A hero and a martyr. May his death not be in vain. May it be a wake up call where we see the end of the genocide and the start of a free Palestine.
— Aya Hijazi ??? ????? ?? (@ItsAyaHijazi) February 26, 2024
RIP Aaron Bushnell.
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) February 26, 2024
White man literally burns himself alive for Palestine and leftists still hate him for being white. pic.twitter.com/6UICB01VIb
— Rægenhere (@realRaegenhere) February 26, 2024
Turns out that Aaron Bushnell (the US Air Force man who self-immolated in support of Palestinians) was just another mentally ill, self-hating, white leftist. pic.twitter.com/Go6YpU22OG
— Way of the World (@wayotworld) February 26, 2024
Obviously, I have always been critical of OUR GREATEST ALLY and oppose its genocidal war in Gaza, but this is just breathtakingly stupid. A week from now, no one will remember this even happened.
“A U.S. airman has died after setting himself on fire Sunday outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., authorities confirmed Monday.
The big picture: A video posted online showed the man, identified as Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell, 25, of Whitman, Massachusetts, shouting “Free Palestine” as he burned during the incident, which lasted about a minute before law enforcement officers extinguished the flames at about 1pm. …”
Few Americans even care about foreign policy.
Fewer still have the attention span to follow the news close enough to hear about this story.
“A week from now, no one will remember this even happened”:
Western media is burying the news and avoids using the words “Gaza” and “genocide” in the report. But if he had self-immolated in front of the Iranian embassy or the Russian embassy, it would have been headlined for days.
The fruitless act doesn’t even reverberate with real Muslims, for whom suicide (but not “suicide” bombing) is sin. It is either sin or insanity.
Had he incinerated himself for Israel we’d never hear the end of it. Regardless, neither Israel nor Palestine are our friends. Would this guy ever lift a finger to do anything for his race and ours?
Brad I remember the tale not the story? of the airport employe crashing a plane ?? Seattle area !near this mans age saying it’s time to change
Win for once Identity Dixie is more interesting site no insults
For once !
You’re probably thinking of Sky King, quite a sad story :
If the criteria for heroism include time in the news cycle what is the threshold?
“but this is just breathtakingly stupid”
Consistent with a liberal mindset.
At least take a few of “them” out if you’re trying to make a statement and time it to coincide with the release of a cool, edgy, coherent manifesto across the internet.
“what would I do if I was alive during slavery?”
Return them for a refund.
Excellent answer. Obsolete farm equipment is useless.
Mostly this story is being ignored by the Lügenpresse, they are just burying it since it dramatically contradicts the GloboHomo approved narrative. If the police had shot a colored guy carjacking a White woman the story would lead the news for a week, at least.
Imagine committing suicide to try to catch a news cycle. Especially one which sure to be ignored by the media because it touches on an issue that is damaging to the sitting president.
When Wilberforce was PM in England 1790s, he would spend 50000 pounds a year, a fantastic sum, buying off the press of Fleet Street.
Should we think that anything is different now ?
Of course major media will skew all stories to fit an agenda against facts.
“Mostly this story is being ignored by the Lügenpresse, they are just burying it”
Some teenager rode his bike past a jew in Brooklyn and brushed his Yarmulke off his head.
…………it made the frontpage of the NYpost, as an anti-Semitic violence.
I forwarded this info to you on another post before you posted the details. I hadn’t seen the actual self immolation or ask follow up questions in that post But I will now.
This act and the his suicide is beyond distressing. It is psychotic and reveals the effects of non-stop psychological warfare being waged on the American people, including their own men and women in the armed forces. This is beyond dangerous.
Republicans, Conservatives, and Nationalists need to start a conversation about the Left, that the Left is unwilling to start itself. We need to start a conversation with neo-Leftist inside the Right, like the Gay Grand Inquisitor.
Is Anti-Zionism and Anti-Whiteness being used to manipulate Whites into acts of self destruction? How did this White hater and mentally ill person get in the Air Force? Was he mentally abused by decades of anti-White hate in his school and/or family? What organizations was he a member of? Did they berate him, his Whiteness, and the American Founders as White Supremacist Colonialist? Was the Air Force Stand Down ordered by the “transitioning” SecDef used to traumatized Bushnell for his Whiteness? Did he find that the only outlet of this continual oppression of his White identity was to sublimate it into himself, outwardly express it by attacking Israel, thereby causing him to sacrifice his well being to political correctness? Did he have any meetings with the SPLC, NAACP, BLM, or Antifa? What happened at those meetings? Was he secretly part of a military psychological experiment on Whiteness studies?
There are a load of questions that need to be asked. Because these psychological acts of Hate against Whites and Whiteness are being done and have been done for a generation now. It’s caused untold psychological damage. If Bushnell could do this to himself, how many otuer Leftwing Anti-Colonialist Anti-White Supremacist Bushnells are out there with their finger on the nuclear Armageddon button?
> This act and the his suicide is beyond distressing. It is psychotic and reveals the effects of non-stop psychological warfare being waged on the American people, including their own men and women in the armed forces. This is beyond dangerous.
> There are a load of questions that need to be asked. Because these psychological acts of Hate against Whites and Whiteness are being done and have been done for a generation now. It’s caused untold psychological damage. If Bushnell could do this to himself, how many otuer Leftwing Anti-Colonialist Anti-White Supremacist Bushnells are out there with their finger on the nuclear Armageddon button?
