I see a lot of people on Twitter are drawing the wrong conclusions from this.
When a public official in a small Oklahoma city faced a censure vote that condemned his recent ties to White nationalism, he was saved – at least temporarily – by a Black man.
Several residents in Enid blasted city council commissioner Judd Blevins at a public meeting last fall for participating in the 2017 “Unite the Right” rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, that saw one counter protester killed and dozens injured. They also highlighted offensive comments he was accused of making online under a pseudonym.
Others defended Blevins, saying he had a right to free speech and rejected the censure effort as a political ploy fueled by Enid’s small progressive enclave. …
ENID, Oklahoma — Voters in the northwest Oklahoma city of Enid ousted a city council member with ties to white nationalism, according to unofficial results posted Tuesday on the Oklahoma Election Board website.
With all four precincts reporting in Enid’s Ward 1, results show voters chose to recall 42-year-old Judd Blevins. They instead selected Cheryl Patterson, a grandmother and longtime youth leader at an area church, to fill the seat. …
When asked at the forum to explain his involvement in the rally and his ties to Identity Evropa, he responded: “Bringing attention to the same issues that got Donald Trump elected in 2016: securing America’s borders, reforming our legal immigration system and, quite frankly, pushing back on this anti-white hatred that is so common in media entertainment.” …
ENID, Okla. — Cheryl Patterson defeated Judd Blevins in an election for the Ward 1 Enid City Commission seat on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
Votes will be certified on Friday, April 5, 2024, and Mayor David Mason said Patterson will take over immediately and likely will be sworn in at the next city commission meeting on April 16.
The election was held after a recall petition initiated by Enid Social Justice Committee received enough signatures to set up another election for the seat. ESJC filed the petition after learning of Blevins’ alleged ties with white nationalist organizations.
Patterson defeated Blevins with 59.64% of the vote, 829-561. Blevins was elected in February 2023, defeating incumbent Jerry Allen with 52.23% of the vote, 422-386. …
How disqualifying is it in 2024 with the Republican base to have marched through Charlottesville with Neo-Nazis while carrying a tiki torch at the Unite the Right rally in 2017?
In 2023, Blevins was narrowly elected to the Enid City Commission by a margin of 36 votes. In 2024, he was ousted in this recall, but he won 561 votes in a higher turnout election. Sure, he lost because a squeamish faction of conservatives voted with Democrats, but he picked up another 139 voters.
40% of voters in this higher turnout election in his ward had no problem with him. These results are consistent with polls which show our views are significantly more accepted than in the past. Obviously, we haven’t won over everyone on the Right and particularly older voters who are scandalized by what they see on television, but rightwing politics is still trending in our direction.
Blevins should run again. Activists and highly educated voters have an advantage in special elections.
Absurd how the center-right or conservative would rather be respectable in the eyes of their opponents and lose than listen to the true demands of the people.
“listen to the true demands of the people”:
What, would you say, are the true demands of the people?
Lower taxes, fairer social and labor policies, restriction on immigration, stop woke and racism against whites and their culture……these are just the main points
They are afraid of losing money from the big corporations. Most small town city politicos are looking for that big payout so they can go to Disney world and buy some beachfront property in Orange County or Florida or near Hunter’s fishing hole. The leadership class from small towns America to big city America, especially in the White communities is worthless. It shouldn’t be hard to remove them. Just takes a little smarts.
“our views are significantly more accepted (…) rightwing politics is still trending in our direction”:
I agree. It is to be expected because rightwing politics which includes Far right politics serves a vital purpose in distracting and confusing, and preventing class war and socialism from developing. As the U.S. shifts from a cold to a hot war economy, the trend toward rightwing politics must accelerate because it helps to “toughen up” and otherwise prepare the population for military draft conscription, battle casualties, rationing and other hardships and sacrifices.
You do a lot of of navel-gazing, Wallace.
The Daily Rake had been a bid advocate for running WNs for political office, especially in ‘one horse towns’ like Enid, Oklahoma.
