BREAKING: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos will sit together *on the platform* alongside Cabinet picks and elected officials.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 14, 2025
2024 > 2016
?BREAKING: Trump’s 2024 campaign garbage truck will roll in his Jan. 20 inaugural parade. pic.twitter.com/GeGErJ7cld
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 13, 2025
Jen Rubin's resignation announcement from The Washington Post: "Jeff Bezos and his cronies accommodate and enable the most acute threat to American democracy—Donald Trump…" pic.twitter.com/tFdWdQd4Im
— Ben Mullin (@BenMullin) January 13, 2025
Last month, I had a lot of people tell me in the comments that there wasn’t going to be a Gilded Age II, and that nothing had really changed in 2024. The Jews were still in charge. It is the same mantra we have heard from White Nationalists through the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s.
“Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg will attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday, according to an official involved with the planning of the event.
They will have a prominent spot at the ceremony, seated together on the platform with other notable guests including Trump’s Cabinet nominees and elected officials. …
The three men are among the wealthiest people in the world with fortunes based on the tech boom of the past two decades. Musk ranks No. 1, Bezos No. 2 and Zuckerberg No. 3, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
Their combined net worth: $885 billion as of Monday, according to Bloomberg. …”
This one is a little on the nose!
Elon, Bezos and Zuck, the richest three people in the world, will all be sitting together on the platform at Trump’s inauguration with his Cabinet picks. Also, Garbage Force One will be in the inaugural parade. It will perfectly symbolize the new marriage between tech oligarchs and rightwing populism.
In related news, Jennifer Rubin has resigned in furious protest from The Washington Post because Bezos is snuggling up to Trump, Zuck is trying to rebrand as a MAGA friendly tech bro on Joe Rogan and Trump has forced Bibi Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire in Gaza that he has declined since last summer. The fact that Israel is being forced to eat this shit sandwich illustrates how Zionism has been downgraded in the American oligarchy. Jewish oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson and Bernie Marcus are dead and have become relatively less important since Elon spent $250 million dollars to get Trump elected.
In the future, it looks like Elon and Silicon Valley capitalists are going to replace the Jewish donor class. The days of the GOP being utterly dependent on Sheldon Adelson are over.
Aren t 2/3 of these tech $ trillionaire oligarchs ethnic /racial Je&s?
Elon and Bezos are not Jewish. Tim Cook is not Jewish.
Zuck is Jewish, but he is desperately trying to rebrand and ingratiate himself to Trump who threatened to throw him in prison for “fortifying” the 2020 election
elon is a crypto jew
Elon isn’t Jewish has been passive aggressive in using his platform to mainstream antisemitism and antagonize the ADL. He went to Israel, not because he is a super Zionist like Paul Singer, but essentially because he had gotten in trouble with its supporters
He went to Auschwitz too wearing a yarmulke, and being led around by Bibi Shapiro.
Later, he did a sit-down interview in from of the Association of European jews.
We all know the truth. Why are you running cover for Musk?
Bezos sure looked Jewish and acted Je*ish. Didn’t he become the leading stock holder in the New York Times, the “Je* York Times”?
IMO it looks a lot like Russian Oligarchs after Vladimir Putin took over. Putin put the worst Je* oligarch head of Yukos Oil in a public jail/cage and sentenced him to a forced labor camp in Siberia.
Most of the other other Je* oligarchs took the hint and moved to the UK, taking their stolen wealth (Soviet enterprises bought for pennies on the Rubble during the drunk Boris Yeltsin privatization of Soviet State enterprises) and bought up British Premier League Soccer clubs.
This feels the same here.
Bezos is actually adopted. His birth parents’ ancestry is almost pure Nordic – Scandinavians from Minnesota or a similar locale. Yes he’s an oligarch and a completely ‘made’ man, just like Musk – and (interestingly) Zuckerberg – are. Not one of them is even remotely comparable to a Henry Ford or even an Edison. Hardly surprising as they all we given their positions at the heighth of the Imperium Mendacium. Ignoring the JQ is foolish, but so is declaring high-level goyische lackeys to be jews.
PS: Bezos did not buy the Sulzberger Times of NY. As part of the massive corporate welfare deal with the government, he was told to buy the collapsing Washington Compost and staff it with CIA clowns for use as a Mockingbird (Gaslight) media amplification machine, which is exactly what happened. It’s even less truthful than the People’s Daily.
I really don’t think bozos is a jwz.
He doesn’t ring any of the kosher bells.
Not the Nytimes, it was wapo that he bought controlling interest in.
Very un-jew, in that he stopped wapo from endorsing a pres candidate.
@ US of AIPAC,
That was a rhetorical question, aye?
@Jaye Ryan,
Keith Woods does an excellent expose on who were the oligarchs that plundered Russia. It is definitely worth the 34 minutes.
Were there any gentiles ?
Jewish supremacists and tech oligarchs are not necessarily different groups of people.
Mark Zuckerberg and Alex Karp are two great examples.
And the gentile tech oligarchs are certainly susceptible to pressure from Jewish supremacists. Elon Musk himself was forced to make a pilgrimage to Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro as his babysitter.
Not that Gilded Age 2 doesn’t have its obvious problems, they are problems a robust populist political movement should be more than able to manage. Maga has come well past the point that it can easily be coopted like the Tea Party was.