One of the few thoughtful comments you’ve made here. A couple of points:
1. This has been going on for far longer than a generation. Having women in the ranks is a massive problem as well. Their insertion in large numbers was the one of the first waves of destruction.
2. The takeover of the military by anti-whites got under way in earnest under Bill Clinton, a criminal boomer draft-dodger. The stage was set starting with the crook Truman’s 1947 order to integrate, followed by women, then gays. The takeover was completed under Obama. That’s how this kind of mentally unfit white person got into the ranks. The US military is now an anti-white military who will gladly obey any order to exterminate whites. Bushnell would have been better off killing his officers.
3. The questions cannot be asked because the donor class controls everything now. The system is completely rigged. There is very little outside their control. Clown-World is real.
> Is Anti-Zionism and Anti-Whiteness being used to manipulate Whites into acts of self destruction? How did this White hater and mentally ill person get in the Air Force?
Anti-Zionism and Anti-Whiteness are two different things though there is some common ground (anti-nationalism). Apart from a dwindling number of retarded Christian Zionists like John Hagee, who was defrocked from the Assemblies of God for adultery, the only zionists are non-whites. Jews repeatedly have defined themselves as non-white and have backed every single anti-white movement in Murika, Europe and elsewhere. The over-arching theory of anti-whiteness vis-a-vis nationalism is that all white countries should have open borders while non-white countries are free to remain ethnically pure. For example, no white person can be a citizen of Liberia.
Have you ever seen remarks of the Air Force general recently promoted to Joint Chiefs Chairman to replace Clown Milley? The dindu’s comments are a long string of BLM/Church of Woke propaganda filled with hatred of whites. The objective is to have a force consisting solely of white-haters and this objective is almost a reality now. For decades running the fake-and-gay opposition party has only cemented the gains made by “left”. These labels from the late 18th century French Monarchy’s Estates generale are quite obsolete by now. The real split today is more like that of Trotsky (Globalism) vs. Stalin (Nationalism). The economic theories of Marx have been supplanted even in ostensibly Marxist polities like China. Their failure to deliver the promise was obvious by the later days of the USSR.
Bushnell’s behavior was likely the result of a lifetime of exposure to ceaseless anti-white propaganda internalized into the ultimate virtue-signal. Contrary to your assertions in several posts, the Israel-Gaza slaughter is a brown vs. brown war. While senseless mass slaughter of civilians is wrong the one who should primarily be supporting Palestinians are fellow Arabs, who obviously care less about the Gazans than many whites do. Neighboring Egypt just <a href="https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/egypt-sells-out-palestinians-for-10-billion-loan-package/"<tossed them under the bus for a loan of 10 billion fake-and-gay dollars from the Banksteins, created ex-nihilio by adding zeros to special accounts. The fake money will evaporate faster than a pool of camel piss on a 120-degree day.
The very worst anti-whites are white themselves. Bushnell is merely the extreme example of the kind of cognitive dissonance which results in a type of insanity resulting from lifelong programming. The programming started long before even his parents were born. Lothrop Stoddard and others warned about it a century ago. Paul Craig Roberts provides a decent historical summary of the anti-white campaign here.
Serious question, why is this Zionist piece of shit allowed to post here? It would be one thing if this comment section were completely unmoderated, but it’s not, it’s horribly overmoderated and censored. This site openly brags about refusing to allow a platform for other groups it doesn’t like, like “atheist anti-Christian white nationalists”. Why are Zionists OK? Why are they allowed to post here?
For all we know, it could be HW spicing up the threads by repeating Ben Shapiro talking points – kind of like Mark Twain back when we was an editor for a San Francisco newspaper and created two personas who engaged in lengthy arguments with each other in letters to the editor. It helped to sell the newspapers.
I assure you that I do not have that much time. I barely have the time to write anything these days.
As I have always said, I am Hunter from an alternative universe, or actually Hunter became that which I was to become had I not not detoured into planning and executing the liquidation of Commies, Mujies, ThugNiggs, Cartelistos, and Traitors on behalf of America. Hunter took up where I left off organizing the Patriot rallies, rallying the movement, involving in the League, and marrying up into Southern Resistance Nobility. Some how the Universe must be stitched back together and we will merge into one. But for now, Hunter gets to remain a devoted family man, Christian follower, Western thinker, and PR stud for the Dissident Right, while I just get to be Pro-NATO, Nativist, Patriot League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, who frustrates the Dissident Right, Mr. Aryan Globalist Bro.
All good points about the politicized cultural change made upon the Armed Forces. Many of us ar tye time saw the direction it was going beginning with Clinton. The last of the old Cold War era officers held a delaying rear guard action but the fact is, the liberal tilt of flag officers were pretty much solidified by the time GWOT occurred. Its a real shame because 911 offered an opportunity to reset the military. The reset did occurr at the lower ranks but then, Obama much like Clinton before, came along and sacked that entire generation of future up and coming glag officers who had combat experience and where White and Conservative, thereby ensuring the liberals remained dominant. So today, we not only have a pervert admiral running around in a dress, we have insane junior soldiers committing Vietname era Buddhist style self immolations on behalf of anti-Colonialism.
