“You know what time it is.. time for the…” (this is a Facebook greeting I somehow receive from a very charming, Nordic ha wite girl – Destiny Boyd. She comes on to give us/me an inspirational quote of the day.
IMO “we” should feature the beauty of our our beautiful women and small children in wholesome, positive ways – it’s IMO one of THE best advertisements for our people’s existence and yes the 14 words.

Destiny Boyd and her mom
It’s time for the nominations and voting on OD (Amren, we were the ones that got Amren to resume Installation Magazine’s White (barely) Majority Traitor of the Year.) IMO it’s OK to blur the American Presidential Election year, which should only be a couple months, now it’s ~ 2 years and both sides are disputing the last 4 elections.
The floor is now open to ha wite traitor of the year nominations.
Elon Musk is the White traitor of the year.
Donald Trump is the White traitor of the millennia.
Elon Mask.
Daniel Burnside or Richard Spencer
Elon Musk is the obvious choice.
Every single White person who voted for Obama or Biden or Harris. Every one of them. America sold it’s soul to the Devil when they (not we) elected Obama. He institutionalized partisan corruption on a massive scale and anti White hoaxes as get out the vote drive. The White Guilt riddled White idiots who voted for him won’t be satisfied until they are dragged out of their homes by a BLM Antifa mob and lynched in their own front yard.
@John Holmes:
A lot of Whites voted for Obama for two reasons:
The Republicans nominated John McCain a warmongering NEO-Con who serenaded his preferred running mate, Joe Liebermann, by singing, “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.” Which was caught on camera. This caused such a negative reaction that McCain was forced to pick the populist Alaska governor Sarah Palin, as his running mate.
Even in 2008 the Democrats knew that Hillary Clinton was an awful, polarizing candidate even to the Left and could not win, even against McCain.
Obama’s campaign ran him as the post-racial, bi-racial Kenyan-American who had never experienced slavery, so a lot of White people who could not abide McCain and wanted the Blacks to STFU already about racism, voted for him, thinking his election would end the constant guilt trips and extortions from the Black Race Hustlers.
I had read Obama’s “Audacity of Hope” book and saw the writing on the wall. I warned everybody that it was a con to make guilty White people vote for him as a symbolic form of reparations to Blacks, and that we would be stuck with him for eight years no matter what, because no way would such An Historic President be allowed to be voted out after one term.
No one was less surprised when Eric Holder announced that we needed to have “an honest conversation about race” and it was one conversation after another while the economy crashed and burned with the press touting Obama’s “Jobless Recovery” at the end of his second term.
Obama’s Presidency is why there is no Harris Presidency. Fool me once…
Don’t forget the Oprah Winfrey Effect in 2008 and 2012. Her influence on her tv audience of tens of millions of White women was powerful, and she full-throated endorsed Obama.
In 2012, after Seal Team Six killed Usama bin Laden in 2011, and the way Ron Paul’s delegates were denied entry into the 2022 RNC, Obama moonwalked into a second term.
@John Holmes, I suggest that you do a deep dive into the two Chicago jewish crimes families (Pritzker and Crown) that groomed and financed Obama from a nobody Illinois state senator to the US Senate to the Oval Office. Both Michelle/Michael and Barak both came in kosher certified owned by the synagogue of sat and, and both had jewish Chiefs of Staff in 2009. So, if you want to blame someone for Obama, blame “fellow whites.” The anti-white pastor Jerrimiah Wright that both Oprah and the Obamas had in common knew who was pulling Barack’s puppet strings.
Both you and Clytemnestra make some good points. Thanks.
Im sure I would learn a lot by researching Pritzker and Crown. If I dont rage myself into a stroke reading about their bullshit. I find the story of Barry Sherman and Honey Sherman to be a relaxing bedtime story. Two jews who ran Canada with every politician including the Prime Minister in their pockets. They eventually reaped what they sowed. Or as atheists like them would call it, got their karma.
@John Holmes,
As Dr. Andrew Joyce wrote, “Suspect that the jews are behind it, and wait for the evidence to prove your suspicion.”
A long time ago, I remember reading someone who wrote, “Our ignorance is their power,” and it was true,. Therefore, I choose to know and understand as much about our adversaries as possible .
Trying to single out the worst White traitor of the year is like trying to single out the worst flea or tick feeding off your dog or cat. They’re all bad. In a sane country they’d all be facing capital punishment.
Pence is an excellent choice for the award. 100% cuck, 100% Synagogue of Satan. He’s loyal to his master Satanyahoo, not to his people. A TYPICAL REPUBLICAN in other words.
