Lucas Gage has a few words for Elon Musk??? pic.twitter.com/mi5JmUqzlI
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) January 22, 2024
Caption this. pic.twitter.com/9C9si18SSE
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) January 22, 2024
Elon Musk: “The indoctrination of hate into kids in Gaza has to stop… indoctrination where kids are taught from as soon as they can understand language, their goal is to kill Israelis; if you’re told that from when you’re a toddler, you’re going to believe it,” pic.twitter.com/yvGQtHSvXE
— Daniel Ben-David (@DannyBenDavid) January 22, 2024
Our mandate at @X is clear: we must protect free speech, safeguard information independence while tackling antisemitism and hate speech. https://t.co/5NyYlpt2zi
— Linda Yaccarino (@lindayaX) January 22, 2024
Ben Shapiro asks Elon Musk if he’s part of “the Jewish conspiracy.”
— AF Post (@AFpost) January 22, 2024
Musk replies, “Maybe.”
Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/YdFHkYvtRs
JUST IN – CEO of X, Linda Yaccarino, says they “opened more lines of communication with groups dedicated to the safety of communities” and that “combating hate is a lifetime dedication.”https://t.co/InyILAWwwN pic.twitter.com/poQYMddPgl
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 23, 2024
Yesterday, I asked Grok a number of questions related to my account, centered around posts that could be a problem. Even when it gave evasive answers, it still listed beneath half a dozen or more of my own posts that clearly related to my query. So I deleted them all.
— ? Woe to those who dwell upon the earth ? (@treblewoe) January 5, 2024
These… pic.twitter.com/r90tXVvkkz
In 2024, I have been spending less and less time on X/Twitter.
It has been over a year now and it is clear that some of my favorite accounts are never going to be restored. The fight for free speech on the platform has been lost. The shadowbanning has never been worse even under Parag Agrawal. We are punished in the algorithm for posting links to our own websites. The platform is really nothing more than a gigantic time sink in a silo for most of us. It is Gab or Telegram with less engagement because your followers don’t see your posts.
There were a few exceptions to the rule like Keith Woods and Angelo Gage who were reaching new audiences in 2023, but it seems like one step forward, two steps back with Jews losing a news cycle only to win more censorship and shadowbanning concessions from X leadership. I don’t see it getting any better and it honestly hasn’t been worth my time since Musk took over.
Note: You can ask Grok how your account is being deboosted.

The Jews are still invincible despite events in Gaza. Auschwitz remains the most sacred site on Earth. The richest man in the world cannot withstand even a modicum of freedom because of Jewish reaction. Biden and NATO ceaselessly cover for Israel.
“Jews are still invincible despite …..”
That’s the illusion they present, but illusions can disappear in an instant.
“…illusions can disappear in an instant…”
I agree. The Jews are eating their seed corn right now. This mass murder of children and all the other vile things they do. People see Epstein and know what he was up to. They see them blowing children to pieces, and this is worldwide. There’s no place they can go and proclaim how innocent they are. Every day people are becoming more and more like me. I don’t believe a damn word those lying Jews say. These things eventually will snowball on them. One more, as if that wasn’t enough., the vax is killing LOTS of people and who runs the vax programs, the Jews. I think eventually the vax deaths, as it should, will be seen as an operation by the Jews.
You don’t get to be the Richest Man in the World unless you have been Kosher Certified from the jump. And then if you want to go further down the rabbit hole there’s the whole Space X psyop/money-laundering operation.
“…Richest Man in the World unless you have been Kosher Certified from the jump…”
I don’t think this can be substantiated in Musk case. It may be true but he did several things that were different. He had Jews work with him earlier, where he made substantial sums of money from his directory and his sale of paypal to ebay. Most of SpaceX and Tesla came from his money with others also providing money, but he sustained it. One reason, and a strong one, that he could have done this without the Jews is NO ONE thought that you could make money on electric cars and rocket ships. No one. All his friends tried to dissuade him from wasting his money. But he did it anyway. Now, Jews are not know for starting new, non-profiting producing business. Their style mainly is to find one making money, squirrel their way into it one way or another and take it over. In this case, no Jews wanted anything to do with this. Another big reason is that while Musk was pursuing this, it took a very long time for people to realize that huge bundles of cash could come from this. He saw this from the beginning and told people EXACTLY what he was doing and how he was going about it. The only thing he didn’t tell people was his planning for a massive satellite system. I think this was on purpose. Talk about Mars, Mars, Mars and no one, that is profit motivated, will give a damn about it.
