPAC and 2023 American White renegade/traitor of the year Paul Ryan – Tucker Carlson has been purged from the mainstream media. What’s Mike Pence going to do now? Maybe, he’ll take the golden parachute of a highly paid Fox News board membership, or be a law professor at Harvard or Yale Law Schools. White American treason always pays them well.

As for the rest of us… expect a lot of this in 2024.


  1. Not only was Paul Ryan a failure as GOP congressman from WI, he was a total failure as Speaker of the House to top it off. White traitor of the year is well earned. AR’s Gregory Hood has named Giorgia Meloni of the EUSSR’s Italian Okrug as white “renegade” of the year. I personally think “renegade” is too mild and “traitor” or “Judas” is more apt for her betrayals. K-Mac’s site has an interesting article up about the JQ which provides a long history of whites and Christians selling out their brethren for the shekels. If our people manage to survive to re-build a civilization someday, filtering out those who will be most likely to sellout is essential, along with dealing very ruthlessly with those who elect to do so.

    The Jews are but one component of the JQ problem. Jews themselves – being the literal spawn of Satan – are basically hardwired to be the vile creatures they are. Only God himself can bring them to repentance (it’s very rare but it does happen now and again). The more troublesome ones are the whites – usually (but not always) elites. Our own elites, be they monarchs, aristocrats or your local chamber of commerce cucks – are the other half of the binary weapon which has caused so much ruin.

    • Agreed and very, very well said sir.

      Yes, I also saw Gregory Hood’s “Giorgia Meloni” White Renegade of the Year blog today on Jan 1 2024. Excellent choice, excellent write up.

      I would only like to add, we should include practical things to do to such traitors. Our side has always had great writers, but rarely if ever effective personal changers.

      Go down the list of Instauration and Amren traitors of the year – quite a list. I can’t remember anyone on our side ever doing anything effective to punish these traitors to get them to change their behavior or at least pay a personal price.

      In contrast Js and Muslims punish their traitors and severely punish those few of us that oppose them.

      I highly recommend Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” . I’d love to teach them to bright young people of our kith and kin who will use these very effective tactics. But to be an effective teacher (That’s what I want to do) one needs students who will listen, practice their lessons. We have so few.

  2. Why have a nomination process when you already had your mind make up that Paul Ryan was YOUR Traitor of the Year?

    • There was very little audience/reader participation.

      Yes, Paul Ryan was my pick – I think it was a good one. Nobody else here stepped up and argued persuasively for a rival traitor candidate. Gregory Hood at Amren picked a great/horrible woman for their international Traitor/Renegade of the Year: Italy’s first woman leader ever going back to Greko Roman times – Giorgia Meloni.You have Italian heritage, why not go to Chicago’s Taylor Street and spread the word to Italian Americans about her/Giorgia Meloni’s treason. This is pretty embarrassing to the Italian American community – having a Woman as leader of Italy and then having her turn out to be the worst traitor to White European Western Civilization. That’s really bad. Almost as bad as allowing BLM Black Lies Matter/ANtifa mobs to tear down or remove the statues of Christopher Columbus on Colombus Drive and in Little Italy – this done when Chicago had that short, Black Lesbian mayor Lorrie Lightfoot. Italian Americans back in the days of Frank Rizzo and “The outfits” would never have allowed that. What did you do about it?

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