REPORTER: How does owning Gaza square with America first foreign policy?
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 5, 2025
LEAVITT: The president has not committed to putting boots on the ground pic.twitter.com/DumuoolSHk
I’m shocked.
Z.O.G.’s plan for Gaza wilted in the sunlight, assailed from all sides and falling like a dud in Congress, and didn’t make it past the next White House press conference.
The latest:
- No boots on the ground to take out Hamas or expel Palestinians
- No commitment to spending American money on reconstructing Gaza
- No willingness to take Palestinian refugees
- The president was frustrated and thinking outside of the box
- “Our partners in the region” will deal with this mess
So, we contribute nothing to this project, and the MAGA Strip becomes an American territory.
There was no “Z.O.G.” plan.
It turns out Trump was bullshitting us again.
“When President Trump announced his proposal for the United States to take ownership of Gaza on Tuesday, he shocked even senior members of his own White House and government.
While his announcement looked formal and thought-out — he read the plan from a sheet of paper — his administration had not done even the most basic planning to examine the feasibility of the idea, according to four people with knowledge of the discussions, who were not authorized to speak publicly.
It wasn’t only the Americans who were scrambling; the announcement came as just as much of a surprise to Mr. Trump’s Israeli visitors. Soon before they walked out for their joint news conference on Tuesday, Mr. Trump surprised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel by telling him he planned to announce the Gaza ownership idea, according to two people briefed on their interactions.
Inside the U.S. government, there had been no meetings with the State Department or Pentagon, as would normally occur for any serious foreign policy proposal, let alone one of such magnitude. There had been no working groups. The Defense Department had produced no estimates of the troop numbers required, or cost estimates, or even an outline of how it might work.
There was little beyond an idea inside the president’s head. …
Several advisers to Mr. Trump said they expected the Gaza ownership idea to die away quietly as it became clear to Mr. Trump that it was unfeasible. And that already seemed to be happening by Wednesday afternoon. …”
Last night, Senate Democrats were speculating that the “MAGA Strip” news cycle was a ploy to divert attention away from their Elon Musk protest. Sen. Chris Murphy didn’t take it seriously.
Can someone please suggest to the spitballer-in-chief that he saves his out of the box thinking for when he’s not standing next to an indicted war criminal.
Well obviously the Deep State Sand N@gger lovers heard the bitchy complaints from the perpetual Anti-Semite Spergers (A.S.S.Pergers) at the likes of OD. Just like the Leftists they are, these so called “Dissident Rightists” aka Democrats in Disguise (DIDs) always claim to be powerless victims of Whites, in their case of White Jews, yet in reality wield considerable influence. We’ll see if this actually gets walked back though.
America Manifest Destiny 2.0 can’t be stopped. We will have our Canal back, we will have access to Greenlander troll caves of gold, our Pacific Paradise Islands, and we will have a our beach front property in the future Gaza resort area. You can’t stop progress, even if you are a crypto-commie disguised as a Nazi pretending to be a conservative.
@Hasbarat Globalist Bro ” these so called “Dissident Rightists” aka Democrats in Disguise (DIDs)”
Sounds somewhat similar to “Aryan Globalist Bro” aka Hasbarat in Disguise (“HID”).
I’d wager your monthly hasbara payment that you are at best a skinsuit WASP appearing jew like Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado.
Do your Twitter/X account have “Second Generation Holocaust Survivor” in its bio?
Say shalom to Jared Kushner (not Taylor, not too much difference anyway) at your next Gaza redevelopment meeting.
They’ve changed the mannequins in the window, but its the same old clown show. We need a new party completely.
The obvious answer here is that the Tribe has decided that they can’t stop the Slavs and Arabs without Anglo/German American scientists/soldiers to build and operate Javelins and Stingers and their future incarnations. So nigger tranny armies are out until further notice, lol.
I knew that Pete Hegseth and executive order to end trannies in the USA military would gaslight stupid goys to join the IDF.
Onwards Christian zionist soldiers.
US military recruitment records are breaking records since Donny Boy got elected. Signing up to fight wars for Israel and jewish bankers is apparently cool again for young White men. And then you have Trump saying that he has left explicit instructions that “Iran be annihilated” if anything nefarious happens to him. Everything seems to be progressing as planned.
He said this morning that he wants to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. Also, there is no war for Israel
Is Trump making these bombastic proposals to move the Overton Window ?
A dead man’s switch is supposed to be an incentive to keep you alive. Odds Trump is assassinated by this
MOSSADIranian Intelligence agent just sky rocketed.exactly, it now has the opposite effect.
” Oh nooo please don’t fall over and force me to send your countrym sorry our countrymen into war to advance my interests. please don’t throw me in the briarpatch..”
Jawohl mein kamerad, its the Canadians again, with their meth labs from Pakistan, bunch of rapists anyway those Muslims. Theyre all the same, 50 Shades of Braun, ja. Hola, where can I sign up to join the mighty mighty American army, or will I be drafted after undergoing reverse Michael Jackson surgery and having my willy hacked off by Herr Doktor Mengele? Now yer thinking¡
What is all the more infuriating is that zion Don received through his father’s jewish contacts FIVE conscription for the Vietnam War. That is even more than chicken hawk Dick Cheney.