As for him not stopping censors. He’s a smart guy. Surely he knows that Jews murder people for far less than having a largely uncensored platform so that information can be shared. It is not firmly established that he is some deep State Jew worshiper just because he has reined in people exposing the Jews and the deep State. He’s just one guy and if you notice he has pushed on clown world many times but…maybe someone gave him a message he could not refuse.
I fully admit he could be just another deep state guy, but I do strongly reject the idea that he has done anything in the slightest to confirm this. So far, best as I can tell, he is exactly what he says he is. I have been following him for a really long time and was he says and what he does, he has always been congruent.
There are many people that constantly say no one can do anything without Jew obedience. I don’t believe this, and have some indication that “some” of the people saying this are operatives and doing it to dissuade people from any sort of action. “Q” would be a good example. I don’t think Q was anything but an operation to make people believe something was being done by people on our side while nothing of the sort was actually happening. I assume very strongly the Q operation was run by Steve Pieczenik. He was on Alex Jones spouting all sorts of BS about how the military was in control and was taking down the deep State. Shortly after Trump was booted out of office, he disappeared and has not said another word other than some weird poem he read and posted that was very flammatory.
Musk may own X but clearly, he doesn’t control it. Whatever little free speech that existed there is totally gone. Free speech is anathema to our enemies.
“Musk may own X but clearly, he doesn’t control it. ”
The ((banks, the funds, the press )) can quickly crush him, given the motivation. He’s already felt the sting of advertisers boycotting X. Imagine a series of articles “Tesla’s are suspect” , “we need to open our market to Chinese EV’s”, “Tesla stock is overvalued”.
“Free speech is anathema to our enemies.”
Sure, they have to monopolize the megaphone to keep their lies viable. Otherwise their entire system falls apart. It can’t survive critical commentary.
I predict Elon will soon go to the Wailing Wall. That tattoo a goy gets to sell his soul.
“I have twice as many jewish friends as non-jewish friends. I’m jewish by association. I’m aspirationally jewish ” – Musk today.
Talk about cowering.
“I have twice as many jewish friends as non-jewish friends. I’m jewish by association. I’m aspirationally jewish ” – “and therefore I’ll be in the Lake of Fire with them in the End Times.”
Small hats will be mandatory soon in the fake and GAE sodomite sewer pipe abomination laughingstock of the world?
WEF Elon? Just as fake and GAE as that reheated Bolshevik Q Schtick.
Musk is no goy.
Musk is a goy, but he is also an Economic Man as opposed to a Man of Honor. William Pierce wrote about the difference once. Donald Trump is an Economic Man too. Most of the Elites among our race are Economic Men (or Women, as the case may be).
It’s going to take Elites who are Men and Women of Honor to disrupt the system and change things.
Pierce was perceptive. There are no such elites now. The system is rigged against them ever emerging. Hence the endless bullshit about the “free-market” is spewed. They have the imposed the Goldman Rule: Those who own the Gold, make the rules. The rigged-casino for billionaires which is called the “free market” is like a monopoly board where one player has a printer beneath his chair with an endless supply of paper to print monopoly money. No matter how bad his luck is or how inept his skill, he cannot lose the game and ends up winning. Put another way, the house always wins. There is nothing free about a rigged market.
This is a huge reason that the rotten system has be completely destroyed. Only after its collapse could the Honor Elites described by Pierce emerge.
“Economic man” (homo economicus) is the concept of reason economizing labor. Musk, like Trump, is a nouveau rich bourgeois serving the capitalist elites.
This coerced fealty of Musk is just further proof of the fate that lies ahead for the Jews. Do you believe Musk is speaking from his heart? I don’t. And the resentment the Jews create in people like Musk is going to come back to haunt them.
The Jews real problem is their survival plan is defunct. In the past they could do, what they do, and when things got hot enough they could run off to another country and tell everyone how oppressed they were elsewhere. Pretend to be good people, for a while, and then slowly start all over again, parasitizing off everyone. But now the internet means everyone knows. Though I can not 100% say it’s true, the general thought is that the Jews were going to move to China. They had position papers on this. The earlier rulers told them they could come because they were pozzed but Xi Jinping put a stop to it and the Chinese ripped off a bunch of the Jews assets they planned to get the Chinese to slave away at for them. The Chinese would get pilfered tech from the Jews they stole from the US, but the Chinese stole it from them and cut the Jews out of the loop.
