Jason Kessler: First Principles of White Identity: White Solidarity or Antisemitism

I was surprised to learn this weekend that I had been roped into this article about White Identity and the Jewish Question by Jason Kessler over at Counter-Currents.


“For the white partisan, there are two intertwining and sometimes competing priorities: the establishment of white solidarity as a political constituency and opposition to Jewish power. Both may have value, but only one can be considered the First Principle or highest priority. Confusion on this issue can and has led to white replacement even in our own political movement, with nonwhites like Candace Owens, Myron Gaines, and Kanye West appropriating white Nationalist talking points to generate large engagement and financial windfalls. …

The fruit of these seeds are now apparent for all to see. Like mainstream conservatives, Christian Nationalists have been chasing the public relations boost of diverse coalitions. When a Kanye West, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, or Sneako espouses criticism of Jews they are vaulted to greater prominence and showered with financial contributions. The vaguely “white” leaders of the coalition boast mixed-race ancestry and use it to deflect criticism. The regular stock of the Groyper movement (for instance) are often Indians, Hispanics, blacks, and even Jews who have converted to Christianity. So although this coalition often pushes back against antiwhitism and mass immigration, whites have effectively been denied a movement by their people and for their people like every other race in America has. …

Protestant commentators began to pick up on this style a bit as well. Brad Griffin, the former Communications Director for League of the South and a Charlottesville attendee, began attacking white atheists and pagans while expressing a preference for living among black Christians. …”

Jason is describing a real divide among White Nationalists.

He’s wrong in attributing it to Christian Nationalists. He’s also obviously wrong that I am on Team Antisemitism. It is also interesting that he had nothing to say about Mike Enoch and Eric Striker. When I think of the activists he is describing here who are vehemently anti-Trump and obsessed with Israel, I think of Nick Fuentes and the Groypers, TRS and the National Justice Party diaspora and to a lesser extent the “anti-Zionist” sphere of people like Lucas Gage and the Goyim Defense League.

Since around 2020, I have noticed some National Socialist types rebranding their movement as “antisemitism,” which is to say, it is about nothing but the Jewish Question, Israel, the Middle East, etc. This is every episode of The Daily Shoah that I have listened to over the past year with Mike and Sven dumping on Rightoids, Whiteoids, Christoids, creekshitters, rural retards, bumpkins, etc. It is Eric Striker and various Third Worldists glorifying Yahya Sinwar and living vicariously through Iran and Hezbollah. It is all the people bouncing off the walls in the Telegram ghettoes who I have heard about but do not follow. It is pagans like Adam Green who are “redpilled” on Christianity because they are obsessed with Jews. It is Christian in the sense only that Fuentes and his Catholic movement are part of it.

Among our faction of White Christian Southern Protestant paleocons, pretty much everyone supported Trump and has been excited about the first week of wins. I have spent much of the last year watching these people and criticizing them from a distance … the Niggercel shooting in Nashville, the GDL activist who was just indicted in Tennessee, the Groyper meltdown over the Wifejak meme, Lucas Gage losing his marbles and hallucinating about Rabbi Shmuley’s nephew plowing his wife, etc. White Protestant Christian Nationalists are divided between the Doug Wilson camp in Moscow, ID who are anti-White Zionists and the Joel Webbon-Stephen Wolfe pro-White Boy Summer camp.

Kessler’s beef here is with people like Mike Enoch, Sven, Eric Striker, Nathan Damigo, Lucas Gage, Nick Fuentes, Adam Green, and so on. Fuentes is the only nominal Christian.


    • Yes, they are both PRIMARILY anti-Christian. Spencer always spoke of race less than he spoke against Christianity. Green is also primarily anti-Christian.

  1. Foreign policy isn’t the most important issue, but it is the right issue to focus on because it is the one issue where Trump departs furthest from the traditional paleocon ideal.
    Remember, in 2010 Pat Buchanan wrote a column calling for the US military to intervene and break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. In that same column he called out Vice-President Biden for being too pro-Israel. If he were still active, there can be no doubt that Pat Buchanan would’ve strongly denounced Netanyahu’s Gaza Hellstorm, and he also would’ve strongly denounced the Biden administration’s unconditional support for Israel.
    He also would’e sided with Fuentes against Elon Musk on the H1-B issue.

  2. If there were no divide among White Nationalists one would be created.

    Not supporting Trump because of his pro-Israel stance is missing the bigger picture IMHO. I see no contradiction between MAGA and pragmatic support for Israel. The latter is simply a fact of political life in the US presently. Short of war on Iran I don’t give a damn what Trump does for Israel in these early days, *so long as* it’s part of a domestic MAGA plan which necessarily involves greatly diminishing the power of the Lobby over the medium term. People are way too willing to throw out the good because it’s not perfect. Good grief, can’t folks just sit back and imagine what we’d be discussing a week into Obama’s fourth Cackles’ first term?

