Haiti Descends Into Cannibal Chaos

I’m fine.

I have spent the last week though caring for a wife and two kids who are sick from COVID. My son Jackson who is nearly five months old has a particularly nasty case of it. It has been so long since I have had a baby. It has been eye opening to see how hard it can be on young children.

In other news, I trust everyone has seen the videos of the cannibals who have overrun Haiti and toppled the government. I saw the video yesterday of a Haitian cannibal eating a penis. I would link to it here, but these videos are being taken down as quickly as they are posted.

NBC Narratives:

The embattled prime minister of Haiti, the Caribbean country whose capital has been overwhelmed by violent gangs, said Tuesday that he would resign.

In a short speech posted to Facebook, Ariel Henry said his government would dissolve once a transitional council had been set up, following a week of “systematic looting and destruction of public buildings and private buildings.”

“It hurts us. And it has revolted us,” Henry said.

The prime minister appealed for calm: “Haiti needs peace. Haiti needs stability. Haiti needs sustainable development. Haiti needs to rebuild democratic institutions.” 

The timing of the interim government remains unclear. …

Years ago, I did a huge deep dive into the history of Haiti.

It is important to understand that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Overthrowing the government like this is a storied Haitian tradition. The last Haitian Prime Minister was assassinated just two or three years ago. This is how power has always been transferred in the Black Republic.

Congrats, General Barbecue.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I have spent the last week though caring for a wife and two kids who are sick from COVID. My son Jackson who is nearly five months old has a particularly nasty case of it. It has been so long since I have had a baby. It has been eye opening to see how hard it can be on young children.”

    No one blames you for being absent at such a time – family comes first. My only concern was that Kikes had found a way to shut you down!

  2. A lot of people are back on the Trump Train. What I don’t understand is these same people complain about the millions of Venezuelian criminals coming here. It was Trump on his last day in office who extended the Venezuelian exemption, thus allowing them in. You support Trump then you support the invaders.

    Crazy isn’t it? Trump now says on his first day in office he will do something to help the J6 prisoners. The crazy part is, some people believe it! He already had a chance to help them, he did exactly nothing.

    You might remember that last time around Zognald had promised us that on his first day of office he would cancel the dreamer amnesty. He never did. He told us he was keeping the amnesty instead and “this one is from the heart.” Yes, from the heart. What a wag!

    So the CIA tore Haiti apart once again. We will be getting a lot of them soon, we need them. We have forgotten how to Voodoo. They will enrich us.

    I deliver cabinets often to construction sites. The day laborers have changed from Mexican to Venezuelian. They are lazy and very nasty. The Mexicans work better. Most or all of the Venezuelians have gang tattoos. NGOs deliver them to the site by shuttles. We should all bless Zognald for extending the Venezuelian exemption on his last day of office. He is always thinking of us and our enrichment!

    • @Rangewolf – I agree; the Trump Train is the Zio Train. I say again the only way out of this nightmare is for Whites to wholly succeed from ALL Jews, non-whites, and Lib-whites into a set of countries of our very own, and defend with our lives. They will NEVER stop attempting to destroy us. Only that and a sincere belief in Chirst and God will get us though this.

    • ” . . . It was Trump on his last day in office who extended the Venezuelan exemption, thus allowing them in. You support Trump then you support the invaders.”

      plus ça change . . .

      It was that great “conservative” scumbag, Pres. Reagan, who granted amnesty to “only a million, at most,” Mexicans with his 1986 amnesty deal that would finally, once and for all, fix the southern border. Five million Mexicans (et al.) later the border was wide open throughout the 1990’s. The Republicans will never shut off the supply of cheap labor, their businessmen/oligarch owners demand cheap labor, the cheaper the better.

      ” . . . I deliver cabinets often to construction sites. The day laborers have changed from Mexican to Venezuelan. They are lazy and very nasty.”

      Gresham’s Law (in summary): “Bad Money drives out Good.” That’s why no “silver” U.S. coinage in circulation predates 1965, the year new coins were minted that had less than one grain of silver in them, they were silver clad copper coins. The public used the new 1965 and later coins to pay for things while saving the pre-1965 coins, both having the same nominal or face value but different intrinsic values.

      Gresham’s Law applies to people, too: Bad People drive out good People. Before the country was invaded by the Third World laborers were White and from different social strata, too. It was common to find college students doing manual labor on summer jobs next to older working class guys, and learning from them too. The businessmen turned to cheaper, illegal Mexicans now cheaper, illegal Venezuelans and probably Haitians next, one group worse than the next. The good Republican “conservatives”, owned by businessmen/oligarchs will never do a damn thing about the Third World invasion either, they want slave wages to increase profits, the nation be damned.

