Here's the DNC opening their convention with a "land acknowledgement" pic.twitter.com/hY72CewW6z
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 19, 2024
It’s almost DNC day!
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) August 18, 2024
In preparation, the convention has set up abortion and vasectomy mobile units and even has… a giant IUD on display!
(Not a meme folks – this is for real, as reported by the NY Post). pic.twitter.com/JygBMIViXu
Chicago — A trans person covering his face and hair harasses police as part of the far-left march outside the DNC. pic.twitter.com/aVayBo4SQX
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) August 19, 2024
Protesters in Chicago who are marching against the DNC chant "F*ck the courts, f*ck the state, you can't make us procreate."
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 19, 2024
People dressed as abortion pills take part in the march. pic.twitter.com/xwmRAAjW8w
NEW: At the pro-abortion rally in Chicago: "Reproductive justice means Palestinian liberation." pic.twitter.com/MaTvcxMwFs
— Tony Kinnett (@TheTonus) August 18, 2024
It appears that leftists are already having a “joyful” experience in Chicago for the DNCpic.twitter.com/W2XcnbiQ1r
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 19, 2024
Meanwhile in Chicago: abortion pills march against the DNC on the eve of the convention
— Beth Baisch ? (@BethBaisch) August 19, 2024
The first major protest ahead of the DNC in Chicago is about to begin. This was organized by the Coalition for Reproductive Justice and LGBT+ Liberation. pic.twitter.com/XNU7m9DwCL
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 18, 2024
Pre-DNC protest in Chicago ends with people performing a small concert about fascists losing: pic.twitter.com/kJy2RpXtoH
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 19, 2024
Protesters in Chicago chant “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Christian fascists go away” on the eve of the DNC. pic.twitter.com/CoQimSOiJC
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 18, 2024
Protesters in Chicago chant “DNC go home, or we’ll bring the war home.” They repeat the chant with Kamala’s name. pic.twitter.com/ui0vkiVjG8
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 19, 2024
NOW: disruption inside the DNC delegate welcome party on the stage at Navy Pier!! https://t.co/JjihLfuUzb pic.twitter.com/73T7SK92oY
— Angela Van Der Pluym (@anjewla90) August 19, 2024
I am registering to vote against this here in Pennsylvania. Trump's brown America will lose.
— Svenpai (@BigSvenpaiGainz) August 18, 2024
Free Palestine
Fuck your small business
Tax unrealized tips at 56% https://t.co/KbCU9LgZcw
That would be so based
— Svenpai (@BigSvenpaiGainz) August 15, 2024
I'd have a reason to vote for her besides just making rightoids mad
I'll settle for rightoids mad tho
Can you spot activist brain?
Reminiscent of the 1968 DNC held in Chicago. Screamers and thugs, aka leftist “protestors”, are clearly mentally unbalanced people. The cannon fodder of the revolution, they’ll be the first to be eliminated post victory by those they serve.
both the democratic platform and the protester demands made more sense than anything at the republican conventions then or now, back in 1968.
they say the roman elite went degenerate and mad. maybe, but the people in usa aren’t made. opinion polls are gamed but clear in the people would vote right if everything were referendums.
This is not like 1968. This is something like 1937. Now idealists from 1968 getting the same treatment as Lenin Old Guards in 1937 Soviet Union.
What we see is the end of the 1968 revolution and once again revolution will eat it’s children.
I respectfully disagree. This is EXACTLY like 1968. This may appear to be a Pro-Palestine protest, but it is really an Anti-DRAFT protest. I was alive in 1968 and old enough to remember. Anti-DRAFT protestors called themselves ANTI-WAR but carried on like PRO-HANOI protestors.
But, in the end, it’s all the same. It’s really about the DRAFT. These Pro-Palestine protestors have seen the handwriting on the wall and are not happy with what they are reading. It’s been there since October 7, 2023.
There is a draft bill – with no exemptions – on the table in Congress. Because it is an election year, none of those scumbags have the courage to do it. It includes young women. Remember how Doug Mackey AKA Ricky Vaughn got thrown in jail for his Draft Our Daughters for Israel meme against Hillary? Well, it’s about to happen.
Another reason why the Democrats might let The Donald take the Booby Prize this time.
Good comment, Clytemnestra. The Presidency really is “the Booby Prize,” and “carried on like PRO-HANOI protestors” is what the anti-war protesters had to do to send the correct message about why war is wrong. I’m still pro-Hanoi and pro Uncle Ho. After unimaginable sacrifice and against all odds the so-called “gooks”/”yellow peril”/rice monkeys” won, proving that God’s justice although often slow in coming (“the mills of God grind slowly”) prevails in the end.
