Nick Fuentes: White Nationalists Are Losers

A few days ago, I told a friend that the movement has developed a huge loser problem. I’ve been writing about the Loser Nationalists for six or seven years now. As I said back in 2019, the hallmark of Loser Nationalism is “a peculiar combination of White male nihilism, extreme bitterness, mental illness, serious developmental issues and psychopathic rage.” The Loser Nationalist is “someone who despises and rejects goals that normal people value like marriage and family and who glorifies things like prostitution and miscegenation which have traditionally been considered shameful.” They are the sort of deranged people who fantasize about murdering Wifejak and raping Daughterjak cartoons.

At the time, I was thinking about the difference between American Nationalists like James Allsup and Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes. Allsup struck me as a normal guy who was on a normal trajectory in life. I believe he got married and had children and retired from the internet. Anglin and Fuentes struck me as social deviants who were cultivating a base of incels. The Loser Nationalists celebrated Elliot Rodger. They created a whole identity for their followers which was based on having no confidence, having no aspiration to marriage and family, having no success at relationships and resentment of women. It was a scene where people like Beardson and Tenryo, a black man who lives in Section 8 housing, became “Groyper generals” or Loser Generals. It also had something to do with Catholicism although to this day I am not sure what. I’ve never associated the Groypers who are plainly irreligious with Christian Nationalism.

General” Tenryo at AFPAC in Detroit

In the early days of America First, Fuentes and his merry band of Loser Generals were still pretending to be a political movement. They disrupted Charlie Kirk’s events during the Groyper War. They were asking Matt Walsh pointed questions. They were developing relationships with members of Congress like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar. They created AFPAC which in theory was supposed to operate like a political action committee. They supported Donald Trump in the 2020 election which was engaging in political activity. You could also say that Fuentes was criticizing the worst of anti-social wignat behavior during the Optics War because it was politically damaging and got in the way of mainstreaming nationalism. I remember when Michelle Malkin took a great risk to associate with them.

At some point after 2020, it seems like Fuentes lost the ability to juggle these two impulses and opted to just go full loser. The incel identity stuff never changed in America First, but politically the Groypers worked to defeat Joe Kent, burned their bridges with all members of Congress, developed a vendetta against JD Vance and loudly opposed Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Fuentes said “Kamala is brat.” Such were his political instincts in the 2024 election. He also backed Yedolf’s short lived joke presidential campaign. He now spends his time giggling about Hitler with Yedolf wearing a gold bling swastika.

While I agree that many wignats have developed a loser mentality, everything that Fuentes says about them is even more true of him. He also doesn’t believe in winning at politics. He also doesn’t believe in winning at relationships. He doesn’t believe in winning at physical fitness. You will find plenty of wignats who do not believe in engaging in political activity and who join fake parties which do not run any candidates, but they don’t stuff their face with McDonald’s. They work out. Many of them have succeeded in other areas of life like business or relationships. They aren’t gay or people like Beardson.

Fuentes is a loser who resents all of the successful, aspirational White people on the Right – Trump, Elon, Vance, Tucker, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh – who believe in winning and have excelled at business and politics. Hanging out with a black rapper in a mental health crisis or wearing a Balenciaga jacket that looks like a garbage bag isn’t winning at politics. Fuentes also doesn’t have a real job. He lives off superchats and vacuums up donations like any other wignat grifter. He also has the same dripping contempt for his “wagie” audience. He has a fake PAC which doesn’t engage in political activity.

The thing is, if his audience were to succeed in business or politics or building their own families, there would be nothing in it for him. He is a parasite who lives off bitter, alienated losers most of whom are not even White like the “Niggercel” Groyper in Nashville who shot and killed his classmate. He is the King of the Losers on the rightwing internet. He is like the most charismatic loser. It is why he was so obsessed with Arthur Fleck in Joker and imitated him on his show by waving his little noodle arms around in the air. He stands behind his leader Yedolf with his weak shoulders and looks up to him.

Vance was correct when he dismissed Fuentes on national television as “a total loser.”

