Nick and people like him so often feel “betrayed” because they’ve always deluded themselves into thinking MAGA was their movement, being infiltrated and watered-down by normies, when it’s always been the normies’ movement, and groyper types are hangers-on along for the ride. https://t.co/9yEeulOBVj
— Martyr Made (@martyrmade) July 19, 2024
Greg Conte = Comedy gold! pic.twitter.com/10SyDDFcLU
— The Colin Liddell (@cbliddell) February 17, 2023
Destiny was banned from Twitch for mocking the murder of Corey Comperatore. pic.twitter.com/Fsnrctl9hF
— Liberty Pill Memes (@LibertyPillMeme) July 20, 2024
"F-uck that guy that got shot at the rally"
— ThatUmbrellaGuy (@ThatUmbrella) July 16, 2024
Youtuber Destiny ATTACKS Corey Comperatore AGAIN, doubling down on the Donald Trump rally shooting.
People are calling for him being banned, but you want people like this to feel comfortable, so they show you who they really are.… pic.twitter.com/R8V7b2cHU7
In the 2016 election, I was swept up in the Alt-Right mania and supported Donald Trump. In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled on the Trump presidency. I was exhausted and stayed at home. I assumed it was finally over. I was ready at that time to move on from Trump.
In the years that followed, I grew tired of the Biden presidency. It became tedious to keep up with the news. It has been one rolling disaster after another on issues like immigration, inflation and foreign policy. I found my attention being drained away from writing about politics. Everything sucks under Joe Biden. I would rather work and earn more money, read a book or spend more time with my family than cover our politics. I have developed new interests which have increasingly absorbed my time. As a result, I have become more detached from dissident politics which has given me some perspective.
The rise and fall of Joe Biden has coincided with the rise and fall of “woke” politics. We spent the Trump years clashing with these people in the streets. I use the term in air quotes because it has become a cliché to talk about them. In both culture and practical politics, the “woke” have become notorious for having extreme views which are repulsive to normal people. They have wrecked various franchises and institutions on the progressive Left and have alienated swathes of the Democratic coalition. These activists tend to be young people with college degrees from middle class backgrounds. They are hyper alienated, siloed away in toxic internet subcultures and have developed their own insane jargon.
You can probably see where I am going with this.

This is the infamous picture of Commander Matt Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party in full Dickies uniform from Rural King wearing a stahlhelm at Unite the Right in Charlottesville.
I’m not trying to trash or pick on Heimbach here. The point is that Heimbach in Charlottesville was suffering from a chronic debilitating condition which I have come to recognize as activist brain. He checks all of the boxes: young, college educated, middle class background, radical ideology, hyper alienated, insane jargon, siloed away in a toxic internet subculture, determined to force external reality to conform to his own pet ideology which was some combination of Strasserism and National Bolshevism.
It is a huge problem on the Left. It is also a problem on the Right. The ideological content is different, but I think of it as the same condition … activist brain. In our case, I often see activist brain taking the form of snark and cattiness, sneering at normies, talking down to ordinary people who do not understand, say, the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, or how the Jews controlled Oliver Cromwell and the Bank of England. Activist brain is sometimes expressed in the desire to punish the normies until they grasp THE TRUTH because it has proven impossible to persuade them to care about some activist obsession.
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to persuade our own activists to go along with their tribe? Ideologically, they are ethnonationalists who value group solidarity. They behave like individualists though. They don’t choose their ethnic group. Race matters in the abstract. The activist-normie divide is on constant display in our circles. The America First movement, for example, would say that foreign policy and specifically Palestinian human rights is the most important issue in the country. They have wildly different issue preferences from conservative normies who are motivated by the economy and immigration. Patriot Front bewilders normies who scream “feds” whenever they march through cities like Nashville. The accusation is untrue and Patriot Front is fedjacketed by bad actors who exploit the divide.

Richard Spencer’s content is an extreme case of narcissism combined with activist brain. The Apollo cult is another example of this. See also the people who have consumed hundreds of books about the Third Reich and who have become so nostalgic for it that it has alienated them from their peers. See also the people ranting about how Christ-Insanity is the ultimate Jewish conspiracy. See also the people who have consumed a thousand hours of “Red Pill” content online which has locked them in an ideological prison and left them incapable of approaching or maintaining a relationship with a woman.
