Deranged Angelo (Lucas) Gage describes his s*xual fantasy about him watching his estranged wife getting plowed by a relative of Rabbi Shmuley.pic.twitter.com/S9Hd9HP67r
— Awesome Jew (@Jewsarethegoat) August 25, 2024
THIS is the problem.
— 1984 (@TheOfficial1984) August 29, 2024
THIS is jewish supremacy.
I would tell you all about it… but my friend LUCAS GAGE took the words right out my mouth, and I couldn't have said it any better if I tried. pic.twitter.com/z7J07gOdDE
I hope this is either a deep fake or a poor attempt at a joke.
While I agree it’s important to balance one’s activism with one’s relationships, physical and mental health and well being, still we’d be much, much better off if more people went to the extreme of Angelo Gage than to the other extreme of being a coward, too afraid to confront Jewish supremacism, Zionism, and other forms of corruption.
There is a greater fear to confront the Papal supremacism, Papists, and their many agencies of corruption from Catholic Charities, to the Conference of Diocesan Bishops, to the Jesuits, to their agents of terror the Mafias and Cartels. Compared to that front, the Jews are minor players.
“better off if more people went to the extreme of Angelo Gage than ”
There are speeds between stop and 100 mph.
You have to adjust your activism, just as you adjust your speed to the road.
Sadly, he’s naive, thinking he will handle this explosive topic and live a normal suburban life. The two will clash, disastrously.
Angelo Gage is still a much, much better human than all those cucks, shills and traitors in the republican party like Trump and Vance that you support.
My takeaway is that Angelo Gage became so obsessed with Jews that he appears to have lost his family and his mind. He also managed to become less persuasive as an activist. This is good for the Jews who can point to Gage and say look this guy is a wild eyed crank and you shouldn’t listen to anything he has to say.
Yeah, no kidding. That this even needs to be pointed out says a lot about WN.
“Yeah, no kidding. That this even needs to be pointed out says a lot about WN.”
Indeed. It’s because despite being White Identitists, they forgot what constitutes the other identities of nationalism: Blood, language, religion, and culture.
While Gage is White, he isn’t a Nordic and certainly isn’t British. Therefore not even marginally America. His first language was Italian, not English. His religion was the alien sect of Catholicism, not the American sect of Protestantism.
Yet, desoite missing most identity qualifiers of being a fellow nationalist, he was accepted as a White American Nationalist. Big mistake. Now loads of Southern Protestant and other Americans get to join Gage on his roller coaster ride to destruction.
We owe this perilous state of affairs amongst the American Nationalist movement to Uncle Jared’s incessant focus on White Race as sole the identifier of being American. Being White is more a civilizational than a National thing. He mixed the two up.
All of that is quite irrelevant (at best), since “real” American nationalists – sporting the gamut of necessary qualifications – are not immune to going off the deep end on the JQ.
“Angelo Gage became so obsessed with Jews ”
I think he is so frustrated he’s in an uncontrolled rage, just like a mechanic that throws tools when a hoist breaks .
You are safe in Alabama.
Gage is behind enemy lines in New Jersey, and has been subjected to zersetzung harassment like you’ve never experienced.
Hopefully Gage can bounce back, and be stronger than ever.
We need to take away the ability of Jewish Supremacists (Antifa, ADL, and Jewish mafia) to harass dissidents.
Hopefully Gage can bounce back, and be stronger than ever.
He needs to clear his mind, dissipate the anger.
Go fishing, sailing, rowing, get away from the issue.
“You are safe in Alabama.
“Gage is behind enemy lines in New Jersey, and has been subjected to zersetzung harassment like you’ve never experienced.”
First, the SPLC is located in Alabama. Hunter has been investigated and harassed by the SPLC. He just hasn’t been a knucklehead (Except for a couple of times) and therefore BECAUSE he lives in Alabama he has mostly escaped their phuckery.
However, that Alabama State government has allowed that racketeer organization to go unrestrained says something about the quality of leadership and the laziness of the general electorate. Hunter and co, would’ve been better served to have spent the last several years deepening their grass roots organizing in Alabama with an objective being to terminate SPLC’s existence in Alabama.
In contrast, the NY AG Negress, Letitia James, has gone on a rampage destroying every remaining vestige of WASP controlled America in New York, as well as every rightwing groups left like VDare. She has successfully stolen thru racketeering various properties, assets, and organizations held by NY’s vestigial WASP elite and is likely eyeing VDare’s castle.
Alabama should’ve long ago done the same to the SPLC. Its had even more partisan and ideological dominance of State government and society from the right than Letitia’s NY from the left. That these Alabama elite haven’t proves they are weak and greedy. They’d rather have all the Big Auto bribes for creating factories than go after leftist groups like the SPLC. The old pre-2008 Southern leadership must be rolling in their graves.
As to the Dago Papist Lucas Gage, he is likely a double agent. In classic espionage fashion he has mostly been feeding false information from Judeo-Papist controlled New Jersey to all the naive rubes in Protestant dominated America. They’ve wasted their resources on joining with him on “Duh, Jew” snipe hunts for the better part of several years now. Lack of Southern nationalist grass roots organizing, lack of American Patriotic leadership in control of Southern states, SPLC still existing, and lots of wasted Patriot time equals Papist Mission Accomplished.
