Texas National Guard Deputized To Enforce Federal Immigration Laws

I would say this qualifies as exceeding my low expectations.


    • Agreed buddy deport em all and bring back the klan to put the fear into the ones already in America. They also should have kept Coolidge’s immigration law where Nordic countries were given preference.

      • The Ku Klux Klowns are Jerry Soringer audience quality Whites.

        I’ve known enough of them to assess that 99% of their membership should be removed from the gene pool.

    • That was Kennedy aka Commando XM177 aka Charlie on the bridge who got rid of the 1924 immigration laws. God bless the Irish but they seem to love war and niggers a heck of a lot.

  1. If this policy holds and spreads to other States, it will accelerate the breakup of America, as the invaders head to the sanctuary States. This is a good thing.

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