Immigration is the main reason why I have reassessed the Trump presidency.
Trump is the lesser of two evils because of this issue alone and it is not even close. We can’t afford another four years of Joe Biden’s immigration policies. 7 to 8 million illegal aliens have arrived in less than four years. It puts Trump’s various setbacks on immigration in his first term in perspective.
“WASHINGTON, D.C. — Significantly more Americans name immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. (28%) than did a month ago (20%). Immigration has now passed the government as the most often cited problem, after the two issues tied for the top position the past two months. The government ranked first each month from January through November 2023.
In the latest poll, 20% of Americans name the government as the most important problem, followed by the economy (12%) and inflation (11%). Immigration is the only issue that has shown meaningful change in the past month. … ”
When Trump was president, you could at least say he was trying to get the border under control in spite of massive resistance from activist groups in the federal courts, sabotage by his Cabinet and an uncooperative Republican Congress. He also succeeded in bringing the numbers down in his last year in office. Unleashing the present chaos at the border was one of Joe Biden’s first acts as president.
It could have been otherwise.
If Biden had steered clear of foreign wars after bringing the troops home from Afghanistan, pursued a less inflationary spending spree to tackle COVID and tacked more toward the center on immigration, millions of Independent voters would be less inclined to take Trump back.
The good news is that 28% of the population rightly view immigration as a serious problem.
Presumably, the bad news is that the other 72% of the population are recent non-White immigrants, having turned the rest of the country into California on a grand scale?
Sure, I’m not serious (yet), but I do think this is the intention over the next 50 years. In 1970, California was about 80% White, and a reliably Republican state. It’s under 30% White today, and solidly Democrat. The White population has been completely disenfranchised.
You are correct AC. Despite the reputation of the state, those old Californians put up a good fight against what Alex Jones now calls the 360 degree war. But, the rest of the country wouldn’t listen. They did all they could, from local governments and police departments to secret vigilante and private detective outfits, to the conservative political movements which pushed the GOP to the right. But, it simply wasn’t enough. https://youtu.be/sgzwnylLtvg?feature=shared
What was done to poor most formerly beautiful California IS planned for the rest of the country. What sealed the end was immigration, GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, and NAFTA. The State was literally overwhelmed and the good people had to flee for their livelihoods.
There are now 7,500,000 White former Californians and their children, almost all Conservative living in exile throughout the rest of the country. Their communities in exile are the only thing that kept the economies going in the rest of the Western United States and even parts of the South.
While there was a time a generation ago when a bipartisan movement was pushing to end immigration, a bipartisan elite was working to ensure they failed. Today, that same elite is now complicit in swamping the country with foreign colonists. Hold all your politicians from local to federal accountable if they don’t end immigration.
Equally important: FOOD !!
“Wendy’s New Surge Pricing Is Going To Be Nightmare…(as the Jews screw us in the Ass)”
Good comment. This makes the oriental practice of haggling with merchants seem honest. Everyone should pay the same price for the same thing, but that cannot happen in this system that is designed to maximize profit, that is increased most by deception. Yes, Wendy’s is evil and so are Pizza Hut, Starbucks and McDonalds that all support the genocide of Palestine using the money you give them. You should not give one penny to any of them.
As we all know, Biden is just a lame puppet with his strings pulled and his voice coming from behind the curtain.
You should give reaction to this interview.
I watched the interview in full. It was actually good.
I read the text of the interview in your ZeroHedge link. Most of it isn’t too bad, but near the end, Carlson says “I love Jerusalem, probably my favorite city in the world” and he never uses the words “genocide” and “Palestine.”
After listening non stop to Election Deniers, Fake Election Promoters, and Election Integretists, this is surely welcomed.
For the last four years as Biden dissolved what remained of our borders, promoted American cultural genocide and Southern ethnicide, and created a hysterical panic of White Supremacy thereby encouraging Whites to self immolate themselves, an entire new class of MAGA populist politicians blew their wad on arcane shadow world electioneering and lost election after election. It’s almost like the powers that be channeled all the resistance energy of activists into a cul de sac until the normies said enough was enough and forced the GOP to talk about immigration. This leaves little timing for creating coalitions to properly organize grass roots around the issue and create policy and talking points for the election season. Instead we will get the same old angry vacuous talking points about illegals.
