Axios: Supreme Court Rules Trump Can Appear on Colorado Ballot

I’m also tired of the focus on Trump.

We are witnessing the greatest political comeback of our lifetimes though. This is a pivotal week which will likely shape the course of American history for a generation.


Former President Trump cannot be barred from Colorado’s primary ballot under the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday.

Why it matters: It’s a major win for the GOP presidential frontrunner and paves the way for him to appear on the ballot nationwide, despite facing eligibility challenges in dozens of states.

The court’s decision comes a day before Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states including Colorado will hold primary contests. …

I’m going to do my part to support the Revenge Tour tomorrow on Super Tuesday by casting a ballot for Donald Trump in the Alabama Republican primary. It is less a vote for Trump than a vote against Haley. I doubt that I will have the opportunity to vote against this woman again.

Trump already has the primary and probably the general election in the bag. I’m resigned to it. I hope that something good comes out of his second term in office. In retrospect, he brought immigration levels down in his first term, avoided a disastrous war with Russia and eventually scored some wins on abortion and affirmative action. And yes, he was better than the alternative in a lot of ways.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Keep up the great work.May God bless you and yours.Christ is eternal Master and Savior.With God’s help the White race may again be free.

  2. The ugly woman above, Gina Griswold:

    Griswold is Jewish, Griswold married Mohamed Enab in May 2014,

    (My initial thought was “damn, she is ugly, even for a democrat.”)

  3. The SC basically told the states that they have no authority to remove Trump from the ballot. 9-0 decision. Obviously those who pull the strings want Zion Don on the ballot. No way would there have been a 9-0 vote otherwise. Reading Sodom-on-Potomac has become something like the astrology-type “science” once referred to a ‘Kreminology’ – looking for smoke-signals and other obscure clues to get an idea of what’s going on.

    Nobody does anything of significance without the OK from those who actually run the show. We can argue all day long about who these monsters are, but such details (jews, space-lizards, masons, old white men, etc.) don’t much matter at the end of the day. We know they are all extremely evil, most if not all are Satanists, many are pedophiles, etc. They have all manner of innocent blood on their hands and fully deserve to be erased from the planet. May their destruction come swiftly and with no warning. That’s sufficient.

    • “Obviously those who pull the strings want Zion Don on the ballot. No way would there have been a 9-0 vote otherwise.”

      Doesn’t seem that to me.
      Just simple sense, a state has no right to control any issues of a federal nature.

      • Agree with your sentiment and hope that you are right. But since when has simple common sense or Contitutional principles ever mattered to addled anti-White, feminist libtards like the “wise Latina” Sotomayer, jewess Elana Kagan, or affirmative action POC Ketanji “I-don’t-know-what-a-woman-is” Jackson Brown?

  4. I guess we’re just going to ignore the fact that 2020 was in the Top 10 for Shittiest Years In US History. Pandemic lockdowns, US cities burned and looted, BLM protests, $2.5T Wall St bailout, richest Americans became 40% richer, untested vaccines rushed to market, suicides and depression skyrocketed, etc. Good times, good times.

    • Amen. It would be incredible but then again Trump’s supporters don’t mind Jews running America, the elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top.

    • Trump caused all that? Your statement implies there is an electoral alternative to Trump, assuming voting counts at all .

  5. Here you go—-
    Tenth Amendment

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    The States Rights issue all over again. States Rights. Why can’t they follow the law? Is it the blood?

    • “Why can’t they follow the law? ”

      They are, talmudic law.
      “Corrupt everything of the gentiles, so that they may be thrown into confusion and be easily vanquished”.

    • Let’s have a vindictive Jewish American female in Colorado decide an election because of muh muh 10th amendment to the constitution.

    • Abe Lincoln, the First American Emperor, essentially destroyed States’ Rights.

  6. HW look at this.

    The conservative case against states rights… these people. It never ceases to amaze me how they always land with the wrong take on everything.

    The best case scenario is for Blue States to begin disregarding the SCOTUS. if Trump wins, they will set all the precedent we need to do the same in turn. This dynamic is the engine of balkanization. It should be the goal, not something conservatives resist because of their muh principles.

    Idiots. This empire could have never gotten to this point without them.