In fact we have further info on Airman Bushnell the self lighting walking match. His parents appear to be one of those rare leftwing Christian types that in all sincerity also follow a militant spiritual path. Its possible they were also Papists but its not clear and could’ve been Episcopalians or Lutherans. They lived in an Ecunemical religious group, some have called a cult, in Leftwing Cape Cod Massachusetts and seem to be the proverbial Yankee abolitionist John Brown types. Bushnell’s father even had a construction company whose name matches up with companies responsible for tearing down Confederate memorials. Lastly, Airman Bushnell was a member of the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland (in particular, to one of its subunits, the 531st Intelligence Squadron at San Antonio, Texas). The 70th Wing is no ordinary unit, rather its the Air Force’s component of the super-secret National Security Agency. So, Bushnell had among the highest top secret classifications capable of perusing Hunter’s laptop and seeing all of our communication on behalf of the ADL/SPLC/Democrat/Commies and the motivation to do so given his Anti-Confederate and Anti-Colonialist views, despite many of OD’s commentators’ Anti-Zionism.
Airman Bushnell’s embrace of the Left’s antifa and anarchism, seems to have set in after he joined the Air Force. But, my sources say investigations are ongoing and may have occurred prior to his enlistment. Bushnell’s Anti-Colonilaism, Anti-Confederacy, Anti-Zionism, and hate of “Duh, Jews” and Israel, included extolling the deaths of fellow U.S. military members. He was openly Leftwing and given his position, its unlikely his squadron and the Air Force were unaware of this extremism.
This isn’t an isolated case. Over a decade ago. I noticed that military networks blocked accessing CoCC, Hunters website, but not various militant Troskyite and Communist websites. Only one Leftwing website was blocked and that belonged to a Russian Bolshevik party. Ironically, the League of the South was not blocked. I made a stink of it to my unit and the local IT Administrator was taken aback by my exposure. Nothong came of it as far as I recall.
Then last April, Jack Teixeira, a 22-year-old airman assigned to an intelligence unit of the MASSACHUSSETTS Air National Guard, leaked prodigious amounts of highly classified information online, mainly pertaining to the Ukraine war. Teixeira, however was also in communication with overt right leaning organizations such as the Papist Gay Grand Inquisitor’s America First and its College Republican United catspaw and shared Anti-Zionist and vaguely right leaning views while also having leftwing links. Teixeira also held TS/SCI.
After Bushnell and Teixeira, the Air Force has an intelligence problem. How deep the problem it is, whether its linked to Russia or China or some other foreign intelligence service is still unknown. At a bare minimum we have Air Force members, holding Top Secret/Secret Compartmentalized Intelligence clearncess, engaging in overt political activity that is either entirely are vaguely leftwing and certainly politically disruptive. How closely the ADL/SPLC is involved is also pertinent. More forthcoming.
Because I am not a Zionist. I actually have interesting and alternative things to say other than the same old trite and dumb neo-Nazi b.s. that some midwit Fed bureaucrat comes up with for talking points to the right sector or some neo-Commie comes up with for talking points to the neo-pagan covens.
You have yet to criticize a single jew – not even the most odious of them: Epstein, Wexner, Soros, Greenblatt and never the likes of Giant War-Sow Nudelman. Yes you’re a Zionist, and a hasbara troll. Nobody here is fooled. Zionism is just a short term for Jew Supremacism. Responding to any mention of the Synagogue of Satan’s evil deeds with “duh Jew” is merely another tell about who you work for and where your loyalties lie. You’re nothing like HW in any universe. Like many here, HW understands the corrosive nature of jews but also does not hesitate to blast the treasonous and retarded legions of groveling white goyim who’ve made Satan’s spawn so powerful.
The cognitive dissonance which drove Bushnell, a white Antifa with security clearance to his psychotic self-immolation was seeing the great jew backers of his woke anti-white religion butchering the brown people he was taught to worship as saints and demigods from infancy. Expect more like him to appear soon. Some might follow Bushnell’s path, others will maybe even go after those who have created this mess. Others, from the sainted browns and halflings, will just kill apparent whites in general as jews are often seen as rich whites by them.
False, I am the guy who came up with Grenblatt’s aka, “Nesferatu.” Yes, I claim it. There is little more I can say about the aforementioned other Jews, their misdeeds and villainies are well known. Except, perhaps to mention that Esptein was a sexual addict whose weakness was leveraged to being used as an asset for multiple intelligence services including suspicious Russian connections. Most of his komptromot operations were directed at liberals and Democrats. Maybe he secretly worked for the Russians and thus was a fellow traveler to many Putin bootlicker OD commentators here? So, in a way he was being a good Krist Shabbos Yid to Dissident Rightists. RIP Jeff “Krist Shabbos Yid” Esptein.
Epstein’s chief employer was likely Mossad, just as with Ghislaine and her father. No doubt Mossad – being “our greatest ally” sold info to whomever would pay them for the compromat, including the Chinese and Russians. After all, “Our Greatest Ally” have sold all kinds of military tech to foreign powers, notably the Chinese. The CIA, probably one of the most purely evil organizations of its kind in world history, no doubt was in on Epstein’s honey-pot as well – perhaps even running the show. Are we so sure Epstein is even dead? The whole suicide looked a lot like an extraction. Funny how all the prison guards on watch when it happened got promotions and bonuses. Kind of like all those diligent government employees who were miraculously asleep at the switch in 9-11-01. Assuming he’s really dead, no RIP for Epstein – just eternal weeping, darkness and gnashing of teeth. Take the ticket – pay the price. The only boots licked were were those of Ghislaine, or maybe Wexner – by Trump’s old buddy Epstein.
