NASHVILLE – Antioch High School shooting shooter/suspect identified as 17-year-old Solomon Henderson. The shooting resulted in the death of one female student, while another female sustained a graze wound to the arm.https://t.co/oid3od63Bt
— News Channel3 NOW (@channel3newsnow) January 22, 2025
The 17-year-old shooter who killed himself is identified as Solomon Henderson, who was an active student at Antioch High School.
— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) January 22, 2025
A groyper finally took the pledge too far! https://t.co/L9KVgfau9X pic.twitter.com/frymCihuo6
— Legal Seagull (@MajstcSeagull) January 22, 2025
— SoyjakSOL (@Soyjak_Solana) January 22, 2025
A student at Antioch has reached out to me and confirmed the identity of the shooter- Solomon Henderson. Henderson was in JROTC and reportedly bullied https://t.co/0Y6ttDyWNq pic.twitter.com/XAnh4DLkEP
— break ???? (@real_incel_) January 22, 2025
— ?Dan Edwards ???? (@dobro_dan) January 22, 2025
I just looked at the entire manifesto of the Antioch High School shooter, this is the last page. pic.twitter.com/yJw9hPXsOW
— Gary FrostGermanotta (@frostygary) January 22, 2025
Antioch shooter was a fakecel who never had a girlfriend? pic.twitter.com/1ZNFIbQz3X
— bumbadum (@bumbadum14) January 22, 2025
After some looking, it appears that the shooter who opened fire at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee livestreamed the shooting on Kick.
— AZ Intel (@AZ_Intel_) January 22, 2025
There's a 2:20 minute clip on his Kick, of which only around 50 seconds of it can be played.
The clip shows the suspect, identified… pic.twitter.com/82KIGGrosF
Alongside the student confirmed identification of Antioch shooter here is a part of the manifesto that aligns with this being Solomon Henderson. Followed with a profile photo which looks to be a school shooter on Steam. https://t.co/vIhVt5aEUj pic.twitter.com/EkR4f7CmAC
— Kitty (Taylor’s version) (@32calibers) January 22, 2025
?#Update: Nashville School Shooting
— PitunisWorld ? (@ScMesab) January 22, 2025
Two 17-year-olds, including the shooter, are dead and another student is injured after shots rang out in the cafeteria of Antioch High School in Nashville at 11:09 a.
Suspect is male, two victims are female.
The shooter killed one student,… pic.twitter.com/AVQS7r2mW3
Initial reports are that an incelcore fan “RupnowGroyper,” who was reportedly a member of multiple scene servers, is behind today’s shooting in Antioch. Will follow up with any updates.
— break ???? (@real_incel_) January 22, 2025
Can’t confirm anything myself yet but it seems legitimate from everything i’ve seen. pic.twitter.com/LDzNMq0FJE
Antioch High-school shooter went by the name of @Endingpointer on twt
— McGrill? (@McGrill11) January 22, 2025
He was a black 17 year old male and was an avid user of soyjak party
He died like a coward pic.twitter.com/g28iwRFmdh
great job nick https://t.co/ooQljeOCO8
— wyatt (@AnimeBallSnot) January 22, 2025
Nashville school shooter supposed manifesto. Wounded 2 people then killed himself.
— HeisenTard (@Heisentard) January 22, 2025
He said Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, and Mr Beast radicalized him, and a few others. ? pic.twitter.com/U0QgkadstP
You can’t make this up!
Donald Trump is moving with lightning speed to implement his agenda.
NIGGERCELL, a mentally ill, black Groyper JQtard incel, was activated to open fire on his female classmates at Antioch High School In Nashville and livestreams the shooting on Kick.

Listen ! we’ve got alot bigger fish to fry; u better be more worried bout what Trump is doing – its not looking good !!
I can’t shake the dreadful feeling of something absolutely nefarious headed straight at us. I refuse to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. I want no evil, I just want to live out my measly little life in peace.