      • “Gresham’s Law applies to people, too: Bad People drive out good People.”

        AMEN, absolutely true!

        (they were NICKEL clad copper coins.)

      • > Gresham’s Law (in summary): “Bad Money drives out Good.” That’s why no “silver” U.S. coinage in circulation predates 1965, the year new coins were minted that had less than one grain of silver in them, they were silver clad copper coins. The public used the new 1965 and later coins to pay for things while saving the pre-1965 coins, both having the same nominal or face value but different intrinsic values.

        You’re mostly incorrect about the composition of post-1964 coins (except the half-dollar from 1965-70, which had a 40% silver cladding). Post-1964 dimes, quarters and half-dollars from 1971 have cupronickel (75% copper, 25% nickel) outer layers (cladding) sandwiching a core of 100% coper. In terms of intrinsic value, a dime is worth about 2 cents, a quarter is worth about 5.3 cents, and a half-dollar is worth about 10.6 cents. The small dollars are even worse, using another clad scheme with the outer layers 77% copper, 12% zinc, 7% manganese and 4% nickel over the 100% copper core. They’re worth less than 7 cents in metal. It’s totally illegal to melt Murikan coins here in Der Heimatland.

        Gresham’s law is absolutely true. The silver took only a year or two to vanish from change. I got a dime one time in the 1990s and immediately put it away. The pre-1965 dimes (90% silver) are worth 1.78 (almost 18x face) in silver value. Those old guys back in the mid to late 60s who yanked all those coins did very well. By the time I was getting change regularly the silver was pretty much gone. Pre-1982 pennies (95% copper, you can even now find these in change) are worth 2.5 cents in copper presently, while the nickel (75% copper, 25% nickel) is worth about 5.4 cents. Post-1982 pennies are copper-plated zinc. Yes Gresham’s law also applies to populations, Magic dirt is a massive lie. Countries who import the third world will become the third world. Try telling that to even nice white ‘conservatives’ and you’ll be a pariah. Most whites are like the Do-Do bird and unless there is some kind of spiritual turnaway they’ll end up in the cannibal’s pot.

  3. > It is important to understand that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Overthrowing the government like this is a storied Haitian tradition. The last Haitian Prime Minister was assassinated just two or three years ago. This is how power has always been transferred in the Black Republic.

    > Congrats, General Barbecue.

    The Kingdom of Kuru arises. So much for Wakanda. Betcha the pizza providers will be doing a booming business though.

  4. “Barbecue “ sounds like the nickname of some storied barbecue pitman, renowned for his great meals. Only in Haiti, sheesh does it mean what it means in this case. The whole country needs a exorcist

  5. I’ve noticed that the HIAS crowd never moves to places like Haiti to directly enjoy all that awesome diversity in its natural habitat, rather they’re always insisting that the diversity be shipped here and be turned loose on the rest of us.

    Weird, right?

    Next up, I imagine we can expect the ‘civil rights crowd’ to be demanding an end to laws criminalizing cannibalism, since such laws disproportionately impact blacks for some reason.

  6. But, but, but, what about Haiti’s Golden Age, when they made great contributions to mankind and inspired Wakanda? Everyone has forgotten about that, it must be because of ray cissm, what else?

    Now there will be thousands more of these assholes coming to the U.S. bringing their unique cuisine with them, just what we need.

    Here is another gift from the diversity: measles. How many other diseases are the squat monsters so generously giving away for all the freebies they are getting?


    Not a peep out of the scumbags in the Lügenpresse about it though, don’t want to contradict GloboHomo’s narrative. I’m sure the good “conservatives” will get right on this problem and do something about it, maybe distribute copies of the Constitution to the squat monsters and other diversity, that will fix things.

    • Don’t forget LEPROSY that is also appearing in the U.S. among the immigrants, in Florida and other states, spreading person to person, not just from contact with armadillos any longer. DENGUE is also spreading, growing exponentially year by year. The U.S. lacks a real, functional public health system. The elites and their upper middleclass hands can afford the very expensive medical services and continue to live long, healthy lives, while the masses grow sicker and die younger.

  7. Even the mixed race (Spanish/black) Dominican Republic tries to keep “migrants” from that hell hole out.

      • I know, I’ve seen the photos many times. Note that the eastern half of the island was always much less populated, and not always under attack. The deforestation you see in the satellite photos is caused by the more crowded, much poorer half of the island having to rely almost entirely on firewood for energy. But Haiti’s rich volcanic soils can be reforested with good results.

        Haiti is potentially rich. For example, the world’s second-largest reserve of iridium (a rare, strategic metal worth about $1,000 per ounce) has been discovered in Haiti.