“We need to take away the ability of Jewish Supremacists (Antifa, ADL, and Jewish mafia) to harass dissidents”
How??? is the $64k ques.
OK, I m just coming in to the subject of this (White? Mostly White?) guy Lucas Cage.
So much of this comes down to the fact that we White guys over the age of ~ 25 need:
A Job – one that isn’t demeaning
Something to do – a hobby and interest that isn’t 24/7 “The Jews”, White Identitarian WE’RE LOSING
The job can be something simple like working at Starbucks or being a fitness coach, doorman. I recommend never talking about the JQ or racial politics or any politics on the job.
There are so many hobbies that are implicitly “White” – mine have included
Tennis, classical museums, classical music, ice hockey – especially college ice hockey, college baseball, boxing, hiking, animal rescue.
If this guy Lucas Gage (sounds like a great TV character name for an action hero) were to become known and respected as a local expert in one of the hobbies I listed, or something related, the could be do so much better advocating for White identity.
That’s my 2 Cents.
I’ll add a penny to your 2.
I think anyone strongly advocating our issues will have to be insulated from normie society. Be in a family business, be independently wealthy, live in rural isolation or some combination that gives him freedom from social coercion.
I no longer tell people to “touch grass” what they need to do is get a job and hold it for at least 1 year. This will put them in touch with where the common man is at. They don’t visit 4chan or even Twitter, and they are not very political. These are the people we need to be cool with if everything falls apart, because the 4chan crowd will not be leading anything in a WROL situation.
It’s very clear that Lucas is not a White man, and it’s debatable if he’s even an American.
Lucas Gage is an interesting fella. He is a Papist of course. He actually isn’t even an American. But he is a naturalized citizen. He’s an Italian, a true Dago. However, he is a brave Dago.
Unlike many “activists” here at OD, this Dago “Gage” signed up to fight Jihadis after 911 and served a couple of tours during some of the most vicious fighting in Iraq. He also went down a path of personal development that is pretty inspiring. He is trained in things that would make him a very capable influencer and operative.
Sadky, watching Lucas Gage over time makes it clear to me, that he is a Papist covert agent. He might even be working for the Israelis which is not uncommon for many intelligence agents in the West to be dual hatted. The reason? To sow dissension amongst Protestant Americans, especially Southern ones, and Israelis, and set them up for political termination by smear of association.
This whole Anti-Semitic Sperger ASSperger behavior seems to be a carefully contrived op to bring out of the shadows actual Anti-Zionists, agitate them, and then smear the craziness on actual Patriotic American Southerners who associate with them for reasons of nattionalism. Hunter has watched time and time this again happen to his volunteer campaigns.
You should all be careful of this ASSperger nonsense. Stick to what Hunter has been doing these last few months, and especially be careful of Papists. Watch the shadows in your organization and behind your back. These Papists are everywhere amongst the right at this time. They tried to assassinate Trump after all and have all their folks ready to take over in the next few years with or without a Trump victory. A vast Papist conspiracy is enfolding, the likes of which haven’t been seen since Queen Elizabeth and the Wars of Religion. Their target this time? AMERICA.
@Hunter Wallace and Karl Logan,
Hunter: “This is good for the Jews who can point to Gage and say look this guy is a wild eyed crank and you shouldn’t listen to anything he has to say.”
This objective when linked to Nationalists, especially Protestant Southern ones being associated with him was the whole purpose. By dividing up the Patriot Protestant movement and directing it into the rabbit hole and cul de sacs of Jew hunting was the whole purpose.
I bet Lucas, his wife, and family will be joined together enjoying the sun in the Caribbean in the near future. Lucas Gage was a Papist op, and it attracted too many people who were likewise obsessed with “Duh, Jews.” Your buddy Keith Woods is another one. So is Nick Fuentes, most groypers, and so was Trump’s attempted assassin.
I’m starting to think that ‘Aryan Globalist Bro’ is a nom de plume of Wallace’s
Very funny.
I barely have enough time to update this website during a good week.
@Hunter Wallace and Ringo,
Ringo: “I’m starting to think that ‘Aryan Globalist Bro’ is a nom de plume of Wallace’s.”
I am flattered Ringo.
Hunter Wallace: “Very funny.
“I barely have enough time to update this website during a good week.”
Indeed. I barely have enough time to go autistic on this website, do my real life, and I don’t have a family like Hunter.
To try and be two people one of whom must contrive to be sort of like a Hasbara Troll but not really, just to frustrate the commentors, whilst having a family like Hunter, organize nationalist groups, and run this website. Whew. Very unlikely. Now if that were true, it would be not only genius, but perhaps supermenschen.
Trust us, we are two separate people. Hunter won’t even take my calls. Lol.
HW denies it. I asked before too. Speaking of monomania…. there must be papists behind every bush and tree. Too bad the prophet didn’t write: Behold soldiers of Islam, the rocks and trees will cry out: “There is a papist hiding behind me. You should come and kill him.”
