New York Attorney General Letitia James Destroys VDARE

Terrible news.

We knew this was coming.

All I can say about this is that I learned several years ago to care a lot more about state politics than federal politics. The clarifying episodes for me were Unite the Right in Charlottesville, COVID and the Summer of Floyd which culminated in the destruction of Monument Avenue.

In the wake of Charlottesville, we held the White Lives Matter rally in Shelbyville, TN because we knew from experience that Tennessee is much more respectful of our free speech rights than Virginia, which was controlled by Gov. Terry McAuliffe at the time. When COVID hit in 2020, we barely noticed here in rural Alabama because Gov. Kay Ivey was so quick to reopen the state while it was an ordeal in Blue States like Oregon, Michigan and New York. We also experienced the Summer of Floyd by watching it play out on television. It was quiet in the Deep South compared to Northern cities and states like Virginia where mobs of vandals were allowed to go on a rampage and destroy our monuments.

I don’t want to live under people New York Attorney General Letitia James in Alabama. Based on what happened to Virginia, I vote in state elections in Alabama to ensure that never happens here. It is quiet here. I am grateful for that and would like to keep it that way. Also, I would all never recommend to anyone to do anything that I would not do in my own state, which is why you won’t see me writing about how awesome it is to live under conditions like New Yorkers do because worse is better.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. All good points, HW. Regardless of your state government insulating folks like yourself to a degree, your car was still totaled by a Venezuelan illegal who was allowed to walk away with zero consequences. You now have to buy a new car and your insurance premium will quietly be raised in the near future – though none of it was your fault in any way shape or form. AGB the hasbara troll has a point about the tenuous situation of your “fishing hole”. He of course tells us that the solution to this is to sign up for the Ukrainian foreign legion and the IDF a la Brian Mast. No way to sue the NGOs responsible for the invader – as nobody’s allowed to practice law unless they have the Kosher seal of approval.

    The problem is that demographics is destiny and the old saying that the future belongs to those who show up for it is true. 40 years ago California was a mostly a GOP bastion. Now it’s a one-party state. The Gay Old Pedos like their San Francisco outings but they’re far worse than useless in that state. The root problem is most whites totally fail to comprehend the overall problem here. At least 40% even now are fine with the NY AG being able to destroy VDARE. AGB will naturally say this is all the papists’ doing, despite the fact that Letitia James – like most negroes – was mostly likely raised in some kind of dindoo protestantism. As the invaders (not just from Latin American but from all over) are resettled in AL by your own denomination (Lutherans) among the numerous others (Methodists, Presbyterians, UCC, Episcopalians, Catholics and Jews) with tax dollars, white Alabamans will be outvoted unless they wake up to the fact that they are targeted for replacement. Absent a workable strategy to take over the state GOP (or form a new party altogether) and purge it of the Chamber of Commerce clowns who want to socialize their expenses as they privatize their profits, it’s only a matter of time before AL goes the way of CA.

    That’s why even I vote in state races, though that’s now useless here in IL downstate since the Repukes here are just carbon-copies of the useless pedos in CA. The Constitution Party isn’t even allowed on the ballot. If it were just me I would have left this worthless, God-forsaken state years ago. Unfortunately the other part of the family has roots here dating back to the 1850s. Not always so easy as when you’re only considering oneself.

    • Right Exalted Cyclops on all counts.Too many Whites are sympathetic to anyone but their own race.Only God’s intervention can save us.It would be better to have no allies than to have useless White women who more often than not take the other side.And there are also many faggy Antifa type men who seem brave only when defending Jews or jigaboos.Like you said its all headed to a non-White takeover and White women/Antifa don’t seem to care.The Lord works in His own way so we must trust in Him.I wouldn’t mind seeing a plague that depopulates this whole evil Empire.

    • “…Regardless of your state government insulating folks like yourself to a degree, your car was still totaled by a Venezuelan illegal….AGB the hasbara troll has a point about the tenuous situation of your “fishing hole”.”

      True. Hunter like many people lives in a bubble, safely cocooned in a little world they will think will last forever. Like, Hobbits, they live well, protected by more dangerous but good folk. They think the rest of the world is like them and will be like them. But, it isn’t true, vast forces are at work to sweep it all away.

      “He (AGB) of course tells us that the solution to this is to sign up for the Ukrainian foreign legion and the IDF a la Brian Mast.”

      Oh, please, your every reference to a counter argument is to something overseas or “Duh, Jews.” I ve never said such a thing, please don’t put words in my mouth. Indeed, I wouldn’t advise anyone go there unless they are experienced and looking to get some.