If you really came up with Pope Noseferatu’s moniker then you deserve a prize for a very fitting one. As for jews, 90% or more are in full agreement with Noseferatu (see below)*. Yes Miller and a few others might actually oppose him, but they so rare that it is a statistically meaningless number. Even the late Larry Auster admitted as much towards the end of his life – some even remarked that he basically shared the same view as Kevin MacDonald. Not quite but in many respects very close.
That’s just their nature, being Satanic spawn. Might as well complain about water being wet. If you’re complaining about the monomania some dissidents have about jews, that’s a fair and legitimate criticism. At the end of the day, they could not have achieved this massive destruction without much aid from whites who were in a position to stop it. Bushnell was such a white. He simply went over the edge when he noticed a reality that contradicted his lifelong programming. Not a good thing that such a person has any kind of security clearance, much less a top-level one. That’s Clown-World though – the entity you support whether it’s NATO, the EUSSR or war-rackets all over the planet – while our own border (and Europe’s) remains wide open.
*I have to qualify this 90% number to be fair. Since judaism is essentially a criminal mafia pretending to be a religion, it’s certainly possible that there are a number of non-elite (e.g. non “made”) jews who support Noseferatu et al out of fear of violating the omerta which has been ruthlessly enforced against those who’ve blurted out the truth about various criminal activity.
I’ve lost all sympathy for people who lack the brainpower to resist the brainwashing. Just finding it hard to care anymore. Whites are showing themselves to be unfit for survival. It didn’t have to be this way, but this is what it is now. Perhaps the few who can resist will eventually be the start of something new.
I can see your point. Resisting the gaslighting – de-programming really as its been going on for well over a century now – starts with the simple step of not supporting it. Give the TV away or toss in the trash. Filter what is allowed in your ears and eyes. It takes time too. Nobody can de-program the mountains of lies and bullshit they’ve been subjected to overnight. The good news is that there are now more of us than ever before. Solzhenitsyn had a great phrase: Believe not in lies.
“Filter what is allowed in your ears and eyes.”
Lord, is that ever an essential principle.
Leftists social darwinismo on themselves
That’s an interesting angle. Could you explain more?
For what i know that man was a leftists…..so why should i sad for a leftists that applied social darwinism on himself?? This people are ruin the entire world, so i’m not happy but also not sad when one of them disappear.
They’re running the story here in CA, this is a good White after all.
I agree, what utter stupidity.
I couldn’t have imagined a better example of why its stupid to advocate for brown peoples grievances. You can literally self immolate to prove your virtue, and they’ll shit on you and immediately forget you ever existed.
This White kid will do more to change White peoples minds than he ever could brown and Jewish minds, most of which are closed to truth in the current age.
I hope this blows up on social media so all the White soy kids can see their fate if they don’t self correct and realize their allies are more likely to set them on fire themselves than ever forgive them for white original sin, the pretext that gives them power over us.
May Whitey cast off the shackles of performative self-effacement and look to our own interests.
HW: this little comment window is too small. Can we make it bigger? Its cramping my shit posts.
“I hope this blows up on social media so all the White soy kids can see their fate if they don’t self correct and realize their allies are more likely to set them on fire themselves than ever forgive them for white original sin, the pretext that gives them power over us.”
I don’t know; Kikes have a hefty load of guilt on whites…
Bushnell found his hill to die on. RIP, sir.
I agree. Bushnell jabbed the eye of Sauron in a way nobody has done in decades. A real hero.
The more that surfaces about this twisted character, the more it looks like an Antifa-member (with a security clearance) went full-retard. Before we start proclaiming him the great white martyr, it might help to keep in mind that Bushnell apparently was the kind of USAF toady who would gladly enable the F-16s to bomb everyone on this forum – save the hasbara AGB, who works for the same team. As I noted in an earlier post here, there was a massive amount of cognitive dissonance with this character. Here he’d absorbed all of the Church of Woke dogma and suddenly notices all of these brown civilians getting slaughtered by the nice folks who have been funding the Church of Woke and its many operations for all these years. Has to be a shock to the system. Calling the Zionists Nazis is an insult to the real Nazis of Germany under the Austrian painter. Their latest antic – mowing down starving civilians coming to a food delivery – might have been the trigger since gaslight media likely gave it a full day before reporting it.
It’s not that complicated. Both Antifa and anti-Israeli Dissident Rightists work for the same people. The later are leftists, pretending to be neo-Nazi/fascists, pretending to be White Nationalists, trying to infiltrate actual patriotic organizations to subvert them from within. All leftists are anti-Israeli. In turn, that’s why so many Leftists posing as Dissident Rightists also obsessively hate Israel.
Bushnell was Antifa and Teixeira was America First. We know the later worked with the Gay Grand Inquisitor and frequented his College Republican catspaw organizations. We don’t know who Bushnell worked with because as usual, leftists are more sophisticated and dangerous than most numskull Dissident Rightists. So, as long as Dissident Rightists navel faze at “Duh, Jews,” and describe Israelis as baddies for killing less Palestinians in three months of aerial bombardment than was done in a single night to Germans in Dresden by the allies, they will miss yet another golden opportunity to turn the tables on the Left and its anti-White Supremacist, anti-Western, and anti-Colonialist programming.
