The Adversary Culture
What is Left-Modernism?
What is Left-Modernism?
In the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, American culture was heavily influenced by Europe
From the Saturday Evening Post to VICE News
In the 1910s and 1920s, Margaret Sanger led the Sexual Revolution
Expressive individualism is a solvent that has dissolved the American family
What the hell happened?
Jews were heavily involved in American Modernism
In 1912, the Liberal Club was founded in the heart of Greenwich Village and became a gathering place for young Moderns
A book review of Stanley Coben’s Revolt Against Victorianism: The Impetus for Cultural Change in 1920s America
A French history teacher has been decapitated for displaying caricatures of Mohammad
Vitalism brought alienated WASP radicals into contact with the Jewish radicals of the Lower East Side
The Second Klan gets bad press. What did it really believe?
Victorians and Moderns clashed in the 1920s for control over American culture
During the Great Depression, the expatriate writers of the Lost Generation fell to earth
In the 1920s, left-progressives began to call themselves “liberals”
In the 1930s, America was transformed from an Anglo-Protestant nation to a modernist liberal melting pot
Modern couples go on dates
Hollywood studios policed their own content for several decades
100,000 Klansmen gathered in Kokomo, IN in 1923
The pursuit of aesthetic self expression through alternative lifestyles encouraged a consumption ethic
Malcolm Cowley describes the Modernist culture of Greenwich Village
In the late 1930s, racism was officially condemned by the American Anthropological Association
H.L. Mencken, Emma Goldman and the Young Intellectuals Americanized Nietzsche’s philosophy
In the 1920s, the artists, poets and novelists of the Lost Generation partied in France
The New Woman has become the ordinary woman
Modernism was used as a weapon to fight the Nazis and Soviets
Modern America began in the 1920s
Hunter Wallace, Richard Spencer and Keith Woods discuss Modernism
Fred Siegel explains the origins of the modern Left
By 1950, the American intelligentsia was half Jewish
Can a civilization based on Modernism endure?
Contact theory was the theoretical basis for integration
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