RFK JR: "In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it—the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself." pic.twitter.com/bOz0L6L2hJ
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 23, 2024
This speech from RFK Jr. will go down in the history books:
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) August 23, 2024
“The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for VP Harris based upon nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors.” pic.twitter.com/B0ilERBIEF
RFK Jr.: The Democratic Party has become "the party of war, censorship, corruption…" pic.twitter.com/eY6lSj7UI5
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 23, 2024
RFK Jr says that Trump told him he wants to cut off all aid to Ukraine because “we could use that money back here in the United States.” pic.twitter.com/dz7zT8FhEr
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) August 24, 2024
Absolutely https://t.co/nhcsMrbEpR
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 24, 2024
Karl Rove SLAMS RFK Jr.
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) August 23, 2024
“He defends Russia in Ukraine; it’s all Ukraine’s fault Russia invaded them and killing its people. I mean, this guy’s a nut.”
(July 2023)pic.twitter.com/ykPXBkURSL
The Trump-Kennedy Pact occurs on the 85th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) August 23, 2024
RFK Jr. made some great points in these clips.
End the Neocon control of US foreign policy! Music to my ears!
But if you really want to end Neocon control of US foreign policy, you first need to end AIPAC control of congress.
And if you really want to end AIPAC control of congress, you first need to end ADL control of society.
“end AIPAC control of congress, you first need to end ADL control”
Why haven’t you mentioned the root of all these alphabet organizations, judaism ?
he gave a good speech, no doubt about it – whether it will make a bit of difference …
From what I gather, RFK Jr wasn’t substantively different from a republican, so I didn’t understand what the point of his candidacy was other than attention-seeking and money-making.
Karl Rove SLAMS RFK Jr.
“He defends Russia in Ukraine; it’s all Ukraine’s fault Russia invaded them and killing its people. I mean, this guy’s a nut.”
(July 2023)
So, this guy KR is a big part of Deep State — a protector of this end-less-foreign-wars military complex that sucks all the life out of the Empire and those it is trying to destroy, I assume. Maybe RFKjr can flush out and mark all these DS guys in the shadows who are pleading for the Deep State’s military beast. Maybe RFKjr and his contacts can also expose the DNC’s election cheating operations and reveal what tactics they are now/will be using during this election.
That was an incredibly revealing speech he gave. Good for him.
Our way IS the Highway!
Seceded Now!
May God Save the South!
Karl Rove is another example of how the Repukes are no better – indeed even worse in a fundamental way – than Uncle Timmy the Tampon. His every utterance instantly brings to mind one of Koba the Dread’s more famous axioms:
“With a person there is always a problem. No person, no problem.”
Karl Rove is worse than a jew (several orders worse, really). He’s a pure white of the WN’s ideal genetic and religious background: Nordic and non-Catholic (with Prot or Mormon). The guy is the perfect example of the type so aptly described by Cicero 2000 years ago:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But, it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But, the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government, itself.”
Rove has been connected to the Bush crime-family for many decades. Patriarch Prescott Bush was one of those involved in the so-called ‘Business plot’ to allegedly overthrow FDR, but whose real purpose was to destroy Smedley Butler. FDR and the ‘biznissmen’ (banksters) were on the same team. Butler had figured out the war-racketeering scam employed by usury-gangs for centuries. Prescott was the one who went to Ft. Sill in OK to dig up Geronimo’s skull to serve as the sacred relics for the ‘Skull and Bones’ society at Yale, whose members include his son and grandson, John Kerry and J.D. Vance. The skull (still at Yale) is likely not Geronimo’s.
Lets not pretend this has anything to do with ideology, he was snubbed by the Democrats and is looking for revenge against them.
Man’s history is full of seismic changes brought about by hurt feelings. Cain and Abel were the originals.
It’s comical, when you think about it.
@Aryan uprising,
“Lets not pretend this has anything to do with ideology, he was snubbed by the Democrats and is looking for revenge against them.”
my suspicions too
And what is wrong with that? The Democrats are a level of scum even lower than the Retardicans.
I flew out to attend this event. On Monday, a couple sources said RFK was going to drop out and endorse. On Wednesday, they said it wss confirmed he was going to do so at the Arizona rally. So, I confirmed my flight and left. I was not disappointed.
I have been to multiple rallies, was a chairman for a couple of rallies during the 2016 campaign as well as advance team coordinator for others during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns. I’ve got to say this was one of the best if not the best of rallies I had attended.
The rally was well attended with a great line up. The stadium itself was filled from top to bottom. Not a single seat in a 20,000 seat stadium available. Loads of speakers, most of whom were outstanding in delivery and on subject matter that linked the campaign issues. Its amazing to see the quality of these candidates. They spoke up eloquently and vociferously on issues important to us but in a way that didn’t sound marginalizing like Hunter reminds us to not to sound.
The GOP is a different party than the one which existed in 2020 and especially the one which existed in 2016. The wicked ones who hijacked the victory won with the defeat of the USSR, the so called neocons, the globalist exploiters, the country club set, they are all in total retreat and virtually missing. Once RFK, that scion of a Democrat political dynasty came on board and gave his endorsement to Trump, it was clear the GOP has permanently changed.
A fantastic rally, with real meaty issues, nuts and bolts campaign mission planning, and appeals to our American core left me energized. The odds are not good. But with God on our side it matters not. It’s either Andy Jackson’s charge at New Orleans, or Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg. OD readers support for Trump might be the determining factor on which battle the 2024 election will rhyme.
@Aryan Globalist Bro,
Thank you for being actively engaged in meatspace. The greatest antidote to activist brain is to get off the internet and engage in the real world in order to get perspective on whats actually happening.