“Alert!! One of the most important videos I’ve made!!”
What a steaming fourth world turd is Amerikwa the Kwanstain.
Just as commie rat POS vermin wanted.
This won’t even be reported by Bolsheviki Enemedia.
“NIGGERCELL, a mentally ill, black”
I’d like to know why violent blacks are always ” mentally ill ” , but WHITES are “hate filled” when involved in multiple shootings?
Nick Fuentes = misfit magnet.
I’ll blog about it later, already alluded to it on my socials.
I see similarities between Antioch and Southport.
Not the least of which is that both perps were/are black and 17 years old.
It is not mental illness to hate this modern world.
The mental illness is in all the men who pretend they’ve left the “quaint” honor culture of their ancestors behind for a world of emasculating government-schooled non-identity.
This isn’t the fault of some social media talking head or some internet sub-culture. I’d blame the Yankees but that’d be too trite and frank for a modern audience. Equally as trite (though just as frank and honest) would be to blame Satan.
No, ours is the real blame. All of us who pretend to be even-headed populist democrats. Democracy is the problem. Soulless, metro, suburbia, is the problem. Men weren’t meant to live as impersonal cogs in an impersonal machine state the size of an entire continent.
The South must rise again…
is it not a wonder , that more of this does not happen ? This egalitarismus all over the Christian world …? Mental illness will be a vast desert the black race must cross entering the mittel class. Most will wander and be led more by a fata morgana , than the realities of the onerous burden of taxes the white “debtors” must bear.
When blacks become responsible they are no longer will be “black” or an political variable for the jew. This is only a beginning . It can only get worse. For years jews have importuned in the rich cities for vouchers for po black chillins to be enrolled in very rich private schools, where they can marry young heiresses and get up in the world. Integration is the alpha and omega of marxism . This is just an “anomaly”.
The ends justify the means.
“A Groyper, finally took the pledge too far”
-Legal Seagull
Legal Seagull, generally does great work, especially on researching and exposing the groyper world of ((Nick Fuentes)). But, this isn’t the first time one of ((Nick))’s followers, who has taken the ((Hitlerian)) pledge of fealty to him, has gone violent. Indeed, I still contend the first murderous rampage of a Nickbot wasn’t from ((Soloman Henderson)), aka Nigcell, but was the ((John Lyons)) fellow.
Not coincidentally, all of these followers of ((Nick)) fit a certain profile that is endemic to ((Latin American)) countries. They are also predisposed via their ethno-sectarian cultural upbringing and/or Incel self indentity, to the predatory recruitment of ((Latino “Caudilloism”)) such as promoted by ((Nick)). As a result they all worship him as the Fuhrer and have given their personal oath of allegiance to ((Nick)), just like the SS did to ((Hitler)).
Niggercell, aka ((Solomon Henderson)), was a fish out of water. Of mixed descent like many Latinos, he nonetheless respected and promoted Whiteness. But he was stuck in an ethno-sectarian community that is diametrically the opposite of his beliefs (Tennessee, the South, Protestant, White, Anglo). Further, ((Solomon)) due to his hatred for Southerners and disdain for Blacks, was often engaged in arguments and bullying. Throw into that volatile mix, a heavy dose of Fuentes Hitlerian agitation, mix the contradiction of being black, and puff, you have a chemical reaction.
Likewise, investigation of ((John Lyons)) shows that he lived near (Nick)), listened to his show, and at some point in the previous two years had roomed up with future murder victim Caleb Mason. As a result of some arguments over living arrangements, Caleb Mason and ((John Lyons)) got in a fight after which ((John)) was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. ((John Lyons)) brooded over this up to the point of filing a law suit, until he went to Caleb’s family home and killed everybody but one witness. After this ((Lyons)) went to ((Fuentes))’ hope and tried to contact him.