    • I’ve been to the Dominican Republic and to be honest, it’s not great, either. If you stay in very segregated areas owned by resorts or the wealthy areas, then it’s not too bad, but having your car doors yanked open at red lights is not exactly fun.
      That said, El Salvador, Honduras,and Jamaica scared me way more. The DR is FULL of Haitians because they come in a couple of times a week to shop and get drunk, so you really can’t escape them.

      • DR can be very dangerous.

        Jamaica is going down the same path as Haiti.
        When the Brits controlled Jamaica , nice place.

  8. I’m confused. The commercials on TV show them in SUVs on their way to a camping trip, where they will enjoy a nice swim in the lake.

    How can this be?

  9. How many times has the US intervened in Haiti? Mysteriously, it never gets better. I guess it will be one of those puzzles that nobody will ever be able to figure out.

  10. “Haiti needs peace. Haiti needs stability. Haiti needs sustainable development.”

    Simple solution, remove all blocks.
    Otherwise, there isl no solution.

  11. Family first, you set a good example. I pray that your family makes a full and swift recovery from the mutant virus. Also, thanks for maintaining your interesting blog, a huge effort and commitment over many years.

    Now, on the subject of Western imperialism in Haiti, which I have followed regularly for years, relying on HONEST independent journalism and some reliable first hand sources:

    Haiti is like a miniature U.nited S.tates (U.sury S.ystem) in that it is run by a tiny half-hidden elite: In Haiti, only about ten lighter-skinned Sephardic oligarchs manage to extract billions of dollars of “blood” (revenue) from twelve million destitute people. These “Haitian” oligarchs, and the U.S., actually employ the gangs (that they claim to oppose) as proxies to keep Haitians in fear and constant turmoil. The (s)elected Presidents of Haiti including Ariel Henry (the U.S. has been in the process of dumping him over the last six weeks) are mere puppet figureheads.

    Haiti is small, weak, without any outside protectors, conveniently close by, divided (with the proxy gangs), and therefore very easy to control. The U.S will never allow real socialism to rise in Haiti. When Jean-Bertrand Aristide (liberation theologian) began moving in that direction, the U.S. quickly carried out a regime change coup. He was allowed to come back later under very strict conditions. The kind of “government” the U.S. really wants for Haiti is epitomised by the Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier decades of brutal oppression. Haiti’s condition is “proof” that the Usury System is good and wise (Haiti is the opposite, always a laughingstock). My prescription for the cure of Haiti’s condition is the same that Thomas Sankara prescribed, with great success, for another very poor African nation (Burkina Faso). Excellent documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Vlt41HPUE

    I disagree with this: “It is important to understand that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Overthrowing the government like this is a storied Haitian tradition.”

    I think what would be out of the ordinary would be for the U.S. to STAY OUT of Haiti instead of “going in,” and being in, all the time. But the Empire of the Almighty Dollar cannot leave ANY people alone. The tradition of coups and regime changes and proxy gang warfare in Haiti is not a Haitian tradition. It is AMERICAN imperialist tradition.

    • It was a mess even before the Synagogue of Satan set up shop there. Here’s a description of the place from a French abolitionist who visited the new Wakanda in 1841. This was part of the series of posts here at OD made by HW ten years back. It gives a fine overview of what a total disaster the place has been since the revolt.

      Another book from the 19th century describes how the former ‘Jewel of the Caribbean’ had degenerated into an African kleptocracy. At one point in the 19th century most of the 20,000 man army were designated as officers. There was an earthquake in 1842 with similar results as the more recent example – except the lack of retarded white virtue-signalers to put on a clown-show. Again, we have our host’s excellent series of articles form a decade ago filling in details.

      • Exalted Cyclops, those reports, including the book you referenced, conveniently focus on the period of Haitian history after the death of Boyer – who fought and defeated the European armies (mostly French and British) that invaded and tried to the back Haiti, and briefly conquered and united the entire island of Haiti (the entire island of Hispaniola was originally called Haiti) up to the U.S. invasion in 1894. In the mid-nineteenth century Haiti was becoming extremely poor (moneyless) while France extracted heavy indemnity payments that Haitians could not afford, so there was nothing left over for maintenance and development of infrastructure. Remember that Germany also suffered unjust indemnity payments after the First World War. Meanwhile, capitalist France threatened to re-invade unless Haiti keeps making the indemnity payments. The taxation required to get money to make the payments removed the people’s incentive to grow cash crops, so they mostly moved to small-scale subsistence agriculture, a lifestyle that needed no money. Farmland had been fairly equally distributed after the revolution, especially in southern Haiti, and most people were quite happy with this arrangement or state of affairs, while capitalist Americans who came to see it thought it was terrible, foolish and ridiculous. In order to have enough money to pay off France, Haitian government was forced to sign up for high-interest loans with Talmudic international financiers. Haiti was also at war with Santo Domingo (the Dominican Republic) most of the nineteenth century. Haiti was under sanctions and lack of recognition, while the other half of the island enjoyed the support of the capitalist powers. The U.S. finally invaded and occupied Haiti and was just as brutal to the natives as it was to the natives of the Philippines that it invaded about the same time. The U.S. even set up sweatshop factories that made the occupation profitable. You really could not expect Haiti to be prosperous and developing while under constant attack by these much larger, stronger opponents.