It’s not that complicated. Both Antifa and anti-Israeli Dissident Rightists work for the same people. The later are leftists, pretending to be neo-Nazi/fascists, pretending to be White Nationalists, trying to infiltrate actual patriotic organizations to subvert them from within. All leftists are anti-Israeli. In turn, that’s why so many Leftists posing as Dissident Rightists also obsessively hate Israel. Its like Merthyr Rising and Exalted Cyclops on this forum pretending to represent two different birds when they are just two different wings of the same bird of prey.
Bushnell was Antifa and Teixeira was America First. We know the later worked with the Gay Grand Inquisitor and frequented his College Republican catspaw organizations. We don’t know who Bushnell worked with because as usual, Leftists crime orgs are more sophisticated and dangerous than most numskull Dissident Rightists. So, as long as Dissident Rightists navel faze at “Duh, Jews,” and describe Israelis as baddies for killing less Palestinians in three months of aerial bombardment than was done in a single night to Germans in Dresden by the Allies, they will miss yet another golden opportunity to turn the tables on the Left and its anti-White Supremacist, anti-Western, and anti-Colonialist programming. In which case “Mission Accomplished” to Merthyr Rising/Exalted Cyclops.
“describe Israelis as baddies for killing less Palestinians in three months of aerial bombardment than was done in a single night to Germans in Dresden by the Allies”:
22,000 is certainly not more than the 32,000 killed in the Gaza concentration camp! It might be only half as many, because thousands of bodies still buried under rubble or so damaged as to be unidentifiable have not been counted, and more indigenous are being killed daily in other parts of occupied Palestine. (I do not condone the genocidal bombing of German people either.)
“golden opportunity to turn the tables on the Left and its anti-White Supremacist, anti-Western, and anti-Colonialist programming”:
Yes, I agree the true left is never colonialist and supremacist. That is the natural behaviour of the right, and of the fake left, and the class system. Furthermore the left doesn’t “program.” It simply tells the truth, which matches reality.
“Leftists posing as Dissident Rightists also obsessively hate Israel”:
However the Right shouldn’t, because from their premises Israel is a good colony. It makes no sense for the Right to hate any part of the system they love, unless there is a religious or racial prejudice (obsession) involved. I doubt there is such a thing as “leftists posing as dissident rightists,” but if some go far enough right they may end up left!
“Bushnell was Antifa (…) We don’t know who Bushnell worked with”:
He had to be “programmed” then? And how are his programmers programmed? Is there not such a thing as REALITY? I think he was simply recognising reality, which had been obscured, hidden from him, by the heavy fog of the system’s lying propaganda. (I do not condone his final reaction to learning about it.)
“All leftists are anti-Israeli”:
Are Israeli leftists (although, sadly, there are very few red Israelis today) included in that assertion? A truthful statement would be that real socialists of any ethnicity are all anti-imperialist, and therefore anti-colonial, anti-apartheid, anti-genocide, anti-exploitation, anti-privatisation, anti-austerity and anti- everything else that the capitalist class system involves and needs to exist. The solution to all these problems caused by selfishness is brotherly love, not bombs, fear, anger and hate. Scripture says perfect love casts out fear, and love is stronger than weapons of war. In the end, truth will prevail and the meek shall inherit the earth.
Rumor has it that the Virgina AG wanted to prosecute the corpse of Aaron Brunell along with Thomas Rousseau for “intimidation with fire” violation, but the ADL is using their clout to have the FBI charge Brunell’s scorched remains with an antisemitic “hate crimes, though charges were dropped in both cases because it turned out that Bushnell was pro-LGBTQ, anti-apartheid and segregation.
Actually I was thinking the Jew embassy could bring a lawsuit against Bushnell’s family as his immolation “minimized the holocaust”. I wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a team of shysters working on some kind of lawsuit over it. Never let an opportunity go to waste…. which is kind of the mirror image of the Republican grand strateegery of never miss an opportunity to cuck to your “enemy”.
For those interested in Egypt’s sellout of the Palestinians, here is a working link to the article by Mike Whitney. Not only did they sell out their brethren, they did so on the cheap. How very white of them!
Al-Sisi’s mother is Jewish, so he is a Jew. I am talking about the President of Egypt, a Jew. I am not sure why this is not better known in the West. Al-Sisi got a good deal, and he helpped his Brethren, which are not Palestinians, they are Jews.
“Al-Sisi’s mother is Jewish, so he is a Jew. I am talking about the President of Egypt”:
However, Aryan Globalist seems to believe (see comment below) that L-Sisi is NOT crypto. But he seems to think it would be good if he was. Whether or not Al-Sisi is “crypto,” he is most definitely a full puppet of the U.S., installed by the U.S. (in the regime change operation that removed Morsi) so he will always work for the benefit of the U.S.’s chief colony, while Egypt itself is being colonized by the U.S. under Al-Sisi’s U.S.-directed “leadership.” It is amazing what those BILLIONS of dollars of U.S. “aid” to Egypt every year can do. The love of U.S. “aid” money is the root of all evil in Egypt. Only Israel itself receives more “aid” money from the U.S. than the “Egyptian” Al-Sisi regime receives.
All true. Which is very sad, because with opportunity and power like that, America could have remade the Middle East decades and decades ago.
Think of it, rather than blowing our entire wad of Cold War arms in 6 months to clear out Sand Nigger Iraqis from Kuwait and then gone home, we could’ve driven all the way to Bagdad. We could’ve finished off Saddam Hussein and his Tikriti Crime clan and the rest of the Albu Nasir tribal paramountcy. We would’ve secured Iraq by 1995 and regained control of the oil and gas in the gulf states including Saudi Aramco.