Mystifying why they raise abortion in those protests, everyone there supports it already, both activist and establishment Democrat.
But with the Israel Palestine issue, there is no way these two side can reconcile this, this will only get worse with time.
> Mystifying why they raise abortion in those protests, everyone there supports it already, both activist and establishment Democrat.
They’re still milking the slut-cows for the Gay Old Pedoburo’s retarded response to the overturn of Roe, which correctly returned the issue to the states. In Illinois, run by Guv. Jabba the Pizza-Hutt, Schlomo has abortion mills all over. There few restrictions on the procedure in the one-party hellhole. They’re protests are quite retarded on many levels.
What is wrong with this picture? They are disgusted by the slaughter of innocent young children in Palestine but full support the slaughter of innocent young children in the womb. Is God trying to tell these retards something?
@Robert Browning
They are disgusted by the slaughter of innocent young children in Palestine but full support the slaughter of innocent young children in the womb. Is God trying to tell these retards something?
were fully under the spell of the Jewish Anti-Christ
The Abortion Pill Protestors (who look like mainly post and peri-menopausal women who don’t need them) are being included to distract the Christian Right from the Palestinian cause into a knee-jerk support of Israel.
Think of the Westboro’s Thank God for Dead Soldiers “anti-gay” Church’s antics. That wore down the Right’s resistance to Gay Marriage and ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
I delayed taking to the streets of our Chicago to promote my tourism business.
Yeah, this was a move based on cowardice.
To my credit I did respond well to a march of really, REALLY UG-LEEEE Abortion Rights hags that were blocking off a beautiful street of South Michigan Avenue right in front of Louis Sullivan’s “Auditorium Theater”.
I was outnumber > 1,000 to one, some CPS cops just observed, but I gave better than I took – I pointed out the FACT that these creatures were some damn ugly that they were obviously never in need of abortion or any other contraception as no man would ever voluntarily agree to have sex with any of them.
Sigh (I know one OD reader doesn’t like me to use that expression. But that’s just how I feel when good places that were once “ours” get invaded by horrible, UG- LEE men and women, especially Ug-Lee, Hateful women like this DNC freak show.
OK, I need some support and inspiration brothers and sisters.
I need to get out there this week.
Keep the faith for our people and our civilization. It’s a fallen world, and getting worse.
But like the ancient Romans of old when the Gauls invaded and sacked Rome in (I think) the 4th century BC while the Roman army was off in North Africa or somewhere else), we should put on our best clothes and get out there and keep a stiff upper lip and not just run away and hide from these Antifa, Lib Leftist Fag Hags.
“just run away and hide from these Antifa”:
The anti-war protesters are not Antifa. You are confused, disinformed. Antifa are being used AGAINST the anti-Israel, anti-genocide protesters, just like ISIS is used against Syria and other opponents of Israel in the Middle East.
You’re likely correct about this. Antifa is basically a boot-camp for the regime’s FBI stasi, murderous criminals who operate under the color of law. It would be part of their mission to attack any protesters against OUR GREATEST ALLY.
Yeah, Antifa are tools of the establishment. And most of the freaks in it are too stupid to realize it.
Correct, Antifa is pure astroturfed, jewish NGOs with interlocking CIA, corporate and media America.
The people protesting the dems are well-meaning but misguided young people, mostly upset at the pro-Israeli genocide in Palestine.
You are correct.
In Germany, Antifa has been known to march with Israeli flags, and they’ve also been known to attack pro-Palestinian protesters.
That is some COURAGE, standing down a mob of shrill, shrieking harpies — Bravo, Jaye Ryan!! I lived in Chicago in the early 1980s. Cicero area. I recall a heavy Eastern European presence, and a lot of Italians. Can’t imagine what a non-White hellhole it is by now.
So many of them are wearing facemasks… because they still fear COVID four years later? (It can’t be due to fear of being identified, hardly anyone prosecutes Leftist protestors anymore.)
They know all ZOG Feds use facial recognition equipment and software.
People with no future, tend to go crazy …….
These young anti-war protesters, who “you all” (you far-right wingers) think are so ridiculous, prove that there is still a trace of morality and humanity remaining in your thoroughly money-corrupted, atomised consumerist “society.”
Your heaping of ridicule on these young anti-war protesters, and your otherwise stone silence regarding the ongoing genocide of Palestine is just what I would expect of you far-right wingers.
Incidentally, I do not approve of the sodomite and other pro-fornication demonstrations, but they should not be confused with (used like “fog” to cover up) the principled opposition to the genocide of Palestine, and other murderous crimes of U.S. imperialism. “Y’all” like to say that the genocided indigenous people of Palestine and millions of other victims of U.S. imperialism, all around the world, “had it coming,” and “they really did it to themselves,” by being not “Aryan” or Jewish, which means they deserve to die or be enslaved, and be dispossessed of their lands. I for one am very proud of these anti-war protesters, who are a tiny minority of the population (I don’t call it a people) of the U.S. “homeland.”
Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not lie.
You’re wrong. These people don’t care one bit about Gaza or Palestine. If they did, they should go and sign up to fight with Hamas or Hezbollah. They’d need to convert to Islam though, which frowns on their gay bullshit. On the other hand, the IDF, Murikan, British, Ukrainian and all EUSSR militaries (save maybe Hungary’s) would welcome them with waving rainbow flags. I think Jaye Ryan kind of touched on the real purpose of these clown-shows. The gaslight media will naturally focus on them as they are part of the overall narrative broadcast by the Mighty Wurlitzer worldwide. This promotion has two effects: 1) It encourages all of the other woketards around the world; 2) It also pisses off enough of the remaining Christian Zionists here in Murika that some might even join the Murikan military thinking that they’ll be fighting against this crap (when in fact they’ll be fighting for it). There’s no shortage of total tards regardless of which side you’re talking about. As Gen. Smedley the Great noted (only at the end of his distinguished career): War is a Racket. While these idiots are all ginned up about this BS, the usual suspects are countin’ the money rolling in.
“These people don’t care one bit about Gaza or Palestine. If they did, they should go and sign up to fight with Hamas or Hezbollah. They’d need to convert to Islam though”:
That is absurd! You can perfectly well resist and protest your (U.S.’s) bloody imperialism, sincerely and effectively, WITHOUT moving to the Middle East, converting to Islam, and fighting with Hamas or Hezbollah. You know many do care, and anyone who is informed and still doesn’t care about the unspeakable evil is really a monster.
Anti-imperialism is a REAL position, not just theatre, fakery, gaslighting, Mighty Wurlitzer. Reductio ad absurdum. If everything and everyone is fake, then what are you?
D dogg ” You can perfectly well resist and protest ” really ? We work for a living in this country PHARISEE, when we’re not working, we study GOD’S word and help our neighbors, duty completed, it’s time to bathe, dine and rest, you should try it sometime …….JEALOUSY is such an UGLY thing PHARISEE …
Your reading comprehension seems poor. I said that resistance and protest can be done “perfectly well” WITHOUT having to do all those other things, like moving to the Middle east, converting to Islam and joining the armed forces of Hamas or Hezbollah. (2) I disagree with and oppose Pharisaism. (3) I’m glad that you work for a living. When the state (government) finally “withers away,” the only law that might still remain to be enforced is the one that appears in Second Thessalonians, chapter three: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” Soft smooth hands (from not working) won’t come to the table. But the sick, elderly and disabled are exceptions. I’m also glad that you help your neighbours. Living for others, “from each according to his ability, to each according to their need,” as it says in the book of Acts (paraphrased).
I’ll grant you there may be some who honestly oppose Satanyahoo’s mass-murder. The problem with your position is that the bulk of those outside the DNC don’t really oppose genocide. They’re fine with the natives of Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England being genocided as retribution for colonialism. They’re fine with the founding populace of the United States being genocided – because some whites in Virginia were too stupid and greedy to pick their own cotton and purchased slaves from (((Portuguese Papists))). They’re fine with the entire native populace of Europe being genocided as well.
Anti-imperialism is a real position, but that’s only a fraction of what’s on display in Chicago. If the Mighty Wurlitzer is giving them air-time, it’s astroturf.
> Anyone who is informed and still doesn’t care about the unspeakable evil is really a monster.
The gaslighting and brainwashing has been ongoing for over a century. The essence is subversion (of traditional values) followed by inversion (evil is good, shit is gold, etc.). This is how truly evil people get the ignorant to follow along with their endless web of wickedness and destruction. With full-blown totalitarianism established in the UK okrug of the empire, the options for actual resistance are now heavily limited. Signing up for the Houthis, Hezbollah et al is one option. Hezbollah does have a few Lebanese Christian units as I understand it. The Mandarins of the DNC don’t give a rat’s ass about Gaza and with most of the woketards protesting some genocides are more equal than others. My bet (which I expect I would easily win) is that if you asked the protesters there in the realm of Jabba the Pizza-Hutt about the three girls stabbed to death in the UK, they’d come up with an excuse for the stabber and for Starmer’s stasi to beat the hell out of any natives who objected to it.
“My bet (which I expect I would easily win) is that if you asked the protesters there in the realm of Jabba the Pizza-Hutt about the three girls stabbed to death in the UK, they’d come up with an excuse for the stabber and for Starmer’s stasi to beat the hell out of any natives who objected to it”:
I believe you are correct, because natural ethnocentrism is lacking in much of the thoroughly blended population of the U.S. “homeland.”