      QIn reality, our side in the GOP succeeded in holding up aid for Ukraine and Israel until Biden and Democrats did something about our border issues. Sadly, the GOP eventually caved as they blinked when the Biden Administration acted as it was willing to sacrifice Ukraine and Israel in return for allowing Illegals to continue invading America. This is typical of the slight majority of the GOP who mostly lack real conviction let alone integrity.

      “40 years ago California was a mostly a GOP bastion. Now it’s a one-party state. The Gay Old Pedos like their San Francisco outings but they’re far worse than useless in that state.”

      Actually, the CAGOP was the first to make Immigration an issue. Its just that there remained a large minority of elected CAGOP officials, who were bought off by the globalists. Together with their fellow travellers outside of California, they succeeded in delaying our efforts to make immigration an issue.

      Yet, even though we can blame these Republilukes, the ultimate fatal problem were Hobbit Patriots, who, normally on our side, decided to ignore our please for help until we were overwhelmed by foreigners and displaced. I made this complaint in another comment on another article. Essentially, the Hobbits can totally take over their State parties. But they lack initiative and more importantly dedicated leaders to do it, because most Hobbits would rather go fishing. 

      “The root problem is most whites totally fail to comprehend the overall problem here.”

      This is true. Thats why all the “Worse is better” people don’t realize that yes, it will wake up more Whites, but as they are replaced by more non-Whites we don’t recover.

      “At least 40% even now are fine with the NY AG being able to destroy VDARE.”

      I wouldn’t say it’s that much. Its more like 20-25% with another 20-25% who are so overwhelmed with other things can’t be bothered to think about it unless you get in their face.

      “AGB will naturally say this is all the papists’ doing, despite the fact that Letitia James – like most negroes – was mostly likely raised in some kind of dindoo protestantism.”

      In regards to California it was the Judeo-Catholic-Yankee Combine that was responsible for stymying our attempts. But, it was especially, Judeo-Catholics. Since Jews didn’t have the numbers, that was filled by the White ethnic Papists. Together it was enough to keep us from initiating more measures earlier. But, overall, yes this is more a Papist campaign than a Jew one. Most of Jews at this point are less important than Papists to the globalists in maintaining colonizing the Protestant West. Nothong can more clearly show who is behind this when you look at the religion of most of these immigrants….PAPISTS!

      “QAs the invaders (not just from Latin American but from all over) are resettled in AL by your own denomination (Lutherans) among the numerous others (Methodists, Presbyterians, UCC, Episcopalians, Catholics and Jews) with tax dollars, white Alabamans will be outvoted unless they wake up to the fact that they are targeted for replacement.”

      This again mostly true. However, again, the Papists predominate, with the Prods who are doing this being a distinct minority in communities such as Hunter’s fishing hole. The far larger number of illegals and legal immigrants are being brought in by Papists.

      “Absent a workable strategy to take over the state GOP (or form a new party altogether) and purge it of the Chamber of Commerce clowns who want to socialize their expenses as they privatize their profits, it’s only a matter of time before AL goes the way of CA.”

      100% FACT! Glad you agree with this. I’ve been trying for two years to get Hunter to get involved with our program but he ignores it for some reason.

      “If it were just me I would have left this worthless, God-forsaken state years ago. Unfortunately the other part of the family has roots here dating back to the 1850s. Not always so easy as when you’re only considering oneself.”

      Understood.  My advice, you need to work on organizing the County and legislative committee parties and work on passing a law to restore County elected Senators and other measures like the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary campaign we pushed just before China virus hit. I would be glad to provide some help, info, and oversight if Hunter would forward an email. Good luck.

      • Sacrifice Israel? Israel is an Albatross around America’s neck.

        “because most Hobbits would rather go fishing”
        Sad but true. They’ll pay for it, eventually.

      • AGB – you wrote “In regards to California it was the Judeo-Catholic-Yankee Combine that was responsible for stymying our attempts. But, it was especially, Judeo-Catholics. Since Jews didn’t have the numbers, that was filled by the White ethnic Papists. Together it was enough to keep us from initiating more measures earlier. But, overall, yes this is more a Papist campaign than a Jew one. Most of Jews at this point are less important than Papists to the globalists in maintaining colonizing the Protestant West. Nothong can more clearly show who is behind this when you look at the religion of most of these immigrants….PAPISTS!”

        I only wish I knew what you were trying to say. Do you hate Catholicism because it is Catholicism? Do you hate so-called “papists“ because they hold to faith that once was the norm across all of Europe for over 1000 years? Or are you just cantankerous by nature? Lol.

        You mentioned Californication. My parents and I moved out to the Golden State in the mid-1970s, and it was truly golden. Largely white, conservative politically, with an awareness of our ancestry, as well as the history of the Catholic Franciscan missions, which were held to be some of the first colonizing efforts by white folks in California.

