Trump Officials Walk Back Gaza Plan

I’m shocked.

Z.O.G.’s plan for Gaza wilted in the sunlight and didn’t make it past the next White House press conference.

The latest:

  • No boots on the ground to take out Hamas or expel Palestinians
  • No commitment to spending American money on reconstructing Gaza
  • No willingness to take Palestinian refugees
  • The president was frustrated and thinking outside of the box
  • “Our partners in the region” will deal with this mess

So, we contribute nothing to this project, and the MAGA Strip becomes an American territory!

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Can someone please suggest to the spitballer-in-chief that he saves his out of the box thinking for when he’s not standing next to an indicted war criminal.

  2. Well obviously the Deep State Sand N@gger lovers heard the bitchy complaints from the perpetual Anti-Semite Spergers (A.S.S.Pergers) at the likes of OD. Just like the Leftists they are, these so called “Dissident Rightists” aka Democrats in Disguise (DIDs) always claim to be powerless victims of Whites, in their case of White Jews, yet in reality wield considerable influence. We’ll see if this actually gets walked back though.

    America Manifest Destiny 2.0 can’t be stopped. We will have our Canal back, we will have access to Greenlander troll caves of gold, our Pacific Paradise Islands, and we will have a our beach front property in the future Gaza resort area. You can’t stop progress, even if you are a crypto-commie disguised as a Nazi pretending to be a conservative.

  3. US military recruitment records are breaking records since Donny Boy got elected. Signing up to fight wars for Israel and jewish bankers is apparently cool again for young White men. And then you have Trump saying that he has left explicit instructions that “Iran be annihilated” if anything nefarious happens to him. Everything seems to be progressing as planned.

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