Thanks for the excellent comment about mike pence . But we are just in the nominating stage .
Do you have a nominee for traitor if the year?
See below. I agree with Clytemnestra’s point. Yes Pence, Wormney, Liz Cheney are all disgusting but as she notes – they’re pretty much out of the game. Musk deserves the award.
Pence is his nominee.
Traitor of the year, Tommy waltz ?
wite traitor of the year ?
Donald Trump for betraying his White gentile base before his inauguration.
I second Musk but also question his lineage so not sure he qualifies as ha wite.
Though both Mike Pence and Mitt Romney fit the bill perfectly – as well as Liz Cheney – all three of them have no real influence or power and are effectively defanged and declawed.
I nominate Elon Musk as White Traitor of the Year – even the century, especially over his arrogance which made him override any street smarts that it would take to keep his flipping mouth shut about handing out H1-B visas to dot Indians and then lobby Trump in private once Trump gained office like he did the Democrats.
I have infinitely more respect for that smarmy little Hindu, Vivek Ramaswamy, who makes my skin crawl, than I do Elon Musk. Ramaswamy is at least lobbying for his own people and their interests by support H1-B visas to Indians and their fraudulent programming degrees.
What the hell is Elon Musk’s problem? He knows the conditions of White people under the Black-Ruled South Africa and Zimbabwe. Yet, he wants to marginalize and impoverish Whites in this country, all so this multibillionaire can be a trillionaire?!
If he wants to pay coolie wages, there is nothing to keep him from bringing over all the poor White South Africans and White Rhodesians of Zimbabwe to work for peanuts.
At least they speak English and would be hard-working instead of jumping on Welfare and engaging in every scam imaginable by using any small businesses as money-laundering operations.
He is not only over here in the USA, living the lap of luxury, but has the brass tacks to castigate the American Working Class and Middle Class Whites who voted for MAGA’s America (and Americans) Platform for their racism and xenophobia?!
The Indians are horrible programmers. People would still be using Windows XP (the last software that was programmed by White European Americans) if Microsoft had not yanked any traces of that software off all platforms.
The Chinese make nothing but cheap plastic junk that does not work. Have you tried using a spray bottle or shampoo/conditioner with a pump lately?
If their fathers are reasonably decent, most men respect their fathers and, even with some of the more feminized, progressive types, I see a trend where their sons really, really admire and try to emulate their grandfathers.
Such is the case in my own family. The young men love their fathers – none of which thank God are soft progress types, but they idolize their grandfathers.
It speaks volumes to Elon Musk’s character or lack thereof that one of his sons so despises him that he castrated and mutilated himself with bottom surgery and implants, poisoning himself with hormones so he would look nothing like his father.
Elon Musk blames WOKE CULTURE for his son’s gender dysphoria?!
No, Elon it’s the CULTURE OF GREED, yours to be exact. Your son saw the future YOUR GREED is setting up for other young White men his age and COULD NOT BEAR to be associated with you.
YOUR fault, Elon. You’re a lousy father and a lousy role model.
Nomination seconded.
Musk wouldn’t be in the influential position on H-1B Visas, if he didn’t spend 239 million USD on his America PAC in support of Trumpenstein, and shill for him in person at several campaign rallies.
It was Trumpenstein’s and campaign team and the tangerine turd himself that gave both African-American Musk and jeet their clout to push forward the plan of Hindu tech serfs replacing European Americans from career opportunities in that industry.
The Musk storm is the current thing, so it’s on everyone’s mind.
Therefore, I still say that Trump is responsible. The shekel stops with him, and he hasn’t countered either Musk or Vivek .
Is E. Musk by virtue of being a jew not dis– qualified? Also the Trumper , who has confessed from the Very Beginning that, he is the servant of Israel ( a byproduct of international jewry ). And were we listening we should have known . Not so? And we too deluded ?
I am a beginner in this forum and am a secessionist , Has God mercy, the SOUTH is gonna rise again. but may I nominate someone?
I nominate for traitor of the decade and century past and to come ( if there is to be a future) , the US Congress.
only the ones , who are ethnically European white of course (since i have not interpreted the symbols ) Thus remaining about 59- 75? ! This is my nomination. my state of West Virginia (resident) Acrually Floridian , has proclivity of kakistocracy and every other state if white have thier trusted ideologues , whom they obediently reelect and reelect and reelect …
Does this mean , the fatuous electorate should also be a
nominee? have i written too much? Frohe Weihnacht
Yes you are correct Paul Kurt. If Elon Musk is indeed an ethnic/racial Je* or > 20%, he can’t be a ha wite traitor as he’s not White. That would make him a powerful enemy.
