Trump right now: pic.twitter.com/PPUepe5Z94
— Red Panda Politics ??????? (MAGA) (@RPP_TheReal) July 2, 2024
He read, “END OF QUOTE” out loud again at the end.
— Chase Geiser (@realchasegeiser) July 2, 2024
Joe Biden is gone.pic.twitter.com/YWQi1oCpjH
VIDEO: President Biden reading 'say that again' off teleprompter pic.twitter.com/y6OeYjbIn5
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) July 2, 2024
The leaks are not an accident. And they will get worse. Everyone needs to take a step back and stop counting on vibes to get us through this. https://t.co/6o9yhXbaSj
— (((Howard Forman))) (@thehowie) July 2, 2024
?BREAKING: Judge Merchan delays Donald Trump’s sentencing in his New York case to September. pic.twitter.com/cOHdgeIE0P
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 2, 2024
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) July 2, 2024
? Donald Trump: 44%
? Joe Biden: 40%
? Another candidate: 10%
• May poll: Trump +1 (with other)
• Independents: Trump +19
? Donald Trump: 47%
? Kamala Harris: 45%
• Independents: Trump +14
Pres. Biden Job Approval
? Approve:… https://t.co/jESkbffW48 pic.twitter.com/fTVIxcpiY8
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) July 2, 2024
? Trump: 49% (+6)
? Biden: 43%
? Other: 4%
? Trump: 41% (+6)
? Biden: 35%
? RFK Jr: 14%
? Stein: 3%
? West: 2%
? Oliver: 1%
? Trump: 48% (+5)
? Newsom: 43%
? Trump: 47% (+2)
? Harris: 45%
? Trump: 47% (+4)
? Buttigieg: 43%
—… pic.twitter.com/uRivq7YBco
? POST-DEBATE POLL: Reuters/Ipsos
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) July 2, 2024
? Joe Biden: 40%
? Donald Trump: 40%
? Donald Trump: 43%
? Kamala Harris: 42%
? Michelle Obama: 50%
? Donald Trump: 39%
? Donald Trump: 41%
? Gretchen Whitmer: 36%
? Donald Trump: 42%
? Gavin Newsom: 39%
? Donald Trump: 42%… pic.twitter.com/rYYHkuTQke
In today's brand-new CNN poll, former President Trump maintains his lead against President Biden and 75% of voters say Democrats would have a better chance in November with someone other than Biden as the nominee. @DavidChalian broke down all the numbers on @InsidePolitics. pic.twitter.com/7tExnwt9ct
— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) July 2, 2024
Re: Biden's age/mental acuity in the voters' minds. The numbers are worse than pre-debate, which were historically bad. Far worse than 2020 when age actually wasn't a big issue to voters.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) July 2, 2024
The comparison to Reagan is total bunk.
Unsure how Biden wins if #s don't vastly improve pic.twitter.com/46nP2gPEYf
Per Puck News: leaked Dem internal polling from Open Labs
— umichvoter ???? (@umichvoter) July 2, 2024
https://t.co/N7XaZ3Xpnv pic.twitter.com/oLmsefi1Fc
Carl Bernstein on CNN right now:
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) July 2, 2024
Multiple sources tell him that there have been at least 15 occasions in the last year and a half “where the president has appeared like he did at that horror show (his debate performance).”
Bernstein reports that in the last six months sources… pic.twitter.com/VoSY8xDZpt
BREAKING: When asked about the allegations that RFK Jr. sexually assualted his then 23 year old babysitter, his answer?
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) July 2, 2024
"I am not a church boy … I said [there are] skeletons in my closet."
He then refused to comment. https://t.co/gpBUU52T7j pic.twitter.com/W9O6szExIb
?Vanity Fair’s recent article about RFK Jr. paints a picture of a man who lacks compassion, empathy, and a moral compass.
— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) July 2, 2024
1. RFK took a photo with the barbecued remains of a dog and shared it with a friend. Kennedy reportedly implored a friend traveling to South Korea to try… pic.twitter.com/1VTQSrJuax
Donald Trump is on a roll.
1. After the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, Trump’s sentencing in the Stormy Daniels case in New York has been postponed until September.
2. Multiple elected Democrats have begun to publicly throw Joe Biden under the bus.
3. The new CNN poll has Trump up 6 on Joe Biden which is unchanged from their previous poll in April.
4. Journos are openly trying to force Biden to withdraw from the race by releasing damaging leaks.
5. Finally, the biggest news of the day is the Puck leak of Joe Biden’s internal polling, which showed him losing the Sunbelt and Rust Belt swing states even before the debate. He is now losing Virginia, New Mexico and New Hampshire and barely hanging on in Maine, Minnesota and Colorado.