Can we hear more about infiltrating the GOP “populist” wing in ZOGlandia? SMH.
It’s nice to see the good, solid, Republican, idiot “conservatives” squirm over this sort of thing. The Left is acting according to form; they know what they hate and go after it. No surprises there.
The Republicans and “conservatives” are worthless and the Republicans are always ready to sell out their clueless supporters anyway, they just want their thirty pieces of silver for the deed. The 40 % who stuck with Blevins is a good sign. Those people don’t care what anyone thinks and that sort of thinking is growing as things go from bad to worse in the country.
The Republicans could hold every single elective office in the U.S. from the Presidency down to dog catcher. They could have picked every single Federal judge and control all state offices too. It doesn’t matter, there is no future with the Republicans and their “conservative” allies, they will always sell out. They are fundamentally all about business which is all about making money, not ideology, they are just cheap whores.
Good review Hunter. We were watching this campaign as well. In fact, we offered our services to help him get elected. Our proposed theme was casting the Purple Haired Wigger bitches as Hamas supporters and Judd as pro-Israel traditional Christian American. If he had done that he would’ve won the race and dispelled all of the negatives the Wiggers were trying to promote. Unfortunately, we were gate kept by his Dissident Right handlers. So, he lost.
While he should run again, its going to be a tough hall. His opponent managed to run the RINO in a Conservative Community playboom pretty well. It will be hard for him to re-engineer his campaign face now in a manner to break apart her coalition. It will be harder still to win under his current campaign face and overcome her coalition.
Regardless, how he gained entry into small city or town America is instructive to most Dissident Rightists. It should also be instructive on how you can easily win even by being associated with White Nationalism by associating the Blue Haired Wiggers with Hamas Brown Terror savages. The whole of rural and small town and small city America is awaiting just a little sophistication from so called American nationalists.
“Our proposed theme was casting the Purple Haired Wigger bitches as Hamas supporters and Judd as pro-Israel traditional Christian American”:
That would be impossible because “traditional,” orthodox, REAL Christianity is not pro-Israel or JUDAEO-“Christian.” Secondly, Hamas happens to be the legitimate, democratically-elected government of all of Palestine (Hamas also won the election in the West Bank, but the U.S. set up the puppet “Palestinian” Authority in place of Hamas, and has not allowed another election to take place since, because they know Hamas would win again) should be supported or respected, not ridiculed and demonized, by anyone who is truly intelligent, informed and moral.
Re: “you can easily win even by being associated with White Nationalism by associating the Blue Haired Wiggers with Hamas Brown Terror savages”:
Hamas and “Wiggers” cannot be associated because they are entirely different, and Hamas (meaning the Palestinian people) may be mostly “brown” (generally less “white” than “Aryans”) in skin colour, but they are neither terrorists nor savages. You might be “projecting,” or just spreading the Anglo- or Aryano-Zionist propaganda meme that Hamas/Palestinians are terrorists and savages, and “human animals” not fully human and therefore fit to be killed like beasts.
Meth- “That would be impossible because “traditional,” orthodox, REAL Christianity is not pro-Israel or JUDAEO-“Christian.”
You know this. I know this. HW knows this.
But do you also realize that the vast, overwhelmingly visible number of ‘Christians’ in the US, numerically are either SBC or UMC, and it is their WILLING HERESY that influences their faith, and NOT Orthodoxy?
Have you listened to just one podcast of Voddie Bauchum? Read his book, “Fault Lines”? Talked to ANY average Xtian about their ‘take’ on Gaza?
We have at LEAST a hundred year ideological AND ordnance battle ahead of us. Save yourself from this accursed and perverse generation, and those around you. That’s about all we can do.
God has taken the candle from U.S. We need to convert all of America, before they even APPROXIMATE what my parent’s generation knew/had/believed. Yes, it’s that bleak. And, no – it’s not impossible. But it is not yet, not even ‘for a time, times, and half a time.’ We lost Christendom for DEI, and we are going to DIE in our sins because of it.
They are NOT Christian, if they are Prots, Novus Ordo RC’s, SBC’s, LDS’s, or UMC schismatics.