The common thread is going down a deep ideological rabbit hole on the internet and being influenced and educating yourself in a way that becomes a handicap in relating to and interacting with your peers. Activist brain is isolating, generates resentment and creates obstacles for activists. It is easier to see at a distance how it operates on the Left where all the absurd woke jargon is an obvious political albatross in approaching and trying to win over normal people who do not understand activist obsessions like saying the right pronouns. Joe Biden’s immigration policy was captured by activists and was so extreme and out of touch with the sensibilities of normies that it has ultimately doomed his political career.
Donald Trump is the leader of rightwing conservative normies. Regardless of what you think about Trump, the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania has objectively bonded him closer than ever to his followers. The polls show that Trump is at the peak of his national popularity. Trump’s miraculous escape from death has stirred up strong emotions in his base. Once again, you don’t even have to like Trump or think he is capable of accomplishing any of his policy goals to grasp this, but I have seen lots of influencers afflicted with activist brain chiming in to demonstrate that they do not understand their audience. It might be too generous on my part to grant that they even still trying to persuade conservative normies of anything. In many cases, the activist-normie divide curdled into contempt a long time ago.
This brings me to the Trump rally in Butler, PA.
The bullets that whizzed past Trump struck three random MAGA supporters in the crowd that day. The shooter killed that firefighter Corey Comperatore who died protecting his daughters. It was a powerful reminder that all the Super Trump fans who I know are people like Comperatore or my brother-in-law. They are overwhelmingly good people even if they do not grasp every aspect of my own personal ideology. In contrast, the sort of White people who support Joe Biden are people like Destiny.
Martyr Made made a powerful point in his response to Nick Fuentes on X. MAGA was always a conservative normie movement. Pretty much my entire ethnic group supports Trump. I understand why people like my uncle, cousins and neighbors are voting for Trump over Kamala Harris. To be honest, I do not blame them for their choice. I am not going to stand in their way. I am going to choose solidarity with them instead of spitting in the wind and prioritizing some activist ideological point of disagreement.
Leadership is meeting people where they are at and moving them in the direction you want to go. Those who suffer from activist brain are incapable of doing this. They cannot get over the “meeting people where they are” hump. To be completely candid with you, I think Trump has better political instincts and has been better at doing this than many of our own activists who have led their small bands of followers through the wilderness down all sorts of absurd tangents and dead end roads in recent years.
As usual, I am only sharing my own thoughts on the Trump Question. I am not urging anyone to vote for Trump. I trust you to make your own decisions. I am just saying that I have grown more skeptical of the leadership abilities and communication skills of activists based on what I have seen.
Note: nb4 someone points out the obvious.
I, too, have suffered from activist brain on occasions which is one of the reasons why I have written this article. I have become more self aware about it. I do not try to rigidly impose my ideology on anyone. We are influenced by the content we consume. If you surround yourself with five incel losers, you will probably become the sixth incel loser. If you listen to someone on a podcast for hundreds of hours who has demonstrated terrible political judgment, you too will likely misread political reality.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
Activist brain + Soros money = Professional protestor.
Its hard to be pro White when nothing in your ideology is beneficial to White people at the time and place in which they find themselves.
This is where the dissident right has been for years now, and I have no more issue saying it plain. It was hard to dig myself out of the echo chamber. I’m better for having had to struggle with all this stuff, but I’m too old to want to keep doing it.
Folks need to go outside, see a movie, walk the dog and get off the internet. Its too easy to just get buried in a rabbit hole like the red pill.
This is the best article you have ever written, Brad.
Re: “activist brains” versus normies and normalcy:
Not all ideologies are false, and not all activism is foolish, harmful and wrong. So-called “activist brains” working in pursuit of, and for the sake of the TRUTH are NOT foolish, harmful and wrong. You might be acquiescing with (and by voting, giving explicit consent to) “lesser” evils like Trump and normie conservatism because you feel comfortable in your propertied bourgeois class position. But the vast majority of the population of the U.S. “homeland,” the U.sury S.ystem’s so-called “human resources,” workers and “consumers” who have nothing to lose but their “chains” of inequality, DON’T crave the “normalcy” of capitalism. You might also be silent about U.S. imperialism because you feel comfortable in your class position. Imperialism enriches the upper class and some of it trickles down to the middle class.