This is a disaster.
The post-debate polls are starting to register in the national RCP Average. It is going to be even worse in the key swing states which are to the Right of the national average.
Cherry on top: RFK, Jr. is accused of sexually assaulting his 23-year-old baby sitter and posed for a photo with a BBQd dog in East Asia.

People are saying Trump is getting a bump in the polls from the debate, but I think it’s because he got the coveted HW Endorsement.
Joe Biden is on a roll ……… down the stairs.
“Journos are openly trying to force Biden to withdraw from the race by releasing damaging leaks.”
Won’t happen, Jill is standing firm.
All Joe has got to do to turn things around is knife Bibi in the back. The Jews, they really do not know the Irish.
Sure, it might get him the votes from the pro-Palestine college kid crowd, but what good are votes for a dead man? The Jews would almost certainly have him assassinated if he betrayed Israel.
Of course they would. Browning has this bizarre fixation about the Irish for some reason. Ireland’s in terrible shape. Only 5.5 million in the republic – who only gained freedom from the British-Bankstein Empire a century ago – and their being flooded with Africans and Muslims. They’ll be a minority in their own land in very short order unless they get out of the damned EUSSR. They’re showing some resistance – at long last.
Before AGB jumps in on his Irish papist rant, the Catholic Church is a zombie there. I was there last fall and walked into a Catholic Church in Dublin where the sign said they perform the traditional Latin mass – just to see who was in there. Nothing but some Poles and maybe a few Filipinos. Didn’t hear a word of English, much less Irish. The “Church of Ireland” who bows before the Clown Archbishop of Canterbury is an even bigger joke. Huge empty buildings. A thorughly post-Christian land, sad since it was the first place Europe where Christianity flowered.
“Huge empty buildings. A thorughly post-Christian land”
Isn’t that true for all of Europe, except for a few , like Poland?
“Jews would almost certainly have him assassinated if he betrayed Israel.”
Like JFK ?
He wanted full nuclear inspection of Israhell and all nuclear devices removed. He didn’t last long.
(For all his faults old joe Kennedy knew jwz and his kids got some of that awareness.)
“Jews would almost certainly have him assassinated if he betrayed Israel.”
Like JFK ?
He wanted full nuclear inspection of Israhell and all nuclear devices removed. He didn’t last long.
(For all his faults old joe Kennedy knew jwz and his kids got some of that awareness.)
I’m glad everyone just figured out this POS was an installed geriactric figure head, after untold damage.
They are all installed figureheads – puppets whose only function is to serve as lightning rods for the goyim’s ire.
“They are all installed figureheads”
I think it varies in degree, some are totally owned and others partially.
I appreciate RFK’s candidness, sense of humor and wit.
‘I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote, I’d be king of the world’.
That one line perfectly encapsulates America’s political-ruling class as a whole.
Of course I wouldn’t vote for him, just saying at least he’s an honest scumbag.
It’s kind of shocking, not surprising, but shocking that in this informational zeitgeist we’re living in millions of adults still believe presidents and prime ministers, decide things.
We here @OC know presidents decide very little, if anything.
Right now Blinken is effectively the head of state, and he works for the donor class, for Israel, the corporations, the military and organized crime, same as Trump, RFK and probably every candidate who’s permitted an actual chance of winning.
That’s how demoligarchy works.
Trump might win…if everything was legit and fair.
But the Deep State and something even greater than Deep State, the Jews running this country have the final say (these “hidden” rulers have this election rigging down to a science now — AI on steroids). I know I am preaching to the choir but…
I suspect all these bad looking polls are really just the work of Dems (many who for some “strange reason” really don’t seemed too concerned about the polls) trying to dislodge Biden off his perch so they don’t have to cringe every time he gets up in public to represent them and make the whole party look bad.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
i can’t believe you guys still believe in voting
Ask yourself if the Dems stole the 2020 election or if Biden really won with legit votes. If you believe the Dems stole the 2020 election the next question is: Why would the Dems not do it again in 2024? Did the Dems pay a price for stealing the 2020 election? Or did Republicans who tried to complain about it pay the price? Who is in jail? Are the black women who dummied up the fake ballots in jail? Or are the Jan 6 protesters in jail?
Reader Holmes axes:
> Why would the Dems not do it again in 2024?