      • “before the Synagogue of Satan set up shop there”:

        However, before they set up shop there, the Bankers arranged, from afar, usurious loans that could never be paid off.

        Re: “African kleptocracy” and “retarded white virtue-signalers put on a clown show”:

        Opposition to imperialism is not stupidity or hypocritical posturing. In my comments (so far) I have not been talking about “African characteristics” – the different (than White) mode of thought and forms of artistic creativity, generally lower-than-world-average tested IQ, generally poor emotional self control, disinterest or poor ability in science, mathematics and engineering. I have been talking only about capitalist imperialism – the usury system’s endless hybrid war to control and exploit workers of all races and ethnicities.

      • The synagogue of Satan, that church of the anti-Christ was there in Hait from the beginning. But, not as “Duh, Jews.” No, Haiti was the Black man’s first Catholic country. Even under the Papist French it was already a corrupt roccocco hotbed of Papist directed myscegenation and immorality. It was revolutionary Papists, chiefly Jesuits, who agitated the feverish Black masses into revolting and murdering the Frenchman who the Papacy had determined must be destroyed for their eliminating the privileges of the Romanist Church. They succeeded and to this day, almost all Haitians are fervent Black Papists. It wasn’t “Duh, Jews” who did this, but the scheming Papacy.

        Thank God, His mighty wind destroyed the Latino armies of the Anti-Christ in 1588, thereby clearing the way for spreading the light of Anglo-Protestant Christianity to the New World. Raleigh, Drake, Cromwell, and Morgan, etc harried the Anti-Christ Latino fleets and even captured Tortuga, the first settlement of Haiti. But for the moral turpitude of succeeding generations we would’ve held it and spared the poor island of Hispaniola from Black Catholic absolutism, illiteracy, murder, genocide, and darkness.

        It’s fate awaits us if we do not turn back to the Anglo-Protestant faith of our fathers and pray for God’s protection against the Papist Anti-Christ armies even now invading our country. Millions of Black Catholic Haitians are joining the many more millions if Latino Catholics and other nationalities of the Anti-Christ and invading our country. Good Queen Bess, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Captain Morgan, and the Brethren of the Coast showed what we must do with God’s help if we hope to save the light of Free Christianity in the New World.

  12. Haitian people have been paying off “debts” to Western bankers forever. Very few countries are REALLY poor. Haiti and other “poor” African countries really are RICH. “Turning earth into gold: It is hard to hear anything positive about Haiti amid the cacophony of alarms being sounded about the dire state of the nation (but) there is also an extraordinarily positive story about three significant changes to the global agricultural sector that are being piloted at the moment by smallholder farmers in rural Haiti (…) The front line (…) is in hundreds of Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA) member farms, each less than 2 hectares or 5 acres and located in some of the most remote areas of Haiti. This is indeed a big Haitian story”: https://www.haitian-truth.org/news-from-haiti-turning-earth-into-gold/ Indeed, smallholder farmers or “middle peasants” are natural allies of socialism, which Haiti desperately needs.

    • How much was the compensation for 40000 slaughtered French and the theft of the world’s richest sugar province?

    • Haiti is rich, except its full of poor Black devils called Haitians, which make the place aweful. Its also a country heavy with the sin of genocide and petite treason from Black and Mulato murderous destruction of the French.

      What would be best for Haiti and for the Haitians, is to atone for the “sin” of slavery by repatriating the Haitians to their homelands in Africa. With the miracle of modern genetics we could even place them in their original ancestral villages in Africa. Then the Haitians could work out their karma back in deepest darkest Africa.

      After that Haiti could be restored to glory under Americab settlement and government. We could begin by epopulating Haiti with the descendents of the French who survived the genocide, most of whom are in America. Of course we would settle with additional British Americans. Appropriately we would rename the country to its former Anglicanized French name St David, maybe even Davidsylvania, or something. Then watch it outshine Dominican Republic. Eventually, we’d take that too and the Golden Circle would be back in business.

