Donald Trump Signs Executive Order On South Africa

I have been enjoying watching JewAnon over the past three weeks.

For a solid year, JewAnon claimed that Trump and Kamala Harris would have identical policies and that no one would be deported and that illegal immigration would increase. I was repeatedly told that just as many illegal aliens would enter the United States under Trump as entered under Biden. We were also told by activists that Trump would never attempt to deliver on any of his campaign promises. Instead, we would go to war with Iran, and actually we would be better off under Kamala Harris!

New York Post:

“President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday formalizing his announcement earlier this week that he’ll freeze assistance to South Africa for a law aiming to address some of the wrongs of South Africa’s racist apartheid era — a law the White House says amounts to discrimination against the country’s white minority.

“As long as South Africa continues to support bad actors on the world stage and allows violent attacks on innocent disfavored minority farmers, the United States will stop aid and assistance to the country,” the White House said in a summary of the order.

The White House said Trump is also going to announce a program to resettle white South African farmers and their families as refugees. …”

When Trump raised the issue of the new land expropriation law in South Africa, activists raced to explain that he had tweeted about the issue in 2018 and nothing had ever come of it. Fair enough, but Trump has been radicalized over the past several years, has a very different team around him now and the party is in a different place. He had already used his leverage to strong arm Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Canada into deals to advance his agenda.

New York Times:

“President Trump on Friday ordered that all foreign assistance to South Africa be halted and said his administration would prioritize the resettling of white, “Afrikaner refugees” into the United States because of what he called actions by the country’s government that “racially disfavored landowners.”

In the order, Mr. Trump said that “the United States shall not provide aid or assistance to South Africa” and that American officials should do everything possible to help “Afrikaners in South Africa who are victims of unjust racial discrimination.”

It follows Mr. Trump’s accusation on his social media site on Sunday that the South African government was engaged in a “massive Human Rights VIOLATION, at a minimum.” He vowed a full investigation and promised to cut off aid.

“South Africa is confiscating land, and treating certain classes of people VERY BADLY,” the president wrote in the post. “It is a bad situation that the Radical Left Media doesn’t want to so much as mention.” …”

JewAnon doesn’t make successful predictions.

They react to current events and come up with post hoc explanations for why everything that ever happens in the world is the handiwork of Jewish conspiracies. It is QAnon for antisemites who don’t “trust the plan.” Trump’s mysterious actions are deciphered for paranoid retards who want to believe that quelling illegal immigration, ending wars, ending woke garbage and leftist grifts in the government, ending DEI programs that discriminate against Whites, and so on, is actually bad.

Every year I write out what I think is going to happen and use that as a baseline to judge whether I got something right or wrong. I wrote about two dozens articles explaining my reasoning at the time for supporting Trump. I also wrote out my 2025 predictions. Cutting off South Africa and offering to admit White South Africans as refugees is far beyond my wildest expectations for Trump 2.0.

So far, I think that I wasn’t bullish enough on Trump. Lots of things have already happened that have exceeded my low expectations which was based on his first term performance. The top reason why I voted for Trump in 2024 was because the Trump era would finally be over in 2028. Blumpf memes was another reason why I voted for Trump. Blumpf seems to have disappeared in 2025.


  1. JewAnon and QAnon are inversions of each other. Former is that it’s all lost because the Js have everything on lock. The latter is that it’s all won because Trump or some “Q” guy have a master plan being carried out meticulously. Obviously both are wrong.

  2. Let’s hope Trump’s polices continue into the next administration in 2028…… possibly Vance/Homan?
    His plan for SA is exactly what I’ve been hoping for for years….. cutting off aid and offering asylum to farmers who wish to relocate, leaving behind only the foolish ones who wish to remain,to their own predicament.
    I’ll always respect blacks who remain in Africa and try to make the best of it, but let’s see how they go once those “evil white farmers” are gone. If they can step up without aid and white farmers carrying them, they’ll have my complete admiration.

  3. If any Afrikaners decide to move to the USA, they should think about settling in Southwest Michigan.

    There is already a large population of religious, conservative White Americans of Dutch ancestry living in that part of Michigan.

    • “There is already a large population of religious, conservative White Americans of Dutch ancestry living in that part of Michigan.”

      That is true. The so called Dutch Coast of Michigan is practically a Dutch colony. Ironically, there are not nearly as conservative as the Afrikaaners. Perhaps getting loads of race realist Afrikaaners inside their community will transform the Dutch Michiganders into a strong White Rightwing Identity  

      Already tall, healthy, and good looking, the Dutch Michiganders reinforced by sturdy Afrikaaners will drop that Midwit soft on race b.s. and became tall, healthy, battle hardened fighters of Euro-American race patriotism. The Afrikaaners centuries of warfare and lifestyle against overwhelming numbers of bloody kaffirs make them a hearty breed. The Afrikaaners would easily culturally move the area to the far right and stiffen up their community. This isn’t a bad idea at all.

      I originally thought though, the Afrikaaners would be excellent in the South and Southwest due to topography, ability to handle large numbers of darkies, and because we expect heavy fighting to occur there. While Michigan has Blacks, they aren’t in large numbers like in the South or Southwest and which are now backed with magnitudes larger numbers of Mexicans. Its the South which will need to learn from the Afrikaaners how to fight overworking numbers of anti-White colored.