We could start a new award, enemy of the year with categories for Pakistanis ,Ay-Rabs, Nigs, and yes, Js
Either Elon musk or Mitch McConnell
Mike Pence does not worship God, he worships the jews, just like the rest of the Irish.
@November Red Guardsman,
“How do you square the circle of both the zionist terrorist entity and zionists everywhere losing their minds about Ireland’s condemnation of the genocide ongoing in Gaza to the point where pissrael closed their embassy in Dublin?”
That is an excellent question. But the answer is beyond RKB’s reasoning. The fact is, the Irish Papists have been so fudged packed by Papist Priestcraft for so many enturies, that they forgot that they colonized Europe, saved Christian civilization, took the Protestant King’s shilling for centuries around the world, and were colonial settlers in most places. Instead they think they are as victimized black as the shiite in their fudge packed Papist brains now. This is is why the same Papist Irish Government (PIG) regime that condemns Israel is importing more N@ggers than ever.
“For the record, my DNA analysis came back with zero originating in Ireland, and ZERO jewish DNA of any of their subsets.”
Well, Saurkrauts usually do. So what was your point?
By, the way, for the record, I have zero Jewish genes, but plenty of Protestant Irish genes.
Here are some other possible ha Wite (barely) majority traitors of the year.
(life time destructive achievements) Mittens Romney and his father George Romney (took the side of Black Communist/criminals in the 1967 Black riots that destroyed the Paris of the Midwest.) Mitt Romney is LDS Mormon Christian doesn’t allow drinking beer or wine or hot caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea. But, Mitt Romney took the knee in support of Saint (not) Fentanyl George Floyd who was a heroin, Fentanyl opioid narcotics drug dealer. Go figure that one out. Our John Derbyshire “the Derby” interview Mitt Romney when Mitt was running for USA President and before the Neo Con Js at National Review fired and purged our “The Derb” for writing the GOAT Taki Mag article “The Talk the Non Black version”. John Derbyshire asked Mitt Romney how he felt about mass 3rd world immigration to the USA and to “The West” and with predictions that the “Third World” was going to double or triple it’s population, creating mass migration pressures certain to….
Mitt Romney confessed that he just hadn’t thought about this immigration issue and that was it.
Ron and Rands Paul deserve a lifetime achievement bobby prize for saying and doing insane, treasonous things about BLM Black Lies Matter, Louisville heroin drug trafficker madam Breonna Taylor (KY Senator Rand Paula sponsored the “justice for Breonna Taylor Act” prevented police from doing no knock raids on suspected Black narcotics traffickers,
Rand Paul has been mouthing off that he will cross the aisle to join the Lib Demorats to oppose soon to be President Trump’s plan to mass deport the worst illegal immigrants.
OK – sure real bad lifetime ha wite traitors.
Now on this year’s 2024 ha wite traitor of the year… let’s look at some of THE worst corporate CEOs openly boasting to lay off White American workers and replace them with low wage, COVID, TB, Ebola infected 3rd world illegal alien migrants.
OK, folks, let’s hear some nominations.
I’d like to second the nomination of Elon Musk for traitor of the year.
I not sure Elon Musk is really … ha Wite.
What’s his ethnic heritage? Chosenite? Hey November, if anyone would know this, it would be you.
There’s conflicting evidence on his ancestry. According to Wokepedia, his ancestry is Dutch and English. The Musk family was wealthy even when back in South Africa as father Errol was a business owner along with dabbling in politics. The first batch of kids (including Elon) – with first wife Maye (father Joshua Haldeman, married to Winnifred Fletcher) moved to Canada, then US. If there’s Jew ancestry it’s fairly far back. Haldeman could be a Jewish name – but is also a German name. My guess is that Elon is nearly all white: Dutch, English, German, English – by way of South Africa, and Canada.
Oh and though AGB will be no doubt disappointed, looks like Musks are all from Protestant backgrounds (totally lapsed of course). No guineas, French, Spaniards or other papists lurking about – but given the very ‘Hollywood’ lifestyle of Musk Sr. maybe a papist party-girl slipped in there for a one-night stand or three. Is Maye really his mother? Who knows?
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Oh and though AGB will be no doubt disappointed, looks like Musks are all from Protestant backgrounds (totally lapsed of course).”