      All of this is possible but unlikely given the present occupation we suffer under. But, by planning ahead we turn dreams into reality.

      • “With the miracle of modern genetics we could even place them in their original ancestral villages in Africa”:

        With the same miracle of modern genetics, the Zionist colonial settlers could be returned to their original ancestral villages in Europe.

        “We could begin by epopulating Haiti with the descendents of the French who survived the genocide, most of whom are in America”:

        We could begin by repopulating Palestine with the descendants of the Palestinians who survived the genocide, most of whom are in America, Europe, Lebanon and Jordan.

        “Haiti is rich, except its full of poor Black devils called Haitians”:

        Palestine is rich, except it is full of the racist, genocidal colonial forces of the global capitalist system that is based primarily in the U.S., and in London.

        “Its also a country heavy with the sin of genocide”:

        Palestine is the country heavy with the sin of genocide, but for some strange reason you never mention that. In the case of Haiti, slaves fighting for freedom from slavery is not genocide.

        “Haiti could be restored to glory”:

        The U.sury S.ystem is trying to do exactly that, but the descendants of the slaves keep resisting the “glory” of being enslaved.

        • “With the same miracle of modern genetics, the Zionist colonial settlers could be returned to their original ancestral villages in Europe.”

          Merthyr reveals his fellow travellers actual plans. Sadly, thanks to the immorality of this present generation and the occupation of our government by his cohorts, his plans might actually succeed. This is the end of objective of such things as othering the British American colonial settlers, especially by taking away their own name given to themselves, the Native Americans, and giving it to the murderous savages and their Papist allies the French, Spanish, and Mexicans we fought for centuries over dominion of this continent. The righteous of our cause in defending what we won honorably and developed civilizationally is in contrast to the wretched villainy and evil of the birth of Haiti and is subsequent cancer on the island of Hispaniola.

          “We could begin by repopulating Palestine with the descendants of the Palestinians who survived the genocide, most of whom are in America, Europe, Lebanon and Jordan.”

          I would support the return of Palestinian CHRISTIANS to Israel and Palestine. Note, I predict this will happen.

          “Palestine is rich, except it is full of the racist, genocidal colonial forces of the global capitalist system that is based primarily in the U.S., and in London.”

          False. Palestine is poor because it is full of Mohemedeans whose tyrannical religion is even worse than the Papists in subjecting the human mind to the hatred of the Anti-Christ.

          “Palestine is the country heavy with the sin of genocide, but for some strange reason you never mention that.”

          The sin of genocide caused by Mohamedeans. The Early Christians in the area were an amalgam of Judeans, Romans, Greeks, Arameans, and Assyrians. They almost entirely converted from the faith of their fathers and integrated it into the spiritual life taught by our Lord and Savior Jesus, aka Yesuah. In contrast the Moslems killed or forcibly converted much the of the native Christian inhabitants and then further diluted their numbers with wave after wave of the Badu.

          “In the case of Haiti, slaves fighting for freedom from slavery is not genocide.”

          False. There is no code of humanity, or natural law, that allows for such murderous behavior which included forcibly raping half of the French women, using them as sex and breeding slaves for a new class of Mulattos that later ruled that devil infested Island.

          “The U.sury S.ystem is trying to do exactly that, but the descendants of the slaves keep resisting the “glory” of being enslaved.”

          As intimated earlier, it would be wrong to murder the Haitians, even though they are descended of traitors, murderers, rapists, and degenerate Papists. It would be better if they were returned to Africa, their ancestral land and aided in creating a new civilization there under Biblical Christianity.

      • “the Golden Circle would be back in business. All of this is possible but unlikely given the present occupation we suffer under…”:

        The Golden Circle IS in bueiness, has always been in business. The Monroe Doctrine has always been applied. The century-long war against socialism in the Western hemisphere, and in the eastern hemisphere, continues without a break. You are not “under occupation.” Nothing has changed, because it is the nature of your system, and you cannot vote your way out of it.

    • We wuz hopin’ mo’ along the lines of Pitmastahs, fo’ de loong-pork wid’ de seecrit sauce.

  13. A huge number of Haitians are about to be invited into the USA. This influx will help expand the culinary diversity already on offer in America. Here’s hoping the new culinary offerings do not include human meat!

    • Simultaneously, they will be arriving with the Dissident Right’s new found love child, the Gazan.

      Thanks to all the sympathy given Gazans by the Left and Dissident Right, President usurper Biden has ordered a massive Naval constriction flotilla to Gaza. Its objective is building a huge naval ship landing pier to offload supplies to the Hamas terror and criminal organization.