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Speaking of monomania…. there must be papists behind every bush and tree. Too bad the prophet didn’t write: Behold soldiers of Islam, the rocks and trees will cry out: “There is a papist hiding behind me. You should come and kill him.”
We aren’t Nazis, so we don’t recognize Muhamad as the Prophet or someone to emulate. Rather we consider the likes of Luther, Calvin, Wycliff, Cromwell, King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, Walsingham, etc as Prophets, Saints, and leaders to emulate. They specifically discuss the behavior of the Papist thru first hand experience. Other people have experienced the same down thru the centuries.
Unlike our relations with the Jews, we have centuries of history both overt and covert subversion, assassination, and organized crime specifically targeting Protestant communities as deliberate policy. With such a history of massive aggression against the faithful, its no wonder the Reformation leaders discussed the Papist’s methods. Most Protestant countries were vigilant against these methods until the Yankees let them in vast numbers in Protestant America which caused a crumbling across the Nordic Protestant world before Papist Imperialism.
If, you replaced the half the number of Papists now “leading” the American nationalists to consistent defeats, with Jewish leaders, you would say it proves there is a Jewish plot. Likewise, We would be literally fools to continue this charade of working with these Papists any further at this point.
Meanwhile in Deutschland – even in small towns, they just keep on celebrating the diversity!
Just read that the three dead in Solingen were Church of Woke types who welcomed their killer. They have truly earned their Darwin Awards with Kosher Klusters. Uncle Schmuel laughs. Uncle Adolf cries.
I strongly recommend the book “Bouncing Back”.
The author is a Vietnam veteran who spent time in a POW camp. If the guards wanted to break you, they would eventually succeed. There is no shame in that. The important thing is to “bounce back”, regain yourself, and recover.
That explains much. Many who returned from that bankster war ended up permanently damaged. There was a good family friend who fought there in special forces who struggled for years with severe depression and mental health issues. He ended up putting a revolver in his mouth to end it all. I’m sure many here have seen the black POW-MIA flags.
If you want to know one of the main reasons I totally despise the Republican party, read this article about what happened to those left behind and – especially – the utterly treasonous behavior of longtime Gay Old Pedoburo senator Juan McStain, son of a treasonous POS admiral who covered up the attack on the USS Liberty by OUR GREATEST ALLY.
” If the guards wanted to break you, they would eventually succeed. There is no shame in that. The important thing is to “bounce back”, regain yourself, and recover.”
Good pt.; an probably true.
I confess that I’ve never heard of Lucas Gage until this moment; however Wiki states about him the following:
” Gage served with the 8th Engineer Support Battalion at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and was deployed twice to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and Operation Enduring Freedom in 2004. He was honorably discharged as a corporal after four years of service.
After leaving the military, Gage struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which affected his personal relationships and led to depression. He dropped out of college twice and had difficulty maintaining employment.
Gage later became an anti-war activist, building a following on social media with his controversial rants. By 2012, Gage began posting on racist websites, promoting antisemitic narratives and the idea of “white genocide” from “massive uncontrolled 3rd world immigration to white countries only.”
Personally, the guy maybe a little stressed, but he sounds Ok to me.
“Personally, the guy maybe a little stressed”
That’s the understatement of the year.
The poor guy has been pushed to cliff’s edge.
His wife receiving death threats against her and child
What woman can endure that ?
Those devious bastards know how to hurt good people, destroy good lives.
Look at how they’ve wrecked this country !
Shows me that clearly, the (((Rat))) is Jewish …
Listen to Lou Reeds
Album Mistrial!
Beat the ((())) at Art
You can do it!
It takes Time!
“I hope this is either a deep fake or a poor attempt at a joke.”
He’s allowing his emotions to rule him (I can understand).
But this issue needs stone cold handling.
On second thought, it is not a deep fake because the second and longer video shows how unhinged he has become
A lot of bad decisions. Volunteering to serve as a slave for Israhell, ultimately in Iraq. Then after leaving the Marines faking a non existent disease in order to live off of welfare for the past 20 years. He is nothing but a parasite.
So now he is like millions of others a victim of gangstalking and he could not handle it.
When you are being gangstalked the local cops are a big part of it, along with the local Masonic Lodge and the local Jewish Kahal. They are many and you are alone. In that situation it is best to move on.
When I was being gangstalked 20 years ago, I researched it, and found out the thugs are locals. These days they seem to be directed by the fusion centers, but the hired thugs, the cops, masons, and Jews, are locals.
You may need to move more than once. You should definitely move outside of the cities, and not be in a place like New Jersey.
Yep, all true.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Meanwhile in Deutschland – even in small towns, they just keep on celebrating the diversity!”
I call this the NOTTING HILL SYNDROME. Its become a right of passage for leftwing European nationalities to prove their moral superiority over fellow nationals by joining with their foreign backed overlords in celebrating submission. This is typical for all theater kids and student government conformists to debase themselves toward whatever power structure they perceive controls the environment. This makes them excellent journalists and explains the gelded media we live under and how they will react when Trump returns to the White House.