Re: “Leadership is meeting people where they are (…) Those who suffer from activist brain are incapable of doing this. They cannot get over the ‘meeting people where they are’ hump”:
The Right (which includes the fake Left, and populism) NEVER meets the vast majority of people where they are. It KEEPS the exploited vast majority where they are, HOLDING THEM DOWN by state-protected, legally enforced theft. “Populism” is a trick that the Right uses to distract and mislead the masses, especially during one of capitalism’s debt crises.
Undoubtedly Brad, normal people need to be led to understand gradually, without making extreme speeches right away that otherwise they would not understand and might scare them…….I have often made my positions clear by speaking quietly, without hard words and without participating in extreme events such as street fights. Even normal people see that the global left is becoming more and more radical anyway, so many people have understood this without doing activism.
WHEN YOU SAY: “It is easier to see at a distance how it operates on the Left where all the absurd woke jargon is an obvious political albatross in approaching and trying to win over normal people who do not understand activist obsessions like saying the right pronouns. ”
I want to ask you: According to you, if so, how did the woke spread and become so successful in America and even outside ?
The left got corporate sponsorship.
Yes, that’s correct but why normal people continue to vote left if they don’t understand woke politics?
The other side has controlled all of academia from kindergarten to post-graduate studies, all major media and entertainment for decades running. They have government and corporate support in all of this. Normies have zero understanding that they have been gaslighted about nearly everything.
“why normal people continue to vote left”:
That is not LEFT. Neoliberalism which uses “wokeism” as a smokescreen is not leftism. The U.S. electorate doesn’t have an opportunity to vote socialist. There are no left candidates and no left parties in the world’s most capitalist “nation” that is always working to subvert, overthrow and exterminate socialism wherever it exists on earth.
@Meredith Mynyddog:
So, basically Neoliberalism is basically Oligarchy using socialist (actually Marxist or, better yet Maoist) jargon to appeal to the voters who actually want the kind of socialism that would benefit them like what both medical and disability and an old age pension should be, not to mention affordable housing and, at least, a true living wage.
Kind of like what our Congress Critters enjoy. Their health plan is single payer (courtesy of the taxpayers) with multiple providers. They don’t have to deal with scare tactics by both parties saying that their retirement pensions are an “entitlement” which needs to be cut.
Which begs the questions: isn’t an “entitlement” something to which you are, in fact, entitled? If this entitlement is going to run out, why are we letting in millions of foreigners to suck off of welfare benefits as well as able-bodied Americans who get free housing and food on the government dime?
But I digress, “wokeism” is another scam perpetrated on the American people much like the Left trying to peddle Kamala Harris as the first Black woman president and possibly the first Black woman president. She’s mainly South Asian (dot Indian) with Irish slave holders making up the rest of her bloodline. The only known Black DNA Heels Up Harris may still be carrying is Mayor Willie Brown’s.
Normies understand social pressure, and know they’re being pressured to conform via very simple virtue signals. They don’t need to understand wokeness to understand their jobs often depend on bending the knee to blue haired HR ladies with horn rim problem glasses.
@IronicSockAccount and @12AX7 Thank you for your answers, which represent what I have always thought as well. In fact, mine was more a question to understand how Brad explained this than a real question. The left controls two fundamental institutions in the U.S. but also where I live in Europe: universities (where except in rare cases the prof. are leftists) and the courts (where there are magistrates who act more out of political ideology than morality). I understand the social pressure, but I think even normies should at some point challenge this: I teach school (high school), of course I don’t expose myself totally but still I express my ideas while knowing that the majority of colleagues and the school in general think differently from me. The other week I went to a party with friends, those country parties where there are a lot of people, I was wearing a shirt with the confederate flag on the back (yes I am a fan of the confederacy) but I didn’t give a damn what people might think…….certainly I don’t live in the USA but trust me the confederate flag even here in my country is not seen well in these times where everything is racism. Anyway thanks again for the replies, I share your point of view.