  7. There is a general assessment here by Dissident Rightiste, that SCOTUS decision was wrong cuz States Rights. Here is the problem with the conclusion. Trump was never charged, indicted, let alone tried and found guilty of insurrection. Nor was there a state of insurrection or rebellion declared by Congress or any State legislature. In other words, State SCOTUSes were issuing illegal opinions and punishments on DJT.

    Historically, even prior to the Civil War, State legislatures and/or courts which abrogated without due process, a persons natural, common, statutory and/or Constitutional Rights could appeal to a Federal Court. There are few times where this occurred but some are famous such as the Lincoln County War in New Mexico involving Billy the Kidd, others in New York City involving the Gangs of New York, some others involving Americans overseas being unfairly tried by Consular Courts. Still, there are few as egregious as the recent State SCOTUSes.

    Each of these boards of Kritarchs made rulings based on insurrection, a status explicitly delineated in the US Constition and Federal and State law and therefore appealable to Federal review. Now, the Federal case law on the matter is limited with some States having a but more case law on the matter. It’s clear under both legal jurispudences, that a person can be charged for insurrection without a State of Insurrection being issued by some authority. But, Trump was never charged or tried for insurrection. Neither was a State of Insurrection ever issued. Since Trump was never tried nor did a State of Insurrection exist, how could a State SCOTUS declare him ineligible for running for office based on insurrection?

    In sum, since these Kritarchs also published Trump under the 14th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment already by Federal Case law allows for immediate Federal review, and because Trump’s rights were being capriciously abrogated, then it was proper for SCOTUS to review the case. Rather than be mad at SCOTUS for failing to live up to States Rights or whatever, we should be happy that Trump’s rights and in turn ours, was protected. What should be done is the State SCOTUSes should be hauled before State Judicial Review Tribunals and removed from the bench, the US House should impeach them, and when Trump gets into office, the DOJ should prosecute THEM FOR INSURRECTION. How our people can be angry at SCOTUS for defending Trump’s rights in a manner in keeping with historical precedent going back to before the Civil War is beyond me. Apparentely TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) but disguised as States Rights, is prevalent even here on OD.

    • > There is a general assessment here by Dissident Rightiste, that SCOTUS decision was wrong cuz States Rights. Here is the problem with the conclusion. Trump was never charged, indicted, let alone tried and found guilty of insurrection. Nor was there a state of insurrection or rebellion declared by Congress or any State legislature. In other words, State SCOTUSes were issuing illegal opinions and punishments on DJT.

      Yes. This is an actually important point. The only flaw I see in your argument is the assumption that the SC is somehow different from the other boards of self-appointed philosopher kangz. All nine have chains which can be easily yanked by those who actually make the decisions. For example, all nine dutifully ruled that ‘hate-crime’ laws are constitutional when they are a total violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment (that was in the era of the Bush Sr teleprompter readership). The court has a long history of completely lawless rulings so why the sudden 9-0 decision this time around? You really think the likes of Ketanji Jackson (BLM) and three other wymyn – including the ‘wise Latrina’ (Sotomayor), Talmudic Satanist (Kagan), and dindu-worshipper (Barrett) give a rat’s arse about law? Roberts is a Pedo whose chain has been yanked several times already.

      Perhaps Trump has gotten access to the dirt on the scoundrels? Seems unlikely but it’s not impossible. It would be somewhat amusing if that were the case. Poor things might start getting confused depending on which chains were being yanked at. The ruling is so out of character for the kritarchs that one must wonder if some of the claims made by the Q-tards could be partly true.

    • Trump’s candidacy is a pig in the poke, and the cat’s been out of the bag for at least the last 4 years.

      Unfortunately, Southerners don’t understand that the South is every bit shitlib/Zionist controlled as the rest of the country, so the states being able to strike names from the ballot can’t help us. The idea of splitting up the country can’t work because it will just be 50 little Jewish controlled tyrannies (with the same shitlib class calling the shots) instead of one.

  8. AGB, your argument is well articulated from the perspective of a highly civilized society. But the Constitution became a dead letter long ago. The White race is now being attacked on all fronts by a formidable primeval enemy who cares not one whit for the USC, except insofar as it can be weaponized against White men. After years of contemplation and coversation with colleagues such as Revilo Oliver, William Pierce concluded that the fight for White survival will eventually take place outside the realm of human ethics or morality. Natural law will prevail, as it does in the plant and animal kingdoms.

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