.@bfwalter on America shifting to minority White makeup: "To a subset of the White population here this is deeply, deeply threatening… They see the United States as a White Christian country. And they feel like they're justified to fight to maintain it." #TheReidOut #reiders pic.twitter.com/OqY03tqmDa
— The ReidOut (@thereidout) January 12, 2022
"Most of the ethnically-based civil wars are started by people who had once been dominant in a country but are in decline demographically." @bfwalter says the U.S. is closer to a civil war than most would like to believe. pic.twitter.com/twTG0pPlTM
— The Mehdi Hasan Show (@MehdiHasanShow) August 14, 2023
"Autocrats. first of all, they don't care about peace, they care about power and often times, chaos and instability help them stay in power" @bfWalter shares her thoughts as Donald Trump is showing an authoritarian vision for America #SaturdayShow pic.twitter.com/tIhf0Y7snp
— The Saturday/Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@weekendcapehart) December 9, 2023
There are two groups in America who have spent a considerable amount of time speculating about the collapse of the American Empire and “Civil War 2” over the years.
The first group is the “far right,” which is to say, pretty much everyone in our sphere from White Nationalist authors like Harold Covington to Patriot groups. The second group is liberal academics and journalists like Barbara Walter. I have personally appeared in this literature in the role of the President of the United States. I was assassinated in the Oval Office with a pencil by my mistress. I went to see Alex Garland’s “Civil War” last night so that I could better imagine my own cinematic demise.
As with Harold Covington’s novel Freedom’s Sons, I knew heading into this that the plot of the movie made no sense. There is no plausible scenario where Texas and California have seceded from the Union and are allies in resisting federal tyranny. It is as unlikely as the Pacific Northwest with its strong progressive political bent becoming a militant bastion of revolutionary White Nationalism. I can at least suspend my disbelief long enough to relax and enjoy a good story however implausible it might be.
The problem with Alex Garland’s “Civil War” is that there is no effort made at story telling. We never even learn the name of the president. All we are told is that he disbanded the FBI, used the military against American citizens and has violated the Constitution by serving a third term in office. There was an “Antifa Massacre” somewhere. The president is clearly a stand in for Trump who has turned out to be an authoritarian dictator in office which has sparked the rebellion. Presumably, no effort is made to develop the story because the audience is supposed to implicitly know what this is about.
This movie is about a small group of “journalists” from New York who venture out into the warzone in an attempt to get to DC to interview the president before he is toppled from power. The front line where the Western Forces are massing to seize the Capitol is in Charlottesville. What follows is scene after scene of carnage – looters being tortured by a group of rednecks, bodies hanging from an overpass, a mass grave, Boogaloo Boys getting in a firefight and executing captured soldiers – which appear to be inspired by the Liberian Civil War. We don’t see anything like clashes between modern armies like in the Ukraine war. We never learn who has control of the nuclear weapons. We never see the U.S. Navy.
It is like the director watched dozens of clips of Barbara Walter appearing on CNN and MSNBC and decided to make a movie about it. Kirsten Dunst’s character Lee is clearly based on Walter. She moves from scene to scene, snapping photos and doing her “I can’t even” believe this is happening here act. She is much wiser than us and has seen it all before in conflict zones around the world. It was a relief when her character finally died in a firefight in the White House. The only saving grace of this movie were the final scenes of the Western Forces storming the White House and executing the president.
In sum, “Civil War” is a useful window into what New York-based journalists think Civil War 2 would be like. There are moments in the film when you can take what you are seeing on screen and imagine you are watching a movie with a plot. The viral clip of the partisan asking “what kind of American are you” was pretty funny. You have probably seen it all before though on CNN and MSNBC.

There is going to be an economic collapse, neo-liberalism, Reaganomics, savage capitalism is a failure and is not sustainable. Question—— are the people responsible for our coming economic collapse going to man up take responsibility and admit they were wrong? Fat chance, they are going to get a little civil war going to hide from the truth and the rope.
Any chance of a Turner Diaries movie??
Not from Pedo-Wood. Make it yourself. Good luck trying to get any theatre to show it.
You can’t even buy the book from mainstream sellers like Amazon, Barnes or eBay anymore. I know because it was my bestselling book on eBay and Amazon, but every listing is deleted and my account is temporarily shadow banned when I relist. Now I have a stack that I just give away to open minds. So, the answer is: fat chance.