““Our proposed theme was casting the Purple Haired Wigger bitches as Hamas supporters and Judd as pro-Israel traditional Christian American”:””
“That would be impossible because “traditional,” orthodox, REAL Christianity is not pro-Israel or JUDAEO-“Christian.””
I disagree. Trying to run foreign policy to the dictates of perceived religious dogma is difficult and frightfully full of dangerous misconceptions. Although the ideological civilization of Christendom is or could be real, we would have to be extremely careful in limiting its dictates. But that doesn’t mean we ignore Christnedom’s existence or recognize some basic tenents regarding its membership.
Additionally, self-Interest of major powers always must be recognized and contended with usually before the interests of ideology, including religion. If it is not, the world system of powers becomes unbalanced and eventually reaches crisis. That is why a secularized America, lobotomized of its Christendom aspects, is causing such disruption in the world as it goes into a new kind of ideological crusade called democratic woke messianism.
For example, many major powers will agree or disagree that Jews should have a homeland in present day Israel-Palestine. In turn, there is nothing in Christendom which says that area cannot be full of Jews. Historically, Christians did predominant there since the birth of Christ until the late Renaissance or early modern period. But they don’t now. Furthermore, major powers decided it was better if the Judeo-Europeans moved there than stayed in Europe. Finally, the Judeo-Europeans did too, resulting in Jews having a nation-state now. Given their Europeanized background, the Israelis have more in common with the Western major powers of Christendom than the Middle Eastern major powers.
Using Judd to polarize the right v left and Christiandom v Communism themes mentioned above via proxy against his Blue Haired Wigger bitches Hamas supporting enemies would place his campaign and Israel in natural alliance. It would also gain him the support of the Anglo-Zionists, the Evengelical Zionists, and the moderate Republicans thereby disrupting the anti-White Nationalist front that removed him from power.
This is how the Dissident Right can break through into politics and wipe out its worst enemies which are the left. Of course, some Dissident Rightists will disagree with this of course because they are Anti-semites First like Nick Fuentes. Likewise, the Left will also disagree with this because well, they don’t want to lose, like yourself in this case. But, that has to do with natural political theater campaigning, it has nothing to do with religion.
Furthermore, there is nothing in European Christianity that has historically stopped them from being amicable or belligerent to any power simply because of its religion short of savage and evil regimes. Although at times non-Christian regimes have been savage and evil enough to earn belligerency from Christendom they are not the norm. That is why the British or French could be pro-Turkish, and the Russians could be anti-Turkish, or later the Germans could be pro-Turkish and the British and French anti-Turkish. Likewise, there is nothing in Christianity that dictates a major Christian power should not be pro-Israel or anti-Israel.
Instead, its all about what are the interests of those major powers within the context of Christendom. If Israel starts going in a crusade against Christians I highly doubt even the Republicans would remain pro-Israel. For now, its clearly within American amd Christendom’s interests to be pro-Israel and its clearly in the interest and Judd and White Nationalists to be pro-Israel.
“Secondly, Hamas happens to be the legitimate, democratically-elected government of all of Palestine (Hamas also won the election in the West Bank, but the U.S. set up the puppet “Palestinian” Authority in place of Hamas, and has not allowed another election to take place since, because they know Hamas would win again) should be supported or respected, not ridiculed and demonized, by anyone who is truly intelligent, informed and moral.”
Hamas stole the election of 2008 using both a brutal and overtly criminal methods, such as throwing all the Christian and Fatah Palestinian leaders in Gaza to their deaths and using more sophisticated forms of electioneering recently copied by the Democrats in 2020. So, it is hardly democratic. Hamas is a such a loathsome regime that has spent almost majority of the nearly $150,000,000,000 given it to build the world’s largest fortified city rather than build Gaza’s economy and lift up its people’s livelihood.