I believe many of you WN’s are angry at George Galloway, who has gone overboard (even I think so) in his criticism of the reaction to the stabbings, and calling for more police.
ITA that the vast majority of the “Free-Free Palestine” protestors don’t GAFF about the genocide in Gaza. But why must they alternately support Israel’s “Right to Defend Itself” using young Americans as cannon fodder?
Sorry, Charlie, but why must White virtue-signaling morons engage in constant displays of public concern for The Other?! WTF is wrong with Not My People, Not My Problem? Why must we forever subvert our own interests to align however loosely with The Other to justify our own interests?!
Where was it in our own interests to keep Mao from taking all of Vietnam especially after the French had failed in this endeavor so spectacularly in Indochina?
Where is it in our own interests to put boots on the ground in the Middle East when Israel has plenty of military-aged people supplied by the Orthodox Jewish baby factories who they support with their and by extension OUR tax dollars?
Netanyahu needs to kick their candy asses and tell them if they don’t fight, they don’t need to feed at the public trough.
In the sixties and the seventies, if the Anti-Draft Protestors and their supporters had just bluntly demanded to know what interests the American people AS A WHOLE had to defend in Indochina, the Vietnam War would have never started OR it would have ended a lot quicker without Nixon’s “Peace With Honor” nonsense with that humiliatingly hasty retreat out of the Saigon Embassy rooftop and POWs being left behind because we reneged on the reparations we promised Hanoi.
Never mind about the “Genocide in Gaza.” Never mind about the “October 7th Massacre.” IMO, BOTH sides are seeing their opposition as an existential threat.
It should still come down to only ONE thing for US … NOT OUR PEOPLE, NOT OUR PROBLEM unless a strong case can be made to justify our own interests.
Now, I realize that this is an impossible stance for any Congressional Critter who has their own personal AIPAC GUY with his private number on speed dial, but the one thing ALL of us Americans can unite on is being ANTI-DRAFT.
Okay, Israel. Since your confreres already have their sticky hands and fingers in our treasury, take ALL you want of American treasure. We’re perfectly happy to finance Israel’s war on Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis … RIGHT DOWN TO THE LAST ISRAELI.
In fact, since Israel grants automatic Dual Citizen to any Jew in the Diaspora, we’ll draft every AMERICAN-ISRAELI for the IDF and send them on down.
But OUR kids are STAYING HOME.
They are protesting White civilization. But they’re simple, so they equate Israel with White colonialism.
D dog ” Had it coming ” nobody on this site ever said they had it coming ……..
“D dog”:
Learn something. The “dd” in this language is pronounced “th” as in “with” and the “y”‘s are soft “i”‘s like the “i” in “with.” The name means “of the mountain,” nothing about a dog. Furthermore, “Meredith” (the modern spelling, the old spelling also ended in “dd”) was always a male name that means “great lord,” although it is now being given to girls, by parents who want it to be a “unisex” name. Soon your little girls will also be named “Tom,” “Dick,” and “Harry,” by your woke, cosmopolitan consumer-culture parents, just wait! “Terry” is a modern unisex name.
As for “they (the Palestinians) had it coming,” and “they really did this to themselves,” yes I do have references for those statements being made by the American far right. “They deserve it, because they are Sand Ni—-s!” is another expression I’ve seen.
EVERY DAY there is at least one more genocidal massacre of so-called “Sand Ni—-s” being perpetrated in occupied Palestine, by the U.S.’s most important colonial crusader proxy force, and the American far right, although many of them are very anti-Jewish, really don’t mind at all. The Far Right has a vital role to play in conserving the capitalist-imperialist class and usury system. If the far right did not exist it would need to be invented. You are all conservatives of the evil, outmoded system.
D DOGG ” That man’s great lord ” LOL, your a funny boy !!! PHARISEE CLOWN, …
You ever heard of ” LORD OF THE FLIE’S “, well, you are ” LORD OF THE LIE’S ” ……. “TERRY” is a modern unisex name, ……. Yuk! Yuk! LOL ……..wrong LORD LIAR, IN SOUTHERN ENGLISH, TERRY means, ” HE WHO WILL KICK YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOU LIKE IT ” PHARISEE CLOWN/ LORD LIAR …….. The far RIGHT has a vital role in conserving ” CHRISTENDOM ” get your fact’s straight LORD LIAR …….
You are failing to see the hand of Jewish power behind, not just the genocide in Palestine, but the debt-accumulation model of capital and globalization.
We can’t just use class theory and capital accumulation to explain the madness of society anymore.
