First 2024 Presidential Debate

It is June 27.

Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies.

Trump is way up in the Sunbelt swing states and has held on to his small but consistent 1 to 2 point lead in national polls for nearly a year now. Joe Biden continues to hit new levels of unpopularity in Gallup polling. Blacks, Hispanics, Millennials and Zoomers are deserting his coalition in droves. It has gotten so bad for Joe Biden that he is losing the Quinnipiac poll. Nate Silver is giving Trump a 65% chance to win the Electoral College. Some polls have Virginia and Minnesota either tied or Trump ahead.

Republican voters are a lot more enthusiastic about voting and donating in 2024. Trump is doing a much better job of unifying his 2020 coalition. The latest New York Times poll has Trump winning 30% of the black vote. If that number is even remotely close to being true, Joe Biden is cooked in Georgia and the Rust Belt. Trump also has a history of overperforming his polls in 2016 and 2020. The polls are likely understating his support in the Rust Belt where he is officially up in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

In order to change the trajectory of the race, Joe Biden needs either a miraculous debate performance tonight that changes everything or Trump being sent to prison in the Stormy Daniels case. Neither outcome seems likely. We keep waiting for this dynamic to change. It hasn’t aside from small bounces for Biden after the State of the Union address and the verdict in the Stormy Daniels case. 

Note: Imagine how toxic it will be if Trump is sent to prison before the Republican convention while being the clear frontrunner. We could be less than three weeks away from this.

About Hunter Wallace 12384 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. > Imagine how toxic it will be if Trump is sent to prison before the Republican convention while being the clear frontrunner. We could be less than three weeks away from this.

    But if they send Cheetohead to jail he and Jared would not be able to attend Llord Satanyahoo’s epic address to the gathered whores of Sodom-on-Potoamc! Surely they won’t send him to the slammer until he’s stood to participate in all 6 million standing fellations for Boss Bibi.

  2. “I can’t vote for a convicted felon” is about the only issue that can defeat Trump. It will be mostly Republicans saying it and acting on it. Kind of reminds of Republicans for LBJ back in 1964. The GOP is full of losers and back stabbers and has been for many years.

  3. “Jobless claims data show ‘warning sign’ for the US labor market
    The number of continuing applications for unemployment benefits just hit its highest level in more than two years.” Yahoo news

    This should give trump some fodder to sling at pervy joe.

    I’ve seen some major news stories saying bid3n is going to contend that Trump will cause inflation . WTF ?!?!?!?. Talk about being gaslit….. That old perv has caus3d massive inflation.

    • They both did. Two Monopoly money “stimulus” checks got issued under Trump. When they handed out more fake money, it helped devalue the dollar on the whole.

  4. “Nate Silver is giving Trump a 65% chance to win”

    Is 5hat slimy bastard still around ?
    He’s been so wrong in the past that he should be laughed into hell.
    If it wasn’t for his j-privilege no one would listen to him, but he uses his j-pass to get on major media.

  5. “Justices Reject Liability Shield for Sacklers, Jeopardizing Multibillion-Dollar Deal

    The Purdue Pharma deal would have channeled billions to help curb the opioid epidemic in exchange for shielding members of the Sackler family from lawsuits.”. Nytimes

    Look at how the times distorts this, making it sound as if addicts will be hurt by this ruling.

    Those evil bastards, the Sacklers, should have every penny confiscated and spend life in prison, actually executed.

    They caused the deaths of 100,000s of people with their scheming lies and false ‘scientific’ journal findings. How many families ruined?

    Evil trash !

    • Simple.

      – 8 million illegal aliens in four years
      – Ukraine, where the death toll is half a million
      – Gaza, where a genocide is going on and which is spiraling into a regional conflict
      – The recently announced amnesty
      – Ketanji Brown Jacksons appointed all over the federal courts
      – Weaponizing the DOJ
      – The worst inflation of my lifetime

      I could go on.