It’s not a “civil war” it is resisting jews trying to genocide whites.
What do you expect from JEWYWOOD, profound insight, deep thinking, historical accuracy?
TV and movies are scripted so a 10 yr old can understand them and that’s what you get.
Predictive programming possibly. So if Zognald somehow convinced the Dominion Jews (Soros) to let him back in, Zog plans to provoke a war and storm the Mulatto House and kill Zognald?
Sounds too good to be true.
Stable genius Donald does with Jews exactly what comrade Stalin did with them.
Thanks to Donald, Jewry has worst crisis since fall of Khazar Kaganate. All previous problems were local so Jewry could always move to more friendly territory.
First time in 1000 years, Jewry has global problem. And all of this started with stable genius manipulating Jew Psyche into full self destruction.
Iran just started massive attack. And whole city of Teheran is full of brand new Russian electronic warfare technology, so Iran has Russian open support.
I really, really, really, really hope this is true.
Now possible crazy talk. We know the Jews have overthrown many counties before using outsiders, infiltrating the country then helping the outsiders. Just a few Byzantine, Spain, Russia, and a good attempt in Germany, there’s many. Now I haven’t the slightest idea if it’s true, but there are all sorts of talk about Chinese troops in Mexico and there does seem to some verifiable truth of what appear to be very fit young Chinese Men infiltrating along with millions and millions of others dumped on the country. What if, the Jews, recognizing that the US is really every day getting closer to the built in, never fails, end of tolerance for the Jews. Such that they could be thrown out, again. So they see this and remember that the end of tolerance in Germany gave them Hitler. So this time they get their own Hitler, Trump. He says all the right things and they even ramp up feelings by taking his office in fraud. Now Trump is elected again (look at the Democrat behavior and it is almost unbelievable. Like they want to lose)and then what, civil war when some don’t accept it. While this goes on, all these aliens and the Chinese troops attack from the South. They are reinforced from the coastal States and the South, splitting the central States in two. They proceed to slaughter everyone they can, being promised all the land they conquer.
Now this all sounds like total bullshit but…it’s happened before. And the Jews, if thrown out of the US, will have a hell of a time regaining control of any sort of major power elsewhere. It appears Xi has squelched any movement to China. Could they be rolling the dice on this, and was the vax a war up to kill off as many as they could beforehand?
Yes I know all this sounds crazy, but there is the fact that the Jews have done the same thing, over and over and over everywhere they have gone and they have done the same overthrow trick many times in the past. You just have to wonder what all those males they are literally flying in are supposed to accomplish for them. It’s something.
Even though what I said is madness, if you are one of us it might not hurt to find a way to save up 6 months worth of even the most basic food (we’re talking rice, beans, salt, flour, lime)and a way to have water, just in case. Pool shock, Granular calcium hypochlorite is your friend for water treatment.
Dunst stopped being an actress worth watching, somewhere around Mona Lisa Smile and Spider-Man 2. Frankly, I think her best work was in Jumanji. This is just pandering to the Jews and Liberal left Hollywood -something she’s probably very good. Thanks for the review. I won’t be watching it. Waste of time and money.
It was in Bring It On whereby she starred as a cheerleader captain which went undercover to a neighboring Black school and stole all their cheers and then used them for her all white school. Her school colors were black, red, and white (ring a bell?) whereas the black school was green, gold and Black. (ANC Colors)
“It was a relief when her character finally died in a firefight in the White House”. Lol. These shitlibs always project, these peoples’ ultimate fantasy is executing “the rednecks” in the same manner the movie portrays the opposite. If civil war part deux hypothetically kicks off, the shitlibs will fire the first shots.
@Black Label
“the shitlibs will fire the first shots.”
The shitlibs will be the first killed by the mud army that they’re building, and think that they can control. Muds aren’t gonna take orders from nutty White women and effeminate men.
Lol, you have no argument from me there.
I see a bint on a cover and know that is only good for some emergency ass wipe paper.
When these cupid stunts come searching for help, spit in their face.
Make replacement maggots feel unwelcome, armed or not, they can to go a government office for kid gloves treatment.