Similarly, we were poised along with the French, Italians and Christian Lebanese to wipe out Syria and occupy Lebanon during the period. The Assad Alamite Crime Clan would’ve been wiped out, French would again be spoken in Beriut and Damascus. Bush probably would’ve been re elected and spared us Clinton and the first wave of deculturalization in the military.
More importantly, back then we still had the power and will to have done a Judeo-Christian Zionist campaign of re-settling some 10-20,000,000 Middle Eastern Christians there along all the Russian Jews and many Judeo-Ashkenazi from America. Along with several million Euro-Americans colonists, the whole Mesopotamian-Syrian region would’ve been pacified by now.
Inclduing Egypt in this campaign, there are least 2,500,000 Europeans, 2,500,000 Levantine Christians, another 2,000,000 Greek Christians, and some 10,000,000 Copic Christians with origins in Egypt that could’ve been resettled there along with several million more Euro-Americans on top of the 15,000,000 Coptic Christians already there. Egypt would now be a more advanced, orderly, well fed, country than an increasingly large garbage dump.
But instead, liberalism and all that leftwing shit and now we got a giant garbage dump fire and its spreading. American dithering and Liberal mindset blew the last chance of the West maintaining supremacy in the world and worse ensuring the garbage dump fire spreads to our homelands. Start learning Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic or whatever Barbarous Spanglishchink will be spoken in our garbage dump formerly called Hunter’s fishing hole. https://youtu.be/vbRRL7S2Tg0?si=aKo5Cmbx2iigxIdg
Yes, Egyptian president El-Sisi is said to be Crypto, like the House of Saud and many other Middle East leaders selected and supported by the West, fake Muslims who fear and hate little Palestine. Egyptian workers are suffering under the El-Sisi regime of free market austerity and violent suppression of political dissent (the political prisons of Egypt are full). He is the very opposite of Gamel Nasser who allied with Russia, introduced socialism to Egypt, re-distributed farmland to the poor, nationalized the Suez Canal, built the Aswan Dam and the Helwan industrial city, united with socialist Syria (United Arab Republic), and fought two hot wars against Israel. When Nasser died, he was mourned around the world and six million attended his funeral, whereas the death of an American puppet like El-Sisi is not mourned but celebrated by millions of victims.
It’s actually considered false. Rumors were made by General Nasser’s minions who was trying to pin his failures on Al-Sisi’s grandfather who served in his cabinet. Although retracted, it was used by the Algerian Islamo-Fascists in their propoganda networks to leverage against Nasser who they competed against. So the rumors have remained like a stench. I tend to believe its not true at this point although its certainly possible, as the Middle East is a warren of crypto, clandestine, secret clans and and conflicts which the West is totally unaware.
If true, I hope to see the day when Al-Sisi will help make the Middle East safe against for Jews and Christians, both Western and Eastern alike and the millions of MENA Christians, Judeo-Europeans, Euro-Aryans can once again return to the Middle East. Imagine a Middle East North Africa where 20,000,000 Jews, 35,000,000 MENA Christians, and scores od millions of Europeans have returned. Maybe then Egypt will blossom again under some sort of neo-Ptolmaic like regime ruled by gorgeous Euro-Aryans like Elizabeth Taylor rather than dull amd generally unattractive wogs.
“gorgeous Euro-Aryans like Elizabeth Taylor rather than dull amd generally unattractive wogs”:
Every ethnicity and even every tribe (when left alone, without Western propaganda) has its own standard of beauty or handsomeness, by the natural force of ethnocentrism. You seem to want everyone to accept your own ethnic preference, or impose a Western, cosmopolitan image of what other ethnicities should want their future children to look like, that goes against nature and denies reality.
Actually, numerous anthropologists have conducted studies on beauty. There are basic universal standards held by humanity. In terms of physical beauty in females, symmetry and proportion that reveals biological fitness to propagate are the standard. For example, the shoulder, waist, thigh ratios of hour glass curvature are standard. All studies have revealed that across the world, even in Amazon jungle tribes, different races, nationalities and ethnicities think that Euro-Aryans are the epitome of beauty. Well at least until the anri-White woke mind virus started infecting Westerners. https://youtube.com/shorts/xBSZoRXB47c?si=CsT0Nr2lMuiOkF8p
“All studies have revealed that across the world, even in Amazon jungle tribes, different races, nationalities and ethnicities think that Euro-Aryans are the epitome of beauty”:
Those studies are yet another example of lying with statistics. Common sense and practical experience show us there are many different standards of beauty. Only thoroughly mixed, rootless cosmopolitans don’t prefer a particular ethnic look, language, diet, music, dress, culture…. Malcolm X asked “Who taught you to hate the way God made you?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2uRLgXGE5E
I have nothing against most of what Malcom X says here, except he pretends like its some revolutionary thought. Blacks have always had the ability to empower their own wealth creation. Where Malcom goes wrong is in his Black National Socialism. That was clearly designed to cause divisions inside the US. Since colonial times, Catholic powers have tried to use Black nationalism to overthrow White Anglo-Saxon Protestant power. The only difference with Malcom X, is they succeeded in getting a large number of WASPs to go along with it, thereby successfully removing them from their pinnacle of power. Today Malcom X political philosophy is being used to smash WASPs and take what remains of their property. In the future, Malcom will be used to justify Black Imperialism. As to being beautiful, the fact is the White mean of beauty is more beautiful than the Black mean. Always has been and always will despite what others may say.