      In reality, it will also be used to embark hundreds of thousands of Gazans in the largest naval rescue operation since Dunkirk. Then the Gazans will be distributed to NATO countries. The Dissident Right must accept responsibility for this catastrophe.

      Instead of lobbying to have Hamas obliterated and the Gazans resettled in the Middle East, the Dissidebt Right joined the Left in tears for sand niggers thereby creating an emotional response sympathetic to the bloody savages. Given that the Presidency is in the hands of a traitorous clique bent on destroying the US, NATO, and Western Civilization, it will use every opportunity to overrun the country with Latino and Global South illegals, refugees, and asleep.

      The Left wants Gazans in the West. Israel doesn’t care where the Gazans go, except for away from Israel’s borders. Now that the Dissident Right has sided with the Gazans they surely will be more than happy to see Hunter’s fishing hole settled with Gazans and their mosques and criminal meanness, ugliness, and savagery.


      • The Dissident Right is not responsible, even those very few (probably all Feds like the Gay Inquisitor) who supported the Gazans by marching in leftard parades. Most simply refused to support Neo-Klown central in its perpetual drive to fight Israel’s wars. You’ll note some of us also had some less than flattering words for the worthless Arab and Muslim neighbors of the Palestinians (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia) who share the same language and culture and refused to even provide simple humanitarian aid for the civilians being slaughtered and worse by genocidal jews (as redundant a term as ‘corrupt senator’). Refusing to support the criminal Zionist state does not equal supporting Hamas. Jews and their shabbas-goy traitors in lawless regimes in Sodom-on-Potomac and in Europe want to resettle the Palestinians to Europe and North America. The very same folks you continually support, genius.

  14. Nothing has changed. The love of money is the root of all this evil. During the Great War, and in the depth of the Great Depression, the U.S. went into Haiti in a big way as Wall Street demanded. Like so many other U.S. wars and interventions, it began with (was “justified” by) a false flag: https://revolutionsnewsstand.com/2024/03/09/u-s-completes-19-years-of-plunder-rapine-murder-under-marine-occupation-of-haiti-by-s-juste-zamor-from-the-daily-worker-vol-11-no-185-august-3-1934/

  15. HW,
    I hope you will post something about Kaylee Gain and the savage attack by urban apes.

    Thoughts and prayers for her, that she will recover from the coma she is in.

      • ” she had a black boyfriend”

        At 15 you can’t expect a teenage girl to have mature judgement.

        Besides, that school is 97% black, what choice would she have ? The hormones are strong and the right selection isn’t available, a recipe for disaster.
        (This is the very reason the orcs designed ‘integration’, to put the vulnerable in situations where race mixing is inevitable.)

        I feel sorry for her in two aspects, her physical trauma and her forced socio-racial situation.

  16. How is the cannibalism in Haiti any different than the cannibalism in Oklahoma, of Andrea Blankenship?

    The victim was WHITE !

  17. white people have been too worried about pampering the blacks in america while this stuff is going on in other places. wow

  18. The Gangs are playing on team USA. This is all CIA.. The Kenyans have the backing of Russia and could not be allowed in to Haiti. Add bonus the Haitians are on there way, a people black Americans find particularly offensive and loathsome, thank the Irish, you’re a great American Joe, high five. Rah rah kiss boom bah.

  19. Glad your back, I hope and pray, your wife and kids are better real soon,…….haiti, word out, is that a Haitian refugee flotilla,is on its way, Florida bound and mr.biden has ordered the navy and coast guard to stand down. No interdiction …….. A word of caution, for all our gulf state folks, look lively and be aware ……
    Prayer and much, much love, too the 15 year old WHITE GIRL, from St.louis, who was savagely attacked, the other day, your not forgotten lil sister ……

    • My wife is fine and only briefly lost her since of smell. My oldest son was slightly sick and feels better. My four month old son though had a bad fever and a terrible, terrible cough. We had to give him some kind of breathing treatment for it with a machine. He feels a lot better now, the fever is gone. He seems to be getting over it.

  20. God’s healing power to your wife and dear children.In the name of Jesus I ask this.As far as Haiti,I want to know where the reparations are for the French slaughtered there in 1791-1804.This Holocaust(the true Holocaust)of French men,women,children and even infants in the womb must be told.There must be remembrances and museums.School children must be taught this.Movies must be made to let those watching feel their agony.Blacks must be made to endlessly apologize and feel guilt,even the ones who weren’t there or were born a century later.Down with fake holocausts and vive to the real ones(all perpetrated against Whites).Are you Jews listening?