Oh I knew. Elon and I talked about his background, and mine a long time ago before he became extremely wealthy. Although he pretended he wasn’t entirely sure, he believed he was solidly Anglo-Saxon Protestant. But, he was never a real believer in it anyways.
Elon was always a muscle headed spiritual gnostic at best, and didn’t seem to have any care for maintaining the Anglo-Saxon identity and leadership of the invisible Anglo Empire. Today, he is little better than a modern day East India Company man who has accumulated so much wealth he now commands a vast army of sweaty and smelly Indian sepoys with which he intends to conquer a decaying White civilization.
It remains to be seen if Elon will find God, Anglophilia, and a responsibility to us White folk, or whether he was just be a curry a$$hole smelling Maharaja who happens to have White skin. I am beginning to wonder if he plans to buy Trump’s Truth Social for some undisclosed billions and other such bribes as payments for Trump turning on H1-B. Right now, I fear Hunter has retreated to his tornado shelter and is sinking into one of his depression episodes. But, we’ll see.
> Today, he is little better than a modern day East India Company man
Interesting you’d mention that. His grandfather or great-grandfather back in SA was an actual East India man. Guess the apple didn’t fall that far from the tree. Lots of pajeets in SA as you know. That’s where Gandhi got started.
@Jaye Ryan,
The first piece of information that has been widely circulated was ben shapiro’s interview with elon musk immediately adter they both tour the German labor camp in Auschwitz Poland.
Both timestamps where elon provides circumstantial evidence of his being a jew (e.g., he went to a jewish school in South Africa, his name is very jew19:00ish, jews believe that he is a jew, he traveled to pissrael at age 13, most of friends are jewish), and that he is “aspirationally jewish.”
To be honest, I would watch the first 9 minutes, but those impatient, at about the 17:40 to mark-9:00 he makes the comments I have in parenthesis.
It appears that elon musk’s maternal side is a bit suspect, but conclusive proof was not available.
His father Errol is aa Woody Allen type weirdo where he had two children with his stepdaughter.
Elon himself, recently had twins with a jewess that works for him via IVF.
My hypothesis is that musk is a goy, but very much wishes he weren’t.
“My hypothesis is that musk is a goy, but very much wishes he weren’t.”
Oh, he wants to be a goy, he also wants to be whatever is necessary to be Emperor Elon. In my assessment of him both at distance and in person, he is willing to say whatever as long as gets what he really wants. He’s a typical tycoon. He’s literally always wanted to be one since he was small. He wanted his own Empire, and he found cheap but educated labor as the secret to his success.
He got this from his South African upbringing and his own father. South Africa has always been an exploitive country, based originally on Anglo-Afrikaaner elite driven exploitation of cheap Black labor. It was always the dream of most Anglo-Afrikaaners to make it big, usually over discovering mineral wealth. His father did that and did it using rather questionable means.
Elon has merely repeated that mind set but on a global scale using modern day I.T. and cheap but educated labor. The guy was and is a total nerd. I could probably write a book about my interview of Elon from decades ago and what we discussed. But, if you keep in mind he is just a nerdy libertarian with a fixed here at the moment road map to defined objectives, you won’t have to put to much thought into Elon.
At this point, if you just keep in mind that Elon and most of these Tech Bros are simply libertarians even anarcho-capitalists, who found a short doorway in the early IT Internet bubble period to earn alot of money and justify their bucceneering nature, you could analogize what they will be like on other issues. Ethno-Sectarian background, plays a role of course with how these guys will be in comparison to their others in their class, but in the end, these guys could care less about those things. Thats the problem.
Your research on Elon Musk reminds me an awful lot of Warren Buffet, another White European Gentile of Christian origin who has no problem backstabbing and selling out other White people.
It was Buffet who was instrumental in shutting down the Keystone Pipeline that Trump wanted, because he has a fleet of railroad tanker trains that ship the oil. They’re a big environmental hazard and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them derailed in East Palestine, but what is ruining the lives of a bunch of little people if it gets in the way of profits?
Buffet tried to get hired by a Jewish investment country. Being the nepotistic souls that they are, they rebuffed him repeatedly, but he persisted until he wore them down. In Buffet’s place, they’d infiltrate and then bring the rest of the tribe in to take over, but they didn’t have to worry about Buffet.
One could say that Musk and Buffet are spiritual Jews, but Jews are very much about their collective – we woudn’t have nearly the problems we do with them if they were like Musk and Buffet; the lower than pond scum Buffet and Musk only care about themselves; everyone else can go to Hell.