I would love to see your first hand observations of whats happening over the next couple months highlighted and featured prominently here or anywhere it can be for those of us that don’t have the flexibility to travel with the campaign, and don’t live in swing states where these rallies will undoubtedly be focused.
Yesterday was a huge deal. The next few weeks are gonna show if this gambit by Kennedy can pay off.
“The GOP is a different party than the one which existed in 2020 and especially the one which existed in 2016. The wicked ones who hijacked the victory won with the defeat of the USSR, the so called neocons, the globalist exploiters, the country club set, they are all in total retreat and virtually missing”:
I don’t think the GOP is any different than it has been. I say the U.S.-assisted BETRAYAL of the USSR was not a “victory” but the worst tragedy of the twentieth century. I disagree that “wicked ones” (I know you were referring to the Leo Straussians, the neocons) are virtually missing from the GOP. It is impossible and absurd, so let the evil be evil, the leopard retains all its spots regardless of what you saw when you attended the event.
The USSR was a multicultural, multiracial Empire; built on the bones of millions of murdered Christians. I thought you opposed such things.
It’s undeniably a big development. The Kennedys were D-jersey royalty for many decades. There’s even still a degree of sympathy voters for them with all of the murders (JFK, RFK, JFK Jr. – possibly others). The usual suspects set Teddy up to destroy himself with drink and whoring shortly after they eliminated RFK. Teddy already took the ticket when he signed on and endorsed Hart-Celler. He was their drunken puppet ever thereafter to the end. The D-jerseys have replaced the old royals with new ones – the Shitcongo Jebus in particular.
He knows he can’t win as a 3rd party candidate. Aligning himself with the probable winner is the smartest move for his political future.
I like some things about Kennedy, especially his book on Fauci. I devoured it. Kennedy has other failings, but this book redeems any of it. I think he’s a power playing pol like the rest of them, but he sides up with thin gs that must be done; fighting the COVID myth, settling with the military-industrial complex, ending the stupid wars. And you think, “If only he was VP instead of Vance.” Maybe, maybe not.
My brother says over and over “Kamala will win.” He believes whatever the media says. He is a “conservative,” but dislikes Trump’s “rhetoric.” He also never goes to the internet, because he thinks sites like OD are “conspiracy theories.” A good little MSM dog.
Aryan: is the GOP a truly different party now? We’ll see. I’m still thinking of the standing ovations Netanyahu got when he addressed Congress.
Also Aryan, a correction: Andrew Jackson led no charge at New Orleans. He simply fought behind barricades and let the British come to him, where they were slaughtered trying to seize a solid, fixed position, just like Ukranians throwing themselves at the Russians. Jackson’s success was partly due to his riflemen and soldiers, who simply fired in wave after wave, but also to the U.S. artillery, not a pack of frontiersmen, as is the American myth. You were right about Pickett’s charge, though, and it didn’t do so well. Maybe outflanking is better strategy than head on charges. RFK could be part of out flanking.
RFK Jr. would have been a better choice for VP than Hillbilly Elegy except for his voice, RFK Jr.’s voice problem is a limiting factor in public speaking. There is nothing wrong with RFK Jr.’s thinking however, he is miles above either Cackling Kamala or Trump in his ability to coherently explain his thinking and encapsulate his ideas. Trump’s big idea is vengeance through winning and Cackling Kamala’s is anti-White hatred.
There is no reconciling RFK Jr.’s sincere anti-Neocon rhetoric and Trump’s unwavering support for Our Greatest Ally however. Trump would also have been uncomfortable with a VP candidate who can think and express himself clearly and concisely on important subjects, someone who understands ideas and believes what he says. RFK Jr. in a Trump cabinet may be a good thing since Trump is most influenced by the last guy to speak to him and it’s better that the last guy speaking to him is RFK Jr. than President Kushner or Trump’s idiot daughter.
RFK is pro-Zionist, calling for increased aid to the empire’s chief colony. He also said that Russia “invaded” Khazarkraine: “I abhor Russia’s brutal and bloody invasion of that nation.” Now RFK supports Trump; one pro-Zionist, capitalist hand washes the other. Much ado about nothing. You seem to be looking at some trees and ignoring the forest.
RFK does make some good points about health tho.
This was probably the most unique thing about his campaign.
It’s crazy how obesity affected less than 1% of the population and you were basically a circus freak for being obese back in the early 20th century, now most people are obese, some morbidly, not to mention all the other health problems; overreliance on processed food, big pharma, lack of fresh air and exercise, it’s sickening how far we’ve let our health degenerate, especially children.
I don’t like or trust RFK but I’ll give him a bit of credit for raising awareness about that, it’s something that needs to be included in public discourse, deserves a lot more attention, I mean how is a nation gonna survive and thrive in the modern world if most of its people are sick and minimally functional?
The uniparty is not addressing this.
I doubt Trump will do much if anything to address it, and of course Kamala won’t.
Incidentally Dr Shiva has also been addressing public health in his campaign.
I feel pity for Kennedy, even though he is not a good man. He made a mistake getting into the race, and was looking for a way out. He went to the Dems first and they said no, so he went to Trump.
You might remember, Trump promised Kennedy a big job last time, but it was never sincere. Trump just used it as a threat to leverage big donations from pharma, which he got, and of course he broke his word to Kennedy.
Kennedy fell for it again, sad to say. Trump has no intention of giving Kennedy any job, and anyway there are about 98 no votes in the Senate to any Kennedy nomination, as Trump well knows.
Getting Kennedy off the ballot might have some impact. Mostly the name. Some Communists would have voted for him because of the name, it was a Kennedy that initiated America’s turn toward communism. Now they will just vote Dem.
It was a Kennedy that initiated America’s turn toward communism? You never heard of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
Mind-blowing revelations on the state of American health and why it is so awful.
America’s health is in a bad way, just don’t expect McDonald’s Trump to do anything about it.