        It was not these people-largely transplants from the white Midwest I will Minnesota the Dakotas, Wisconsin, etc…. That began the ethnic transmogrification into a bastard mulatto “republic.“. It was as a direct result, (as far as I can tell, from being in my teens and 20s at this point in time), the desire of the “hyper-Vatican two“ Idolators, who sought to “enculturate“ the indigenous white Irish/German/French/Catholic populist who gave so willingly to the collection plate every Sunday, with the tortilla bakers and Puta makers, And the perennially horny, teen/twenty-something male contingent in the vast majority of armed forces, training centers, bases, and enclaves in the Pacific southwest.

        There has always been an a moral element to California going back to the gold rush days, and it was no less obvious with the porn chops, bars, disco, strip clubs, massage, parlors, etc., etc. that seemed to proliferate wherever there was an USMC training, camp, a US and base, or an army Spot in the middle of nowhere. The federal government did nothing to morally inoculate abstinence with these young men, and therefore, morality sought its lowest level, and the Catholics did what they have always done – try to “include “those that are “marginalized,” rather than maintain the status quo, As most protestant sectarian churches used to do, until the rise of the Charismaniac movement with Robertson, Fallwell, Creflo, Dollar, Jimmy Swaggart, the Bakkers, etc. Which occurred about the exact same time frame.

        Am I saying that Rome erred? Yes, but no more than any other “Christian“ church did in Southern California from the late 1960s to the 2000s. And I think that that myopia on your part, is one of the reasons why you anger so many people. You presume that protestan-schism is Lily White, when most of the people I knew in the emerging mega-churches were the very same people who were preaching the “there is no race in the kingdom of heaven “bullshit. I was there, I saw, I attended churches of various stripes, and almost lost my faith because of this multicultural mania that afflicted everyone during that period of time.

        Did the Catholic churches roll over and play dead to the Hispanic contingent? Oh yeah, no doubt. But so did the mega churches, Tim LaHaye College Ave churches, the “Gospel Temple Fellowship“ cults and all the rest. Even the Mormons had that special “revelation“ in 1979, that said “blacks were allowed to be admitted to the Aaronic priesthood.“ The entire American political and religious sphere was fucked with during this creative time;there’s no other way to put it. But it was not The fault entirely of the Roman Catholics!

        The civil rights act of 1965 unleashed Baal into the entirety of the Christian church, not just Rome. Although Rome has the lead temporally in this heresy, no doubt. Just to be clear.

  2. I have to be honest……..Brimelow is one of those I have never followed about American politics. I have followed Jared Taylor, Schoep, Dr. Hill, Spencer, to a small extent Parrott and of course the owner of this site, Griffin. However I feel sorry for Brimelow, I remember when on the internet in 2015 I saw a video of him, Spencer, Derbyshire and Dickson discussing at an American Renaissance conference that very year.
    I hope he can continue in another form and with another acronym his activity.

  3. Re: “Joy Reid, the race lady at MSNBC, says every non-white person must vote for Kamala Harris”:

    Of course Race will be used by the system to distract from Class. The Class system is the real, paramount issue, but since you don’t live in a real homogenous nation, but in the largest most racially-, ethnically- and culturally-mixed collection of “human resources” in world history, CLASS can easily be buried under the weight of natural (and deliberately exacerbated) inter-ethnic conflict. The class system (capitalism) of total exploitation for private profit also involves/requires constant, endless imperialist war that is destroying the planet. You should look beyond the affairs of your local area and see the pattern and direction of the system, and care for the souls of all of humanity, not just for your own family and White people. We all live on one planet, and the system of the “virtue” of greed is also destroying the natural environment.

    Re: “quiet in the Deep South compared to Northern cities and states”:

    Maybe your rural area follows a step or two behind the more densely populated areas of the thoroughly-mixed imperial “homeland,” but the logic or nature of the plutocratic system of total private monopoly proves/necessitates that it is tightening its grip, extracting wealth, in YOUR area too. Not one person or one square mile of this planet will be skipped over. As for the strategy of “voting well” for the most conservative candidates in your state and local elections, that means you want to conserve the class and usury system including its imperialism, because it does serve a middle-class investor and landowner fairly well.

    • Meredith, You know very little about the actual situation in the USSA. While there is definitely a class-factor involved: Our side (nationalist-populist) has zero billionaires, the other side (globalist-elitist) has literally all of them. Even my description is too crude, as the folks you might describe as capitalist on our side (small business owners, farmers, etc.) are not the same as those profiteering from the massive usury-racket mis-defined as a “free-market economy”. The blunt truth most conservatives utterly fail to comprehend is that there is nothing free about a rigged market, which is what ‘finance capitalism’ (usury) inevitably results in.