Mission accomplished by the uniparty. Well there is always Stephen Miller’s operation to work with and use as entry into the next administration. Ooops, but “Duh, Jews” and shit.
Other important ideas: ‘The Right to free speech’
Online Toxicity
“Wading through the staggering amount of social media content being produced every second to find the nastiest bits is no task for humans alone.”
(i.e., in other words, we have to make sure Whites are silenced, while niggers and Jews have a complete free hand to make whatever remark they wish.)
Brown immigration, much less deportation, is not going to stop. Simply because whites lack what Col.Walter Kurtz called “what is necessary” to stop it.
The system will turn the spigot of the flow of immigration on or off whenever it needs more or less cheap labour or cannon fodder or to destroy and prevent social cohesion.
Immigration will “surge to the top of the problem list” or even disappear from the list as needed. But one thing remains the same: the capitalist system. Dealing with an effect instead of the cause is looking at a tree and not seeing the forest. You can’t VOTE yourselves out of this forest, and it can’t be reformed by populism.
How about floating the idea of redistributing large tracts of U.S. farmland to the millions of “newcomers” (as Biden has taken to calling them) who deserve not only citizenship but also their fair share of the land itself? That would really frighten the elites!
Merthyr Man ” How about floating the idea of redistributing large tracts of U.S. farmlands to the millions of “newcomers”, …..SIR, NO, bad idea, not in a million years, ……I would be in favor of a Homestead act, of offering federal land grants, to native born AMERICANS , working poor,working class, middle class Amwricans only, These ” Newcomers” who you are so fond of, are owed nothing, get it, nothing by the , working tax payers of America, Amwrican people, benefit “0” from the SATANIC elites and the working man in the states, does not beg for crumbs, are forbears left the old world, so we could/can do better than that ….
Uh, no, redistributing farmland to the horde of invaders would certainly frighten not just the elite, but also, the great mass of the petite burgouisie AND much of the common proletariat.
Yes I agree, it will frighten almost everyone, not just the elites who own (monopolize!) millions of acres of farmland and don’t work it themselves. Your “newcomers,” as Biden has taken to calling them, want farmland too, and since the population of the U.S. “homeland” has doubled (since I was born, just like Britain’s) you have only about one acre of good fertile farmland per capita now. Soon these “newcomers” will want to put roots down in their new native soil, and their sense of unfairness will grow with their numbers. They see land is scarce and much too expensive now and is not being used properly. The goal of socialism is for the land and its fruits to be shared equally. “God made the earth a common treasury for all.” as the English Digger Gerrard Winstanley put it. More people would be involved (as farmers, not hired wage slaves) in more natural farming, and the land itself would be nationalised and worked communally using the best science, and natural, environmentally sound and sustainable methods. Too bad that you don’t have a people (ethny or ethnicity) to share the land, but only a collection of “human resources” from every corner of the globe with no common culture and genetics, although you can unite with a single language since BASIC English is an easy language to learn, and you are all united in the pursuit of money (Mammon), the real, predominant religion of the empire.
Too many already here. The cake is being baked. The kikes got what they wanted.
You know it!
By what is ‘surging to the top of your most important problem list’ you know you live in the belly of the beast, because the genocide of Palestine you are carrying out through your Zionist proxy and NATO puppets to control the Middle East does not even appear on that list, and it never will, because you are secretly pleased with the genocide, and apartheid and other crimes of imperialism, because the crumbs from the groaning table of your elites’ worldwide looting trickle down to you. But in Britain the genocide ‘problem’ is so important that it determined an election. The Workers Party of Britain got 40% of the votes in the Rochdale by-election and George Galloway is back in Parliament. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/george-galloway-strikes-blow-gaza-against-starmer-rochdale-election WPB is a socialist party that promises a redistribution of wealth and power in favour of working people, an immediate end to imperialist war and the financial domination of the world by London-based banking, immediate withdrawal from NATO, rebuilding of British industry, safe and affordable housing for all, free public transportation, free provision for the elderly and disabled, and equal health care with renewal and expansion of the National Health Service. WPB expects support from many voters opposed to genocide and other anti-worker policies of the Labour Party led by Zionist Keir Starmer. Why do you never have a choice like that? Trump and your conservative party will give you more of the same. Maybe that’s what you want.