They are really screwed. They don’t have the power to control Israels neighbors anymore if they get determined enough. Ukraine, I think, is a plan b to move to. It’s looking like a big loser and they are driving the US into the ground. More and more people are aware of them every day. I’m at the point where I would drive them out of the country with nothing. I bet there’s lots of others like this.
> Though I can not 100% say it’s true, the general thought is that the Jews were going to move to China.
It’s true. A gathering of Jew leaders was held in Wye, MD late in the Bush era and basically outlined a plan to gradually shift their center of operations to China. Not long afterwards, Rothschild scion Zuckerberg married a Chinese and wanted to name the offspring after the new Chairman Xi, who refused. Vox Day had extensive links and commentary at the time and referred to the plan as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Wye. Look it up on his site-archive and you’ll find all sorts of posts about it.
The plan seems to have been dropped with the ascension of Xi, who might well be onto their games – though there still seem to be plenty of party officials from the previous regime who liked all of the perks which those with unlimited funds can provide. Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has taken some of them down already.
Re: “Elon Musk says: ‘The indoctrination of hate into kids in Gaza has to stop… indoctrination where kids are taught from as soon as they can understand language, their goal is to kill Israelis; if you’re told that from when you’re a toddler, you’re going to believe it….’”
That is a lie. The truth is that the Usury System’s colonists are the ones being brought up from the cradle to hate and kill the indigenous people (so-called “animals”) of Palestine.
Elon the super-rich nouveau rich bourgeois, is fully allied with the elites. Otherwise, he would not even be rich. would he? He says what They say, believes in the lies, knows what They want and does what They want him to do.
“Elon Musk !!!! – Kneel to ZOG !!!!”
When in the face of Anti-Colonial Settler terror by PLO-Hamas, you refuse to resist and instead take your ball to go home or take it to go play with Team Gaza cuz, “Duh Jews,” then Colonial Settlers like Elon Musk (Anglo-Afrikaans) will find other Colonial Settlers to ally with like Ben Shapiro (Ashkenazo-Israeli).
In a more strategically smart play, it would end with Elon Musk walking with Charlie Kirk and Hunter Wallace discussing ways to resettle Gazans in Somalia and restore Rhodesians and Anglo-Akrikaaners to Southern Africa. But instead, “Muh, Anti-semitism First (AF).” So now Ben Shapiro gets the W instead of Hunter and the Gazans will still be resettled.
Once again you prove to be utterly deluded about the nature of jews. Look no further than what they did to Musk’s own people the Afrikaners. The jew communist Joe Slovo basically led the jew-funded ANC. Jews in SA worked endlessly to undermine and overthrow the Afrikaner government also. At the same time ‘muh’ Izrael’ actually sided with the Afrikaners in the UN and were involved in mutual arms deals. Jews whining about Apartheid at the time conveniently forgot to add Israel to their boycott list for aiding SA. Now the place is run by their ANC golem who can slaughter striking black miners along with Afrikaner farmers with zero consequences while the lion’s share of the gold and diamonds go to jews. A former first-world country is now a looted ruin.
Jews never keep their side of any deal. They are dedicated to white extermination – and here you are a supposed white nationalist wanting to side with those who want us all erased and replaced. Refusing to support Jewish supremacists – whether in Israel or in the west – does not equal supporting Hamas. Look at how making a deal with Jews worked out for those Afrikaner farmers (Boers) – on their way to extinction at the hands of the Jews’ ANC golem. Yes there are some WNs who stupidly think Hamas, et al are going to be our brothers in fighting the jew. That’s insane too. When Muslims are imported here they invariably serve as foot soldiers for the jew.
You seem to be too retarded to comprehend that the vast armies of Muslims imported into Europe and this country are coming with the organization and backing of every single jewish group, including chickenhawk assholes like Ben Shapiro, who (like you) thinks white boys need to go and die for Israel. Your position is far beyond sheer idiocy. The only way to make any deal with a jew is the way Stalin did. Rather than the Austrian painter so often worshipped by WNs, it was the Georgian gangsta who actually knew and understood how to deal with the Satanic spawn. The white man’s biggest problem isn’t Muslims or even jews, it’s whites like you who sell out their own at every opportunity.
“Once again you prove to be utterly deluded about the nature of jews.”
The nature of Jews. What is this nature of x people? What is the nature of Germans? What is the nature of British? What is nature of Italians? Poles? Japs? Mexicans? In other words the nature of a people are pretty complex but you’ve reduced one group of a mixed people, Jews, into the simple category of devil.