      The usury-system is how slavery was established in the United States. The (((Portuguese))) who landed in Jamestown in 1619 with the first load of slaves worked on a usury-racket already well-established in northern Barzil and the Caribbean. As usual there were retarded whites who thought it would be a fast-track to riches and bought the offered Africans, who are wholly incompatible with western civilization in any form – as much as they might have been well-suited to various African kingdoms. It’s been a problem ever since. Blacks commit violent criminal acts far out of proportion to any other ethnic group. Despite being 10% if the US population, they are responsible for over 50 percent of murders. Given the fact that your own Welsh National Party is retarded enough to install a negro as its head, this could very well be some indication of a serious genetic problem with whites – though I suppose decades of media gaslighting could explain the negrolatry as well.

      • Re: “Our side (nationalist-populist) has zero billionaires, the other side (globalist-elitist) has literally all of them (…) the folks you might describe as capitalist on our side (small business owners, farmers, etc.) are not the same as those profiteering from the massive usury-racket mis-defined as a free-market economy”:

        None of the super-wealthy in the U.S. is among the White nationalists, but that is beside the point that the vast majority of the U.S. population including, I think, the vast majority (maybe all) of WNs, still believe in The American Dream, and the class and usury system with its necessity of constant pursuit of profit. The logic of this system requires/necessitates that even small business owners MUST strive constantly for monopoly and maximum profit, or they will collapse and fail. The U.S. is the capitalist city on a hill. As your President Calvin Coolidge once said, “The business of America is business.” As it says in the Bible, the love of money is the root of all this evil.

        Re: “Welsh National Party is retarded enough to install a negro as its head”:

        The Welsh national party Plaid Cymru is headed by a white Welshman, and the Deputy Leader and Westminster Leader are also white. But the new half-African First Minister of Wales Humphrey Vaughan ap David Gething was born in Zambia, the son of a white Welsh veterinarian and a Black woman he met in Zambia. About 22,000, or less than one percent, of the population of Wales is Black or has some Black ancestry. Some of this number includes the historic community around the port of Cardiff who descend from labourers imported about two centuries ago. But the Black population has doubled in recent decades due to immigration thousands of immigrants of African origin, which is due specifically to Western IMPERIALISM that creates millions of refugees. Ethnocentrism is the natural way of human nature, but as long as the U.S.- and UK-(London) based class and usury system continues to rule Wales, the U.S. and most of the world, mass migration including economic migrants and refugees from hundreds of imperialist wars and hybrid wars, with consequent racial and ethnic mixing, will continue to overwhelm the natural human tendency of ethnocentrism (or “like is attracted to like”). The expression “Black Welsh” no longer refers to the breed of sheep, Defaid Mynydd Duon, the Black Mountain Sheep, in a land where sheep still outnumber the humans.

      • And for greater emphasis, Exalted Cyclops, I conclude with this. He says he “was never accepted”:

        • Incidentally, the first half-black leader of Wales (for three months) is replaced by the Wales’ first female leader, Eluned Morgan, who happens to be a bloody Lord (Baroness Morgan of Ely) with a long history as a career politician of the progressive, neoliberal kind, within the Labour party. People continue to vote for Labour for the same reason that most people vote for the Democratic Party in the U.S.: because it is perceived the one most likely to preserve social services and care for workers’ interests, although in reality it does not. She is however white, bright and articulate, not like Kamala.

          • Incidentally, many, many, many, years ago, I was involved in various ethnic British and Irish (aka West British) organizations in the USA, one of which was a Welsh American one. It was arguably fun, enjoying various Welsh cultural meet ups, (dances, poetry, Welsh bards, lovely Welsh ladies, etc).

            Of course I found several members who were not only Welsh, but I recognized as former leftist i.e. communists, from Cold War days in the UK. I knew them to be followers of Lord Sauron (He whose name cannot be spoken). I also deduced others in the cadre to be working for one or another Anglo-American services.

            Accordingly, I decided the whole thing was heavily monitored if not controlled by neo-liberals of the Atlantic establishment (deep state). This basically took the fun and potential for organic grass roots cultural developent and international cultural exchange out of it.

            In a pique of frustration, I confronted a couple who I also suspected of also having ties with Fenian Irish-American groups, just to cause a fuss and make my wasted time entertaining. Which in short order was proved, as it caused a big political disaster in the organization, at which point I exited to go hunt Sand N@ggers.

            At any rate, to make a long story short, “Baroness, Morgan,” is not a Papist but is probably a communist and was educated at one of these super neo-liberal schools, whose graduates help to take the fun out of Anglo-American relationship initiatives. The kind of schools were basically neo-commies and Anflophiles are taught together to not hate the British monarchy but support globalism and hunt down dissidents to make Welsh American groups marketing gimmicks for businesses. That’s Baroness Morgan of Ely.