P.S. Meredith Mynyddog are you by any chance the reincarnation of Merthyr Rising?
Hello Marcel;
One reason for “woke” politics is anti-White (i.e. European Christian ancestry) animus from the various non-Whites. They may be quarrelsome but they are united in what they are against which is the White population of the U.S. Non-Whites practice ethnic solidarity to a very high degree, even when it’s self destructive such as blacks supporting black criminals.
There has also been a cultural war waged against institutions, customs and history associated with White people. This has been going on for more than 100 years, originating in the universities which train the leadership class. This cultural war started with people like Franz Boas and his fraudulent anthropology teaching against traditional Christian moral values and all hierarchies.
He claimed these were the cause of unhappiness in society. People thousands of miles away in places like Samoa, living in a state of nature, unencumbered by Christianity and Western norms lived much more peaceful, simpler and happier lives. Franz Boas attracted influential pupils like Margaret Mead who spread his false gospel far and wide.
Sigmund Freud’s crackpot theories were another source of intellectual and cultural rot, overthrowing morality governing behavior by theorizing away bad behavior. John Maynard Keynes added his academic theories about how deficits don’t matter because we owe the debt to ourselves. To be fair to him Keynes advocated deficit spending but also advocated governments running a surplus during prosperous times to counteract deficits.
The effect was for politicians to spend without restraint, growing the State, never curbing spending, buying votes with the voters’ own money. All of this spending, enabled by a central bank which could print money without limit benefited the Left Wing institutions of the country. The leaders of these institutions, marinated in Marxist ideology while at university where their intellectual outlook was shaped, continued the Leftward march. The Left’s cultural revolution must march on, else it dies, thus it becomes a worse monster, devouring everything until it finally collapses in on itself.
Re: “are you by any chance the reincarnation of Merthyr Rising?”
Obviously so.
If you are in France (or is it Belgium?) you don’t have much of a left choice either. Your “socialist” politicians are mostly neoliberal, and even your communist parties are sold out or ineffective. In frustration, you turn to the far right and populists.
Not one word on O.D. about the visit of Netanyahu to the imperial capital today. Also today, the colonial proxy is busily massacring indigenous women and children in the “safe zone” of Khan Younis, using tanks.
This is an exceptional article.
I’m compelled to defend the pro-White far-roght activist brain though. Their zeal comes in understanding that they have a firm grip on important basic realities that normies are either unaware of or totally wrong about. How can you not be frustrated with and feel mentally superior to some MAGA guy telling you Israel is our greatest ally and that Democrats are the real racists? The activist left might alienate people but they get their objectives realized. There is something to being unbendingly fanatical. It just can’t be done in clown-mode what with the fattarded guys in 3rd reich costumes.
“I have developed new interests which have increasingly absorbed my time. As a result, I have become more detached from dissident politics which has given me some perspective.”
I was hoping if Brad might elaborate on his new interests and how they have helped him. Great essay!
I’ve always been fan of cooking and trying out new recipes. I enjoy cooking because it is a good way to destress and improve my focus and attention.
Here is an excellent salmon pasta recipe that I recently tried out:
Salmon pasta? On an Southron American dissident website? Nah. You need to talk about how you are rediscovering traditional American culinary folk customs in a way that would make IronicSockAccount pleased in discovering Whiteness Americana style.
Try Salmon stuffed with Acorn squash a classic American dish from colonial times. Or a classic Dixie dish, Salmon with caramelized pears and onions with smoked black pepper. Or an old British American colonian dish, Salmon with dill, lemon rind and juice in butter. Salmon pasta is an Ellis Island Rif Raf Guido Papist dish. Nick Fuentes would prefer it over the American Protestant salmon recipes listed above.
It was delicious
> The bullets that whizzed past Trump struck three random MAGA supporters in the crowd that day. The shooter killed that firefighter Corey Comperatore who died protecting his daughters. It was a powerful reminder that all the Super Trump fans who I know are people like Comperatore or my brother-in-law. They are overwhelmingly good people even if they do not grasp every aspect of my own personal ideology. In contrast, the sort of White people who support Joe Biden are people like Destiny.