    Trump’s team either has a plan to dismantle US ZOG or it hasn’t. If it’s the latter we are all screwed and Trump is *still* better than the alternative. If it’s the former what do people expect – open war on ZOG from day one? No. That battle can only be won via stealth and by out maneuvering the enemy strategically. We won’t see this in the headlines, but it ought to be possible to recognize milestones in due course. Removing the stranglehold the Jewish bankers (Fed) have over the money supply will a big one. But before emulating Old Hickory, Trump first needs to get control over the Security State. I see encouraging signs in that direction already. The declassifications re Operation Northwoods are interesting too. Maybe that’s a warning to certain parties not to try anything like that re Iran.

    At the end of the day Trump 2.0 is the best hope in years for White Americans and therefore for America itself.

    • “At the end of the day Trump 2.0 is the best hope in years for White Americans and therefore for America itself.” – Alt Walt

      Respectfully, I believe this is incorrect. American is, quite visibly, no longer a White country. An ever-increasing number of people born here are not White — especially, those under the age of 30. Donald Trump, himself, certainly does not consider America a White country; although like many Boomers, he seems to have a default vision of it still being so. The Republican party sees the future as multi-racial. Trump lovingly thanked Black voters and Latino voters for voting for him – not White voters.

  3. There is no movement. Any semblance of one was squandered utterly by these sociopaths and feds who have been deliberately engaged as agents provacateur, like Andrew Anglin/Weev, probably Fuentes and definitely TRS.

    Its irrelevant now which of them are which, and I have no ink to waste arguing about it, because the reality is they are now all irrelevant and the oxygen has all been taken up by the legitimate political movement behind Trump.

    Call him what you want, cry about him being a zionist, none of that matters now. He just gatecrashed Washington DC and mocked every living president to their face while the wealthiest men in the world sat across from them watching their faces as they realized their legacies were going to be swept into the gutter, their families ridiculed for all time, and likely bankrupted with legal expenses.

    We are dealing with something of such a scale that our bullshit fringe doesn’t even register as a blip. I think thats for the best honestly because I don’t trust anything that happens in this space anymore. I suspect there is alot of dark money floating around this dissident subculture, likely foreign, some of it from internal subversives.

    For years now I’ve watched the obvious be deliberately ignored, political reality be offhandedly disregarded, obvious reason being openly opposed. Deliberate lies and psyops proliferate, and nobody seems to learn that we are being fucked with, manipulated to act against our own interests.

    I’m only responsible for myself. I don’t want any part of violence, and I disavow all accelerationist ideologies, lawlessness and provocation to the same.

    Everybody should be doing everything they can to distance themselves from these people. They are likely a priority target for activation in domestic extremist psyops. Your only protection is distance.

    I don’t know anything you don’t. But I can read patterns, and the pattern says its time for a major set of events to flip the script on Trump. Like Cville did. Like Jan 6th did.

    We have a real chance at some reform. I refuse to be a tool responsible for derailing that because of autism.

    My only interest is White advocacy. Starting with my own White family. The JQ is an anachronistic obsession of mentally unhealthy people, which no longer holds explanatory force for the events of the current era. Whitey has bigger issues to deal with. Its time serious people were about that work in earnest.

  4. Human migration is a strange phenomenon?

    Why have so many White intellectual famous artist in the past moved as ex pats to Casablanca?

    If I could up root and move I would leave everything thing behind here in the States and move to Russia.

    I told my Wife I would leave everything behind!

    This was years ago, it’s still remains stronger since the war has intensified with the west vs East sad to inform.

    I stand by my Oath to do that if the Russia Federation would except me as even a second class Citizen.

    It’s not an easy choice to choose,


    I want to be on Record owning it!

    I want to Win!

    • Good point. I don’t trust Kessler (who voted twice for the Shitcongo Jeezus) any more than I do Spencer. I saw the thread over at Johnson’s blog too. It devolved very quickly into the usual repetitive monomania and atheistic nonsense. It’s one thing to be aware of the JQ and their two millenia of crimes, which all but a statistically meaningless fraction of them stand for, endorse and continue to support. That is what it is. Once you’re aware there is not much point in beating the dead horse. Get over it and work to fight it.

      Besides the OCD over the JQ, there are the historically illiterate ones who place the blame on Christianity and take up the nonsense that it was a Jewish subversion from the start. Jewish power was limited when the faith was strong. They were confined to ghettos and not allowed in many critical professions.