    • That sanctimonious hypocrite Conan and all his pals should buy and drink some of that delicious Haitian mineral water, maybe a quart a day for their health.

      That sanctimonious hypocrite Conan and all his pals went to a place in Haiti with its own water, food and electricity supply guarded by private security, all run by Whites. That asshole won’t get within 100 miles of Haiti without Whites off camera taking care of everything for rich assholes like him.

  21. “caring for a wife and two kids who are sick from COVID”

    You can thank (((Fauci)) for using your tax dollars to finance ‘gain of function research’ in Wuhan.

  22. I hope one additional comment on this post is not excessive. Today I found this excellent (in my opinion) article on WSWS, a must-read, in my opinion: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/03/14/agpq-m14.html

    Hunter, the mainstream media source you quoted indicates that Henry was toppled by Haitians, or Haitian gangs, when in fact he was toppled by the U.S. Haitians didn’t put him in power either. He is simply a tool that the hegemon used, for a while, to control Haiti, and now no longer needs. It doesn’t require very high IQ to understand how the system works, and the Haitians are now fully aware. The U.S. is sending in Kenyans and other Black African mercenaries to do the killing, because they know the Haitians are united in hatred of the U.S. and will fight to the death against White American soldiers, and White Canadian soldiers. I had forgotten to mention that Canada, and Monsieur Trudeau in particular, fully support the U.S. operation in Haiti. Canada has been assisting the U.S. in all its imperialist wars (hot, cold, financial, psychological, proxy, and hybrid) all over the world.

  23. Not just Haiti! The U.S. is also “going in” to Venezuela, as well as into Haiti, and into Nicaragua, because it can. The U.sury S.ystem’s money supply (the Almighty Dollar) is unlimited for the purpose of waging imperialist, unjust war.

    When it comes to imperialist “foreign policy,” money “is no object” The U.S. already spends more money on “defense” than the rest of the world combined.

    See the U.S. General Laura Richardson bragging about the progress of the hybrid war on Venezuela in a Senate hearing two days ago. She lies with a straight face, saying “we are not trying to exacerbate the situation”: https://twitter.com/Southcom/status/1768343841499971658?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

    You serial war-making, blood-lusting Yanks will enjoy seeing “evil” Venezuelans, Nicaraguans and Haitians being killed in large nunbers soon, just like the indigenous people of Palestine are being killed, and you are secretly pleased by it. No people on earth “chimps out” against innocent people like you “Americans” do, so often and on such massive scale. The U.S. truly IS war!

    • While the US should go into Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti, IF it had a capable military and political leadership, it doesn’t in fact have one to do so. If it tries to go into Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua, etc it will fail, especially under the Joe “I am an Irish Nigger Papist” Biden regime. Simply put, the US doesn’t have what it takes to protect itself let alone its hegemonic status. That requires both religious, civilizatitional, racial, and national self awareness and will power. While it formerly had it, up until the immediate post WWII era, it doesn’t anymore. Instead its identity is being presented by trannies, faggots, lesbians, atheists, gangsters, fraudsters, and grifters, who collectively can’t do a thing but rob, pillage, graft, and skim from disasters.

      For example, when the US intervened in Haiti in the early 20th century, it correctly viewed the Haitians has descendants of traitorous murderous anti-White genocidists who were incapable of having a Republic and were a general threat to the peace and tranquility of the New World. Haiti could either be denuded of Haitians and resettled with Americans, or be a neo-South Africa colony, or be a subordinate province run by proxy through a Pro-White, Pro-American but mulatto oligarchy. In either case it meant dealing with thuggish murderous niggers. So, America, then with a proudly WASP British American identity, sent people who knew how to deal with thuggish niggers. They sent Southern rednecks and their Southern gentry to run it. For the next few decades Haiti was effectively run by this Southern trust and their proxy for the benefit of Americans and Haitians.

      In contrast, in todays America, its identity is determined by a Judeo-Catholic-Yankee elite and their aforementioned perverted criminal underlings. In turn this ruling class no longer views America has an identity outside of being a geographical market place on a map, and certainly not as a WASP British American identity. Indeed, its determined to obliterate any identity remaining among the Americans, especially its Southern identity. So, it sends anti-White supremacists ethnic Whites from the Progressive Democrat institutions to run America’s dissolving hegemony. In turn, rather then send American soldiers and neo-colonial administrators, let alone Southern ones, they send Globalist auxiliaries from Africa, the Caribbean, as soldiers, and little shitty nonces from an assortment of international countries and organizations as administrators. Not surprisingly, like their Haitian equals, this clique fleeces the system and watches Haiti burn.