No reason they wouldn’t. 2020 wasn’t even the first time. They did it in 2018 nationally as well. They’ve been doing it locally for decades. Repukes even signed a consent decree in the 1980s in which they agreed not to contest rigged elections in D-jersey turf. It only expired in 2019 or so because the 90+ year-old blackrobe who arose from his coffin every few years to renew it finally joined the voter rolls. Some kneegrow repuke even recommended they not agree to renew in the 2000s but the Gay Old Pedo bosses said no.
> Did the Dems pay a price for stealing the 2020 election?
None whatsoever. Their own base is delighted. Repukes rolled over and played dead as usual.
> Or did Republicans who tried to complain about it pay the price?
Those few who seriously complained paid dear. The feds and plants didn’t suffer much.
> Who is in jail?
The hapless fool Magatards who followed dear leader Cheetohead by coming to District of Corruption on 1/6/21. The numerous feds, informants, controlled opposition either never went to jail or got out very fast.
> Are the black women who dummied up the fake ballots in jail?
Only a few. Probably underlings who will be rewarded after a short term in jail, a comfortable place for nogs as there are lots of them in there.
> Or are the Jan 6 protesters in jail?
Already answered above.
It’s already well-established that Murika is filled with morons who will believe whatever they see and hear on gaslight media. The list is endless: JFK, 9-11, Covid bioweapon just to name three biggies. Public edumacation works as intended. A vast flock of people incapable of thought and well prepared for the Tyson chicken treatment. I think it’s way past time to replace the bald eagle with a new national bird.
That was a good one, EC, about “Mike the Headless Chicken”. But aren’t we more like a head with its chicken cut off? I mean gutless and spineless seems very appropriate…
The first time the Democrats stole a presidential election was at least 1960. The JFK won Illinois thru vote fraud. Without IL Nixon would have won. Nixon later said that he knew this but for the good of the country he didn’t challenge it. The Dems got away with it scott free in 1960, 2018, 2020, 2022 but they wont do it again. Now they are scared.
Contrast Nixon’s attitude to the Dems in 2020 releasing covid, creating BLM and Antifa and burning the entire country down.
“””….Why would the Dems not do it again in 2024…”””
Times are changed. Uncle Donald is much more powerful than 4 years ago and regime goes downhill. So, a lot of 2020 criminals are too afraid or just unwilling to commit crime again. Nothing good came out from previos time. Lower rank vote counters pay also bills so food and rent prices hurt them too. In the Europe is the same. Hating Le Pen doesn’t rise your pay and doesn’t lower your rent.
Soviet 1991 coup failed because regime insiders finally refused to commit crimes. 73 long years yes but not anymore. And that was the end.
Unless Trump presents himself as decisively more America First than Biden on foreign policy, I plan to vote for the Constitution Party.
Trump is Israel first. Always was.
Slightly off topic:
Who would you say was the best post-WW2 president for Americans with “our” opinions?
Eisenhower??? Operation wetback.
Warned us about the military industrial complex.
Nixon knew the score about jewish influence. He was just too weak to do anything about it.
>>>>> Nixon knew the score about jewish influence.
He just mouthed the words.
Nitwit Nixon put Kissinger in as sec of state and the state dept and NSC have been Jewish ever since. Kissinger wrecked Rhodesia and S Africa.
Nixon just blew air without substance, he was a lame whiner. The only thing he was tough on was sending American boys to die in Vietnam.
Another worthless repulsivecan.
> He just mouthed the words. Nitwit Nixon put Kissinger in as sec of state and the state dept and NSC have been Jewish ever since. Kissinger wrecked Rhodesia and S Africa.
> Nixon just blew air without substance, he was a lame whiner. The only thing he was tough on was sending American boys to die in Vietnam. Another worthless repulsivecan.
One of the best short summaries of Nixon I’ve seen. He also enshrined affirmative-action – invented by two jews in the justice dept., and the invention of the pseudo-race ‘hispanic’ (which excludes natives of Spain and Portugal). That’s why FBI crime-stats are partly cooked-books from the outset. When counting victims of violent crime, Hispanics are broken out as a separate ‘race’. When counting perps of violent crime, they are lumped in with whites. The game here was to make the white rate appear similar to the black rate, but blacks far exceeded this effort to skew the data so the regime just either reports no big cities or doesn’t report it at all.
“. He also enshrined affirmative-action”
” counting perps of violent crime, they are lumped in with whites”
So true.
I’ve seen some statistical work where they tease out the Hispanic corruption of WHITE stats and the contrast is stark.
Some parts, nearly all WHITE areas, come out with low crime like Iceland. Which only makes sense, as it is a socio/racial attribute.