      Today, all western churches have been heavily infiltrated by the Church of Woke and others like the oxymoronic “Christian Zionists” who are intent on destroying them from within. What is needed is a ‘reconquista’ of our churches from these infiltrators. The entire west is very-much post-Christian, which is a significant part of the problem.

  5. No one take ‘crying’ Kessler seriously.

    His choice of White identity or antisemitism are false dichotomies and a fallacy of bifurcation. Some of us choose to be both.

  6. White solidarity and antisemitism same BS either or option.

    Being both is way more based that just one or the other.

  7. See, you were a Jew obsessive back in the day, but that was when you were blogging against Guy White and Ian Jobbling and trying to court Alex Linder and Ted Sallis. Now you’re not. You used to take issue with people like Lawrence Auster, naming their Jewish ancestry. I get the anti-We’ev stuff, though, because it’s stupid that he endorses racial antisemitism while being descended from Jews. You used to take issue with people like Constantin Von Hoffmeister, Ixabert and myself for rejecting racial antisemitism. But now you don’t appear to be a Jew obsessive.

    • You see this broadly across the dissident right spectrum right now. I think it has to do with fear there will be some sort of “antisemitism crackdown” coming soon under the trump administration, mainly to quash Gaza protests, which have mostly faded, but which might leak into other corners. People are urging everyone to get on board and “take the wins” trump is giving us. Another thing, which I haven’t seen at od, has been anti Indian demagoguery. They are trying to pivot from antisemitism to anti Indianism.

  8. The jews only have two operating strategies, strawmen, the creation and promotion of them, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Nazi, Nazi Nazi, white supremacist, Klansmen. The second is dividing, turning peoples against each other. The black white nationalist, the black white nationalist is laughable…..and it is a jew dividing strategy….know them for what they are.

  9. ” That our BULLSHIT fringe doesn’t even register as a blip ” …….. I disagree, thought provoking post by the way ……. I think our fringe, was instrumental in the cultural and political return of the ” SOUTHERN BOURBON, as exemplified by our Vice President J.D.VANCE, the national socialist movement of early 20th century Germany, so many of you are so enthralled with, was fringe also, on the outside looking in, till they were embraced and supported by German industry, the succession movement of the 19th century in our own land, Had to be
    embraced and supported by the planter class, before it went anywhere, The movement, being embraced and supported by the RAILROAD TECHNO BARON’S and SPIRITUAL direction provided by our ROCK STEADY EVANGELICAL’S AND politically and culturally guided by the ” Very much Alive ” SOUTHERN BOURBON Intellectual Mind set ” Serving as the Moral Conscious, of our people, This BS FRINGE, that some would label us as, has been so invaluable to the movement, that without us, there would be no second term, DON JOHN TRUMP presidency, or VICE PRESIDENT, eventually PRESIDENT J.D.VANCE, with out us …….

    • Kessler was at the US Capital on January 6, 2021, so he is now a Trumptard.

      He went from the tangerine turd’s USAG Jeff Sessions going after Charlottesville permitted marchers to Blompf’s second USAG and swamp vermin William Barr prosecuting, persecuting, and rounding up J6ers with gusto, and yet waves the MAGA pennant.

      Not someone that should be taken as an oracle of wisdom.

  10. The South has something to contribute here.

    Kessler, like many government-schooled racialists, is incapable of seeing racial categories in their real light. That requires a spiritual lens.

    Dr. Clyde Wilson, in his “Defending Dixie” has a better way: he talks about the “mytho-poetic” of a people. Loosely, this is an internalized, collective narrative of a group. We think of ourselves in a certain way. Thus, “white people”, all of us, especially in America, share a mytho-poetic identity-narrative. The jews, on the other hand, regardless of their “skin color” (which we all know is irrelevant to race in any important way and is only a matter of historical accident), is beside-the-point. They clearly and explicitly do not share the mytho-poetic identity narrative of those to whom we refer as “white people”.

    I’m not concerned with some sub-set of people with particular phenotypical genetic material.

    I am very concerned with those people who share my mytho-poetic. This is what makes Southerners different from broader Americans – even if we share the same genetics. No statistically-relevant gene patterns matter to me. It’s how closely someone is related to my mytho-poetic.

    Northern Anglo-Saxons are very close, but didn’t experience the war as Southerners – thus separating us in terms of identity, even if, otherwise, we’re ethnically and even genetically or religiously (and linguistically) related.

    The mytho-poetic of a people is all in all. Call it what you will, but best to think in of good ol’ “spirit”.