Absolutely true. They’re good people who are doing the best they can do with limited understanding. Keep in mind that public schools, mass media and entertainment have a lot to do with the mass gaslighting of normie conservatives. It will take a very long time to de-program even these decent people if the empire and its Mighty Wurlitzer collapses. De-programming is a long, step-by-step process.
Padawan Hunter,
You’ve done good, padawan. Well done. The elders are pleased. You have been tested and have passed. You are now ready for the next stage and whatever direction you decide to go. Go, and with Christ as your guide, be not afraid my fellow Patriot. We’ll be seeing you Hunter.
You are truly a Jew retard.I had to look up Padawan and of course its some Star Wars bullshit.A society of misfits who spend their whole lives referencing some dumb Jew movie really is lost.
“society of misfits who spend their whole lives referencing some dumb Jew movie really is lost.”
Amen !
It’s displacement, when real thinking is displaced by kiddie entertainment subjects. Our entire society has been degraded to grade school topics,
While centuries and centuries of the most sophisticated minds collect dust
Your burnt out, which isn’t surprising because all is chaos, and unorganized, forcing us to carry the weight of this war individually on our own shoulders, which is why we need to stop fighting, and start organizing a new political party. The Germans went through this same malaise prior to the development of the NSDAP.
“people who have consumed a thousand hours of “Red Pill” content online which has locked them in an ideological prison and left them incapable of approaching or maintaining a relationship with a woman.”
dude, your about to lose your food, your country, your life, and all you can think about is getting with a woman?
The national socialists knew life was, in their own words, an “eternal struggle” and they were right. As Plato told us thousands of years ago, “only a dead man knows the end of war”. I suggest you renew your focus, not on fighting, but helping to organize a new political party, to fight your burn out. It was give you some value for your energies, instead of just burning your time up complaining. The jews are NOT going to stop trying to destroy you.
I’m not burned out.
I just find the news cycle and politics under Joe Biden to be boring as hell. It just doesn’t capture my interest. I am not as motivated to pay attention to politics. So I have been working more and doing other things
2020 was so exciting – the economy completely shut down over a bad case of the flu, a $2.5T bailout for the jews’ Wall St, Blacks burning and looting US cities, etc. That was some non-boring shit can’t wait for some more under Trump. The Trumpkins had better be careful of what they wish for because just might get it.
Headlines in 2024,:
Guess what?
– Another 3,000 soldiers died in Ukraine
– Another dozen children were blown to bits in Gaza
– You won’t believe these interest rates
– Another 10,000 illegal aliens crossed the border
– Another woman was shot and killed in the parking lot of Whole Foods
It can all be easily summarized as everything sucks. We know
” I am not as motivated to pay attention to politics…” You should remember your Clausewitz because politics is war, just hiding its stripes. You may not be interested in politics, but the control innate in our political system is going to kill you. I mean, these fat, disguising, psychopaths that control our military, armory’s and nuclear weapons are frauds, and we should take control of our weapons away from them before they use them on us. You cant see that shit? It’s not what you believe, but what you can defend. This is an endless war planet/species, and weapons are the only true god. You should be pissed there’s no national socialist party to challenge this jewshit passing for politics in the ussa today. You should be pissed!
> You should remember your Clausewitz because politics is war, just hiding its stripes. You may not be interested in politics, but the control innate in our political system is going to kill you. I mean, these fat, disguising, psychopaths that control our military, armory’s and nuclear weapons are frauds, and we should take control of our weapons away from them before they use them on us. You cant see that shit? It’s not what you believe, but what you can defend. This is an endless war planet/species, and weapons are the only true god. You should be pissed there’s no national socialist party to challenge this jewshit passing for politics in the ussa today. You should be pissed!
OK, nothing you said there is false. So to ask you the famous question posed by a certain V. Ulyanov over a century ago: What is to be done? / Shto dyelat?
With both political parties in the federal system being anti-life, NOW is the time to start an american version of the National Socialists. Take the money away from the jew/jesuits. Federalize the banks, corporations, and media. Cancel all debts (public and personal), remove all the foreigners, both legal and illegal, return all industry to US soil, stop funding foreign nations, etc. Reverse all the damage jews have done since they won WWII. NOW IS THE TIME TO START THE NEW NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY. IF NOT NOW, WHEN???