“Look no further than what they did to Musk’s own people the Afrikaners. The jew communist Joe Slovo basically led the jew-funded ANC. Jews in SA worked endlessly to undermine and overthrow the Afrikaner government also.”
You obviously don’t know shit about South Africa. As I’ve worked with South Africans and Rhodesians for forty years let me educate you. The nature of modern Americans, British, Germans, Italians, Russians, and Chinese, etc is what screwed over South Africans. Most of the ANC money came from gentiles, specifically from the East Bloc and West Bloc. It had a Lithuanian Jew Commie at the top but it had White Catholics and Prods, and mostly Bush niggers and was run by Chinks and Russians.
While the West isolated South Africa and worked with the East to destroy White South Africa, Israel worked heavily with South Africa. It helped expand up South Africa’s military industrial capabilities. They transferred huge amounts of high technology such as in aircraft, mid technology such as in armored systems, and super tech in advanced weapons. In fact, South Africa’s nuclear capabilities were made with Israeli help. But for Israel’s small size, and a gentile Christian sell out named De Klerk, South Africa would exist today instead of as a giant 50,000,000 populated Detroit. Had they followed your course and told the Israelis to piss off, South Africa would’ve collapsed sooner.
“At the same time ‘muh’ Izrael’ actually sided with the Afrikaners in the UN and were involved in mutual arms deals. Jews whining about Apartheid at the time conveniently forgot to add Israel to their boycott list for aiding SA.”
While acknowledging Israel’s help you keep conveniently forgetting all the White gentile people and their modern “natures”who demanded South Africa be destroyed on the altar of the magic negro.
“Now the place is run by their ANC golem who can slaughter striking black miners along with Afrikaner farmers with zero consequences while the lion’s share of the gold and diamonds go to jews. A former first-world country is now a looted ruin.
Jews never keep their side of any deal.”
Yes, it’s all Jews. It wasn’t anyone else but Jews (sic). It wasn’t Clinton. It wasn’t Bush. It wasn’t Reagan. It wasn’t Carter. It wasn’t Nixon. It wasn’t Republicans or Democrats. It wasn’t conservatives or liberals. It wasn’t the Labor governments in the UK. It wasn’t Helmut Kohl in Germany. It wasn’t Brezhnev. It wasn’t Andropov. It wasn’t Gorbechev. It wasn’t Mao or the Chinese. It wasn’t rich gentile white pukes being led by a nigger named Jesse Jackson as they chanted “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ has got to go!” Nope it was them kikes. Whatever.
“Refusing to support Jewish supremacists – whether in Israel or in the west – does not equal supporting Hamas.”
No it means not supporting killing terrorist sand niggers.
“Look at how making a deal with Jews worked out for those Afrikaner farmers (Boers) – on their way to extinction at the hands of the Jews’ ANC golem.”
Sorry to tell you, but it’s not all about “Duh, Jews.” The Afrikaner Brøderbund was the covert ethnic-religious Protestant organization which united the Afrikaaners, guided the Nationalist party and was its conscious. It ended up being penetrated by the Papists. Yes, the Papists.
Because they weren’t just Protestants but active anti-Papist warriors, the Vatican has always hated the Afrikaaners. The Afrikaaners ancestors in Netherlands, France, and Britain broke the Spanish Catholic Empire in the Netherlands, and neutralized France just at its moment of Counter-Reformation victory. The Papists have always had it it for every Protestant Colonial Settler country, but especially the USA. Taking low hanging fruit like South Africa was the beginning.
For example, everyone conveniently forgets the number of Catholics involved not just in the revolutions against White Protestants in Africa, but against White Protestants in the US South. Indeed, many of the Black ANC leaders were Catholic. Mugabe the Dictator of Zimbabwe and executioner of Rhodesia, was Catholic and knighted by the Pope.
It was the Vatican who penetrated the Broderbund. It was the Vatican that got them to open racial conciliation dialogue with the Bush niggers, especially Bush niggers led by Papists. It was they who and got it to relax its resistance to Globalism. The result was the Nationalist Party gave up the Holy Spirit and the Nigger devil took over. That’s the reality.
“Yes there are some WNs who stupidly think Hamas, et al are going to be our brothers in fighting the jew. That’s insane too. When Muslims are imported here they invariably serve as foot soldiers for the jew.”