      Everything that I said about Trump in 2021 remains true, but so does everything that I have said about Biden since 2021. I’m not a fan of either. I think Biden is worse though

      I turned on Trump over his strike on Syria which is nothing compared to the bloodbaths that Biden has presided over in Ukraine and Gaza. Trump did a lot of dumb shit in office, but he didn’t start a devastating war with Russia

      • “– The worst inflation of my lifetime”

        BLS reports April CPI of 3.4 % inflation.

        Actually 11.20 %, calculated using the original 1980 BLS protocol.

        (We are being made poorer all the time by USzog underreporting inflation by 8 %. By the ‘rule of 72’ , in only 9 yrs we will have only 1/2 of our current buying power, even with inflation adjustments.)

        More media is using the apt term ‘cost of living crisis.

        • @John,

          Zion Don will do whatever (((Mirriam Adelson, Marc Levine, and the Kushners))) tell him to do. Not one policy will originate outside of Trump’s extensive circle of jewish advisers.

      • Hunter

        100%. Trump is flawed, but so what? The choice is the lesser of two evils. Also, Dem & RINO hatred of Trump during another term might just be the thing that breaks the ZOG spell if Trump insists on being Zionist-in-Chief again.

  6. Biden, is leaning away from Israel. He is doing this because most the Democrat base is leaning away from Israel. The Democrat base is doing this because it has tipped. It is roughly half white and half non white. The left is putting its energy behind the non-Whites.

    In turn they are mostly of foreign origin and all have been heavily propogandized into anti-White hysteria and are aided by the media propoganda machine. Most of these foreigners come from countries that were battlegrounds of the Decolonialization struggle. They are now settling our countries, and with their history of decolonialism are reusing it to further their conquest of our countries.

    in sum, they are all attempting a replay of the South Africa and Deconolializaton model of the Cold War. This includes the political struggle against the last colonial settler outpost, Israel. This is why the Democrat party hates Israel just as much as they hated South Africa, Rhodesia, Algeria, Kenya, Congo, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea, etc when they were ruled by White Christian Settlers. Israel is the next White Western country those haters want to take out. After them comes the grand prize, the US, and Britannic countries and/or the old Western European homelands.

    Biden, is your typical 20th century mass democracy politician. A kind of jelly fish that using various opposing forces to maneuver itself toward a direction. He sees the opposing force of Israel, and his bases opposition to it and so will maneuver against Israel in the direction of his base over time. It should be noted he doesn’t have any family members married to Jews or Protestants. This makes it easier for him and his crime family to oppose Israel. So, if you White dudes want to spite Israel by cutting off your nose, Joe Biden is your man in 2024. If you want to defend Western Coloniam Settlerism and push back against the foreign horde, support Trump and Israel in 2024. If Trump is smart he will attempt to use this debate to prove that point.

    • Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Troll,

      We all know that lying to jews is like swimming to fish in that in comes naturally.

      ” It should be noted he doesn’t have any family members married to Jews or Protestants.”

      Au contraire, like Bush II’s twin daughters Barbara and Jenna, Chealsea Clinton, ALL of Biden’s children have or were married to jews. Like Zion Don, Bush Jr, and Bill and Hilary, Biden’s grandchildren, except the one Hunter had with a stripper are jews.

      Jews have been marrying into powerful and corrupt families for centuries both in Europe and North America. One would think Christians wouldn’t “tie the knot” with Christ killers, and it would be as abhorrent as black-White miscegenation.

      Anyway, I hope pissrael is a smoking crater with zero survivors, and that it happens before all the jewish vermin with “dual citizen” passports can flee.

      • The church once upon a time would have excommunicated such families and issued what amounts to a fatwa against them. But that was long, long ago.

      • @November

        No. We all know that blaming Jews for Papist black arts is your tried and true method, especially for Jesuits. Most of what you guys blame on “Duh, Jews,” is actually the Jesuits, Opus Dei, or some other Papist outfit.

        Your facts are wrong. None of the Bidens are married to Jews, all except for Joe’s dead (possibly assassinated) wife were Papists. Even Hunter’s newest wife and it looks like he had a Jesuit officiating their wedding vows.