            Still, it could all be for not and she could end up voting to chop off the head of the Windsors and place that mulatto witch on the throne in their place. In short, it’s all gone to piss. BTW, not sure if the Baroness is lesbian, but she could be.

      • Do you know what is a “kulak”? Kulaks were the class of rich peasants, well-to-do landowners in Russia who profited from the use (employment) of labourers from the lowest class of impoverished landless peasants. The bourgeois kulaks were a small minority of the rural population of Russia. A large proportion of the rural population was the class of “MIDDLE peasants,” who did not employ anyone and farmed entirely with their own (and immediate family members’) labour. Lenin wrote:
        “The middle peasant (…) is a peasant who does not exploit the labour of others, who does not live on the labour of others, who does not take the fruits of other people’s labour in any shape or form, but works himself, and lives by his own labour. Under capitalism there were fewer peasants of this typo than there are now, because the majority of the peasants were in the ranks of the impoverished, and only an insignificant minority, then, as now, were in the ranks of the kulaks, the exploiters, the rich peasants (…) remember that working peasants who do not exploit the labour of others are the comrades of the urban workers and that we can and must establish with them a voluntary alliance inspired by sincerity and confidence”:

        • Yes, a nation of Shudras. How culturally enriching and boring. That is communism, forcing everyone to the lowest common denominator of the mud by bayonet point. Very anti-Dharma and anti-Aryan.

          • “Very anti-Dharma and anti-Aryan”:

            You do believe in/approve of castes/class and Aryanism. Now you are being led by a half-Brahman, Kamala (yes her mother is of the Brahman caste, descended from the Aryans who conquered the Indian subcontinent) – and your half-Aryan figurehead (Kamala) leader is being led by fifty or so top-of-the-pyramid, most “Aryan” of all and Talmudistic families of capitalist super-elites. Your preferred system is a very tall caste pyramid, very wide at the bottom, where the common people, the “lowest common denominators,” the billions of “Shudras” are bled and untouchable, worthless muds are being crushed.

            “forcing (,,,) by bayonet point” and “lowest common denominator of the mud”:

            Your global caste/class exploitation system is enforced by long-range missiles, bombers and sanctions, psychological weapons, propaganda, bribery, and by the bullets and bayonet points of hired or brain-washed proxies who do the dirtiest, up-close ground-level fighting to conserve and advance your System. You can see it working in microcosm in the region of the Zionist crusader colony, where Ashkenazis are Brahmans, and indigenous people (you call them “the Sand N——“) are “mud.” Far-right warmongering WNs, Zionists, Neocons and Neolibs really do belong together. But the Left (as such) is about true liberty, equality, fraternity and peace. Jesus said Blessed are the peacemakers and the meek shall inherit the earth.

          • “How culturally enriching and boring. That is communism”:

            To the contrary, it is remarkable how most (if not all) socialist countries including Russia and China have always jealously guarded and preserved their various ethnic sub-groups and cultures instead of blending them all in a single, cosmopolitan consumer “culture,” which really is boring.

            Socialism not only provides the maximum of liberty but also the greatest cultural freedom, including religious freedom AS LONG AS IT IS NOT BEING USED by the CIA, NSA, etc. (as with the New York-based Falun Gong cult and secret underground “Christian churches” in China) to spy on and undermine the peace of a people’s republic. Note that there are generally three sub-parties and choices of candidates in the elections in independent, unoccupied (“North”) Korea: the Christian socialist candidates, the traditional Buddhist socialist candidates, and secular socialist candidates – all on the same ballot. Not boring at all. The Western consumer “culture” is what really is boring, unnatural and malignant.

    • Meredith’s comments are an interesting case-study in how left-wing government-education produces right-wing racialists who are, nevertheless, left-wing socialists in their economic outlook.

      Back when Ron Paul made his first presidential run, Austrian Economic theory (and economics in general) popped on my radar. I dove in with a passion. I had been raised to admire the free market and capitalism. I’ve never lost this love of the free market. You say it’s a “system of greed”, where I see it as a Christian system: people are in a race to wash their neighbors’ feet, and he who washes the most feet with the highest quality wash is the most rewarded.

      The idea of “class” has always been unintelligible to me and I’m certainly not willing to use it as a lens through which to meta-politics. What is a “working man”? Is a banker a “working man”? If so, the JP Morgan bankers and their friends at the Federal Reserve are all working class. Or maybe “class” is defined by some arbitrary appeal to income? In any case, it’ll always turn out to be an toothless abstraction.

      We need more free markets and less crony-capitalism.