I feel for your caring of the Palestinians.
But I do see that hand of power. Without the money, that power is gone, and it all comes down to money, to the love of money (Scripture says “the love of money is the root of all this evil”), great wealth accumulated by mass exploitation/usury. The exploited workers of the world need to finally see the connection, and go on strike en masse.
D dog, when you point your finger at us in accusation, you pointing the wrong way, send the WHITE house, a telegram with flowers …….” LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN, CAST THE FIRST STONE ” DIPSHIT, BOLSHEVIK, PHARISEE, WHO CHERRY PICK’S SCRIPTURE, SATAN attends church also, ” To be at peace with the world, is to be at war with GOD ” PHARISEE, it’s a short walk from the cradle to the grave, you don’t remember what you did, in Cambodia ? Eh KYMER ROUGE PHARISEE, JESUS Remembers and so do we,…….
“what you did, in Cambodia”:
What you did: The U.S. destroyed peaceful. prosperous Cambodia with carpet bombing during the Nixon administration, and it supported the Khmer Rouge (indirectly and diplomatically) for many years, through several more administrations. Pol Pot was not much of a communist, in words but quite the opposite in practice, genociding almost one quarter of the Cambodian people instead of serving the people. The U.S. is still “meddling” in Southeast Asia, with notable success lately in Myanmar, killing thousands again in the effort to create new proxy forces to use against China.
“Terry” is said to be “a diminuitive form of Theresa.” “Terry hit the Top 30 (most popular names) in the fifties; it was seen then as a cool, sleek gender-neutral name, but it’s long since lost that edge. Today’s Terry would probably be Tess or Tessa.” https://nameberry.com/b/boy-baby-name-terry Americans have been “into” unisex naming for many years. In a healthy society, strictly/exclusively male and female naming would be required.
Lechyd da (good health, cheers).
These Antifa “Queers for Palestine” are so repulsive that normie Whites will reflexible take the opposite side of whatever they do. And ZOG plays in to this.
I ran in to that problem when I did a one man “America First” anti Iraq War I anti war campaign in Nashville TN 30 years ago. I was treated very fairly by the local Tennessee media even the small Teddy Bart J Nashville Media. On a one to one basis, most listeners admitted I made good points. But huge majority of Southerners just couldn’t get it out of their mind that the only people who ever oppose US Military interventions were those hated 1960s Hippies, Jane Fonda Hanoi Janes or just Ay-rab lovers.
With propaganda pro war songs and media pushed out by the likes of Hank Williams Jr. TObby Keith, Ted Nugent – the pro ZOG war side won big then and still now.
Nobody likes these QUeers for Palestine full time protesters, rioters.
A Stopped clock is right 2 times a day, so on the issue of Zionists slaughtering folks in Palestine, yeah, they’re right, but they immediately turn off everyone else with they way the look, dress, smell what they do.
Anybody remember the Beatles Song “Revolution” where the fab 5 disses the 1960s New Left anti Viet Nam War ass holes?
“When you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao… You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.. ’cause you know it’s gonna be… All Right”
Yes, it’s a question of optics.
“the fab 5 disses the 1960s New Left anti Viet Nam War ass holes? “When you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao… You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.. ’cause you know it’s gonna be… All Right”:
I despise that song with lyrics that are right in line with the direction of Operation Mockingbird: don’t revolt, don’t resist, just get high and fornicate because “it will be alright.” Beatles songs are empty, hence they were promoted.
> These Antifa “Queers for Palestine” are so repulsive that normie Whites will reflexible take the opposite side of whatever they do. And ZOG plays in to this.
It’s all theatre. Muslims deal with the LGBTP gang pretty brutally. If they showed up in most Muslim locales with their roadshow the locals would likely just kill them. Satanyahoo wasn’t wrong when he stated that “Queers for Palestine” is like “Chickens for KFC”. They like to make noise here in Murika, where Jabba the Pizza-Hutt’s and Mayah Brandon’s stasi will beat the crap out of anyone who disagrees with the fudge-packer brigade. Why don’t they go and join the Marines? After all Murika’s woke military now endorses the rainbow flag more that they do the Stars and Stripes. Our embassies proudly fly their rainbow flags in all Muslim nations, in China and Russia (who recently passed a law to deport all foreigners who repeat LGBTP propaganda). Satanyahoo’s Israel – so beloved of Christian Zionists – is the anal sex capital of the planet and here they are supporting Muslims. It’s all bullshit. They don’t give a rat’s ass about Gaza and are just using the suffering of the civilians there (the vast majority of whom abhor their perversions) to advance their own perverted agendas.