The leader of every nation should strive to achieve the following for his nation;
* Secure borders,the removal of illegals and those not compatible.
*Tariffs in place against nations with cheap labour and unfair trade practices, ensuring a robust manufacturing sector.
*Keeping out of wars that are none of their business, particularly when there are more pressing issues at home.
*Redirecting endless foreign aid handouts to locals in need.
*The safety and so social stability of their own country.
*The removal of leftist teaching and culture from our institutions.
*Policies in place that repel the Jewish, Chinese and Muslim threat on home soil.
As for black Americans, they’ve been in America for hundreds of years. No elected figure be expected to remove them. They just cannot do that. It would be impossible to make a credible case for it when they were shipped there against their will, and have largely mixed heritage now, anyway.
Everything I’ve listed should be possible for any leader with some backbone.
The observations made here apply to about 99% of people who’ve ever voluntarily adopted the label “WN” for themselves, and certainly to the vastest majority of commenters on your site over the years.
Even Jared Taylor – normally reliable – managed to produce one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on this incident. It’s not that he was technically “wrong” in anything he said, but that it was such a daft angle to focus on that it makes you wonder whether he is still right in the head. I have to suspect he had a little of the “activist brain” thing going here. He normally hits the right tone, but every now and then the monumental contempt he has for democracy and for the tastes and ways of ordinary citizens of middling intelligence seeps through (to the detriment of his own case).
Normal Whites are nowhere.They put huge amounts of hope and energy in Trump,who doesn’t give a flip about them.He worships his Christ-hating masters.He even let his daughter commit the unpardonable sin of renouncing the Holy Spirit(which she did when she joined Judaism)so tighter bonds could be forced with the demon Jews.Like the Exalted Cyclops said they’re all brainwashed.Whites today bear no semblance to their ancestors.Their reflex is to embrace race-mixing(if not personally but in essence).I really hope that God crushes the Jews who have done this,have created a society which rejects God and His ways.The Christian churches today are all in on race mixing and loving Jews.If you could watch any snippet of the GOP Convention and not reject it outright then you are brainwashed.Sikh prayer,multiple other Indians and Blacks,race mixer Vance etc etc.Trump did the old local wrestling trick of a slice with a razor blade to create a lot of blood but little real damage.Trump is part of the evil.Neither party will help us in any way.We must ask the Lord God to help us find a way.The internet is one way truth gets out.God can cause changes even Jewish Satanic machinations cannot stop.Trump wore the yamulke of the Satan religion.Are modern Whites even deserving of anything?Most seem to have no innate loyalty to their race.Perhaps God will spare that small number of proud Whites who never surrendered and never embraced Judeo/Christianity.
I hate idealism. I simply don’t understand people with autistic impulses. I appreciate that these impulses often produce great works of art or engineering but I simply can’t understand them. I’m comfortable coming in second. Some people just have to “win”. Some things CANNOT be explained. This leaves room for “God” and mysticism. I’m drunk and rambling…
Life is messy.
This, I think, is pretty close to being the correct balance between wholly unpalatable Eric Striker tier obnoxious “activism”, and the right amount of honest directness that is necessary to keep normies like this gracious loser “conservative” type we all pretty much can’t stand from getting comfortable, as cucks tend to do.
Sam Hyde knows the way.
Two ongoing genocides are occurring, the extermination of Gazans by mass murder, and the extermination of whites by mass immigration.
Insofar as you support pseudo-nationalist neocons like Trump, you support both genocides, pure and simple.
I don’t compromise with genocide, especially not the genocide of my own people.
There is no compromising with genocide, if you’re not against it, you’re for it.
If you have any brains and any balls, you’ll walk away from the duopoly/uniparty and encourage others to do so.
People get old and they have families to support, understandable, but they shouldn’t get in the way of the needed work of young activists, instead they should pass the torch to them.
They should support them.
These young activists plant seeds in the minds and hearts of men now, that may sprout years later when a catalyst, like say the collapse of the American dollar/empire, occurs.
The masses are complacent, they are like millions of bovine with thick hides.
They need a shock to the system, and one will come sooner or later.
Very good comment, Karl.