Nonetheless, a significant portion of the Palestinians clearly preferred Hamas and their plans of extermination of Israel. But, we owe no allegiance, respect, or honor to a foreign regime simply because it was democratically elected. The mafias of Sicily were democratically elected. Hitler was democratically elected. Stalin was democratically elected. General Santa Ana of Mexico was democratically elected. Sitting Bull and Cochise were democrarically elected. Obama was democratically elected. So, what? What we owe are the self interests of the US. Hamas is an enemy of the US, its allied to enemies of the US, and is a threat to our allies, including Israel. So, we should support Israel in obliterate its savagery and hostility.
“”Re: “you can easily win even by being associated with White Nationalism by associating the Blue Haired Wiggers with Hamas Brown Terror savages”:””
“Hamas and “Wiggers” cannot be associated because they are entirely different, and Hamas (meaning the Palestinian people) may be mostly “brown” (generally less “white” than “Aryans”) in skin colour, but they are neither terrorists nor savages. You might be “projecting,” or just spreading the Anglo- or Aryano-Zionist propaganda meme that Hamas/Palestinians are terrorists and savages, and “human animals” not fully human and therefore fit to be killed like beasts.”
Blue haired Wigger bitches in Antifa and brown haired sand nigger bitches in Hamas are both inimical and belligerent to America, Israel, and Western Civilization. They deserve not only our ire and contempt, but are total belligerence until they properly surrender. Killing them like beasts wouldn’t work. They are human and therefore too smart to be killed like beasts. They need to be eliminated with cold hearted clear headed intelligence and their supporters pounded into submission.
He’s doing well. He could be a David Duke type outsider, with a White flight area like David Duke did in Metarie LA.
List of Antifa Members at Charlottesville
How about the radical Left? Why are these people listed above not being hunted down and fired from their jobs, recalled from their elected positions, etc? These radicals on the Left did not show up to have a peaceful demonstration in Charlottesville but rather showed up to shut the Unite the Right people’s peaceful demonstration down and the law enforcement in Charlottesville allowed these left-wing radicals to do just that so these liberal Virginia leaders would declare an unlawful assembly and for several years after attacked those on the Right through lawfare to try to ruin them financially.
The Left are Marxist/Communist Anarchists who need to be removed from our society before there will ever be any peace.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Completely agree with you
WHY AREN’T THEY BEING HUNTED DOWN? You shoot rabid dogs, don’t you?
If ANY candidate had this as a platform, you’d have an overwhelming number of people voting for that candidate- but for “Die Juden,” as Denise used to say…
> How about the radical Left? Why are these people listed above not being hunted down and fired from their jobs, recalled from their elected positions, etc?
Because their employers own the government and all large corporations, including most of that which calls itself Christianity. In a nutshell, that’s why. They will not be hunted down, etc. until the entire system collapses and is replaced by something new.
Antifa is not left. So-called “radical left” Antifa is no more Left or representative of the Left than the U.S.’s “radical Islamic” ISIS proxies represent Islam. The so-called “radical left” and “radical Islam” are mere tools or weapons in the hand of the liberal (in the sense of capitalist) establishment. Note well that U.S-created ISIS never opposes Israel, and that Antifa opposes “fascists” and racists” instead of the capitalist elites. “Ye shall know the tree by its fruits,” and Antifa is obviously a liberal (capitalist) tree. Real socialists are never anarchists. They want to build a strong state. They are also not anti-White. They respect and work to protect all kinds of natural ethno-centrism including White ethnocentrism (Whites wanting to be White and live with Whites).
I disagree. The ones in that list are some of the worst people on this earth.
I will profile one of them.
“I take perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in the defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south. Spike’s needs a good lesson in ethics and antifascism,”
— UNC Professor Dwayne Dixon stated in a Facebook post
Dwayne Dixon, a leader of the left-wing Redneck Revolt militia group, admitted to chasing Charlottesville driver James Fields with a rifle shortly before Fields allegedly crashed into a group of protesters, killing Heather Heyer, on August 12, 2017.
Here is a video of this anarchist being confronted at UNC-CH. If he had been instead one of the Unite the Right protesters just how long would he have his cushy job at an ultra liberal university like UNC-CH? These Antifa get away with every thing that would cause those on the Right to sit in prison for decades.