    …it’s why black people in the South, despite being racially different, are closer to us (closer in our affinity in many respects) than white Anglos from the North might be. We Southerners have a closer mytho-poetic to southern blacks in many respects. “We done been through some sheeeeit,” we might say. This isn’t to say we’d side with them over and against the broader interests of white non-Southerners, but it’s just to say we’d probably feel more at home with them in some, narrow, respects. I’d rather live in Alabama, around southern negros, than in Portland, around lunatic Anglo lefitsts.

    The mytho-poetic of the southern black and the mytho-poetic of the southern white are different, but for a very brief time, were harmonized. It’s part of the glory of the south that our two peoples created a unique culture and society; not something we can just flippantly hand-wave away in favor of the sackless, arm-chair, ideology of a Yankee meddler (or any of the Yankee meddler’s spiritual kin).

    • I have been trying to find a copy of Defending Dixie for quite a while. Amazon has a few for $1000. Great points in your post Scott.

    • I agree, Scott. It is hard for me to get excited about some big tent nation wide white American identity. There are too many differences between whites in this country. Just because white Southerners see themselves as their own group, that doesn’t mean we hate other whites in America, wish ill on them, and it doesn’t even mean we don’t want to work with them for some broader cause.

      But white Southerners need their own organizations too where we dictate what is best for our interests and on our own terms. Too many Southern organizations get infiltrated by Northern whites who claim to have our best interests but really don’t. It is rare for me to meet white Northerners who truly love the South as much as we do or who see things just like we do. Even most of the ones in our movement who move here……… when talking one on one with a lot of them it doesn’t take long to detect some condescending “ you Southerners get this wrong unlike back home in Brooklyn “ attitude .

      I am not writing this to pick on Northerners ….why should they be expected to love the South like Southerners do?……but it irritates me how within our circles in America, both Northern and Southern whites alike don’t seem to want to accept that not all whites are the same and it is okay for us to have smaller groups and divisions while also fighting for a larger goal.

      • > I am not writing this to pick on Northerners ….why should they be expected to love the South like Southerners do?……but it irritates me how within our circles in America, both Northern and Southern whites alike don’t seem to want to accept that not all whites are the same and it is okay for us to have smaller groups and divisions while also fighting for a larger goal.

        That’s an interesting point you raise. I’ve actually come around to thinking that having many smaller groups and divisions is a strength rather than a weakness. Yes they can certainly work together for common goals but not every section of the country (much less other countries altogether) face the same problems. Having multiple organizations also makes it more difficult and expensive for the enemy to infiltrate and subvert each one. Centralization has is strengths – like economy of scale. It also has its weaknesses. Just look at what happened to the Boy Scouts as a good example of that.

  11. “Jason is describing a real divide among White Nationalists.
    He’s wrong in attributing it to Christian Nationalists. He’s also obviously wrong that I am on Team Antisemitism.”

    So, ur not on Team Antisemitism. What is your view pt. H Wallace, on what should be the proper way white societies should deal with the Jews living among us ? And for that matter the growing numbers of non-whites we have in our boarder(s)?

    • By Team Antisemitism, I mean the people who talk about nothing but Jews 24/7, who have no interest in anything else and who get it wrong by trying to jam everything that ever happens in the world into their JQ framework because of their mental illness.

      I’m referring specifically to the people who are excessively obsessed with Jews to the point it has become unhealthy for them. See the guy who was just indicted in Tennessee for LARPing as a rabbi. Emphasis on the word EXCESS.

  12. Glad I didn’t go to Charlottesville. I did see that it was an FBI setup, so I cancelled my plans to go. The FBI had Spencer and Kessler as their inside operatives. Anglin helped the Bureau publicize the hoax.

    When Stop The Steal rolled around, also known as Charlottesville 2, another FBI setup, again with Trump 100% on board, and again with Anglin shilling hard for the Bureau, and a new Bureau asset called Fuentes, and the whole FBI Qanon ramped up to the max, all together a great mass of Trumptards oozed into Washington. Thousands of them paid the price for their stupidity.

    Since 1979 Trump has been obsessed with the Iranian regime. Now he is building domestic support for the main event. He even went all out for Hegseth, and with Bibi’s help got Hegseth confirmed. Zog will need a million young white males to sign on for this war against Iran, and Hegseth has the right image to get these young white normies to sign up and die for Israel.

    The main event is the building of the 3rd Temple. That is what the Gaza war is about, that is what the Syrian coup was about, and that is what the upcoming attack on Iran is about. And that is what this current Trump charade that is getting white normies so excited is about. It is not about you and me, it is about building domestic support prior to the attack on Iran.

    People like Spencer, Anglin, Fuentes, Kessler, and Alex Jones should be remembered. If we ever get control, they should be the first to be put against the wall. After a legal trial, of course.

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