Yes! One thing we, including the British, should’ve learned from the Israelis is how to handle not just future overseas Mujahideen wars but also the future insurrections in London, Rochdale, NYC and Los Angeles. Intracommunjty violence and demagoguery by both leftists and rightists is guaranteed to escalate.
What the vile, despicable, piece of shit, evil elite of the post 1965 era have done to the West is now cemented into ourbfutire. Multicommunity and intercommunity violence on civil war scale. I and others stood against those changes caused by immigration. The Feds and Corporate America didn’t like our warnings. Nknetheless, it will inevitably magnify the divisions in the Bureua and Agency and you will see those orgs split apart under the pressure of the future. Gollaway is just the siren song at the end of the play. To see how it likely will play out look at Yugoslavia, Russia, and the USSR. Their past is already now here in the US and the UK. https://youtu.be/iv60cFeRq8s?si=Gs-mHKy7GcPgJy7l
Therefore, we should also look at how the Serbians and Croats used combined politico-military operations to clear out and resove multi-community differences in single jurisdictions and how the Israelis are clearing out Gaza. The history of the future at every Fishing Hole, including Hunters, is already baked into the cake. It cannot be escaped from, merely mitigated and controlled to our favor or the enemies. Those who win will play by the rules of the Serbs and Croats. https://youtu.be/3cmDk4aOWEQ?si=F-h_I737nNatRLnV
Yes I agree, it will frighten almost everyone, not just the elites who own (monopolize!) millions of acres of farmland and don’t work it themselves. Your “newcomers,” as Biden has taken to calling them, want farmland too, and since the population of the U.S. “homeland” has doubled (since I was born, just like Britain’s) you have only about one acre of good fertile farmland per capita now. Soon these “newcomers” will want to put roots down in their new native soil, and their sense of unfairness will grow with their numbers. They see land is scarce and much too expensive now and is not being used properly. The goal of socialism is for the land and its fruits to be shared equally. “God made the earth a common treasury for all.” as the English Digger Gerrard Winstanley put it. More people would be involved (as farmers, not hired wage slaves) in more natural farming, and the land itself would be nationalised and worked communally using the best science, and natural, environmentally sound and sustainable methods. Too bad that you don’t have a people (ethny or ethnicity) to share the land, but only a collection of “human resources” from every corner of the globe with no common culture and genetics, although you can unite with a single language since BASIC English is an easy language to learn, and you are all united in the pursuit of money (Mammon), the real, predominant religion of the empire.
“look at how the Serbians and Croats used combined politico-military operations to clear out and resove multi-community differences in single jurisdictions and how the Israelis are clearing out Gaza”:
The U.S.’s and Roman Catholic Church’s war on Orthodox and socialistic Serbia, that flared up in the 1940’s (the WW2 holocaust of Serbs) and again in the 1990’s, still continues. The ethny of South Slavs just like the East Slavs (Russians) is marked for destruction and full enslavement by the U.S.-based global empire.
“we, including the British, should’ve learned from the Israelis”:
Not at all. The Zionist colonists were established by, and continue to be supported, used and directed by the British and U.S. Anglo-Zionist elites. What is there to “learn” then? There is nothing that the British and U.S. need to learn; they have already done everything these colonists do many times over, and the colonists are doing what the empire really wants. The Middle East must remain destabilised, divided, distracted, so that it can continue to be exploited, and cannot rise.