White traitor of the year would be a tossup between Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas or Kier Starmer.
@Tikkun Olan,
Biden would be a good candidate when he still had normal cognition. When he did have his mind, he thought it was fine that Europeans in America become a minority. Bill Clinton shares that attitude on Whites becoming a minority too.
Nope Jade Helm – Mayorkas is a j enemy not a traitor .
He is not of our kith and kin
Mayorkas is a sephardic jew.
I am tripling down on judas goat zion Don, especially after he sided with Musk and Vivek on the H-1B Visas.
Trump should be White Gentile traitor of 2024.
I am sure no one here will agree with this. My vote for White Traitor of the Year?
He started and has continued another White brothers war now raging for three years. The war has gotten perhaps several hundred thousand precious Slav boys dead, subordinated Russia to the Chinese, massively increased Asian immigration into Russia. He has recruited armies of non-Whites such as Mongols, Gooks, and barbarous Muzzies to rape and pillage fellow Whites. He has solidified a new division in the White world.
Sad to say it, but yeah, Putin. Again this year. With a close second if not tie to Papist Joe Biden.
Putin is possibly part non-white (Tatar) and he didn’t start the damned war though he’s done a rather crappy job of fighting it – since he’s likely a tool of the same banksteins you serve. The war started in 2014 by your most admired female figure – the giant war-sow (Nudelman) – under the Obama regime of Kwanmurika. Jewkraine is a totally corrupt clown-world creation – the Biden’s profited hugely, along with every other parasite in the great dismal swamp both Jew and otherwise. Putin was basically forced into the war – otherwise his own oligarch lifestyle would end. Stop lying. You reek of Lindsay Graham – a worthless Sodomite who should be burned at the stake.
As for the morons who killed and died for clown-world, they’re of a piece with Scofield heretics/aspostates who want to kill or get themselves blown up for Satanyahoo. Darwin awards with Kosher Klusters. Smedley Butler was right. Most wars are just rackets for evil clowns like Elon Musk, Rothschilds, Buffet, Gates, et al.
@Aryan Globalist Bro:
No, the third term of Obama – i.e. Biden – is responsible for that one along with that nasty bitch, Victoria Nuland.
When Gorbachev agreed to “tear down that wall” our State Department made an agreement that, in exchange for reuniting Germany, NATO would not annex any of the Warsaw Pact countries. They broke their promise.
Putin let it go but tried to put in a President of Ukraine who was not antagonistic to Russia. IOW, instead of the impossible analogy of Putin making MEXICO a Warsaw Pact country, try CANADA, especially since ALASKA was once part of Russia. During the Cold War, WE didn’t have to worry about the Soviet Union annexing Canada, cutting off and annexing Alaska, as well, because the Canadians and their leaders liked the USA.
Now, if I had been Putin’s advisor, I would have told him not to draw any red lines or do any saber rattling. Why? Because the West with its insistence that the former Warsaw Pact Countries fly the Rainbow Flag and take in all of Africa and the Middle Ea was alienating them enough to make them tell the EU to go pound sand even if that lost them their NATO membership.
Poland was already grumbling about escaping Red Communism only to deal with Blue Communism. So were the other Balto-Slavic Republics. I don’t think that forcibly absorbing them back into the former Soviet Union was necessary, but Putin could have orchestrated a Baltic Union as a balwark between Russia and the EU and come out smelling like a rose.
My maternal side is Polish and while there is a very real history of hostility with Russia as well as Czechoslovakia – for some strange reason they get along very well with the Hungarians – I hold the USA and Obama-Biden more responsible for the deaths of almost a million Ukrainian and Russian Slavs. Putin was manouvered into invading by the USA – staying true to form – and breaking its word on Ukraine – the last straw.
I respect the points, but disagree with them. Nonetheless, your perspective and the Russians is understandable. Interestingly, we too believed an answer to the competing perspectives was found in one of your statements above.
“I don’t think that forcibly absorbing them back into the former Soviet Union was necessary, but Putin could have orchestrated a Baltic Union as a balwark between Russia and the EU and come out smelling like a rose.”
Too bad it didn’t happen. Its something some in the West wanted too. I think why it failed will never be known. Unlike others I dont think Putin was planning for a full scale neo-Soviet resurgence. Rather, it was one of several choices depending upon development.