“All studies have revealed that across the world, even in Amazon jungle tribes, different races, nationalities and ethnicities think that Euro-Aryans are the epitome of beauty”:
Is that “superior beauty” propaganda intended to stir up envy of Whites by relatively “ugly” non-whites or to encourage non-White males to seek White females and non-White females to breed with White males? Cui bono? Who benefits from this lie? Common sense and practical experience clash with those “studies.”
I say: let each race and ethnicity breed and develop in its own way, according to its own nature.
“what would I do if I was alive during slavery?, or Apartheid ?”
I certainly wouldn’t set myself on fire for Jewmerica – let Kikes die and bleed in the shit storms they start.
What a FOOL
White libtard kills himself for Palestinians he’s never met, and that all hate White Americans, rather than WORK to SECURE THE FUTURE of WHITE CHILDREN.
S on all libtards.
Palestinians have every justification to hate Americans, if we’re being honest. But fatso dumbass Americans aren’t very good at self-reflection, just like the kikes who manipulate them.
On a different topic, Wendy’s will start Jewing you out of $$$s
“Wendy’s is going to start surge-pricing burgers, fries, and more”
The new pricing model is a first for the fast-food industry. But it’s a familiar concept to those who use ride-share apps. Similar to models at Uber and Lyft, Wendy’s menu items will fluctuate in price depending on demand at the time you order.
Wendy’s will start surge-pricing menu items as early as 2025 as it rolls out digital menus.
Similar to how Uber and Lyft work, menu items will vary in price depending on demand.
The new pricing system is one of several changes the company has made to implement more technology.
People shouldn’t be eating “food” at places like Wendy’s anyway, their “food” is nasty. Same goes for all the other fast food places. Cook at home, learn how, then you control what goes into the food you and your family eat and more importantly, what doesn’t go into the food you eat.
Cows are grazing animals in nature, they are meant to eat grass from pastures. They are not meant to be locked up with their heads in a feeding trough eating a diet of grains, anti-biotics and growth hormones in a filthy feed lot. Big ag will do anything it can to shave costs even if their “food” is full of chemicals and unhealthy. Cheap food is ultimately the most expensive, it will cost you your health.
Remember, the people who run America were obsessed with the Vietnamese Buddhist who burned himself alive because they were New Agers who hated Catholicism in particular and Christianity generally. Lord Chesterfield had an interesting commentary on this sort of phenomenon.
“Antiquity is Strange.—We read every day,[Pg 167] with astonishment, things which we see every day without surprise. We wonder at the intrepidity of a Leonidas, a Codrus, and a Curtius; and are not the least surprised to hear of a sea captain who has blown up his ship, his crew, and himself, that they might not fall into the hands of the enemies of his country. I cannot help reading of Porsenna and Regulus with surprise and reverence; and yet I remember that I saw, without either, the execution of Shepherd, a boy of eighteen years old, who intended to shoot the late king, and who would have been pardoned if he would have expressed the least sorrow for his intended crime; but, on the contrary, he declared, that, if he was pardoned, he would attempt it again; that he thought it a duty which he owed his country; and that he died with pleasure for having endeavored to perform it. Reason equals Shepherd to Regulus; but prejudice, and the recency of the fact, make Shepherd a common malefactor, and Regulus a hero.”
Bushnell was just a dangerous incel antisemitic privileged white man who offed himself to try to hurt Jews, just in a different way than a Synagogue shooter. One of the police was actually pointing a gun at him as he was burning. That is how the ZOGBOT subhumans US military dogshit are programmed by the kikes.
I was wrong when I said it would not reverberate among Muslims because suicide is a sin in Islam. But apparently Muslims do NOT view the protest as an ordinary suicide, which is forbidden in Islam. They view it as a kind of martyrdom, a heroic act. It is also not being ignored by Western anti-Zionists. Remember almost sixty years ago what a powerful effect a self-immolation anti-U.S. protest by a Buddhist monk had on the conscience of good men around the world, a little battle-in-itself helping to defeat the Empire and bring the Vietnam War to an end! But of course Western media is burying and obscuring the story of the protest in front of the Israeli embassy, wanting you to forget it ever happened:
“Mainstream media pathologized Bushnell’s act of protest and attempted to obscure his motivations despite the clarity of his message (…) despite his explicit intention to protest the genocide of Palestinians perpetrated by their colonizers. Several reports, including from the BBC, NYT and WaPo, reported ‘no injuries at the embassy.’ However, Bushnell neither attempted to attack embassy members nor did he endeavor to enter the embassy. A protester self-immolated outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia, in December and was transferred to the hospital in critical condition. While a Palestinian flag was found at the scene, authorities have kept the incident hushed and did not release many details. The person remains unidentified. A vigil was held on Monday in the exact spot Bushnell had self-immolated the day before (…) Other vigils are scheduled to take place across the nation, including near Israeli embassies, including in New York City and Chicago and Portland, Oregon. Bushnell’s protest was hailed by Palestinian and Yemeni resistance groups as a “heroic” act of honor. Hamas published a statement mourning Bushnell, saying: ‘We hold the Biden administration fully accountable for his death, due to its policy that supported the Nazi Zionist entity in its war of extermination against our Palestinian people. The heroic pilot, Aaron Bushnell, will remain immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free people of the world, and a symbol of the spirit of global human solidarity with our people and their just cause.’ The PFLP also mourned Bushnell’s death…”
After reading all of the references I thought I had returned to Cold War heaven but with a Cuban DGI/Commie twist rather than a Soviet KGB/Commie twist.