It is not the case that they all don’t really care about the sufferings and death of the victims of the genocide. For some it may be just a fad that they’re following, but certainly not for all. The blending of LGBTQ and other “woke” content with the anti-war message is a deliberate strategy to weaken and discredit the anti-war movement. The injection of Antifa into some of the demonstrations is also intended to stop the movement.
These are the times that “try men’s souls” (a test to see what you’re made of) as Tom Paine once said. At this crucial time if you are not wholeheartedly FOR the anti-war movement, that means you are really against it and that you stand with the evil empire and its chief imperial colony, Israel. You far-right wingers continue to sit back and laugh at the very few who dare to stand up and protest against the genocide and other horrendous crimes of the capitalist system. You are stalking horses for the discontented with the system, to lead them down a dead end. The far right serves its purpose within the system, and if it did not exist it would need to be invented.
Lord liar ” The far right serves it’s purpose within the system and if it did not exist it would need to be invented ” …….The same thing could be said about UR ANUS ……. No ” ANDS ” after a comma, I reckon they ain’t teaching proper ENGLISH at that MADRAS, they keep kicking you out of …..
No one on Hunter’s fine site (except the resident Hasbara troll) celebrates or approves the violence in Gaza or elsewhere, either the kidnapping and murder of Israelis or the subsequent massacre of Palestinians. The overwhelming viewpoint is that the Near East is no business of the U.S. Government, it should withdraw all military forces from Syria, Israel, Qatar, Saudi etc. Those forces should instead be deployed where they belong, defending U.S. borders and helping round up and deport millions of illegal aliens in the country.
The same applies to the Ukraine War which is the result of “Our Democracy” under the evil genius of people like Hillary, Victoria Nuland and The Usual Suspects. All of these wars and foreign entanglements like Taiwan, NATO, the UN, IMF, World Bank etc. serve other interests than the true interests of the U.S. The U.S. is the colony of Our Greatest Ally, you have it backwards, again, Meredith. Policies in the Near East favor Our Greatest Ally’s interests overwhelmingly to the severe detriment of U.S. interests.
If it were the other way around Our Greatest Ally’s interests would be damaged by U.S. policy. Instead of the U.S. sending over $100 billion USD in aid to Israel it would be the opposite. Instead of additional billions in ammunition, fuel, weapons, spare parts and the stationing of a fleet off its coast (armed with nukes) the U.S. Government would have minded its own business and not done these things.
Your claim that Israel is a colony of the U.S. cannot withstand scrutiny. The facts going back many years contradict that claim, something people from other parts of the world freely acknowledge. The idea that Our Greatest Ally is a colony of the U.S. is preposterous when the plain facts readily demonstrate the opposite.
Our host and commenters on this site (Hasbara troll excepted) are absolutely anti-war, opposed to U.S. involvement in other countries’ affairs and generally in favor of isolationism. The lunatics in Chicago are obviously delusional about Islam’s treatment of homos (and other things) and their street theatre is deserving of mockery too. Their professed anti-war sentiments would get more mileage if they didn’t act like they just escaped from Bedlam.
“Your claim that Israel is a colony of the U.S. cannot withstand scrutiny. The facts going back many years contradict that claim (…) The idea that Our Greatest Ally is a colony of the U.S. is preposterous”:
Those of us who recognise the colonial nature of the Zionist entity also base our view on the facts, going back not just “many years” but to the beginning. Israel was established as a colony by the UK (in consultation with the U.S.) not only to remove some of the excess Jewish population from Britain but also to replace Ottoman rule in Palestine and increase UK-based and other Western-based capitalists’ control of the Middle East and monopoly of its resources. The U.S. took over the responsibility of the Zionist crusader state from the UK. Israel still performs many vital functions for the U.S. in the Middle East and around the world. If I had time I could write a long essay about how the U.S. uses it. As one of your “Democratic” Party leaders said recently: “If Israel did not exist it would need to be invented.” I think it is preposterous to state that Israel is NOT a Western capitalist-imperialist colony, or that it is possible that a dog’s tail could really control the dog. “Khazarkraine” is another U.S. (and UK) colony and military proxy.
“The blending of LGBTQ and other “woke” content with the anti-war message is a deliberate strategy to weaken and discredit the anti-war movement. The injection of Antifa into some of the demonstrations is also intended to stop the movement.”
That is true.
At first, there wasn’t any “woke” content in the anti-genocide protests.
Beginning with the protest in DC against Netanyahu, and continuing in Chicago, the “Woke” content has increased.
It wasn’t always this way. I remember the great protests against the evil WTO in 2000. The faggotry and complaining women influence started to make itself known during Occupy Wall Street in 2010, when the blabbering vaginas demanded everything be discussed and indecisive.