My suspicion for why we ended up coming to this conflict has to do with collateral intel and diplomatic losses stemming from Clinton’s Russiagate, which combined with Trump’s defeat in 2020, led Putin to believe invasion and forcible integration was the best option. The Intramarian or Baltic Union project was dead by that point in Moscow’s perspective. Its amazing to consider what the petty political ambitions of a women and a doddling old man could cause to world peace.
@Aryan Globalist Bro:
Thank you for your kind words, AGB.
I often think that the Media love to gin up the extremism everywhere because drama drives ratinsg and, if it bleeds, it leads.
For example, Same Sex Marriage. When Conservatards in The Stupid Party wanted to pass the DOMA (Definition of Marriage Act), I kept telling them NOT to do it and push for a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting Congress or any State or County or City Legislative Branch from defining marriage.
I questioned the advisability of the same people to entrust a government that pushed through Roe v. Wade courtesy of the SCOTUS to allow them to rule on marriage.
Leave any definition of marriage to private institutions and/or religious bodies to set their own requirements before they perform or recognize a marriage. Recognize Civil Unions where couples go to City Hall and pay for Civil Union Certificates (so no loss of revenue, LOL) and grandfather all marriages performed prior to passing the NO Definition of Marriage Amendment.
I brought this idea up to people on both the Left and the Right. Straight, religious conservatives and even the most screaming lavender chiffon homosexuals loved the idea and were on board for it. I think Congress could have passed it with unanimous bipartisan support and that would be it. So, why didn’t they?
Follow the money, the lawyers wouldn’t have gotten paid. No lawyers to sue and countersue and argue the case before the Supreme Court. No screeching gay people to get Batwing Leftist City Halls to force Christian Bakeries to make their wedding cakes or go out of business. Forcing more cases to go all the way up to various Supreme Courts and more lawyers to get paid. That’s what happened.
MY suspicion for why Russia and the USA/UK are on the verge of WWII is best solved by answering the question of CUI BONO. Who benefits if White Christian Europe’s manhood is decimated in a European conflict? Who benefits if the USA no longer holds the world currency because it goes bankrupt? WHO?
Could it be …. CHINA? China, despite its one child policy has a huge population and lots of polluted, depleted land, because they have never heard of conservation. China has its own historical territorial claims on some of Russia’s more eastern lands. China has a large population of bachelors who want their own women so badly that there have been many cases of Chinese women – even married women – being stolen and taken to other provinces in forced marriages to the men there.
If Russia, the Ukraine and, what the hell, the rest of Europe is filled with nothing but single White women; the widowed, the divorced, and the never married, that leaves a lot of women available to Chinese bachelors. That, along with all the clean, rich land would solve a lot of China’s problems, wouldn’t it?
Last, it’s blatantly obvious that we have a LOT of American politicians who are openly in bed with CHINA. Of course, we have BEIJING BIDEN and his crack-headed son and the daughter he takes showers with, the creep. We have Eric Swallwell who slept with a Chinese spy and never lost his seat on the House Intelligence Committee. We have Cocaine Mitch and his Chinese wife, Elaine Chao. Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy as her personal chauffeur. To name a few, and these are the ones we only know about.
I suspect, if we dug deeper, we would find that the more vocal the support of Ukraine by those wearing those cute little ties with the colors of Ukraine’s flag and those cute little Ukraine flag lapels – almost as cute as those Star of David flag lapels, but if I were an Israeli, I’d have my nose bent out of joint, because, dammit, where are those blue and white ties they should wear every time Netanyahu visits Congress – the more likely it is that they just happen to have family members who do “business” with China.
I’m sure it’s probably just another amazing coinky-dink from The Uncanny Valley and I’m just being cynical, but humor me here, AGB. If there are Chinese Foreign Agents masquerading as OUR saber-rattling HAWKISH Congress “Democracy Lovers,” then who’s to say there AREN’T Chinese Foreign Agents masquerading as RUSSIA’s saber-rattling HAWKISH Duma “Commie Lovers?”
Neither Putin nor Trump want to go to war with each other. In fact, during his 2016 campaign, Trump suggested that A) The USA should make an effort to get along with Russia and B) CHINA is our biggest problem, NOT RUSSIA. The words had no sooner left his lips when the GOP Establishment AND the Democrats orchestrated RUSSIAGATE.
In any case, I FAIL to see how it benefitted PUTIN or RUSSIA to invade Ukraine at all. In fact, I remember reading and seeing articles where BIDEN all but TOLD Russia to invade Ukraine, we’d probably do nothing about it. Why did Biden do this, besides the fact that Biden IS the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE?