Here is Professor Dixon being confronted for his crimes at his obviously Deep State protected job at UNC-CH:
Professor who chased Charlottesville driver with gun attacks camera man
Secesh, I don’t think you understood my comment. I was not defending Antifa and their like. I was explaining that they are NOT LEFT. They are not socialist, even if some of them use Marxist terminology. You could say some of them are Trotskyist or Neo-Trotskyist, and like Trotsky they really are enemies of socialism. Like ISIS that works for the U.S. and never attacks Israel, the Antifa proxy has its role to play in conserving, preserving and strengthening the U.sury S.ystem by confusing and distracting the exploited proletarian class from recognizing the real source of their problems which is exploitation by the bourgeois and capitalist class. Antifa and their likes are NOT GOOD, and they are also not representative of the true left!
Sorry, I think your comment misses the mark and defects some/all the condemnation that deserves to be heaped on them. They need to be removed from our society — you can put whatever label that pleases you on that. They will always be left-wing radicals to me.
Typo: defects should be: deflects
“your comment misses the mark and defects some/all the condemnation that deserves to be heaped on them. They need to be removed”:
But I think it hits the nail on the head directly, telling what they are, what their role is, why the empire NEEDS them (if they didn’t exist they would need to be invented, and maybe they are). I can think no greater condemnation that could be heaped on them than to state that they are the equivalent of Al Qaeda, or ISIS, PKK, Al Nusra, et al – proxy forces that serve the interest of the evil empire (whether or not they all do so consciously and deliberately) destroying cities and countries for the evil empire in the name of Islam, or in the case of Antifa acting in the good name of the real Left, and of peace, social justice, etc. Furthermore, “removing” (arresting and locking up) all these proxies that serve the system is not enough. The final solution, the only real solution, is to remove the system itself, which will remove all the real Instigators (Deep State, et al) who really are behind all this criminal behaviour. However, if you are or think you are pleased with the system that produced these criminals, then the best you can do is to get them prosecuted and locked up but it won’t solve the problem.
Okay, I guess secession is just not good enough for you… The Yankee Empire called us traitors (and still does) as if we wanted to overcome their system and rule over them. No, we wanted to get away from their system and somehow we were betraying them. No, we are LEAVING their system and they can have their Deep State, their BLM, their Antifa, and whatever else they want to allow to do their undercover dirty work for them.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Blevins already said he’s going back to private life. I appreciate your optimism, but it seems like false hope. Cuckservative types will be in the way having their “revenge of the normies” on the actual right for the rest of our lives.
You say 40% of the “voters” voted for Blevins? Meaning less than 40% of Whites stood by him. Here is the simple truth – The MAJORITY of Whites are deeply sick. Deeply ruined as “people.” Sure, they’re fine as a neighbor, functioning quite well in the work-a-day world. And yet…they are a spiritually sickening cadre of losers and cowards. Not fit to spit out their names which are too many to spit out anyway. I pray for a remnant of Whites that God Almighty would spare. I have many grandchildren you see. That I want to see included in that remnant.The others that have none and wouldn’t care if they did DESERVE ALL THE EVIL THAT IS COMING TO THEM. And I am beyond caring about them.
“cadre of losers and cowards”
You forgot their biggest flaw, hypocrites.
This is the root problem. Far bigger than the Kosher Nosetra, which is really a symptom or opportunistic infection more than the underlying disease. I’ve been trying to point this out in may ways for some time. Focus on guiding your grandkids so that they will become lights to attract others in their generation. Never forget that the Lord always leaves a remnant.
Probably the deciding factor was that the other side peddled enough “MUH AIR FORCE BASE” fear pron.
Good observation.
I can’t help but wonder who runs the Enid Social Justice Committee. Will our race be the first one driven into extinction for fear of a word: “racist”?
The local libtards
“Will our race be the first one driven into extinction for fear of a word: “racist”?
Seems likely.
@ Arrian,
“If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction.” ? Joseph Goebbels