No, they kill Jews too. That’s who kills Jews in Europe today. Sand niggers. So, no they won’t be foot soldiers for Jews. They won’t even be foot soldiers for the commies. They will kill everybody, Gentile and Jew, Nationalist and Commie, Prod and Papist, in the West. That’s why they want to kill Israel and they want to kill Afrikaaners in South Africa too. Yes, there are Moslems in South African and they kill English and Dutch alike.
“You seem to be too retarded to comprehend that the vast armies of Muslims imported into Europe and this country are coming with the organization and backing of every single jewish group, including chickenhawk assholes like Ben Shapiro, who (like you) thinks white boys need to go and die for Israel. Your position is far beyond sheer idiocy.”
That’s just sheer falsehood. They are brought into the West because of decadent Gentiles, but especially decadent Catholic Gentiles. Most the NGOs doing the work are run by them. Take a look at the list of signers of the immigration act of 1965. Every single Catholic in Congress, except maybe one guy, signed it. Obviously many Prods signed it too. But it was only Prods who signed against it. In short, your myopic viewpoint causes you to miss the actual size and coalition of the enemy identities ranged against us. It’s why your dear leader AH, lost, and it’s why you will lose too.
Jewish nature is essentially hard-wired by now. The tabula rasa is largely bullshit. Jews are ingrained to hate and despise all Christians from birth – especially whites. It’s being revealed full face now in Gaza and everywhere they operate and act. There are very few who manage to escape and overcome the genetics and programming from birth. Maybe one percent at the outside. Same goes for the white elites who have done their bidding for so long.
As I have remarked repeatedly, even considering the above the greater problem are the legions of gaslighted whites who march along with all of this insanity. Evil as they are, Jews could not have accomplished all of this by themselves. They had lots of help. White elites for one, whites who want to advance in the racket for two (goodhwytes). Yes they share the blame with jews for South Africa, maybe even more because they – especially those like DeCler (unlike Jews) are traitors.
As for the migration issue, every singe Jewish organization is fully behind the invasion. The major sponsor of the 1965 law was (((Emmanuel Celler))) a fine Irish name, right? There was (and is) zero Jewish opposition to the great replacement. Again, jews were not alone. They had lots of help from the Catholics (already under control of the Lavender mafia by 1965) and Prods (again already subverted by 1965). You problem is that you basically deny Jewish involvement altogether. They are at the forefront of every single deadly prong of Satan’s multi-pronged fork. Hardly a surprise when one understands that the biblical description (Synagogue of Satan) is hard truth.
To the readers and lurkers of Occidental Dissent:
Aryan Globalist Bro is neither Aryan nor a Brother. His semi-clever monikor is stolen from 2016 Alt Right irony lingo. He himself is an agent of the Mossad, or whichever Jewish organization sent him to poison discourse and confuse readers on this website. His verbose comments are designed to run interference for Jewish Power and influence by running the tricky scheme engaged in by the likes of Ben Shapiro:
He ties together a bunch of factoids and half truths into a narrative that is designed to downplay Jewish hostility, or otherwise make Jews look innocent. His people are guilty of hatred and attempted mass extermination of the White Race. As a basic 101 level entry lesson into the Jewish Question, here is a picture of our reality.
The Media: Dominated by Jewish owners and editors
Hollywood movie studios: All owned by Jews. Nothing gets produced without their approval.
Academia, especially the elite Ivy League schools: Run by Jewish Presidents and Administrators. Tenured professor positions are also disproportionately Jewish
The government: Although the bureaucratic institutions and the elected officials are not dominated by Jews, all of them go along with what the Anti Defamation League (Jewish group par excellence), the World Jewish Congress, and the American Israeli Political Action Committee tell them to do. This is established by their policies and voting records in regards to the Jewish Community.
The ADL alone boasts about distributing computer software to schools and libraries that come with “obscenity blockers” designed to prevent access to Pro-White websites such as Occidental Dissent, Counter-Currents, National Vanguard, etc. The ADL also has a training program that all police officers in the USA participate in. They are indoctrinated to be on guard against “Hate Groups.”
None of this is a coincidence. All one has to do is follow the pattern. Jewish Power and Influence in the early 21st century is omnipotent. It goes without saying that they’ve had traitorous allies to help do their dirty work and enforce it – parasites wouldn’t be parasites if they were acting alone. But the host, ultimately, is not sovereign. Jews are. And their sovereignty must be exposed and taken away, by whatever means necessary.
The myth of the 20th century is that Jews are innocent and friendly. They are nothing of the sort. They seethe with hatred at all who oppose them. They seethe with hatred at all who even question their identity as “God’s Chosen People”
This is who they are.