HAC Covington had a lot of personal “ issues “ – HAC viciously slandered both Hunter and Me – Hunter more so than he did me .
But, in my opinion HAC was a damn good , great writer .
IMO “ The Brigade “ is a lot better than the Turner Diaries . Covington created better characters than William Pierce .
I never bothered to read “Freedom Sons “. The other 3 BE Independence novels were OK . But again , IMO “ The Brigade” is the best
“Covington created better characters than William Pierce .”
What do you expect from a PhD. Physicist, aside from dry prose?
Physics isn’t conducive to creative writing.
“HAC viciously slandered”
Who didn’t he slander ?
I always had the impression that Covington was kind of a nutjob cult-leader. His notion of a white homeland in the shitlib bastion of the Pacific Northwest was just batshit crazy. Most WNs like him have zero concept of just how totally gaslighted most whites really are.
Concur. The Brigade is an outstanding work of fiction.
I read Walter’s book on How Civil Wars Start. What a disingenuous cunt, rewriting history. But it shows how ZOG is thinking.
Sensationalism, mindless drivel.
This woman’s books and this film are going to make millions and millions off gullible idiots, just as contard inc does.
from the White-haired negress : “… on America shifting to minority White makeup: “To a subset of the White population here this is deeply, deeply threatening… They see the United States as a White Christian country. And they feel like they’re justified to fight to maintain it.”
Well, uh, yeah – Duh !
“… on America shifting to minority White makeup: “To a subset of the White population here this is deeply, deeply threatening… They see the United States as a White Christian country. And they feel like they’re justified to fight to maintain it.”
I finally listened to what that white nigger-loving Bitch said about how all White countries would be minority white in their own countries, and I got to thinking – how would she react if all the African countries had their black populations forced to vanish ? Or asian ?
Would the cunt be equally accepting of that ?
If confederate Alliance Need a foreign fighter, i offer myself 😉
I went with my son to see the Godzilla x Kong movie today. I don’t swear off movie entertainment entirely. The only thing I will watch is a family or kid-friendly movie that avoids any ham-fisted leftist propaganda. A few weeks ago we went to see the Arthur the King dog movie, while it wasn’t ideal, it had some value as an inspirational movie in a traditional sense.
While we were there at the theater, we did see a bunch of advertisements for up-coming releases. Naturally the new Will Smith/Martin Lawerence Bad Boys movie is full of antiwhite tropes.
“Godzilla x Kong movie”
It had a viable plot, Japanese writer.
“Togo” was an excellent film imho. It is about the lead sled dog that brought the diphtheria serum to Nome Alaska in 1925.
Willem Dafoe is the musher whose sled team saves the White children. It is completely based on a true story. The sled dog “Balto” received the credit that “Togo” should have received.
I won’t waste my time watching this. All these network films are just corporate musings and splashes of what a bunch of studio execs and screenwriters (usually misfits and deviates) think about us. As for Kirsten Dunst, remember she was in Wag the Dog, the manufactured war film, so, give her some slack.
If you guys want to see a civil war two film, why not watch The Hunt? It was disliked by all those on the right as being anti-Trump, but it really was a thoughtful and …yes, funny film about a true war between the deplorables and yuppies. I wrote a review for countercurrents (March 5, 2021), and you’d feel a hell of a lot better if you watched it rather than gripe about this corporate offering. Really, watch the damn film, huh?
Read my review.
I liked it. A tip. Download I2P. It’s a distributed encrypted network that has a torrent system built in so most movies, books, music, etc. are free. If you can find someone serving it then you can download it, anonymously, for free. It also has email and you can make your own website on I2P, serve it from your computer for free.
“There is no plausible scenario where Texas and California have seceded from the Union and are allies in resisting federal tyranny.”
The only scenario that would have made sense is if the president (clearly representing Trump) got in again, stayed an extra term, and Texas and California, both captured by mexicans, formed an alliance to try and retake the federal government.
The movie was frustratingly light on “lore” and failed to clearly define the factions or genesis of the war. It was an overhyped B movie that was poorly executed. Also, despite Garland and Dunst’s claims that the movie is centrist, the anti-White far-left bias is obvious. Brown fag assassins, and the finale where a brown journo gets his quote before a black female executes the obvious Trump stand-in.