      • “Meredith’s comments are an interesting case-study in how left-wing government-education produces right-wing racialists who are, nevertheless, left-wing socialists in their economic outlook”:

        I am certainly NOT a “right-wing racialist.” Ethnocentrism, like being attracted to like, the love of traditional culture, language, and tribe, family, homeland, etc. is not a racialist cult but a natural human tendency, which I acknowledge and experience. It might be lacking in the most thoroughly genetically-mixed and un-rooted products of capitalist urban cosmopolitan “culture.” Furthermore, the education (mis-education), that you and I have had in this system is not Left. Fake-left “wokeism,” “identity politics, LGBTQ, etc. is not inconsistent with, but part of, the regular mainstream right-wing capitalist indoctrination.

        “We need more free markets and less crony-capitalism”:

        We need neither one, and in fact both are the same. ALL capitalism (which you would like to think of as “free competition”) must move inexorably toward total monopoly and maximum profit (exploitation/usury) by what you call “crony” connections, false advertising deception, and any other means. A capitalist state/government is run by and for big “business” – by and for the wealthy – even if it ostensibly exists to “serve the people.” It never belongs to the people. It is not a true republic, and it is not democratic. Furthermore the capitalist state/oligarchy must engage in imperialism (constant war, hot, cold and hybrid) to assist the wealthy, capitalist class to expand their monopolies globally, subsidizing and protecting their monopolies and private wealth.

        “The idea of ‘class’ has always been unintelligible to me”:

        That is because capitalist mis-education and constant, ubiquitous propaganda “fogs” or erases normal, common-sense consciousness of class, and of society, and even race and ethnicity, making everyone an atomised “individual.” As an “Austrian School”-ed individualistic free marketeer, you should agree with Margaret Thatcher who said “Society does not exist!”

        Re: “What is a ‘working man’? Is a banker a ‘working man’? If so, the JP Morgan bankers and their friends at the Federal Reserve are all working class”:

        It is all common sense, but your life-long mis-education, and special immersion in the “school” or cult of the Jewish Ludwig Von Mises (and probably also the cult of “Ayn” Rosenbaum, although you don’t mention her), and probably also the comfort of a fortunate middle-class position, all work together to blind you to the harsh reality of billions of human lives being exploited in the cruel class and usury System. The working class are the vast majority who depend entirely on wages paid for their labour (which includes some low-paid employees of banks, but certainly not the JP Morgan bankers you mentioned) whereas those who profit by the labour of workers directly through employment, or indirectly through buying-and-selling, finance, interest and investments, and those who own real property beyond their personal need, and those who have accumulated wealth through inheritance and by nepotism, and by what you would call “crony” government connections, are the real capitalists as such, including the haut bourgeois (upper middle) and upper classes. But the line between workers and exploiters is blurred in the lower middle class, which might be where you are, so that if you are comfortable and satisfied with your position, you can be blind to reality of the class and usury system. Maybe you have worked for wages, but you also have financial investments. Maybe you own much more than your per capita share of real property (one house to live in is enough) or you have some renters, or some other small business and you are an employer. So you are a little capitalist. Workers can become capitalists, and capitalists sometimes fall down to be workers, but upward mobility in the system becomes increasingly difficult as it matures, and the vast majority of wealth is concentrated in less than ten percent, even less than one percent of the population, and in fact, only fifty or so families now own most of the wealth. Your so-called “Christian feet washing free market” is a delusion.

        “I see it as a Christian system: people are in a race to wash their neighbors’ feet, and he who washes the most feet with the highest quality wash is the most rewarded”:

        It is a Satanic system that sells just enough service to gain a monopoly, and then exploits the monopoly position it has secured to the max, extracting even MORE than the “market” can bear. Fools who start a business really BELIEVING “it’s all about giving the best service” instead of dog-eat-dog, and buying cheap and charging all the market will bear, will either “wise up” soon or go out of business.

        Re: “class (…) it’ll always turn out to be an toothless abstraction”:

        Not at all. The class exploitation system is hard reality. “Free market” is the false abstraction, and the conformity of billions of workers to the “free” market lie is constantly being enforced with the system’s bloody “teeth” of police and military and imperialist war proxies. As the excommunicated, martyred priest John Ball preached in the Great Rising of 1381: “Things cannot go on well in England, nor ever will until everything shall be in common, when there shall be neither vassal nor lord, and all distinctions levelled; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves (…) They have wines, spices and fine bread, when we have only rye and the refuse of fine straw (…) They have handsome seats and manors, when we must brave the wind and rain in our labours in the field; but it is from our labour they have the wherewith to support their pomp.”

  4. You better watch your universities there because that’s how they are, I believe, flipping states pepsi, especially in rural areas. One of the most rural counties in my state, where the locals I know there are very much not pepsi’s, yet this county votes super pepsi and was one of most strict and insane during covid. How is that possible? Well a major pepsi factory….er I mean major university is there and all the little shits there get to vote down ballet even if they never have been a resident.