The Notting Hill Carnival in London started when English Londonders, especially the Teddy Boy gangs, revolted against their foreign colonial attackers in 1958 and fought most of the non-White gangs of London into obliteration at Notting Hill. The leftist and liberal elite promptly turned this Patriot victory into a celebration of anti-English hate. With the aid of the treasonous council government, then under the control of a Judeo-Papist mafia, this leftwing front organized the Notting Hill carnival into a celebration of Caribbean debauchery.
The English working class accordingly responded to this occupation by joining in the celebration, taking it over and then fighting the non-Whites to a standstill yet again. In turn, the local council and carnival organizers called in the police to take action against the English Patriots. This resulted in dozens of “Exemplary Punishment” by the government. It is not coincidence a similar plan was used against the Chancelorsville Protests. In fact, the FBI has a unit ready to provide PR work with canned responses for the media to use in these sitiations. Its too bad the Cville protests were mostly Papists who refused our help in preparing their own PR campaign to counter this eventuality. But then, they were Papists (Our final revelation that something stank in the Rightwing nationalist movement).
However, unlike Cville, the English refused to cede ground. Theey continued to fight over dominance in Notting Hill with the Teddy Boy gangs in the forefront. They even got support from the US with the early American Rock n Rollers establishing links with them. Eventually, the English traitors in the central government joined with the Leftists in continuing exemplary punishment against English Patriots at Notting Hill. A precedence which has continued to this day whenever the English revolt during a time of cuckservstive or leftist governance. Eventually, the Teddy Boy Rock n Roll Atlantic Alliance was smothered by the media created fad of the Beatles proving the multipronged approach they’ve taken to smother dissent. Someone should look into this phenomenon.
One of the principle and biggest public faces of the Leftwing organized Carnival was a recently deported American communist of West Indian origin. The US Negro Carib-American race Commie was named Claudia Jones. Backed by American money, English Commies, the Judeo-Papist Notting Hill firm, and their fellow traveling English liberals, they slowly took Notting Hill as their own. Its not clear if Claudia was a real commie as she was also Papist. Its almost as likely she was sent by Papist mafias in America, aided and abetted by the CIA, to help exploit the crisis and force the UK into joining with the globalist migration agenda and corraled the Leftists into supporting the venture. Either way it has become a template of globalist occupied government propoganda to this day.
Regardless, fights continued between English and non-English for decades in Notting Hill. Yet, with continued immigration into the UK and ever more leftwing drift in government policy, the area became increasingly non-English and the local council decidedly more leftist. Most of the Judeo-Papist crime bosses responsible for settling the foreigners were themselves exposed and ruined. Claudia Jones, used her fame, notoriety, and money to become a fat, dissolute N@gger boss before dying of massive heart attack and sexual diseases in 1964. But, the change became permanent.
Meanwhile, the British liberal establishment tried for years to coopt the Notting Hill carnival into an Establishment run multi-culti globalist peaceful love fest. Personnel from several ministries got their start in politics working the Notting Hill problem before their rise to power in Parliament. Cameron and many of his fellow Cabinet being especially noteworthy, got involved in these ventures. He and his fellow pinko cuckservatives called themselves the Notting Hill Set to show they were sophisticated enough to handle increasingly multicultural UK to the globalists bosses. Obviously they failed.
Today Notting Hill Carnival is just another N@gger festival of criminality. Additionally, the enemies of Western Civilization, seeing the effectiveness of the propoganda in disguisong the reality of foreign colonization, have ably repackaged it for various victimized cities across Europe, like in this case in Germany. The treasonous German leftists who got stabbed by Moslem Mountain N@ggers at the Festival of Diversity, deserved it as do any European nationals who visit these debauched crazed events celebrating foreign occupation.
I don’t know who this is and I really don’t care.
He is right though, it is always the Israelis or the Zionist who are at fault, never the Jews. But it is the jews that our the source of all the problems. Even Hamas leaders use the same word play. I do not agree that he is out of control. He is very much in control and the jews are afraid of this guy. What happens when he gets one million or two million followers? Pogroms?? Don’t laugh this is how it starts. And one other thing nobody arrested him for macheting a jew flag, do you know why? It is not a crime. And he gets to say what ever the hell he wants for as long as he wants and if the jews do not like it well that is just too Goddamned bad. If the guy has got something to say and wants to say it let him get it off of his chest. And as I have said repeatedly death threats are protected speech. A Christian only punishes criminal conduct and words don’t hurt anybody, and if you feel afraid by his words then runaway, like a jew.
I still think David Duke’s book ‘Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question” is one of the best books on the JQ a WN can read. If you only read 10 books for the cause, make this book one of them.
I think Lucas is falling into the same chasm that traps so many.
He discovers the JP and tries to inform the world, when people don’t respond with what he expects he doubles down and keeps repeating the cycle until burnout or an eruption of violence.
He, like so many others before him, is trying to do too much with too little.
The ‘Patrick Little syndrome’
I think he might be trying to humiliate his wife for leaving. He is hurt, and he wants her to hurt too. The biggest problem is that his child or children might see that video, and believe their mother is/was a cheating whore, and that’s why they don’t have a father in their life
I have listened to a few of Lucas’s videos, and believe it or not, but he is a libertarian. He said that he has coal-burners in his family, and that was their decisions.