Every day last December an average of 350 goys singed up for the IDF/US military because according to the nut job Pete Hegseth, “They want to fight for a strong leader.” A draft dodger should never be considered a strong leader or Commander in-Chief.
Conscription deferments.
The State Department says Panama will stop charging U.S. government ships for canal access…NYtimes
Right-wing group publishes ‘D.E.I. watch list’ targeting federal workers.
Evidently the bluster and bombast is paying some dividends.
It was a Chinese firm from Hong Kong that was given the contract to maintain the Panama Canal. The US didn’t want the contract, so Panama gave it to the Hong Kong firm.
There was no Chinese attempt to take control of the canal. That was more anti-Chinese propaganda from the district of corruption.
Any decent naval force could shut down the Panama Canal in a time of war in this day and age with precision bombardment of one or both openings with surface combat ship or submarine launched hypersonic missiles.
Russia supposedly possesses a torpedo that can create a tidal wave that they would give to the PLA Navy or use themselves in a conflict the jewSA.
Trump is a loose cannon of dotardation.
It was amazing to watch everyone with JQ brainworms screech and froth in unison at what obviously wasn’t a serious proposal. I really do think the monomania turns them stupid somehow.
Off topic, but important.
IRS Using AI to search everyone’s bank account.
Waltz (NSA) admitted that he was threatening to flood Jordan, Saudi and Egypt with Gaza Palestinians (which they adamantly don’t want) in order to get them to get together and come up with something to keep the region in line.
So, no, no “American Mandate for Palestine.”
Then again, one thing I know the White House knows is that, eventually, the rest of the world is going to catch on and catch up to Trump’s “big asking” tactics. Which means, before they do, better get while the gettin’s good.
“Then again, one thing I know the White House knows is that, eventually, the rest of the world is going to catch on and catch up to Trump’s “big asking” tactics. Which means, before they do, better get while the gettin’s good.”
This is a good point. Your underlying point is why sometimes the Big Ask must be backed up with a Big Take. The Panama Canal is one we must have. I’d give up the Gaza take for the Canal take. But, I see no reason we can’t do both. The Suez and Sinai is too strategic to leave in the hands of the Sand N@ggers.
One of the greatest calamities to strike Western Civilization, and the origin for giving the Colored people the Whip Hand, was the loss of the Suez Canal and the Sinai. It is also the point of departure and the breakthru of Decolonialization, Third World immigration into the West, the rise of Islamo-Arabism, anti-Western dictatorships. Sadly, this calamitybwas utterkybself inflicted, by America itself.
This calamity was caused by President Eisenhower who embargoed and blockaded France, Britain, and Israel for joining together to take back the Suez from Nasser the Sand N@gger Godfather. It literally caused the final collapse of the entire European colonial world leaving Western civilization severely weakened. Eisenhower, in one of his more banal moments, later in life called it, his single most boneheaded decision he ever made. Trump getting Gaza is a step rectifying that situation. He should make the Big Take to back up his Big Ask.
I certainly hope this wasn’t just spouted off at the spur of the moment. I’d thought perhaps he was trolling the wealthy Arab oil states to step in and pledge to rebuild Gaza for their precious Palestinians.
That’s exactly what is going on here
Simplicius has an amusing write-up of the whole ‘MIGA-Strip’ plan, which apparently is another one of Jared Wormtongue’s schemes. Satanyahoo even have Trump two pagers – one gold-plated the other a plain model. He’s better have his tech-bros go over them before he attempts to consult Satanyahoo. Izrahell is demanding that Ireland and Spain take in the Gazans, rather than their friendly Baksheesh-boyz next door. As both are spineless cuck-okrugs of the EUSSR, he’ll probably get his wish. Greatest Show on Earth!
Amusing as it is, the MIGA-Stripper Clown Show’s actual meaning is unclear (apart from the implied threat of the pagers). Of more interest is the latest from Snake-Sultan Erdogan and the Rules-based Order’s favorite head-chopper, now re-branded as Ahmed al-Sharaa. Looks like Erdo is planning a major military expansion into what remains of Syria, which will place him closer to ‘Greater Israel’. This could be interesting should the Sultan decide he wants there to be a revived Ottoman Empire instead of a Great Israel. Neo-klowns are already voicing concern, some even suggesting Satanyahoo bomb the nuclear plants of Murika’s NATO fren Turkey.
Pagers of all things was indeed and interesting choice. The optics of the US President being at Bibi’s beck and call are bad enough without the implicit threat you mentioned. I expect Trump is blissfully ignorant of both messages the Zionists delivered with that gift.
Seriously HW, I had a Jesus moment?
I ask for the lord Jesus forgiveness,
Thank A men,
Nuff Said
It’s that simple,
What opened my mind recently’
Rick on Tru News. Went over faith?
Two Angels and the good lord could say? The final version of the solar system and beyond?