  5. Yes terrible

    Was to be expected

    Crazy Black racist women in power or just crazy man less , childless feminist women in power like the Kathleen Kennedy women executives and directors at Disney studios or all the Cis White make hating women now running my Alma mater Stern NewYork University .

    It s the same . I can now see why Henry VIII used the axe on 6 of his wives .

    I loved VDare all those years .

    Some things to be learned from this .

    I wouldn’t t try to make your “ thing” a legal tax exempt charity , certainly not one legally registered in a blue state like NY or my Illinois .

    VDare did pay their writers and staff , I doubt OD or TPC will do that .

    IMO it really is time to separate from the system , start forming delegate socialist communities like Orania .

    Starting seperate language is key

    J Zionists have Hebrew

    Afrikaners in Orania have Afrikaans

    • “Crazy Black racist women in power”

      Ha !
      Look behind the curtain, you’ll see who is pulling the strings.

      Of her own accord, she couldn’t fill in the most rudimentary legal form.

      • Correct United States of AIPAC,its the Jews causing our grief and destruction.They are demons from Hell bent on destroying the White race which is made in God’s image.

    • “start forming delegate socialist communities like Orania .”

      Can’t be done.
      The Bund tried this in several places.
      All were torn apart by USZOG lawfare. Most notably in Yaphank Long Island NY. Which was wrecked the jwish Ny state AG.

      There are too many legal restrictions under ‘fair housing act’s.

      • One possible way would be to form a private corporation by pooling money and purchase a sufficient plot of land in a red-state. Perhaps even could be done by forming new churches like the Amish and Hutterites. The whole plethora of fed rules would not apply to private entities or religious communities. Thinking you could set up something along those lines in a state like NY, CA, NJ or IL is just plain stupid. KY, MO, AL, and others are far more possible.

      • The LDS Mormons had their separatist town, city state on the banks of the Mississippi River here in Navou Illinois.

        It was a religious community, a special sect of Christianity that others didn’t accept as real Christianity.

        The German American Bund that you referenced did get taken down – it was in NY State the center of J power then and now.

        It was also a pretty openly anti J, “Foreign” NAZI town.

        Orania is (so far) succeding.

        Race is only a component, all Whites, very few Whites are accepted, they have to be Christian religious Dutch Afrikaners that speak Afrikaans.

        Speaking of separatist, ethno religious towns. I hear there are some Orthodox Js in Upstate NY State. They really piss off neighbors by taking over everything, milking the welfare state.

        Well, IMO we have to try something as we ain’t taking back all of the USA, North America or the West.

        It looks like we just lost the major English and French cities this year.

        • Yes, Jaye,
          There must be some way.

          Maybe start small, with a camping club.
          Maybe start some specialized farming coop.
          If you can ever get WHITE folks to work together.

        • The FBI was the predecessor of Shin Bet.

          J. Edgar Hoover was completely under the thumb of Meyer Lansky because Lansky had photographs of Hoover sucking cock in drag.

          The FBI has always been an anti-Teutonic federal police force.

          • > J. Edgar Hoover was completely under the thumb of Meyer Lansky because Lansky had photographs of Hoover sucking cock in drag.

            That explains a lot.

          • “That explains a lot.”

            Yeh, like hoover dismissing ‘organized crime’ as a fiction , while it thrived under his directorship.

    • “just crazy man less , childless feminist women in power”

      And who started this insanity of toxic feminism, via their control of the media and consequent legislation ?

    • Not really.
      Internal schemers have wormed their way into power. by using manipulative flattery and dissembling service, they have been working their own hidden plans, Just like Kissinger.

    • But Lucy promises to not pull the football away this time.

      Don’t you trust the political ‘Lucys?”

  6. Sorry to hear this, HW. This is just plain war. This Black “racist” (the Left’s own term) woman thinks she can destroy Whites with impunity and so far she appears to be winning. She doesn’t care about justice only if her race gains and Whites lose everything we have. You can’t vote your way of this situation but you can sure pray your way out of it…

    General Stonewall Jackson defeated armies numerically superior to his by prayers to God. And if you want more proof compare the battle of Chancellorsville with Gettysburg. Gen Jackson was praying and having his prayers answered at Chancellorsville and the Confederates did win in a dramatic way but Gen Jackson was severely wounded by friendly fire and died later from pneumonia. So, about two months later the battle of Gettysburg showed how much Jackson’s prayers were really missed in that the North got practically all the breaks and the South did not. That is how much General Stonewall Jackson was missed and of course the Yankees will never agree with that — they won because they were just so great, deserving and righteous…NO! Secession and slavery were both NOT prohibited in the original Constitution and Lincoln was not the saint that “history” has tried to make him appear to be …

    And it would help if we separated out and formed a government that defended the founding-stock Whites from attacks by radical non-Whites like this. A sad day for all Whites and their descendants in the Yankee Empire…

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

    • I am sure you must be aware than Jackson’s chaplain was none other than Robert Louis Dabney, whose 1870 prophetic description of ‘conservatism’ (posted here by our host and others) turned out to be absolutely on target.