Anyway, in a non-talmudic controlled nation, things like this would not occur.
He’s lost his mind. Very unfortunate.
Whites will get more violent/unhinged whatever you want to call it. Not gonna be pretty… at least this guy had an action plan: Marvin Heemeyer was the man who drove a modified bulldozer through Granby, Colorado on June 4, 2004, destroying 13 buildings, including the town hall. Now there are remote controlled drones.
The irony of Lucas Gage. Gage is saying that Jewish character is genetics. What does this say about Italians? Ashkenazi Jews and Italians are genetically interrelated like no other two people with cross-breeding like no where else.
That is probably the reason that Gage has married a Nordic woman.
Genetic studies on the Jewish-Italo connection:
“According to the autosomal polymorphisms the investigated Jewish populations do not share a common origin, and EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.”
“EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data.”
“In fact the distance between EEJ and Italians is the smallest distance in the matrix.” “When the correlations with geography were only calculated for the genetic distances of EEJ and not for the entire matrix, the same trends emerge with the autosomal correlation from Rome reaching a high of 0.926. The correlations from Jerusalem are negative for the autosomes, the X chromosome and mtDNA.”
“EEJ seem to be mainly Italian (Roman) in origin, which is easily understood, considering the historical evidence presented above.”
“In its simple form this clearly contradicts the facts, because both the autosomal and X-chromosomal polymorphisms demonstrate that EEJ do not occupy an intermediate position between European and Middle Eastern populations, but rather a strict European one. From table 11 it is clear that Italians are as close or closer to the other Jewish populations and Palestinians as EEJ.”
“Italians and Greeks are closer to the Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews.”
Source: The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms. biologydirect.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1745-6150-5-57
“Despite widely differing interpretations of autosomal data, these results in fact fit well with genome-wide studies, which imply a significant European component, with particularly close relationships to Italians.
“These analyses suggest that the first major wave of assimilation probably took place in Mediterranean Europe, most likely in the Italian peninsula ~2?ka,
A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages, 2013 http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3543
“The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East.
“The data are very convincing,” says Antonio Torroni, a geneticist at the University of Pavia in Italy and a leading expert in the genetics of Europeans. He adds that recent studies of DNA from the cell nucleus have also shown “a very close similarity between Ashkenazi Jews and Italians.”
Did Modern Jews Originate in Italy? New genetic study traces Ashkenazi roots to prehistoric Europe—not the Middle East http://www.science.org/content/article/did-modern-jews-originate-italy
“The Atzmon-Ostrer team found that the genomic signature of Ashkenazim and Sephardim was very similar to that of Italian Jews, suggesting that an ancient population in northern Italy of Jews intermarried with Italians could have been the common origin. The Ashkenazim first appear in Northern Europe around A.D. 800, but historians suspect that they arrived there from Italy.
Studies Show Jews’ Genetic Similarity http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/10/science/10jews.html
“But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study. “All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.
Most Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Europeans, surprising study finds http://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/most-ashkenazi-jews-are-genetically-europeans-surprising-study-finds-8C11358210
“Of the European populations, the Northern Italians showed the greatest proximity to the Jews
Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3032072/#bib33
Outstanding Linco. Good to see some respectable research done here rather than more A.S.Sperger dogma. Some follow up below.
“The irony of Lucas Gage. Gage is saying that Jewish character is genetics. What does this say about Italians? Ashkenazi Jews and Italians are genetically interrelated like no other two people with cross-breeding like no where else.”
Finally, someone brings this up here on the nationalist rightwing. We’ve been dominated for about 20 years with an incessant “White Nationalist” narrative that there is some White Racial uniformity, that completely ignores the differences among White Nations. I know, why this was done, I was there when it was discussed by its chief propagates. While there was solid political justification at the time to do this, the decades long focus was unsupported by other activities, and now is at the point of total obsolescence and retardation. Its so bad, that American national identity rooted in its British past, is being erased for “Whiteness” on behalf of the movement.
The fact is there are numerous White nations, whose identity and heritage should be celebrated. But in America, cuz Whitness, we’ve erased its identity to the lowest common denominator of blandness, while Jews, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish, almost all Papists one and all, get to celebrate their ethnicity and encourage Balkanization of the movement and country. Interestingly, there is a similarity between these White ethnicities which transcends even religion. Its no small surprise then, that their representatives in the movement, are at odds with restoring the American identity.
For example, not only are Ashkenazi Jews genetically related with Italians, but so are Sephardic Jews. Not only that, but they are culturally similar as well. Once you discovered that, one can uncover the practical reasons how the WASP majority of Whites lost control of their own country’s institutions and now are losing control of the movement. In turn, there is a reason why the organized crime syndicate by Jews and Italians got established, became so subversive to our interests, yet remain dominate to this day. Of course, they’ve since added other Mediterraneum people to the syndicate. I imagine it started out like this.
“According to the autosomal polymorphisms the investigated Jewish populations do not share a common origin, and EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.”