      They will do the same to Nicaragua and Venezuela. They may try to intervene and maybe even succeeding in overthrowing whatever party clique is in those countries, but they will in no way succeed in properly defeating and conquering those countries and replacing them with effective and reasonably pro-Western regimes. Instead they will merely skim off the top of whatever plunder they collect and fleece whatever they can from mpney US taxpayers spend on occupation. They are only good at fire selling. Indeed, that is what they are doing to the US itself right now. So fear not, intervention in those countries is merely good for adventure writing and will have no real long term value or devalue in a country rapidly dissolving itself, especially under the Irish Nigger Papist regime running the place.

      The past was a better place.

      • Of course You don’t tell us the first thing the U.S. (in the wwww Woodrow Wilson world war administration) did was steal all the gold from the Haitian bank, and bring it to New York. The U.S. went into Haiti in 1915 on a false flag, like most of its “interventions,” and with so-called “humanitarian” intentions that fool almost no one except those who want to be fooled.

        You know the U.S.’s “policy” toward Haiti was always exactly the same (to undo the people’s revolution, cause the republic to fail, create chaos, exploit, rape and plunder) from 1790’s to the present day. The pro-war propaganda video you linked, about how “the past was better” merely proves that the U.sury S.ystem’s past was just as evil as the present, including the Gilded Age (the elite’s gold leaf gilding over the dung of their exploitation of the workers) and the vaunted 1950’s post-WW2 “golden age” of “middle class prosperity.” The U.sury S.ystem was always just as rotten, mimetic, as it is now. It will never change.

        “descendants of traitorous murderous anti-White genocidists”:

        They are the descendants of slaves, very hard-used slaves who lived even shorter, more miserable lives than slaves in other Western slave colonies. They were never “traitors.” They were resisters (by the way, “Hamas” means Resistance). They resisted the slavery system by revolting against it, and they were successful.
        They could not get out of the system by voting, even if they could have voted in “elections” like wage slaves do today!

        “a subordinate province run by proxy through a Pro-White, Pro-American but mulatto oligarchy.” Make that: a Sephardic oligarchy.

        “For the next few decades Haiti was effectively run by this Southern trust and their proxy for the benefit of Americans and Haitians”:

        Those decades of the Papa Doc and Baby Doc dictatorships were certainly NOT to the benefit of Haitians, although the “Haitian” Sephardic oligarchs did well.

  24. Aryan globalist Bro ” Haiti could either be denuded of Haitians and resettled with americans or be a neo-SOUTH Africa colony ” and from the amen corner, their is a chorus of ” yes, yes ” followed by a Galaxy wide hallelujah and a universal REBEL YELL …..

    • Shouting “Halleluhjah” is blasphemous in the context of advocating genocide as you do.
      The Gospel says treat your neighbor as YOU would wish to be treated. Palestine is also being “denuded.” If you were being denuded, and your home was being taken and given to others, you would see it as sin for the occupiers to praise God for it. A TRUE White nationalist (socialist not fascist) is also a true internationalist, having full, deep respect for the rights of all other nations and people. Remember, this life is a short walk from the cradle to the grave, and after that, we must give an account to God.

  25. HW, you should consider re-working your history of Haiti series into a book or maybe even publish serially it on your neglected Substack account. It’s well-done and could be an effective counterpoint to the Church of Woke bullshit from Laurent Dubois.

    • All of HW’s work on Africa and blk nations is book/DVD worthy, it’s very detailed and factual, eye-opening.

  26. These two women are truly wise, and well worth hearing, and the topic of this post (African slaves’ revolution) about Haiti does come up near the end:

    • Grayzone has some great material on U.S. “relations” with Haiti, including a new post on documentary on a secret cable leak offering more proof the U.S. is creating most of the “gang” chaos in Haiti: https://thegrayzone.com/category/haiti/

      The sufferings of Haiti are not all self-inflicted. From the very beginning, the Haitian revolution against slavery struck fear (that has never gone away) into the capitalist system, worldwide and especially in the U.S. So there is extreme fear and revulsion, but there is also attraction: greed, the evil natural attraction to every penny of profit that can be made, anywhere: Billions more dollars of profit could be extracted from Haiti, when it is “managed correctly,” and the recent discovery of the world’s second-largest reserves of iridium is more icing on the cake to be eaten.

  27. “Barbecue” is in fact a people’s revolutionary, therefore the U.S. must assassinate him, very soon, to prevent socialism from rising in Haiti and spreading to other U.S. colonies such as Puerto Rico. The “cannibalism and chaos” narrative that is being spread by both liberal and conservative capitalist media is designed to build support for the coming U.S. military invasion. This is an excellent, honest description of the U.S. imperialist war on Haiti:

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