      The Confederates still inspire.

    • Secesh you are right.Prayer and God’s intervention is our only hope.Gen.Stonewall Jackson is my favorite,a true man of God and warrior for his White Southern people.A very good LOST VICTORIES about him correctly suggests we would have won our Independence had Lee followed his advice.God bless you.

    • You cannot pray your way out of this. Jackson won not because of prayers, he won because he was a superior tactician. Why didn’t God bend the path of that Confederate ball?

      • And why didn’t God the Father intervene and prevent the Romans from crucifying Jesus Christ at the request of the Jews/Levites?

        Stay in your lane, heathen. God will knock the hell out of you one day and then you will understand…and probably not until then…I’ve been there…

      • @TO: “Jackson won not because of prayers, he won because he was a superior tactician.”

        If you were living back then I think that you would be shocked at Stonewall Jackson’s response to you if you gave him credit for winning because of his “superior” human ability. Read this quote he made. I’ve never seen any man like him who really believed to the depth that he had about God’s intervention in battle.

        “I am afraid that our people are looking to the wrong source for help, and ascribing our successes to those to whom they are not due. If we fail to trust in God, and to give Him all the glory, our cause is ruined. Give to our friends at home due warning on this subject.”
        — Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, quote found in: Dabney, Robert Lewis, “Life and Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson” (1866), pp. 107-108.

  7. “I don’t want to live under people [like?] New York Attorney General Letitia James in Alabama.”

    Well, if you lived in Birmingham or Mobile or Anniston you probably would.

    It’s all relative. Whites in the South engage in racial bloc voting for Republicans because Negroes are EVERYWHERE and they engage in racial bloc voting for Democrats.

    The North is so segregated that white people can stupidly be lulled into voting for Negroes. It is also the case that New York City is literally a world unto itself and has the ability to rule rural areas (and even other states) with its unassailable power. “Empire State,” indeed.

    I live in an area of New York so rural and agricultural that cattle outnumber people. New York City is twice as far as Cleveland. Racially it is snow white. Yet we are governed by the likes of Letitia James. Why do I live here? Same reason people lived in he Soviet Union — they were born there and they had no place else to go. Just as there were beautiful parts of the USSR, there are beautiful parts of New York that are under dictatorial control.

    The plan is to install these people in federal offices so that they DO have power over people in Alabama, like the Jews Merrick Garfinkle and Alejandro Mayorkas and Janet Yellen. If Letitia James ever becomes U.S. Attorney general you will be living under her, and she will sue the fuck out of Alabama for anything and everything.

    It’s not enough to simply say “I live in Alabama so I don’t have to deal with her.” It’s much more complicated than that.

    The paradox of a places like New York and California is that they are so big they do have beautiful, rural, and very conservative areas but they are ultimately overruled by cities full of queers and blacks and shitlibs and Jews.

    Yes, I could move to Alabama, but from what I have seen of the South there are blacks and shacks and singlewide trailers and junk cars everywhere. I like the politics of the South because the white racial bloc voting, but there are places in New York that are literally 100% white and if it were not for the government they would be some of the best places in the country.

  8. Horrible news. Beyond disappointing. I’ve been following and promoting Peter Brimelow well, since many readers here were born, and yes, even before VDare. Its development in 1999 was like lightning. It in my opinion, was the single most decisive reason Immigration became an issue in public political discourse. Which is why the Brimelows and VDare were targeted this vociferously.

    Still, the Brimelows were repeatedly warned about what was coming and told to leave NYC long before the Super Nigress came on scene. Additionally they were warned on other things which have now become litigious or cyber oriented. Peter, long recognized the long term threat from the Left. But, mistakes were made in preparing the details.

    So, today I read this news like reading the loss of goddaughter princess, and can only feel sympathy for Peter, who spent the later third of his life on it. He personally has weathered serious storms throughout this time, most which aren’t even discussed publicly. So, he deserves our sympathy and help in any way for the generation of patriotic service he gave to this country.

    Indeed, the loss of VDare does not bode well for the future of any of us. They killed Infowars, now they’ve killed VDare. They literally tried to kill Trump. This was all undoubtedly planned together as part of a general seizure of power. There is a war going on which most of you don’t see. But if you watch carefully, you can almost touch it.

  9. They’re just like us, do you see how they are just like us? With us, you can say what ever the hell you please. With them, you get punished before the words leave your mouth. Just like us.

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