The former Warsaw Pact countries weren’t the ONLY ones fed up with the EU and its Coudenhove-Kalergi Mongrelization Program for Europe as well as their Debauching White Children under a Rainbow Flag.
Had the former Warsaw Pact countries split off from the EU to form their own Baltic Union, the EU would have dissolved and NATO with it, ending any American influence. That’s ANOTHER reason why the former Warsaw Pact countries were faced with another false Either/Or Dilemma – Heads They Win, Tails You Lose Proposition of joining the EU and NATO or face re-annexation by Russia.
The THIRD and only sensible option – a Baltic Union – would have worked like gangbusters. The bloodbath that the former Yugoslavia devolved into would have probably never happened, because as part of the Baltic Union, they would have had to follow the same steps where respectively Poland let Lithuania break off and the Czech Republic allowed the Slovaks to leave. The Baltic Union would have been full of a bunch of small country/states that could freely trade with both Russia AND the countries of Western Europe.
As of now, we are so busy meddling in Europe and providing guarantees to those on the other side of the Atlantic and then meddling in Asia and providing guarantees to those on the other side of the Pacific, we have basically trashed the Monroe Doctrine – CHINA has already established a presence in Central and South America and is probably in Mexico. This, while we have NO border anymore and we are being invaded by God Only Knows Who from God Only Knows Where.
We have shed so much of our blood and our treasure for this kind of folly that I honestly believe that it is, in fact, too late to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. I am not suffering the right wing Trump Derangement Syndrome masquerading as God-Emperor Trump. IMNSHO, the best Trump can do, at this point, is pilot the United States and its passengers into a softer crash landing, but crash we will. I’d like to see this done with less carnage than Weimar Germany and Argentina suffered.
Get rid of the Posse Comitatus Act, bring our military home to defend OUR borders, put it all the incentives to resurrect American Industry where we make more than ammo casing in Iowa or bombs – making America a virtual MERCHANT OF DEATH, and make it clear to ELON MUSK and VIVEK RAMASWAMY and the OTHER Vulture Capitalists, that they can kiss any H1-B VISAS good bye, hire ONLY Americans OR
They are welcome to move their operations to INDIA where THEY can pay for the infrastructure to install their factories – you know, the indoor plumbing, paved roads, bridges and electricity that AMERICAN TAXPAYERS put in? Because I seriously doubt the INDIANS will.
‘NUFF said.
Jake Sullivan would be a better choice than Biden. At least Sullivan still has his mental facilities, judeo-infected though they are.
Blinken, Mayorkas, Garfinkle, Haines, and Yellen do qualify, as all are jews.
Don’t qualify
I would nominate Joe Biden. He is the very definition of a corrupt political whore, having spent his entire adult life with his snout in the public trough, and abusing his position to enrich himself, and his family, beyond the wildest dreams of a true-believer, philo-semitic Israel-worshipper like Pence. Biden is an anti-White monster who has used his almost-dead last breath to further disenfranchise and disempower White people. Many foolish White people, especially older people, look at this crypt-dwelling rat and see an elderly, safe White man.
Finally, his slanderous use of the False Narrative (about the Charlottesville Unite the Right event) to launch his presidential bid was a weapon used to body-slam racially conscious Whites and to further cement the Big Lie about the debacle that occurred there.
Joe Biden is the ultimate White traitor. I can definitely see the case for Elon Musk, though, as he has a dangerous amount of money and power; and unlike Biden, Musk doesn’t have one-foot-in-the-grave and the other one on a banana peel.
In defense of Brandon to be a traitor you need to be duplicitous, pretending to be something you are not. Anyone voting for a guy who has, as you say, spent his entire life with his snout in the public trough can’t possibly have had any expectations that he’d do anything other than what his paymasters tell him to do. Speaking of which, here is Brandon back in 2018 in very typical fashion saying the quiet part out loud about who he works for. Spoiler; it’s not We the People:
I’m actually very, very pleased with how this year turned out. You folks in the South did great, voted right. IMO we dodged a worst ever BLM, POC, DOT Indian and especially heavily heavily J*W Hollywood (Look at Kamala Harris’ family), Oprah, Lesbo Rachel Madcow Maddow takeover of our country.
As fellow late 1980s, early 1990s New York City racial, mass immigration combat veteran , I will always be loyal to Donald Trump for being …
A man against time – who stood up alone against the dark forces of chaos and degeneracy that are working 24/7 to take down our civilization and replace our people and our culture.
Thank you Sir Donald. Yeah, Ann Coulter nit picks with Donald Trump, but Ann was also real bitch in person to me.
