England: The Weakest Link
A friend passes along a discussion O.D. readers will undoubtedly find of interest: Good to talk to you last night. I wanted to continue this […]

Kemp’s Advice, Vanguardism, Mainstreamism and the Need to Keep Our Options Open
I have been watching the debate over the BNP spokesman Arthur Kemp’s short article outlining what will be his central themes in his upcoming book “Can […]

Interview: Robert Campbell II
Jim Giles has done a new interview with Robert Campbell. Check it out. I’m told it touches upon the raging Arthur Kemp/BNP approach debate. As […]

Interview: Arthur Kemp
Jim Giles has a new interview with Arthur Kemp. As usual, I will update this post with commentary after I finish listening.

Interview: Simon Darby
According to Dan Dare, Simon Darby is the BNP’s official party spokesman. He recently did an interview with Jim Giles of Radio Free Mississippi. I […]

BNP Membership Change
Lee John Barnes on the BNP membership change: This membership change is the equivalent of a political revolution. . . The BNP have in effect […]