The Left used to be an essential part of modern society.
In my experience, leftist pro Palestinian protesters are not pro white. They’re just pro Palestinian. They’re not anti Jewish, just anti Israeli government.
In the UK, hundreds of thousands, close to one million have protested the U.S.’s (and UK’s) genocide operation and you can’t accurately smear all of them as queers, mentally unstable, smelly, repulsive, activist brains, etc.
The anti-war movement hardly exists in the U.S. “society.” Living in the belly of the imperialist beast, you are nearly all warmongers, explicitly or implicitly. You are not really revolted by the endless war, but you are very revolted by protests against the war!
Also fake. There are two groups protesting. 1) The Church of Woke, who is doing it as a kind of virtue-signaling (like the Pharisees wearing Phylacteries and going about with long faces); and 2) foreign colonists (usually Muslims) who genuinely oppose what OUR GREATEST ALLY is doing in Gaza but won’t bother to go back to their native lands and work to make the totally corrupt and lazy regimes actually resist the Empire of Lies and its attack dog led by Satanyahoo. They make much sound and fury – in Britain where they are high enough on the woke pokemon point-chart to be left alone by Starmer’s badge-thugs in uniform. Those protesting their replacement are afforded no such rights.
You seem to imply that everything is fake and there is no genuine anti-war position at all. You say Muslim immigrants “won’t bother to go back to their native lands and work to make the totally corrupt and lazy regimes actually resist the Empire,” yet it’s okay for the vast majority of White Americans who live right in the belly of the Beast to do nothing at all to stop your corrupt regime from running and ruining the world, and the very few Americans that do engage in some very mild protests against it are called “fake” when they do it. Some of these young students have sacrificed a lot, and they are laughed at by the far right system-conservers.
“Those protesting their replacement are afforded no such rights”:
The anti-Muslim protests in UK are also theatre, arranged by the regime that pretends to be horrified. None of these protests will harm the system because they are not built on class consciousness and guided by capable proletarian leadership, and in the U.S. especially there is an extreme dearth of class consciousness and socialist leadership. The U.S. doesn’t even have a national culture and ethnicity. The U.S. “homeland” contains a completely mixed and atomised population of human resources.
” . . . The U.S. doesn’t even have a national culture and ethnicity. The U.S. “homeland” contains a completely mixed and atomised population of human resources.”
How right you are, one of the successful goals of diversity, too. The situation in the U.S. wasn’t always this way, a clusterfuck of a country. These changes started in the 1960’s with the so-called “Civil Rights” (sic) laws, Kennedy assassination, immigration, Vietnam War, Great Society spending etc. The country has been transformed from a real country, however imperfect into a vast economic zone with no borders and a vicious Deep State, trying to wage perpetual war and maintain control by any means necessary, fair or foul.
I had stopped reading your comments; and then came your name change, and I wanted to find out if you had anything new to say. Your comments seem to have taken a more vicious and judgmental turn. It really is a mystery why you continue in your attempts to preachify and demoralize, simultaneously, an audience for whom you have so much disdain. You’re obviously very intelligent, so perhaps you’re getting paid for your time attempting to subvert the readers of this website. It’s not working.
Astrid, I agree with you. (1) My comments really have taken a harsh, strident and “judgmental turn” lately, especially my comments on THIS thread, in which the important anti-war, anti-Zionist, anti-genocide protests happening in the U.S. are being dismissed and ridiculed. (2) I do have an ingrained habit of “preaching” and quoting scripture (I tend to “preachify,” as you call it) in a didactic, lecturing rhetorical style, devekoped in seminary, teaching and pulpit preaching, which some may find strange or annoying. I also make far too many comments lately, especially on this thread, but I am “venting,” not expecting to change anyone’s mind. (3) I don’t “disdain” the O.D. audience. If I did, I would not be “venting” here at all. O.D. is an intelligent and principled blog with some intelligent, well-informed commenters with whom I agree on many subjects, although I seem to emphasise only the points of disagreement in my comments.
“Iron sharpens iron” the Scripture says (“Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend,” Proverbs 27:17) – as we debate, discuss and share different views and information, instead of echoing exactly the same view as the host. Believe it or not, although I may seem dogmatic I retain an “open mind,” on all but a few moral and religious essentials, so I could still be persuaded by facts and logic that my position (ethno-national socialism – the true Left position) on political economy is wrong, and that your capitalist, imperialist political economy is good or “the less worse” system (4) Finally, be assured that no one pays me for my time. If I was being paid, instead of merely venting and “sharpening iron” here, I could take time to write better comments instead of dashing them off without always reading what I wrote. Thanks for all.