I literally now want to buy McDonald’s. It’s no wonder that McDonald’s franchises opposes LGBTQ but support Israel. Because, Israel under Netanyahu is pushing back on LGBTQ as well as their allies, Hamas.
Weirdly, Dissident Rightists now oppose LGBTQ and Israel. This is the trajectory that the Gay Grand Inquisitor took and suggests either some Chinese Yuan or utterly depravity is behind it. Apparentely, its more important for Dissident Rightists to oppose Israel and McDonald’s because Hamas, rather than protect the moral character of the American nation. Its pathetic how so many on the right get led around by the nose cuz “Duh, Jews.” Its a fatal weakness.
Lying Western media is suggesting that he threatened to attack the embassy, but fortunately no one was killed or hurt. But he never intended or attempted to enter the embassy. Western “news” media is filled with lies, and you should not give it any views at all if you can possibly help it. The truth shall make you free.
I’m at a loss as to what he felt he was achieving for himself, and society as a whole. He can no longer serve whatever cause he aligned with, as he’s no longer with us.
One less white man in America……and for what?
One achieves more alive than dead.
He will be forgotten by next month
Well, “next month” means four more weeks. The effectual fame of many heroic acts has worn off in less than four weeks. How long was the burning Vietnamese monk in the news around the world? https://belfastchildis.com/2015/08/04/pictures-that-changed-the-world-self-immolation-of-thich-quang-duc-1963/
On the other hand The Burning Monk was being promoted as a distraction from the real problem of U.S. imperialism, as a protest against a dictatorship that the U.S. was getting rid of for the benefit of Vietnam (although everyone knew the U.S. was behind Diem, and Minh and every other puppet dictator). If the U.S. had not been ready to replace Diem with “Big Minh” at that time, the news would have been suppressed instead of amplified by Western media. Even so, the image of the burning monk was associated with the U.S. and contributed to development of effective opposition to U.S. imperialism in Vietnam.
So, by logical conclusion, we can associate Bushnell’s act of immolation has being condoned by the Leftist occupied US government much as the liberal corrupted US government of the 60s condoned the Buddhist monk. In turn, the desired outcome is the same. Regime change in an allied government. The liberal corrupt US got rid of Diem. Now the leftist occupied US wants to get rid of Netanyahu. This would like wise mean I am correct that the Left is trying to replace Israel. Anti-Zionists Dissident Rightists should be celebrating. Until you tell them all the Israeli refugees will be moving to Alabama and setting up synagogues around Hunters Fishing hole. This is how the Dissident Right gets payed every single time, because of their blinders about “Duh, Jews.”
“act of immolation being condoned by the Leftist occupied US government”:
Entirely wrong. The U.S. government is DEVOID OF, NOT occupied by socialists, and it is covering up and obfuscating, NOT condoning the Bushnell protest.
“I am correct that the Left is trying to replace Israel”:
No. The truth is that socialism opposes imperialism, and it is the Right (and fake left) that created, uses and works to maintain the U.S.’s largest and most important overseas military base at the centre of the Eastern world (called Israel). A Palestinian socialist republic is the one-state solution that would bring equal rights, democracy, peace and prosperity to the entire population, both the former Israeli colonists and the indigenous people, all living together on the same land. I don’t think any Leftists want to “replace” (deport) the colonists. That would be cruel and insane. It is time to make reparations to the families of victims of the decades-long genocide, return recently stolen land, dismantle all apartheid walls and fences and torture prisons, and finally, learn to love and forgive one another and have a fresh start.
“Regime change in an allied government. The liberal corrupt US got rid of Diem”:
No. The truth is that the CIA realized its agent Diem, the bloody Roman Catholic dictator, couldn’t keep up with the left resistance, so they let him fall (with a push) and installed Big Minh, a trusted general, in his place.
He ignorantly offered himself up in sacrifice, I am pretty certain , JESUS, requires no such oblation, that being said and understood, who else would he be offering himself too ……
Oh, but inflation is under control.
They’re just finding better ways to conceal inflation and obfuscate the facts.
yeah, but the Jews are in CONTROL – that worries me more !
He was under the delusion that Israel is a White supremacist nation oppressing a nation of color. That was the extent of his political knowledge! He has no conception that Jews are “conditionally White” who pretend to be White when it helps the Jewish community. When it does not, they come anti-white and do not view themselves as White. As Biden admitted they are responsible LFBTQ advocate laws and were a potent force in opposing the Immigration Act of 1924 and eventually replaced it with the Immigration Act of 1965 which opened the borders of the United States to the world! PS: Why the Hell did cop’s pull a gun on him as if he is going to arise in flaming glory and do them harm!
“PS: Why the Hell did cop’s pull a gun on him as if he is going to arise in flaming glory and do them harm!”
That’s an indication of the level of intelligence they are recruiting for police, thugs.
Why did a cop, Michael Byrd, shoot into an unarmed group, killing Ashli Babbitt ………. thugs!
Impressive propaganda that a dupe worried about a fictional country and people over his own race, the real target of genocide.