They also lump in a lot of feather indians as ‘WHITE’ and serial killers, like Ridgeway.
Nixon wondered where the jwz were getting all the info to cause him problems and the source was sitting right at his elbow, Kissinger.
What a tard !
Some good news for those concerned about the McMichaels. Apparently a book has been written by Gregory E. Mantell titled: “Special Victim Status, The Era Of Woke Journalism”
Endorsement by Ann Coulter:
“The most amazing book of the year… The best book I’ve ever read… Mantell’s carefully researched book provides hundreds of new facts about the press’s fanatical propaganda on race.”
— Ann Coulter
Just got the Kindle version and immediately did a search for “McMichael” and the first instance was in this paragraph:
On February 11, 2020, neighbor Travis McMichael was leaving the neighborhood in his car when he saw a black man (Arbery) run across the road and enter English’s yard about 7 p.m., after dark. Travis later testified in court that Arbery was hiding in the shadows. Travis said he got out of his vehicle and went to ask Arbery why he was at the house, but Arbery reached toward his waistband, as though he had a gun. So Travis rushed back to his car, drove home, and told his father, Gregory, what had happened. While Gregory took off walking down the road to English’s house, Travis grabbed his gun, jumped in his pick up, drove back down to English’s house, and called police. Arbery was gone by the time police arrived. In body camera footage of the incident and in court testimony, Officer Robert Rash of the Glynn County Police Department said that five or six police officers plus five neighbors searched for Arbery that night. Police entered the house with guns drawn. Officer Rash showed both Travis and Gregory McMichael video of Arbery inside the house that night that Larry English had sent him from his security system.
— Mantell, Gregory E.. Special Victim Status, The Era Of Woke Journalism (pp. 44-45).
Also got word that Ann Coulter did an interview (substac) with the author and apparently she and Gregory Mantell spoke exclusively about Greg and Travis.
Great news! Maybe things will begin to change for the McMichaels. Let’s all pray they will finally be set free.
I just want to point out that the book mentioned in the previous post is not devoted to just the Arbery incident. It is not a complete review of the subject like Anne Wilson Smith’s book on Charlottesville is. But it does point out how one-sided the coverage was in the Arbery case and other cases as well.
On the other side of the pond:
“Nigel Farage admits to wanting to stop Putin ????????? does Nigel Farage want WWIII ??? stop talking crazy”
“Nigel Farage admits to stop Putin Nato might have to expand”
Farage – totally fake and gay. Listening to anyone from that shitty little country barking like a chihuahua about Russia and Putin is hilarious. Cuck Island couldn’t fight its little ass out of a paper bag. They need to just crawl back into their hole and die.
Agreed. Cuck Island destroyed European civilization and it seems they are still at it, trying their best. They are almost already conquered by their former colonial subjects.
One more OT today…
Today on the calendar is 7/3. I noticed the clock a little after 1:00 PM and then it came into my mind again — this is the time of day and year it happened…It has happened to me more than once…
“It’s all now you see. Yesterday won’t be over until tomorrow and tomorrow began ten thousand years ago. For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o’clock on that July afternoon in 1863, the brigades are in position behind the rail fence, the guns are laid and ready in the woods and the furled flags are already loosened to break out and Pickett himself with his long oiled ringlets and his hat in one hand probably and his sword in the other looking up the hill waiting for Longstreet to give the word and it’s all in the balance, it hasn’t happened yet, it hasn’t even begun yet, it not only hasn’t begun yet but there is still time for it not to begin against that position and those circumstances which made more men than Garnett and Kemper and Armistead and Wilcox look grave yet it’s going to begin, we all know that, we have come too far with too much at stake and that moment doesn’t need even a fourteen-year-old boy to think This time. Maybe this time with all this much to lose and all this much to gain: Pennsylvania, Maryland, the world, the golden dome of Washington itself to crown with desperate and unbelievable victory the desperate gamble, the cast made two years ago; or to anyone who ever sailed a skiff under a quilt sail, the moment in 1492 when somebody thought This is it: the absolute edge of no return, to turn back now and make home or sail irrevocably on and either find land or plunge over the world’s roaring rim.”
… William Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust, 1948.
The reason the South lost at Gettysburg was that General Stonewall Jackson was killed by friendly fire less than two months earlier. He feared God and prayed for the South and unfortunately he was not at Gettysburg to offer his needed prayers for the breaks the South had gotten as in Chancellorsville and many other previous battles. Destiny was to take a different path and the South has been in subjection to this godless Yankee Empire ever since…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“May God Save the South!”
How about the rest of WHITE humanity ?