      The present day Michiganders, although somewhat wussified can handle the limited numbers of darkies there. While they would be a firce multiplier and help restore the old Dutch Michigander identity, its the South who needs it more. Us Southrons are going to need all the help we can get. Plus, history from Appalachia Indian Wars, to the Texas wars to the South African wars, has proven that when the Dutch, aka Germans, and British, aka Southrons get together they are pretty much unstoppable.

    • Northwest Iowa is the same way. Also Pella, more central in the state, which is prideful of its Dutch founding and is a very nice town, would be very welcoming, I think.

  4. This Is great news. But let’s see what actually happens. We need a version of Orania in the United States. ORANGE-WHITE-BLUE!

    • ‘We need a version of Orania in the United States.’

      That’s what the jp will work tirelessly to prevent, because it instantly shows the stark differences between races. They have done everything to prevent racial solidarity for over 60 years, from busing to ‘fair housing’ to ‘equal employment opportunity’.

      The jp has used every lever of power to prevent white solidarity and encourage race interbreeding.

      The Haiti-Iceland contrast is one they hate.
      They are doing everything to ruin white purity.

  5. Another positive EO. As I say, Trump has come out of the gate swinging hard and that’s a good thing. It’s way better than in 2017 by any measure. Give full credit where it is due. I support the majority of these EOs. As someone noted, this is merely the start of a long battle. The enemy is already striking back – so far using the legion of blackrobes they own and control. The administration’s reaction to these will be telling. Last time, whenever a blackrobe yapped, the ‘God-Emperor’ rolled over and played dead-dog. He could take a page from Andrew Jackson’s book this time around (The court has made its decision. Let them enforce it).

    The Repukes in congress continue to be a serious problem as the majority of them are owned by the blob and serve the swamp first, last and always. As for D-jerseys, they are just like the Gay Old Pedoburo except even moreso. It would help if a new Trump justice department – completely purged of swamp-dwellers – were able to topple the rigged election for several congressional seats which were clearly stolen last fall, along with the totally corrupt and treasonous state governments of places like California and Illinois. This means actually arresting governors and legislators and charging them with treason. Does he have the balls?

  6. JewAnon, is a meme. It is a meme because it symbolizes reality. Literally, the JewAnon community can be counted on to do exactly what the meme says. Its like magical incantation.

    Dangerous memes that are subversive to a community such as JewAnon, must be countered. We cannot allow, JewAnon to just blithely sail wrecking devastation thru the Right.

    Dangerous Dark Memes like JewAnkn can be stopped two ways. Essentially exposing the meme to sunlight as Hunter Wallace has done, by naming the meme and associating it with regardless. The other way, takes careful time and explanation to detoxify the targeted audience.

    By naming the meme, exposing it to public consciousness, associating it with retardnedness, and explaining its falsehoods, Hunter is helping to inoculate the Rightwing from constantly phrasing “Duh, Jews.” Ultimately, the meme must stop being taken. In short, Friends don’t let their Friends, JewAnon themselves. Good job Hunter.

  7. Hunter you are simply stupid here, what exactly is his agenda??? No doubt you believe that this has nothing to do with Israel, when in fact it is ONLY about Israel and the ICJ case.

    The whites that speak Afrikaans are about 2.5 million people, another 2 million or so are in fact English speakers. Then there are a lot of mixed race speakers that also speak Afrikaans, about 6 million or so speak Afrikaans. This means you will get a majority of these non whites (who tend to be poorer) that end up moving to America. And if you seriously believe that Trump or his ZOG masters will have a whites only immigration policy you are completely deluded.

  8. By his whirlwind of EO’s and his shoot for the heart approach, TRUMP has achieved more in two weeks and all of the feckless, double talking GOP presidents in my lifetime, including Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes. Repub’s promised to overturn Roe v. Wade for decades and TRUMP did it in one term. The mainstream GOP has always been a fraud and TRUMP has exposed this by his actions.

  9. ‘JewAnon claimed that Trump and Kamala Harris would have identical policies ‘

    I don’t know what JewAnon is, but many who are aware did not follow that line. Several jp aware people supported Trump as all the jmedia was against him.

    ‘Hitler did some really go things’ D Trump, as quoted by Gen. Kelly.

  10. There is A bad side to this.

    If there is a mass out-migration of WHITES it will leave fewer WHITES in SA to seek independence, the Western Cape and fewer to mount protection for the remaining WHITES.

    SA is the ancestral homeland for most WHITES there , they do love their homeland. Their ancestors fought and bled for that land and are buried there. So don’t give me this ‘just leave’ nonsense.

  11. Putin has already offered European South Africans sanctuary and citizenship back in 2018 when Zion Don wa “monitoring the situation ” while hundreds of Boer farmers were being murdered in the most savage ways.

    Nelson Mandela told (((Ted Koppel))) on ABC jews “Nightline” show that Jews were very instrumental in both support for the ANC and the end of apartheid.

    Every. Single. Time.

  12. I have the unusual honor to work fairly close with alot of White South african farmers. I’ll be curious to see how they take this.

    Interestingly I’ve never heard bitterness from them towards the US for having caused this in the first place. Maybe they just won’t say so to me out of politeness.

    Its so bad for them now, they can’t get surgeries in most hospitals because black surgeons will kill them while they are under anesthesia. Its beyond failed state status. Its a hellscape of racial landmines.

  13. ” a hellscape of racial landmines.”

    From Haiti to Congo, it’s always a hellscape when blacks have power.

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