Very weak movie, I don’t recommend anyone give this their money, just find a way to watch it for free.
” I don’t recommend anyone give this their money, just find a way to watch it for free.”
Why spend the time ?
“There is no plausible scenario where Texas and California have seceded from the Union and are allies in resisting federal tyranny.”
The only scenario that would have made sense is if the president (clearly representing Trump) got in again, stayed an extra term, and Texas and California, both captured by mexicans, formed an alliance to try and retake the federal government.
The movie was frustratingly light on “lore” and failed to clearly define the factions or genesis of the war. It was an overhyped B movie that was poorly executed. Also, despite Garland and Dunst’s claims that the movie is centrist, the anti-White far-left bias is obvious. Brown fag assassins, and the finale where a brown journo gets his quote before a black female executes the obvious Trump stand-in.
Very weak movie, I don’t recommend anyone give this their money, just find a way to watch it for free.
trying to post this again comments not working
When I go to the cinema, it’s simply for a night out. I allow myself to be entertained by the acting, fight scenes and special effects. Anyone who treats them as fact or allows themselves to be influenced by the movie, need a mental assessment. The strong and mature members of the audience know it’s just entertainment, just like any previous movie about space exploration, espionage or whatever. Don’t mistake a drama for a factual documentary. If you do, you’re missing the point of the movie. It’s No.l goal is to entertain.
The problem, though, is that most people, who will actually sit and watch the raw sewage that is released for “entertainment”, will internalize the blatant anti-White tropes as reality.
It sounds like it could be re-edited for purposes of fan fic or pseudodocumentary parody.
One thing that occurred to me is that there is a race against time between a race war (whites v diversity) kicking off in the US and a race war kicking off in Russia between Slavs and “Mongols”. Which ever country pops off first inherits/loses the earth.
Finally, someone recognizes a primaeu global pattern: Destruction of White Nations everywhere. In terms of Russia, its the first I’ve read here of someone recognizing the racial weakness of Russia.
The Captain is indeed true regarding the threat to Russia posed by the Islamo-Mongol horse. Sadly, the chances of Russia fronting its assets to the South and East and rallying its people to defend against the Islamo-Mongol hordes, decreased considerably the moment Putin launched his war on Christian Ukraine. Almost all of Russia’s effort is now expended on war to the all White countries to its West. Simultaneously, Putin is subordinating Russia to China and fueling its miilitary-indistrial complex thru integration with China. In turn, millions of Chinese are now moving into Siberia and the Stans.
For the entire 20th century, US grand strategy was focused on keeping German industry from tapping Russian natural resources. That is in fact still an objective. Thanks to Putin’s war on White Eastern Europe, and the sabotage of Russia’s pipelines into Germany, the likelihood of a German-Russian integration has decreased considerably. But, now, it vastly more industrialized China which is tapping into Russian natural resources. The Euro-Asiatic design of Dugan is becoming complete. But it will be a neo-Hunnic Empire dominated by the Chinese, not a neo-Scythian Empire dominated by Whites. Putin’s Russia will once again be a Mongol satrap of a new age Golden Horde stretching from Beijing to Moscow. Thank you Putin. Herr in home, expect the Whites to be torn apart by the anti-White racial movements. Lame.
Concur. The Brigade is an outstanding work of fiction.
I read Walter’s book on How Civil Wars Start. What a disingenuous cunt, rewriting history. But it shows how ZOG is thinking.
Russia is the second largest white nation. The US has more white people. Russia is the largest white ethnic group on the planet though.
Ukraine elected a Jewish head of state, and Kiev has a Jewish mayor. Ukraine did the bidding of various Jewish envoys from the US. The main face of the British and American opposition to Putin is Lloyd Austin, Richi Sunak and the racially cuckolded Biden and the Crypto Jewish Boris Johnson.
When real economic collapse happens, many retarded whites (most whites fall into this category at present) – whose survival instincts are lower that that of kneegrows – will discover the hard way who their friends are and who their enemies are. Many will die of course. Only through intense fire can steel be forged. As for the “journalists” like Barbara Walter, they’ll be among the first to be eliminated, and with good cause. Nobody needs their bullshit “reporting”.
> If civil war part deux hypothetically kicks off, the shitlibs will fire the first shots.