        Let’s start with Neilia Hunter, Joe’s first wife. She was all American, raised in a Presbyterian family. She continued to attend Presbyterian Church. She had Beau and Hunter attend Presbyterian Sunday School and Church with her to the hatred of Joe’s Papist gang. She was killed in a mysterious car wreck which also killed her and Joe’s baby daughter and almost killed Beau and Hunter.

        Jill Biden, Joe’s second wife, was born Jill Tracey Giacoppo. Her father was a Sicilian from a small village called Gesso, which is a little village gateway to the city of Messina. Her father’s name was Donatello Giacoppa. Her grandfather was Gaetano Giacoppa. When they arrived they deliberately Anglicanized their family name to Jacobs, and Donettello to Donald. We don’t know much about the family here and even less in Sicily, aside from the town being the location where the Americans managed to sneak around and beat the British to  Messina thereby sealing off Sicily from the retreating German-Italian forces as dramatized in the movie Patton. Perhaps Donettello proved useful to Americans in that expedition and owed his later success as a Savings and Loans Papist linked banker to the connections it brought?–22mPEQ?si=BnNZ-OV6dGinViVz (–22mPEQ?si=BnNZ-OV6dGinViVz)

        Jill Biden’s nominal Catholicism changed to full Catholicism with her marriage to Joe. Their marriage was officiated by a Jesuit, who also was a senior prelate to the United Nations. Joe and Jill Biden honeymooned in Europe shortly thereafter. They spent significant time in Hungary, behind the Iron Curtain at the height of the Cold War and are noted to have met senior ranking Communist and Papist officials.

        After Niellie’s death, Beau and Hunter were also directed to Catholic schools and teachings under Joe’s Papist overseers. No more Protestant religious upbringing, they got the full Bishop’s finger. In later years both were guided into strongly Catholic marriages.

        Beau’s wife and Hunter’s ex girlfriend was Hallie Olivere. She is only partially Jewish. Her mother being part Jewish and her father French Catholic. It doesn’t look like she was raised Jewish either but at some point became an out and out Papist. She later married Beau in a traditional Catholic religious ceremony officiated by Jesuits. She later attended Catholic Church with Beau on a consistent basis. Their children were likewise raised Catholic.

        Like his father and brother, Hunter Biden attended Papist high school Archmere in Claymont, Delaware. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Jesuit Papist run Georgetown University in 1992. During the year after he graduated from college, he served as a soldier of the Jesuit Volunteer Corp, the equivalent of a Mossad Sayanim.

        It was in working in Jesuit operations where he met his first wife Kathleen Buhle. They, married in 1993. She was also a strict Papist and Jesuit agent like Hunter. She later divorced Hunter when he degenerated into a crack addicted, whore chasing, gambling freak dirty dude with a badge and a gun like Harvey Keitel’s Bad Lieutenant.–VTugo

        Hunters second wife is Melissa Batya Cohen. She was actually an Anglo-Afrikaaner from Southern Africa. Due to war and privation she was orphaned and later adopted by her partially Jewish adopted parents when she was 3 years old. She is not genetically Jewish, wasn’t raised Jewish, but did attend a Jewish day school. She appears agonists except her wedding to Hunter.

        Overall, this is a strong Jesuit Papist family. As usual, most of the “Duh, Jew” accusations are disinformation hurled by the biggest conspirators in the world outside of the commies, namely the Papists. Forebodingly, Joe and Jill pledge their lives together surrounded by both in Cold War Commie dominated Hungary. Hmmmm.

    • If given the choice between:

      -The White Race surviving and Jews ruling over us

      -The White Race getting killed off by the Muds, and Jews going down with us

      I’d gleefully take option 2.

      I don’t want peace anymore. I want revenge. And I want revenge specifically against *your* people with their rat faced physiognomy and their horrid values.

      The world was a better place when it was ruled by the likes of Homelander, and not by those “trying to help people.” You Jews never had any intention of doing that. We killed one of your own in 1915 against your “What About The Negro?” protestations, because we know a real Child Killer when we see one.

      Jews as a race believe they have the divine right to torment other races – above all, the White Race – make them miserable, and brutalize their children. Your hatred of everyone who isn’t you is truly implaccable. You people are everything the Nazis said you were, and then some. This ends with either you being exterminated, or you going down with us. I hope the brown savages kill every last Israeli they can get their hands on.