I think the problem here is there’s such a yawning gap between where Normies actually are, and where they need to be, that most of us who go down this road inevitably, and understandably, get frustrated with them.
One assumption about people that I believed in strongly before, and after, becoming a WN, is that people are attracted to different values, personalities, ideologies, etc, based on something innate, unchangable, and predetermined inside them. John Locke could not have been more wrong about Blank Slatism. I would go so far as to argue that everything Edward Berneys discovered about advertising and manipulation *only* applies to consumption, and says absolutely nothing about the supposed capability of the media or the education system to “shape” or “indoctrinate” people into specific value systems and ideologies.
Among Normies, the conservative types are attracted to Christianity, the liberal types are attracted to anything having to do with social welfare and helping people, and both types are, to a man, anti-racist by choice. Its only an oddball minority of us who believe in something outcast like saving the White Race, and an even smaller number that choose to believe something radical like National Socialism. I think what we all have to cope with is the reality that daily depredations against regular White people will continue until Whites as a collective figure out what we all figured out years ago in this movement.
The Women Question is a separate issue entirely. My take on that is there is yet another yawning gap between social expectations – everyone gets in a relationship and lives happily ever after – and reality (Social Darwinism, in which attraction isn’t negotiated). I believe the social expectations should be dumped and replaced seeing as they are grinding up badly against biological reality. Marriage as an institution is not long for this world.
Very thoughtful and intelligent comments.
Thanks Brian! ??
If we feel betrayed it’s because we hoped that Trump’s rhetoric in 2015 and 2016 before the election was the real Trump. It wasn’t. So yes, if you were desperate enough to imagine Trump could be the real deal, you were betrayed. Some of us knew Trump was likely to win in 2016. And we knew that Jews were likely to move in and take TOTAL control of his policy. And it happened, and since then the kikesucker fags have been jeering at us for pointing it out, for pointing out that Trump was / is a fraud.
The maggots feeding on kike garbage mostly disclaimed Trump at the time or publicly doubted he had a chance, and Trump never could have been elected if he’d spouted the sort of mealy-mouthed crap they spew all day to keep their positions. It was right-wing whites who don’t usually vote who helped put Trump over the top. Trump’s first term caused widespread disaffection among those erstwhile supporters, and that helped cost Trump the 2020 election. Keep pretending the right-wingers in the upper-midwest don’t exist, like the Jews tell you. (because they hate Germans, Catholics, etc) Blacks, Hispanics, women and “hillbillies” in small states like West Virginia will keep the GOP going!
The “deplorables” were just along for the ride, they say. Okay kikes. Disclaim away, now that you think Trump is certain to win and do 100% Israel’s bidding. (and if not, the “First Cuck/Kike” will be in constant communication with the Zionists to ensure they are given everything they demand).
There is no viable Republican Party without the pro-life / anti-homosexual / pro-white family Christian vote. And as time goes on, the Christian vote will be less and less dominated by Zionists.
Trump will sucker them this year because of exhausting with four years of Biden, but Trump’s New York City values displayed in the RNC are the kiss of death for the Republican Party.
The same way that Buchanan in 1992 was actually showing the way for the Republican Party in the future (that they mostly flatly refused to accept) – Trump in 2024 is showing the route to the final demise of the Republican Party.
By the way, here is your brilliant, independent, amazing “free speech” hero: https://t.me/afshinrattansi/7025%3C/BLOCKQUOTE%3E
Jefferson, Frankin, and Adams could be accused of having “activist brain.” Is it true that only three percent of the Colonists in 1776 supported and fought for freedom from the English crown. That would mean that 97% were ‘business as usual is fine’ normie brained.
Flash forward to the current day, and again, it will be those with “activist brain” that will act as Australian Cattle Dogs and German Shepherds to led the herd of White normie sheeple where they need to be.
Normies are the NPCs of the judeo-American evil empire. They are the eighty-five percent that answer race is little or nothing to their identity in polls, including the 2017 Pew Poll on race and identity.
I do not know who this man is, but he speaks for a lot of us that have given up un waking up the shit for brains normie herd.
If you were just starting out now, I bet you would no longer name your website “occidental dissent” since you no longer like being “dissident.”