Yes that’s likely, though don’t rule out the typical false-flag which will be give as an excuse. My bet would be on the Antifa types, who are FBI/Deep-State funded. Most of the boots on the ground (now in the tens of millions) for the regime (foreigners, kneegrows, shitlibs) will be doing the killing in the initial stage led by Jews as Antifa officers – as seen in Russia ca.1918-22. The MAGA crowd will be their main targets as they are the largest and potentially most cohesive group of whites (whatever elements of negroes and beaners exist there will be either spies for the regime of soon desert). Amish and other religious will not be exempted from this. The key to any victory in such a scenario is to destroy the regime’s ability to pay its boots on the ground. The millions of imported soldiers will not fight for free, nor will most kneegrows. Initially this payment denial will have to involve scorched-earth wherever they advance, as they’ll be promised YT’s shit (women, children = slaves, material and real property).
The longer the lawless illegitimate regime in Sodom-on-Potomac continues to be able to exist, the less chance there is of any significant white population to survive anywhere on the planet. Priority one should be whatever will bring about its total collapse.
” … for the regime (foreigners, kneegrows, shitlibs) will be doing the killing in the initial stage led by Jews as Antifa officers – as seen in Russia ca.1918-22.”
Jews WILL BE Antifa officers – until they start losing; then they’ll flee to Israhell …
Israel may not exist by then! One can hope. They’ll more likely flee to new Khazaria (Ukraine) which is being conveniently denuded of fighting age males as we speak.
I’ll admit the movie’s civil war political scenario is very ambiguous and stuff like the “antifa massacre” could be interpreted diffrently. I was more commenting on the shitlib overreaction and how they cling to their brand that they’re never violent or hateful, which we all clearly know otherwise.
@Exalted Cyclops
I very much agree civil war part deux would most likely kick off with a false flag.
Did the soldier with short blond hair and red shades waste the group who said “We are Americans”?
He shot and killed the two Indian journalists before getting hit and run over by the black journalist driving their car.
That man stole the show, his performance was the best in this bland movie.
Ha ha….another jew production I won’t be spending any money on.
Zoomer Historian’s video on the Spanish Civil War is the best past is prologue of what the coming American Civil War would look like. Even how the judeo-left is persecuting the patriotards and MAGAtards in the here and now.
I highly recommend that to watch this fantastic video for at least the first 30-45 minutes (I promise; it is worth it).
If we continue down the current path, it could easily get this bloody and brutal.
For the Christians, the video creator exclaims, “Jesus Christ defeated atheistic bolshevism” at the end of the video. I do not see it that way, but, if it will get you onboard, okay.
There’s a 6 or 8 part series by Anglia TV on YouTube about the Spanish Civil War which I highly recommend. Yes, the past is prologue. You can clearly see echoes of present day USA in the series.
Did they mention the French communist Jew Leon Baum or Blum, and that America’s “Abraham Lincoln” Brigade was disproportionately jewish?
All it takes is a series of tit for tat assassinations to get the party started. Much like rooftop snipers shooting at both sides during US/Western inspired Colour Revolutions.
The only good thing about this flick is that it will help shatter the myth that the teeming brown & black masses around the world have of America as some sort of happy utopian melting pot where everyone gets along & patiently deals with their opposing groups’ foibles. “Ahmed, I now think we should move to Kazakhstan instead of Kenosha next year, inshallah.”
It could do more to stop immigration than Zio-Trump ever did.
And looking at the map (on Wikipedia) of the four nation-states depicted in this film, all I can think about its liberal Lebanese-English director is: What a moron. The first state I checked was Oregon, famous for having a kooky liberal western side and an ultra-conservative eastern side over the Cascades that is constantly trying to secede. This guy actually thinks they would put aside their differences and unite? LOL. “Hey look, Connor and Jed, here’s how it’s gonna be: We’re partnering with the Portland chapters of Planned Parenthood & BLM because our rights and freedoms depend upon it. Now you can either help me and Shontell do a raid on the ammo depot or stay here in the bunker and sew an AR-15 silhouette onto this here trans flag.” The lines of demarcation would occur on a county-by-county basis, not a state-by-state one. For example, northern California areas would join up with eastern Oregon ones, western Virginia areas would join up with West Virginia as a whole, most of Louisiana would join up with most of Texas, etc. My brain is trying not to break at how dumb the premise of this movie is.
