Axios: 20,000 Federal Workers Take Buyout

The Resistance is whining on Reddit.


“About 20,000 federal workers have accepted the “buyout” offer put forward by the Trump administration last week, a senior administration official tells Axios.

Why it matters: It’s a significant number of people — about 1% of the federal workforce — but still substantially less than the White House’s target of 5% to 10%.

The offer is open through Thursday, meaning the total could rise, despite heavy opposition from unions and others. …”


  1. I am not so sure these numbers are worth spit let alone impressive. Consider, that outside of the National Security Establishment and Post-Office, the Federal government is about 2,000,000 people. I don’t have the sub demographic figures of that category, but in general according to normal retirement and actuarial statistics, about 3% of that population will retire annually under normal circumstances. So, DOGE just paid people who were going to retire this year, to retire early. As it is it looks like only about a 1/3rd took the offer. Big effing deal. But, I will await to find out if I am wrong in this early off the cuff assessment.

    This is typical with initial developments by Musk. From my interview of him, knowledge of his developments,, and background study of Elon Musk, he often makes wildly off the mark declarations of success on as wildly off the mark objectives in the early stages of development.

    Musk is a bit autistic. A perfect example was a clip provided by Hunter about him discussing some problem along the assembly line of his Tesla vehicles. There was an issue with some mat underlying the electric motor. Elon went ape shit on the mat, looking at its corners, seeing its size, trying to figure out how to fix it. No matter what he did, he couldn’t properly integrate it into the design specifics.

    Finally he went back to the initial production line to ask them to redesign the mat. They looked at him mystified. It turns out they didn’t need the mat. It was accidentally left in the production process by stage two production line group who forget to remove it from the process. In other words, Pajeet monkeys took the battery motor out of the case, left the shipping may underneath it, and put the whole thing in the engine bay.

    Before everyone goes what a dumb ass for not realizing this, that kind of b.s. happens alot in engineering process and production lines. Its because they are vast and complex undertaking. No one person can run the whole thing. Musk realizes this, but as an OCD autist, he cant help himself from thinking he is the smartest guy around who can fix anything, so he tried to reinvet the mat. A normal person, with a healthy respect for their limitations would have said, what the hell is the mat for and gone back down the production line to the source to find out. Nonetheless, he is self aware enough to recognize his mistake and laugh about it.

    Such problems like this are usually handled by quality control mechanisms. The first step in quality control mechanism, is the actual designer, then the producer, and assembler. The mat should’ve been caught by them. However, anyone who has dealt with recent Pajeet developed products, such as the mat in Tesla case, can tell you Pajeets suck with their own quality control and need extra oversight. Thats why so much recent IT products are maddening failures as they are poorly developed Pajeet projects that allowed a proverbial mat to go thru the process and monkey up the whole product.

    Its likely that in regards to DOGE and retiring Fed bureaucrats early, Elon Musk has made one of his wild objectives and is now busy purging people to meet his objectives. Sadly, it looks like he is just paying extra to purge people who were self purging anyways due to normal retirement. On the other hand, it looks like in the case of USAID, the DOGE people definitely upset the apple cart. Musk totally believes in the efficacy of creating constructive chaos. So, at least that looks like a success. 1% of the Federal workforce retires early this year is not much to brag about.

    • Yes, but we’re not concerned with federal workers who work for the Post Office or who serve in the military. Those people are not the problem.

      • Well, this plays into Elon Musk’s splashy “genius” mystique which requires him to justify DOGE with something big and splashy rather than:

        1) Implementing a federal hiring freeze and reduce the numbers through attrition.

        2) Get rid of Departments that are ALWAYS furloughed when the latest budget crises call for a shut-down and transfer the employees to essential departments that, curiously enough, are ALWAYS understaffed like Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and Social Security, in particular.

        3) I would also have an investigatory branch for INS that will pursue charges against American companies for hiring illegals and American property managers for renting to them. E-verify should be required by employers as well as property managers. I guarantee you, if E-verify to get a rental and employment were implemented, the illegals would self-deport so fast, heads would spin.

        Might add that if President Trump and his crew want to do something splashy, bring INS out in force everytime the illegals protest, arrest them all, kick their happy behinds across the border and let God sort’em out.

        Moreover, any mayors/governors of sanctuary cities/states interfere, they need to be arrested for facilitation of an illegal invasion, and held in the nastiest of prisons until they come to trial.

        • @Clytemnestra,

          Great post.

          Republicans have been only talking about gettiurid of the Department of Education for 50+ years, but now is a great opportunity to bury that worthless department. How many positions would that eliminate? Do the retardicans have the guts to pull the plug?

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