You seem to admire the Israelis’ “clearing out” (genociding) Gaza, the world’s largest open-air concentration camp. You probably also admire or condone their “clearing out” (genociding) of most of Palestine in the 1940s, and the remaining Palestinian land of “the West Bank” and Gaza ever since. They also “cleared out” the Golan from Syria, and aim to clear out even more of Syria, and southern Lebanon, and they briefly cleared all of Sinai from Egypt, until Egypt fought back, beginning in Gamel Nasser’s last term. If you believe in Might Makes Right, you must also believe that Theft is good, and that the Wealthy are good (and the corollary that poverty is a sign of being bad) because might depends on wealth, and wealth comes from theft (the theft of exploitation of workers and all kinds of usury and outright looting), so the Zionist colony or crusader state is right because it is mighty, and mighty because it has wealth, derived from exploited workers. That is the “morality” of barbarians and thugs. A true nationalist is not a barbarian or thug. A good, TRUE nationalist has respect for the rights of all other nations, tribes, families and individual people, even the weak and poor ones.
Only 28%??? That’s pretty sad. You can’t deport millions of migrants. They and their children are here to stay and will multiply. America was destroyed by MLK, but it’s only now becoming obvious.
MLK was just a puppet.
He had jwzish directors, people like Stanley levison that directed all his actions and words.
Left to their own devices, blacks only interest would be “where be da gin and da hos”, nothing beyond that.
It might be too late, but getting rid of the migrants doesn’t even require mass deportation. The ones to go after are the businesses who hire them using RICO and asset-seizure laws already in place. Most immigration shysters should be charged with treason and be permanently disbarred. That’s dealing with a most a couple of hundred thousand criminals, mainly by putting them out of business for good plus maybe some jail time for the worst cases. Most of the invaders would start to self-deport. Make all welfare benefits for citizens only and even more bloodsuckers will go back to their respective places. It’s similar to dealing with porn. You don’t really go after the users but the producers and profiteers. Far fewer targets to deal with. AGB is retarded about many things, but he’s at least mostly correct about Stephen Miller – one of Cheetohead’s very few decent appointments from what I can tell. Too bad Miller ended up being sidelined by son-in-law Grima Wormtongue.
You say the left is ‘woke’. WPB is socially and culturally conservative not woke as you can see in this tidy speech on socialist opposition to sex perversion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8L2kBWGrBo George says Britain was infected with wokeism by the United States and there is no real choice in American politics. The two ‘mainstream parties are two cheeks of the same backside.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7eLYp2iUCU&t=67s
We need more of these immigrants:
“Thor” is real!
A few dozen of these will take care of our invader problem. But, even better, our traitor problem.
“these will take care of our invader problem”:
Snowhitey, this solution is better than violence: https://twitter.com/propagandopolis/status/1603149771086221312 Two leads to three, and three to four or more when Equality makes it possible to have more than one (or zero) children. Natural ethnocentrism works freely and population increases naturally when all people are equal and secure under the care of a socialist state, instead of being pitted against one another and constantly bled and impoverished by the rat race of the “free” market system.
Yes! One thing we, including the British, should’ve learned from the Israelis is how to handle not just future overseas Mujahideen wars but also the future insurrections in London, Rochdale, NYC and Los Angeles. Intracommunjty violence and demagoguery by both leftists and rightists in those respective countries is guaranteed to escalate.
What the vile, despicable, piece of shit, evil elite of the post 1965 era have done to the West is now cemented into our future. Multicommunity and intercommunity violence on civil war scale. I and others stood against this future caused by immigration. The Feds and Corporate America didn’t like our warnings. Nonetheless, it will inevitably magnify the divisions in the Bureua and Agency and Corporate America, and you will see those orgs split apart under the pressure of the future. Gollaway is just the siren song at the end of the play. To see how it likely will play out look at Yugoslavia, Russia, and the USSR. Their past is already now here in the US and the UK. https://youtu.be/iv60cFeRq8s?si=Gs-mHKy7GcPgJy7l
Therefore, we should also look at how the Serbians and Croats used combined politico-military operations to clear out and resove multi-community differences in single jurisdictions and how the Israelis are clearing out Gaza. The history of the future at every Fishing Hole, including Hunters, is already baked into the cake. It cannot be escaped from, merely mitigated and controlled to our favor or the enemies. Those who win will play by the rules of the Serbs and Croats. https://youtu.be/3cmDk4aOWEQ?si=F-h_I737nNatRLnV