Well actually, Sephardic Jews are probably even more closely related to Italians if not Spaniards than even Ashkenazi Jews. I’d like to see more studies, but, as I recall, from reading the few studies out there, that the Ashkenazi share more traits with Russians than with Italians.
Likewise we see this with crime syndicates, political interests, and espionage. The main difference being the Russian Bratva is more willing to endure years of honorable privation to obtain a desired end whilst the Jewish Moshpokas and Italian Mafia are focused on ruthless and quick acquisition of money. American Patriots interested in re establishing their authority should be more like the Bratva, less like the Moshpoka, or Mafia.
The Russian Bratva, or Brotherhood is/was the centerpiece of Russian Syndicate, which also included Jews, and other ethnicities in Eastern Europe. The Bratva however, retain the old Nordic Mannebund concept for Whites, while the other groups, despite hybredizing it, remain out of the Bratva leadership. Also, the Italian and Jewish mafia is more feudalistic in its operations. So far, the Bratva remains the most powerful of the groups, more powerful than the Jews, Italians, N@ggers, Local Law Enforcement, or combinations thereof. Even the Cartels are wary to mess with them.
“EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data.”
True. They also undisputely consist of ancient Khazar ancestry. The Rightwing Nationalists, should actually research this Kingdom and its history to understand the rise of Russia, the partial origins of the Ashkenazi, and the similarities and divisions both groups have with another and why.
“In its simple form this clearly contradicts the facts, because both the autosomal and X-chromosomal polymorphisms demonstrate that EEJ do not occupy an intermediate position between European and Middle Eastern populations, but rather a strict European one. From table 11 it is clear that Italians are as close or closer to the other Jewish populations and Palestinians as EEJ.”
This underlines my preceeding conjecture that Italians are perhaps even more related to Sephardic Jews than Ashkenazi. This is why Papists and Jewish stereotypes are so similar.
“Italians and Greeks are closer to the Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews.”
This all makes sense. The fact is the Roman Empire, while being dominantly of what we’d call Northern European ancestry, was a multi-national Empire. After the Romans abandoned the old Roman supremacist position, the populations began mixing very much. According to archeo-genetic findings, Rome during the late Empire time was majority Semitic and Brown and very poor. Kinda like New York City now.
In the late Roman period, the upper classes remained White, and substantial parts of the Empire were majority White. But, being centered on the Med, it got people from the Middle East and North Africa and even India which Browned the population over time. When Jews overwhelmingly converted to Christianity, and Christianity was made a protected religion, the mixing increased even further. Today, most of the Mediterraneum nations are descended to varying degrees from Christianized Jews, Semites, Greco-Romans, Celts and Germans.
“The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East.”
Given Roman conquest methods, it makes sense that more female than male genetic lines survived the Roman epoch. Its also given that Roman, Celtic, Greek, Scandinavian, and Germanic lines would’ve also been reinserted geneolgically. Since the Khazars were also related to these groups, and they also substantially traded in the White Slave trade, that whatever Jewish elite capture occurred on conquest in the subject population was substantially mitigated over time. For obvious reasons all these groups liked their Blonde Slave women, even unto death, including the Khazars.
“Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study. “All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.”
We see this assimilation occurring to this day. Take a look at the Trump family. The more Jews remain in the US than Israel, the more they will intermarry with the socially dominant population, like the Trumps or even the Babbits.
“Of the European populations, the Northern Italians showed the greatest proximity to the Jews.
I am a little unsure of this. What kind of Jews? Ashkenazi? Sephardic? The others? Given past genetic research, the group that is closest to the old Hebrews of Israel, appear to be Palestinian Christians, Sephardics, and the most, the Samaritan Jews. This could change the more statistical samples we get from archeology.
Regardless, thanks to rightwinger dumkopf Papists and Atheists helping the Left to make life in the Middle East hard for non-Moslems, especially for Jewish ones, cuz A.S.Spergers, there has been a slow down in Ashkenazi settlers into Israel. As a result, what was once majority Euro-Ashkenazi Israel, now has a slight majority of Asio-Sephardics. It also means more Ashkenazi staying in America and Europe and intermarrying with local White non-Jewish populations. Both results would appear to be at odds ends of what White Nationalists want. But with so many Papists and Atheists in charge of the Right, this self sabotage is expected. Note, intermarriage in these cases, except at the very top, is overwhelmingly with Papists (Ask Joe Biden’s Jesuit Papist daughter).
Aryan Globalist Bro, thanks for your reply.
My follow up (part 1)
“For example, not only are Ashkenazi Jews genetically related with Italians, but so are Sephardic Jews.”
IIRC, there seems to have been more cross-breeding with Ashkenazi and Italians (than with Sephardic), and it started much earlier. Perhaps there was also early Sephardic influence in the Italian islands, esp. Sicily. For Spain, on the other hand, this study found “a high mean proportion of ancestry from North African (10.6%) and Sephardic Jewish (19.8%) sources” ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2668061/
“whilst the Jewish Moshpokas and Italian Mafia are focused on ruthless and quick acquisition of money.”