Of course there are always traitors. IMO those here suggestion Elon Musk or Donald Trump as White traitor of the year are just expressing some disappointments that they haven’t “SAVED US” same as Reagan didn’t.
OK – so my choice of 2024 Traitor of the year is IMO a real traitor.
Tyson Foods CEO $13 million a year Good ol fat boy Donnie King – too cheap to pay white American workers particularly in the South and Midwestern a living wage, he publicly bragged that Tyson would hire all the willing worker migrants that had invaded New York City:
Well, that’s my pick – Donnie King $13 million a year Tyson CEO who thinks massive 3rd world POC illegal immigration is just grand as they have the work ethnic (OK to be low wage slaves) that ha White Americans no longer have. T(#*## this guy.
This is Hunter’s blog and a Southern Heritage and history blog run and targeting real Southerners. I’m a Ha White midwesterner with 25% Russian nobility heritage. Yes I did go to Vanderbilt and yes “Vandy” (I hate that name, sounds like a Gay Neil Sedaka song) did beat both U Alabama and Auburn in football this year and we won a bowl game. But… that hardly makes me a real Southern Boy.
OK – so I’m turning this over to the Great BG, Hunter Wallace and to other real Southerners.
Who’s your choice for 2024 Ha Wite traitor of the year?
Thanks everyone
Jaye Ryan
So, Donnie King – CEO of Tyson – publicly bragged he would hire illegal immigrants (which is still against the law last time I checked). It seems to me, just for starters on January 21, 2025, the DOJ should start constructing a RICO suit against Donnie King and all members of the board of Tyson for conspiracy to violate immigration laws. Once the charges are all correctly listed and filed, arrest them all – with a full swat team for the media – and hall all of their rich, pampered asses out in handcuffs. Then proceed to arrest their assets as well. Make them an example – pour encourager les autres (of whom there are many – but far fewer than 30 million invaders). Just a thought….
“which is still unlawful ” “” last time I looked.’ Are you serious , sir?
The fact that a law is deliberately not enforced doesn’t mean it’s not still on the books. In fact, the enforcement of existing laws on this issue is one way to sift bullshit and cheap talk from Republicans and the like from those who are serious about dealing with the issue. Talk of deporting 30 million invaders is cheap, actually attempting to round up that many and deport them is not only massively expensive but would be used by the gaslight media endlessly.
Arresting a clown like Donnie King, seizing his personal assets; arresting and doing the same for all the board members and upper management of Tyson would be an excellent opening move. Aiding and abetting an invasion is treason so that would be the basic charge, coupled with racketeering. Many of the invaders would start self-deporting if something like this actually happened. We’ll see, but it’s looking more and more like Trump is back to his usual pattern displayed over and over during his first term: All talk, zero action.
Shouldn’t the White Traitor of the Year be someone who pretends be a White advocate but betrays our trust?
Whites that were anti-white forever and a day were already traitors.
Just food for thought.
Here are some past winners/losers of really terrible White traitors of the year (Instauraiton Magazine, Amren, US)
Paul Ryan – real bad
Limey Lib Coke – A – Cola, Woke – A – Cola CEO James Quincey
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee
Tennessee should be a great state for us, but for some strange reason its conservative congressmen, senators and governor never seem to get much of anything done. They go along to get along and play nudge, nudge, wink, wink. In spite of massive opposition in Tennessee to refugee resettlement. Gov. Bill Lee recently turned down the opportunity to end the practice and for that he has been named the 2019 Traitor of the Year.
1985 – GOP House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich
1986 – Indiana Senator Dick Lugar
1987 Joint Prize – Government informants such as Glenn Miller
1988 – US Secretary of State George Schultz
1989 – Lee Atwater
1990 – George Will
1991 – Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards
1992 – Conservative TV talking head Fred Barnes
1993 – Hillary Rodham Clinton
1994 – Jack Kemp and William Bennett
1995 – OJ Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey
1996 – Fidel Castro
1997 – Last White American media owner Ted Turner (excellent choice)
1998 – Al Gore (Kind of lame choice, all White American Vice Presidents are lame.)
Amren 2013 – Rand Paul
Amren 2014 – Bill Gates
Amren 2015 – I couldn’t find it.
Amren 2016 – Glenn Beck heading toward well-deserved oblivion.
Amren 2017 – John McCain
He’s old news but George Dubya Bush was one fine traitor.
Jared Taylor might want to reconsider his opinions and the company he keeps, otherwise he could be 2025 White Traitor of the Year.