Late Victorian Women’s Fashion
In the 1900s and 1910s, young women dressed in the Victorian style
In the 1900s and 1910s, young women dressed in the Victorian style
In the 1920s, young women adopted the Modern style
Hollywood studios policed their own content for several decades
Jews, Hollywood and the creation of mass culture
One generation passes away and another generation cometh
Antiracism triumphed in the social sciences in the 1920s
What was Victorian America?
100,000 Klansmen gathered in Kokomo, IN in 1923
Modernism deserves to be treated as a full-fledged historical culture
The pursuit of aesthetic self expression through alternative lifestyles encouraged a consumption ethic
Malcolm Cowley describes the Modernist culture of Greenwich Village
The culture war between Moderns and Victorians began in the 1920s
H.L. Mencken, Emma Goldman and the Young Intellectuals Americanized Nietzsche’s philosophy
In the 1920s, the artists, poets and novelists of the Lost Generation partied in France
The New Woman has become the ordinary woman
Modernism was used as a weapon to fight the Nazis and Soviets
Modern America began in the 1920s
Hunter Wallace, Richard Spencer and Keith Woods discuss Modernism
Fred Siegel explains the origins of the modern Left
In the 1920s, the New Woman was taught how to smoke “Torches of Freedom”
The Jazz Question and the deracination of White America
A book review of John Carey’s The Intellectuals & The Masses: Pride & Prejudice Among the Literary Intelligentsia, 1880-1939
T.S. Eliot was an eccentric Modernist who rejected his own time
Can a civilization based on Modernism endure?
H.G. Wells imagined the Modernist utopia
A book review of Henry F. May’s The End of American Innocence, 1912-1917
The Masses redefined the modern Left as left-libertarian
H.L. Mencken led the assault on the Victorian mainstream
Cuties wallows in the filth of Modernist decadence
Tracing the genealogy of cultural liberalism
Where are the Black people?
In the Modern Age, religion and ethics takes a backseat to aesthetics and psychology
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