Goose writes:
In my experience, leftist pro Palestinian protesters are not pro white. They’re just pro Palestinian. They’re not anti Jewish, just anti Israeli government.”
I respond:
Nah, they aren’t anything ideologically consistent . They’re just… a real pain. They don’t have real lives.
No healthy church, Islamic anything, no healthy place – city, state country should put up with their nonsense.
Don’t waste a minute trying to debate them or try to listen to what they have to say.
Just deal with them as Hamlet Prince off Denmark did to Ophelia his then GF when she was spouting her nonsense:
“Get thee to a Nunnery”
Biology wins in End !
HW Peavey rocks !
“Biology wins in End !”
Yeh, the gullible goy are being eaten alive by cunning parasites.
They are all well paid, by billionaire Jews, in cooperation with CIA. This seems similar to the hippie op the CIA ran to make the antiwar faction look like freaks during the Vietnam war. In fact, they were first named the freaks, then it was changed to hippies. Then and now, it is all for the cameras and all fake. They are paid actors, just trying to make some money
“This seems similar to the hippie op the CIA ran to make the antiwar faction look like freaks during the Vietnam war”:
Exactly. Just as “They” did in the sixties, “They” are working hard to dilute, divert, derail and discredit the very real and potentially powerful anti-war, anti-imperialism movement, encouraging the young anti-war protesters to listen to empty rock music lyrics, use drugs and fornicate. Keep your mind focused on the reality of imperialism that “They” are trying hard to obscure, to obfuscate, to cover up with fog. The anti-war movement as such is absolutely CORRECT. It is NEVER WRONG.
With all due respect, but those ANTI-DRAFT protestors don’t give a hootenanny in hell about the Palestinians. TMFIC can pull the squirrelly psyops with the menopausal and perimenopausal chubby women who can fill out their abortion pill costumes all they want to name them, blame them, and shame them, but it ain’t going work.
For one, thing, most young people lean left as both a job requirement and social requirement. For another thing they have been indoctrinated to sneer at the values of the right “patriotards.” They reserve most of their scorn for the very generation who ENDED the draft, i.e., “OKAY, Boomer!”
We can’t expect young people who have seen two generations of their elders not be conscripted to tamely shut and salute and report to their draft board for a physical and then to boot camp to be cannon fodder.
For one of today’s draft-age people are in the shape of their Vietnam-era counterparts. We’re talking FAT CAMP for several weeks to get to boot camp. Assuming they report for duty at all, that is. I look awesome in blue, but I’m not holding my breath!
For another thing I can’t even see the minority of Red State Youth – and I’m talking heterosexual, Christian White males reporting to their draft board, much less volunteering. Revile Them Then Recruit Them is NOT a smart way to get to Military Preparedness.
The same PRO-DRAFT psyops launched against them made me resent DRAFT PROTESTORS during the Vietnam era, because many of my relatives reported to their draft board when their number came up. But now I don’t resent them and am such an ANTI-DRAFT sympathizer that I will cheer them on.
Too many died, and too many came back changed and not for the better. One cousin of mine suffered so badly from PTSD that he overmedicated with street drugs leading to his institutionalization. Too many are being treated like potential Domestic Terrorists by their government. And many of the J-6 protestors who were incarcerated for years on “parading” and “trespassing” were the very veterans who put their lives and limbs on the line for Our FweeDumbs.
I am not going to be raising hell in the street, but I am going to make a point of posting about the Draft Orders being tabled until the next election and comment about the psyops in play to make these DRAFT PROTESTORS look stupid and degenerate.
” “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Christian fascists go away”
None of this insanity will go away until the economy implodes.
90% of people don’t know what to do with prosperity, they just waste it in dissipation and destruction.
Gold above $2,500/Troy ounce, Silver almost $30/Troy ounce now. Not exactly signs of confidence in GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire. If the Deep State installs Cackling Calico Kamala as Mr. President we will see gold trade up limit and the S&P 500 trade down limit immediately.
That is what happened in 2016 when Hillary was winning until more returns came in and Trump won. Futures turned around immediately with gold falling and S&P futures climbing. If nothing else Trump is certainly Wall Street’s errand boy. Remember Trump’s repeal of the Carried Interest tax advantage for hedge funds? Neither do I.
When you’re right you’re right.
These protestors are right on Israel/Palestine, however misguided they may be on abortion, trans and so on, the uniparty/mainstream is dead wrong.
And while many of the organizers of and loudest voices at these protests are leftists, many of them are just ordinary people who’re there for one reason alone; to speak out on behalf of the innocent men, women and children being slaughtered by Israel.
I’d much rather break bread with these people than those responsible for committing genocide like Tony Blinken and the shitlibs, Lindsey Graham, Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnel, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and the neocons.