The relationship between Sicilian Jews and the Mafia should be explored. I don’t know of any genetic studies specifically on the Mafia (such a study would be seen as politically incorrect). But this study suggests a high proportion of Jews in Sicily:
“Autosomal DNA evidence suggests that there was genetic input from Italians into the early Western Jewish ancestors of Ashkenazic Jews more than a thousand years ago. As stated earlier, J2-Y33795 may be an example of an Ashkenazic paternal haplogroup of Italian origin. There are, in addition, multiple mtDNA haplogroup subclades that are shared by modern mainland Italian Christians as well as by Ashkenazic Jews, including H1bo, H3ap, H5a7, H7c2, J1c3e2, J1c13, K1a4a, U8b1b1, and possibly H1b1a, that might have Italian origins for both populations. Haplogroups H13a1a1, H47, HV0-T195C!, HV1b2, J1b1a1, J1c-C16261T, J1c1, K1a4a, K2a*, T2b25, and T2g1a are shared by modern Sicilians and Ashkenazim. Not all of these shared haplogroups necessarily have common non-Jewish ancestors from Italy because many Sicilians from the Palermo region in the northwest, the Siracusa region in the southeast, and the province of Agrigento in the southwest and some Italians from the farthest south regions of the mainland descend in part from Sicilian Jews and Sephardic Jews who were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism in the 1490s. There had also been ancient Phoenician settlers in Sicily who were genetically similar to the Israelites.” degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781644699850/html
“The comparisons suggested the Ashkenazi circa 1350 had a mix of ancestry resembling populations from southern Italy or Sicily today, with components found in modern Eastern Europe and the Middle East mixed in. One traditional tale about Ashkenazi roots may not be far from the truth: A family or small group of Jews arrived in Germany around 800 C.E., crossing the Alps at the invitation of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, and settled in the Rhineland. science.org/content/article/meeting-ancestors-history-ashkenazi-jews-revealed-medieval-dna
“They also undisputely consist of ancient Khazar ancestry.”
IIRC, there seems to be a lack of evidence for the Khazar hypothesis, see these studies:
“Sometime in that period, the Middle Eastern and European Jews diverged and the European branch began actively proselytizing for converts. At the height of the Roman Empire, about 10% of the empire’s population was Jewish, although the bulk of them were converts. Some Khazars were also incorporated during this period. It also explains another of the team’s findings ” that the population most closely related genetically to European Jews are Italians. ruthfullyyours.com/2010/06/05/on-genes-and-jews/
“Of the three Ashkenazi founders, K1a1b1a and K1a9 were most likely assimilated in west (perhaps Mediterranean) Europe Overall, we estimate that most (>80%) Ashkenazi mtDNAs were assimilated within Europe. Few derive from a Near Eastern source, and despite the recent revival of the ‘Khazar hypothesis’, virtually none are likely to have ancestry in the North Caucasus. Thus at least two-thirds and most likely more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry. Despite widely differing interpretations of autosomal data, these results in fact fit well with genome-wide studies, which imply a significant European component, with particularly close relationships to Italians. These analyses suggest that the first major wave of assimilation probably took place in Mediterranean Europe, most likely in the Italian peninsula ~2?ka, with substantial further assimilation of minor founders in west/central Europe. There is less evidence for assimilation in Eastern Europe, and almost none for a source in the North Caucasus/Chuvashia, as would be predicted by the Khazar hypothesis,—rather, the results show strong genetic continuities between west and east European Ashkenazi communities, albeit with gradual clines of frequency of founders between east and west. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3806353/
“We found that most of the maternal lineages don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,” said coauthor Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in the U.K. the-scientist.com/genetic-roots-of-the-ashkenazi-jews-38580
“Richards and his team claim that maternal lineages did not originate in the Near or Middle East or the Khazarian Caucasus but rather, for the most part, within Mediterranean Europe. Another twist in the findings: Jewish women may have been assimilated in Europe as far back as 2,000 years ago—earlier than most other studies have projected. The researchers believe the DNA could trace back to the early Roman Empire, when as much as 10 percent of the population practiced Judaism, many of them converts. Overall, they claim, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe while 8 percent originated in the Near East, with the rest uncertain. geneticliteracyproject.org/2013/10/08/ashkenazi-jewish-women-descended-mostly-from-italian-converts-new-study-asserts/
“Loco-LD confirms and sharpens the lack of evidence for the Khazar hypothesis observed in PCA, placing the Ashkenazi Jewish sample in close proximity to Italian Jews, North African Jews, Sephardi Jews, and Mediterranean non-Jewish populations such as Cypriots and Italians. In brief, judging from the similarity of the membership proportion distributions (Figure 4), Admixture demonstrates the connection of Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews, with the most similar non-Jewish populations to Ashkenazi Jews being Mediterranean Europeans from Italy (Sicily, Abruzzo, Tuscany), Greece, and Cyprus. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079123/
Some follow up (part 2)
“According to archeo-genetic findings, Rome during the late Empire time was majority Semitic and Brown and very poor. ”
Rome seems to have been much more heavily dominated by Jews than expected:
“In Jewish literature, there is no generally accepted term to designate these “indigenous” Jews, and they are often simply called Italiani, the Italian word for “Italians.” For many centuries, Rome, whose Jewish population was already large in antiquity, was home to the most populous Italiani communities. The largest category of surnames is based on the names of places — usually the names of towns in the vicinity of Rome from which these families came to the capital city of the Papal States. Among them are Di Segni, Piperno, Pontecorvo, Rieti and Tivoli. forward.com/opinion/407472/neither-ashkenazi-nor-sephardi-italian-jews-are-a-mystery/