Note: Obviously, you can be a White Nationalist without being a wignat or a terminal loser. There are plenty of wealthy and successful White Nationalists.


  1. When think back to the Alt-Right between 2011-2018, which I followed even if i’m not american, I ask to myself how a movement who was a hope for USA and also who inspired something in Europe ended so badly, with many traitors or clowns. I mean, i remember the conferences of the National policy Institute and American renaissance with a lot of good intellectuals: Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye and other intellectuals and academics. They also published books with their own editor and helped to spread an alternative culture than woke. Then some of them turned into repentism and become traitors and others went crazy by ruin their personal life.
    Now there is another possibility to create something but without traitors and clowns.

    • As long as Orange Judas is around as a pressure-relief valve nobody is going to do anything – which is one of the reasons why he was installed as president anyway. At least Europe is finally getting sick of the US’s sh*t and being lectured to by Beta cucks like JD Vance and is starting to re-arm and rebuild their militaries.

        • Your William Wallace discovers Robert the Bruce betrayed him moment is right around the corner.

          >Pauley Walnuts gif pointing and laughing

          • We ran that experiment.

            Joe Biden was president for four years. Trump was sidelined. NJP was launched like a bottle rocket and fizzled out by 2024. We have at least 10 million more illegal aliens to show for it and “NS” went nowhere as usual

  2. Who else is pushing back against Jewish supremacists, and advocating for White Christian American interests, on ALL issues, including immigration, culture war, foreign policy and free speech?

    None of these issues are unimportant – to be a free people we need to win on ALL these issues.

    Heroes like Pat Buchanan and Kevin MacDonald stayed strong and fought back on ALL these issues, and so should we.

    • Fuentes is a grifter who lives off superchats and who advocates losing at politics and being an incel. We need fewer people like that

  3. Fuentes is a descendant of Tharbis … crypto… think Norman think! And well, the other one is obvious…

    Keep you doulós on the anointed one’s plantation of global universal slaving “man-god” commie monarchy!

  4. “Trump, Elon, Vance, Tucker, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh – who believe in winning and have excelled at business and politics.”

    No amount of “success” can ever compensate for selling out your race. Besides maybe Tucker Carlson, I consider all of these men mentioned to be profound losers, committing high treason to make some extra money, what actually can get lower than that? They are just cattle serving their jewish masters, I would even consider the lowliest alcoholic bum begging for a living a winner over any of those traitors.

  5. “everything that Fuentes says about them is even more true of him. ”

    Fuentes is a snarky 13 year old in arrested development.

  6. Having a Black underclass to hate on makes White failures feel better. Matt Heimbach has stated this since he shifted to the left. When you turn into a leftist, you face the fact that capitalism is the main problem instead of feeling better to at least not be as far down the social ladder as blacks.

    • I think Yedolf’s issues – being a “NS” fan, mentally ill, a drug addict, debasing his wife, having porn brain – are really unique to him. I’m judging him as an individual. I don’t think black people in general are like that

  7. blacks being propped up by jewish money to nig the culture IS jewish, yes. fuentes is the terminal loser. didnt he just tell his loser followers to vote kamala!? LOL

  8. ” re-arm and rebuild their militaries.” But I will pray, that THEE LIVING GOD, will first, find a suitable desert, too March these EUROSISSIES and their American excuse makers, around in for forty years, then after a proper spiritual cleansing, perhaps re-arm ament and rebuilding of Christian armies, can begin ……. J.D.V. is Appalachian, I am Appalachian and we would both appreciate you dropping the J.E.B. STUART moniker ……. Your not worthy ……..

  9. ” I don’t think black people in general are like that ” me either, but in life, you become the company you keep, you hang around a bunch of weirdo, Devil worshipping, bone smokers, I reckon this is what happens ……. You think Nashville is anywhere near as reprobate as los Angeles is, music industry wise …….

  10. Mr. Fuentes is either an attention fanatic or mentally ill or a plant to keep white advocacy from going anywhere. I can’t think of any other plausible options that aren’t close to one of those.

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