For all the potential problems of guilded age 2, there are potential opportunities as well.
In any case, as long people don’t break out the tiki torches again and embarrass the President he isn’t just gonna forget how he got here, cause without his base being loyal and unnaturally stubborn about insisting on him he’d be rotting in prison, and still could, along with his family, if he screws this up. His family is young, and has to live with his legacy, whether they like it or not. He is the kind of guy that will understand that.
I’m hopeful. But we are far from being whipped, and everybody seems to be spoiling for a fight, while the Left is on their heels still. Maga is not cowed, and alot of mistrust of these tech bros is being openly voiced. People aren’t being fooled.
For the life of me I cannot understand why you think these tech bros arent the same jewish ruling class. Its just the next generation, if even that.
At the comment section of Occidental Dissentt and representing the conscience of Dissiident Rights is general, there shall be a collective NO!
Says ((Them)), mimicking the immortal words of ((William F Buckley)):
“((We)) will stand athwart history and yell “STOP!” It will be “Duh, Jews” yesterday, “Duh, Jews,” now, “Duh, Jews” tomorrow and “Duh, Jews” FOREVER!”
Wishful thinking does not rule the world.
Analog technology still wins the Day!
Digital tech ? Can be crushed by The Amish any day !
Sunburn comments are sublime, Identity Dixie posts with out interference! Renegade Tribune is to German in thinking my art of free speech is British monarchy barbarism?
Thanks OD for your free tech speech support!
God Bless Dixie !
But product do Tech Bros make?
Excuses for the pump-and-dump racketeers operating the Wall Street casino for billionaires and other criminals. That way the ever-trusting morons of the Kwanmurikan idiocracy can put their savings and 401k plans in the very trustworthy claws of folks like Soros, Buffet, et al.
Does Trump have to place his hand on the bible to be sworn in as president or has the bible been replaced with a stack of crisp hundred dollar bills?
Here is the bottom line on Musk, Bezos, and judenberg:
Musk’s Space X is a part of the military industrial complex (MIC). He is a defense contractor to the tune of billions of USD.
Bezos owns the Washington Post which has been a CIA “Mockingbird” newspaper since 1947. The deep state has used WaPo as their preferred choice of “anonymous leaks” to gaslit normies.
Amazon also provides the cloud storage for the CIA.
judenberg’s Facebook was developed by DARPA under a different name, and released to scoop up all sorts of personal and private minutia and metadata on John and Jane Q Public.
The FBI and worldwide law enforcement agencies have used FB as their own database since day 1.
What this should inform you is that “MAGA” in DC should be considered an apparatus of the deep state. Even Obama’s CIA Director John Brennen has complemented Trump and his choices at CIA and NDI (Tulsi supports section 702 of the Patriot Act that permits warrantless surveillance of US citizens).
Did you not see how chummy Obama and Trump were at Jimmy Carter’s funeral? Trump is a part of what in 2016 opposed him.
Yes. All three are manufactured tech-bros. Like so much else in clown-world, they are fake and gay. The gaslight media paints them as latter-day John Galts but they’re really just three bloated welfare queens whose vast loot is from sucking at the teat of the criminal regime whose HQ is Sodom-on-Potomac.
So why the sudden shift? All three by now have what is called FU money. Even so, as James Pierpont Morgan was a front-man for the Rothschild cartel over a century back the wee three queens of welfare have chains yanked by someone bigger. Brennan (who properly belongs only on a gallows) praising Trump is not a good sign. I guess we’ll all find out starting next week what the deal really is. Your position has a high probability of being the correct one, especially in light of Trump’s behavior last time around – which he’s never owned up to.
Biden will also attend the inauguration.
From how friendly Trump and Obama were at Jimmy Carter’s funeral, he might attend with or without Michelle/Michael.
“MAGA” is not the resistance it has always been a long con op as controlled opposition.
The resistance involves discussing certain unapproved, verboten truths. Trump is about as good as it gets as far as mainstream politics. For whatever reasons, There are certain topics he simply cannot and will not touch. It’s up to individuals to recognize that and choose where to go from there. Let’s see how history continues to unfold
These people are employed and platformed to sooth the Conservative White masses by selling them fake victories in the pro-wrestling arena of Red vs Blue. They are human sedatives sent to put White people to sleep until it’s too late to notice that there’s none of us left.
Yes but Brad doesn’t believe that. He believes we are entering a new gilded age. He’s an American Nationalist now, not a Southern Nationalist.
In fairness to Brad, I think he’s a good enough student of US history to know that the chief beneficiaries of the Gilded Age were the oligarchs of the day. That age also marked the start of the Murikan Imperium, one of whose better soldiers was Smedley Butler. After winning two medals of honor (and living to have them awarded in person), he had a realization that he didn’t receive these for defending the United States, but the interests of concerns like the United Fruit Company, who kind of invented the classic ‘Banana Republic’ in Latin America. Hence his very important little booklet – War is a Racket, whose publication likely stopped his being named Marine Corps commandant.
Here’s an article by HW from just about four years ago about William Jennings Bryan and his issues with the emerging Murikan Empire. Gilded Age is not a bad comparison, though I think a better name for this one would be the Gelded Age.
As of this morning, I believe that Joe Biden is still the president. Want has nothing to do with it. That’s just the reality of our times.