I wrote an earlier comment on this movie which is still not published on this movie. Essentially, as others have commented, this movie is about what upper PMCs and oligarchs think about us and how to manipulate us. It reveals more about them than it does us. Ultimately, the movie is highly unrealistic. Interestingly, and typically for the class of creators, the story line of the individuals is better than the context. But, even here, it underwhelms with its lame dialogue, bland characters, and stupid cinematography, and even worse graphics. Mostly, the film is Boomer Doomer porn, a kind of cotton candy. Its a movie without any substance for White people, who sense Civil War is around the corner but are unable to articulate what would happen. Mostly, the film is evidence of a ruling class totally out of touch, yet curiously aware of a need to manage rising discontent in a manner they can make a buck.
For example, one of its creators isn’t even American, but British. A liberal Londoner, who apparentely felt the need to tell the world how America was tearing itself apart because it was too hard for him to show how London has been utterly sacked by foreign barbarians in a matter of two decades.
Rather than discuss America’s own problems with foreign barbarians such as the 50,000,000 plus illegal aliens and the 15,000,000 plus of their unlawfully born children, as well as the 42,500,000 legal immigrants and their 25,000,000 lawfully born children, of which over half are from Latino Catholic countries, the creators wanted to show White people being dumb asses and multicultural cosmopukes looking confused.
Despite a county heavily colonized by Latinos, with its entire Southwest predomonantly in their hands, there is not one bit of how Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Commie American would most likely seize the entire South West. Nor how Texas would be turned into one giant Alamo as millions of non-Whites overwhelm its fighting White Texas population into bloodbath fit for Vallhalla. Instead, race commie run California aligns with White conservative run Texas to attack some neo-Truml fascist.
Neither is their any mention of what Black Run America would do when faced with this conflict. The predominant number of American major cities are under the control of Black criminals and race commies. Who can deny they would stand meekly by under Civil War circumstances. In an event foreshadowed by the movie, it beggers belief that they aren’t even given a role in the movie, let alone a villainous one. Instead, that villainous role is given to the one White guy, who most of us would cheer for eliminating two media pukes before being run over by the protagonists.
Much like most movies today, the film has a powerful idea behind it, but it appears it was created half heartedly out of a desire to not be controversial, but controversial enough for dumb White Boomer Doomers to pretend in their minds that it’s a powerful metaphor for today’s America. Something they can fix with more marches while singing “We shall overcome” or “We are one.” No, it isn’t something that can be fixed like that. It doesn’t even scratch the surface of what would happen in Civil War America. Instead its a sleeping pill for Whites to pretend things aren’t so bad, but controversial enough to want to go to sleep. That is the objective of this ruling class movie. In reality, Civil War America would witness Yugoslavia on steroids mixed with Ukraine front style invasions across the borders, ending with mass insurrection of niggers and spics tearing apart Hunters fishing hole like at the end of Troy. Perhaps someone could add about another 36 hours to the film, detailing that and make a true epic fit for the ages. Who cares about intellectual property by the ruling class anyways.
I thought Kristen Dunst was much cutter in Bring It On. I concur with your analysis. I give the movie a C- at best and a D-at worst.
If Texas goes, then probably the South and Interior West will go, too. California and Texas as allies was true up until Northern transplants and the descendants of Northern transplants, transformed California into the Pacific Rim Colony of Yankeedom, that it is today. In a real scenario, probably what’ll be left of the “United States®” will consist of Yankeedom and the Left Coast. But arguably, they might not call themselves by that name, anymore. Or use the same flag, except for propaganda and psychological purposes, like they did in the War for Southern Independence.
End Reconstruction. End the War(s).
Did they mention the French communist Jew Leon Baum or Blum, and that America’s “Abraham Lincoln” Brigade was disproportionately jewish?
Isn’t this deep state programming? Make some spectacle so ridiculous that no one would ever try something like this in real life. I thought it might be just a little more realistic than this. I didn’t go to see it. Glad I didn’t.
USA States need to start planning for a nuclear defense so they can defend themselves from not only foreign powers but from other states in the USA.
This will end jokes like this from being produced because the end of the film if true to life will become something unimaginable that no one would want to see.