    • “Israel is the next White Western country”
      Israel is neither White or Western. Ashkenazis are only 30% of Israel’s population, and Ashkenazis are themselves only half-European genetically.
      What exactly is Western about Israel?
      You will not get a BronzeAgePervert Zionist pro-White sentiment rolling. The anti-White posture of Jewry is longstanding, inflexible, and intense. White Gentiles with any tendency toward nationalism and the rightwing are very aware of this now and can’t be smooth-talked into favoring the same rat parasites that have created this nightmare clown world.

    • Israel is not White or Western. Only in the minds of stupid coloreds and deceived moronic fake Christians is it so. Defending Israel is not defending the West, because jewish activism works tirelessly to deny for Whites what it defends for itself.

  7. Remember in Clinton’s last year all the talk of ‘Clinton Fatigue’. I think I have Trump fatigue!

    Recently Trump has been convicted of felonies AND stated he will give green cards to foreigners who only go to a junior college for two years. Forget about The Wall apparently.

    Currently leaning towards Kennedy. If you add up RFK, Stein, and West in most polls that is anywhere from 10% to 20% of the electorate based on the polls. That is millions of people rejecting the Duopoly.

    There are some scenarios where I might back Trump. Such as if they are massively biased against Trump on Fake News CNN tonight.

    Also if they pull Biden out and try to put Gavin Newsome in at some shady back room political convention.

  8. I might watch, it Depends.
    Do the Sacklers make stimulants?
    JO Jo Brandon could use some for the really big show.
    The earlierst debate evarz says Always Bolshevik Communism (ABC).
    Burn this MOFO down, it’s the only way.

    • CNN will moderate the debate, that should be real fair.
      CNN is using a 2 minute delay in the debate so they’ll be able to save pervy Joe from his ‘lapses’.

  9. I heard black and Hispanic Americans mentioned many times. I did not hear White Americans mentioned once. The founding people were not mentioned once. Tells you what you need to know about this country.

  10. Not sure about the Great Lakes. We have had an exodus of upper middle class whites to FL and TX over the last 4 years. Anyone with the financial means to pick up and leave has. It’s not just “Chicago and Detroit” all these 50,000 size cities in the region are overflowing with ghetto blacks. I’ve been to Flint and can tell you that Danville Illinois is much worse. Blacks have picked up and taken their government benefits that are quite mobile and poured into all the smaller cities in the region. Pritzker and the democrats are even gerrymandering new blue districts downstate using black voters in these ghettos in Springfield, Decatur, Urbana, Peoria, Metro East (STL) to make a state that votes 45% red to have under 20% R congressional districts. I just know the ‘hoods in Michigan and Wisconsin are going to arrange 110% turnout through in these rotten districts 99-1 for Biden and the votes will keep showing up in the mail for the next few weeks until the results change. The only thing that can really stop this is if the Deep State has had enough of Biden and the left.

    • “Anyone with the financial means to pick up and leave…..
      To Panama, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Philippines, Thailand etc.

    • ” Blacks have picked up and taken their government benefits that are quite mobile and poured into all the smaller cities”

      Blacks fleeing blacks.

    • ” It’s not just “Chicago and Detroit” all these 50,000 size cities in the region are overflowing with ghetto blacks.”

      Is that also true for small rural, farming, communities ?

      • If not already, it will be. Section Ape is everywhere. I’ve been in very small towns in the upper mitten of Michigan (under 5000) and seen an appalling number of mulattos pushed around in strollers by their very white baby-mamas or grandparents.

      • “Is that also true for small rural, farming, communities ?”
        ^^YES. That is absolutely true of rural, farming communities! Absolutely true of a formerly 97% White — a mere 5 years ago!! — conservative, Trump country city. Blacks have been pouring in here, steadily, and now I even see “youths” walking in my own neighborhood. Also, we are a targeted area for ILLEGAL ALIEN border crossers.
        Criminally insane mis-rulers are killing off anything and everything WHITE.

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