So, contrary to what Legal Seagull says, this is just one of many incidents of increasing corruption and violence involving ((Nick Fuentes)) and his gang of problematic ((Incels)), ((Latinos)), ((Blacks)), ((Aryans)) etc. Clearly, things have gotten out of hand with the ((Anal First)) gang. First it was the use of ((Church)) heriarchial organizing, then it was the Fraternity hazing, then it was the ((Nazi)) style personal oaths of loyalty, then it was the loyalty tests, then it was the gay Epstein style honey potting of youths, then it was the scamming of money, then it was the increasingly unhinged calls for Catholic Crusade and Dictatorship, then the increasingly violent rhetoric against perceived enemies such as Jews, Protestants, Freemasons, heterosexuals, married couples, wifejack spouses, Southerners, etc.
The story arc of the ((Gay Grand Inquisitor)) is pretty well laid out and is similar to other political and religious cult followings. It started with ((Lyons)), now its Niggercell, eventually it will just end in a bunker for ((Nick)) and his followers, Jim Jones style. Yet, unlike the friends of Jim Jones like Mayor ((Mascone)) and Councilor (((Harvey Milk))) of SF, Willie Brown, Norton, Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, etc who were remained politically unharmed by Leftwing cultists Jim Jones, the friends of ((Nick Fuentes)) like Jared Taylor and ((Peter Brimelow)) will be terminally associated with his Black Mass ending when it happens. You were warned. https://youtu.be/Fhea2uT07Aw?si=izQZEkAO7A1dnDa6
I must say you’re posts here have become more informative since the advent of moderation. The one above on Fuentes is especially so. Thanks for fleshing out some of the details of the Lyons case. I’ve always regarded Fuentes as a bad actor and a fed informant. Perhaps when Trump gets to cleaning out the Augean stables of the FBI more will come out. Even if you’re just Unit 8200 static as many claim, you’ve become more convincing by presenting some actual info.
Here’s the curious part of your post, indeed the most interesting observation:
> Yet, unlike the friends of Jim Jones like Mayor ((Mascone)) and Councilor (((Harvey Milk))) of SF, Willie Brown, Norton, Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, etc who were remained politically unharmed by Leftwing cultists Jim Jones, the friends of ((Nick Fuentes)) like Jared Taylor and ((Peter Brimelow)) will be terminally associated with his Black Mass ending when it happens.
This is likely true. Now why would that be so? Taylor and Brimelow are very minor players in the political landscape, while Jim Jones’ associates Mascone, Milk, Big Willie, Norton, Walter, Mondale, Carter, et al are all major players. As you note, the latter listing all walked away and Milk even had a Pedowood hagiography made about him. This suggests there’s a certain gang who controls and plays the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ which programs the dance numbers for a the retards who form ‘public opinion’, no?
Don’t be fooled by him Cyclops,AGBro is either a FED working for the Jews or one of those IDF conscripts sitting in a stinky barracks typing out hasbara all-day-long.Trust your discernment from the good Lord,he is the enemy.Nothing about his words or manner are convincing.He is a Christ-killer.I rebuke him in the precious name of Jesus Christ and demand he leave this place.
MK Ultra? Fuentes is a known fed, so maybe that’s another avenue for payment from the slush funds. A move from the DS to blame on those labeled by gaslight media as Trump-adjacent? Yes a lot of whack jobs are out there running around, thanks in no small part to the activities of the ACLU. The feds took full advantage of this by creating semi-programable bio-weapons via their MK Ultra program. Foreign powers no doubt run similar operations – even here in USSA. Watch what the gaslight media says and we might have to tea-leaves to read.
I would agree Cyclops.I know almost nothing about Fuentes or most of those along his lines.They all seem like silly thespians recruited to play whatever ridiculous role they can get as long as they get money and publicity.No doubt he has Jewish paymasters like most politicians and political movement types.These unserious people fit our very unserious and failing country.Only God can inspire and protect the rare true leader who represents the people.