“During Greco-Roman times, recorded mass conversions led to 6 million people practicing Judaism in Roman times or up to 10% of the population of the Roman Empire. Thus, the genetic proximity of these European/Syrian Jewish populations, including Ashkenazi Jews, to each other and to French, Northern Italian, and Sardinian populations favors the idea of non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestry in the formation of the European/Syrian Jewish groups and is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs. The genetic proximity of Ashkenazi Jews to southern European populations has been observed in several other recent studies. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3032072/
“The close genetic resemblance to Italians accords with the historical presumption that Ashkenazi Jews started their migrations across Europe in Italy and with historical evidence that conversion to Judaism was common in ancient Rome. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2964539/
“But the study also found strong genetic ties to non-Jewish groups, with the closest genetic neighbors on the European side being Italians, and on the Middle Eastern side the Druze, Bedouin and Palestinians. scientificamerican.com/article/jews-worldwide-share-genetic/
“The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots. Their proximity to one another and to European and Syrian Jews suggested a shared genetic history of related Semitic and non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestors who followed different religious and tribal affiliations. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543766/
“The major source of EU ancestry in AJ was found to be Southern Europe (?60–80% of EU ancestry), with the rest being likely Eastern European. Our results suggest a model of at least two events of European admixture. One event slightly pre-dated a late medieval founder event and was likely from a Southern European source. Another event post-dated the founder event and likely occurred in Eastern Europe. Our results suggest that the European gene flow was predominantly Southern European (?60–80%), with the remaining contribution either from Western or (more likely) Eastern Europe. due to the genetic similarity and complex history of the European populations involved (particularly in Southern Europe [51]), the multiple paths of AJ migration across Europe [10], and the strong genetic drift experienced by AJ in the late Middle Ages [9, 16], there seems to be a limit on the resolution to which the AJ admixture history can be reconstructed. Admixture in Southern Europe possibly occurred in Italy, given the continued presence of Jews there and the proposed Italian source of the early Rhineland Ashkenazi communities ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5380316/
“The Med haplotype, the most frequent haplotype in Jewish communities, was also common in circum-Mediterranean populations. Its widespread distribution and relatively recent age suggest high rates of male gene flow around the Mediterranean and into Europe, possibly via the Neolithic demic diffusion of farmers (43) and/or more recent migrations of sea-going peoples such as the Phoenicians (44). ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18733/
“Multiple models with South-Italians were plausible (p>0.05), which would be consistent with historical models pointing to the Italian peninsula as the source for the AJ population. The mean admixture proportions (over all of our plausible models) were 65% South Italy, 19% ME, and 16% East-EU cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01378-2
“It also means more Ashkenazi staying in America and Europe and intermarrying with local White non-Jewish populations. Both results would appear to be at odds ends of what White Nationalists want. But with so many Papists and Atheists in charge of the Right, this self sabotage is expected. Note, intermarriage in these cases, except at the very top, is overwhelmingly with Papists ”
This is also suggested by these studies:
The majority of informative subjects with no Jewish ancestry that scored most highly on PC1 were either of Italian or Eastern Mediterranean descent. This indicates that in a mixed American context, these populations may not be easily distinguishable from subjects with a single Jewish parent. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687795/
The results of this study were never published, but in conversation Professor Boas stated that at one of the New York colleges forty per cent of the Italians were taken to be Jews, and the same percentage of Jews were adjudged Italians. This would seem to argue that if there is a “Jewish look” it is also in a large number of cases an “Italian look”—quite possible, since South Italians, like stereotyped Jews, are of Mediterranean stock. The Jews : their history, culture, and religion by Finkelstein, Louis, 1895-1991, editor
Overall, the analysis of sequence variation allowed the authors to distinguish individuals with northern European ancestry (Swedish, English, Irish, German, and Ukrainian) from individuals with southern European ancestry (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek). Interestingly, Ashkenazi Jewish individuals tend to group together with individuals from southern European countries. The results show clear evidence of large differences in population structure between southern and northern European populations. The finding in the current study that individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are predominantly “southern” European further suggests the later migration of this ethnic group from the Mediterranean region. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1564423/
However, consistent with studies that have incorporated a single Jewish population in a broader European context, southern groups from Europe are placed closer to the Jewish populations than more northerly groups. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797531/
Consistent with recent reports (13, 20, 23–25), principal component analysis (PCA) using these combined datasets confirmed that the AJ individuals cluster distinctly from Europeans, aligning closest to Southern European populations along the first principal component, suggesting a more southern origin, and aligning with Central Europeans along the second, consistent with migration to this region ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2941333/