Toledo Rape

I just heard about this story from real world friends. A few days ago, a 15 year old negro in Toledo, Ohio armed with a pair of scissors raped a 26 year old White woman on the street in broad daylight. Several cars passed by and did nothing. I’ve browsed several mainstream news websites and they are all omitting the race of the victim and perpetrator.

The MSM doesn’t want to talk about this one. They would much rather spend months taking about poor Henry Louis Gates, the Jena Six, or the Duke Lacrosse stripper.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. More to the point there are young teenage niggers who will rob, rape, and/or kill you in broad daylight. Ones who neighbors describe as a “normal kids.” Just another example of how multicultural propaganda disarms whites and turns them into clueless victims.

    Apparently the victim hasn’t learned anything. She’s been assaulted and robbed before by “youths.” Now she’s been raped in broad daylight and not helped by anyone. Even after the rape she approached a man to ask for help and use his cell phone and he just ignored her and walked by. Yet she still plans to live in the neighborhood and continue to walk alone to the library defenseless.

  2. Young white man gets his face cut off in Minneapolis by blacks… doesn’t make the news. Young white man gets raped and severely beaten by 4 blacks in Sioux Falls… makes only 1 of 3 major network news channels, but then spreads by word of mouth. But hey, our president had a photo op with Kobe Bryant the other day, so I guess violence against Whites is officially condoned at the highest levels of our government now.

  3. Eyewitness sorry she drove past rape scene
    During the 911 call, the witness told emergency dispatchers, “Yes, I think that there’s somebody, um, either taking advantage or raping somebody on Royalton by Birchall about two streets more, west or something like that. It’s a black guy taking off the pants of a white woman and they’re laying on the sidewalk.”

    The witness lives in the neighborhood where the attack occurred and was driving on Royalton to a local drugstore when she saw the two on the sidewalk. She hesitated to call police at first, thinking the act was consensual.

    “I saw that cold look in his eyes. That’s why I called,” she said.

    I try not to be, you know, judging of people. I just can’t believe that someone is that sick, you know, to do that. It’s just not right.”

    Well, I guess its liberal progress in this Age of Obama that people can walk and drive past a black punk raping a White woman and nobody tries to stop it.

  4. Gentleman had better be preparing their women-folk for more of this to come. Don’t wait.


  5. Good observations here guys. This story is a sad commentary on how debased, degenerate, apathetic and confused many White people have now become. We are now living in an inter-racial madhouse, hopelessly corrupted by mind altering parasites. Anglo America has now become a Negro hunting ground, without warning signs.


    TOLEDO – A woman who said she was raped along a street in daylight as motorists drove past is upset that no one came to her rescue. . . .

    “I’m ticked off because people were doing nothing. Just driving by. What kind of humans are we becoming?” she said. . . .

    The woman’s mother told the Blade that her daughter lives in a group home and has bipolar disorder and Asperger’s syndrome.

  7. I bet I’m not the first person to have this idea, but we need a “White Victim’s of Interracial Crime Aid Committee” or something that will issue press releases right away to the national media and in general make a huge stink about these cases. Money could be raised with checks to victims, and perhaps other services offered to build goodwill and establish that we’re doing more than using these crimes for political purposes.

    Speaking for myself, nothing makes the case for nationalism/separatism etc. better than interracial crime. They hate us, it’s that simple.The proof is there in the local news and on every city street. There are millions of whites out there who already intuitively, in-their-gut know this truth. They’re waiting for someone to say it out loud.

  8. A Negro raping a white woman happens between a hundred and two hundred times a day in this country, 365 days a year (about 35,000 reported per year is the statistic I believe I’ve read, while it is thought that up to half of victims choose not to report it to police). The only remarkable thing about this case is it was done right on the sidewalk in broad daylight. The people who 1) force racial integration on whites and 2) force more and more Negro (and other non-white) immigrants on this country want these black-on-white rapes to happen, otherwise they clearly wouldn’t delight in forcing 1) and 2) on white folk.

  9. This happened in Toledo, a large city. But, if this had happened in a smaller city, or town, would it ever have been noticed by anyone?

  10. American Rifleman Magazine’s current issue is all about concealed carry pistols. They compare nine .380 ACP semi-autos. These are cute little
    lightweight guns you can carry in a purse or a pocket. My ferocious friend used to carry a Glock on his sock (in an ankle holster). Now, he carries a Kel-Tec. I’m thinking about a Seecamp, myself, with a laser site. I look like that guy in Deliverance who got raped so I want to be prepared if any hillbillies or “hyena niggers” come after me.

  11. The lack of a white reaction on the spot is telling. I’ve discussed this issue before: the system has successfully neutered us. We are no longer “moral actors,” so to speak. The idea of physically standing up for right and wrong makes very little sense in a society that does its best to diminish and obfuscate the very concept of right and wrong. Why act? Why take the risk? Even if I kick the guy’s ass, I’ll probably just be arrested or sued. Better to just move along.

    One of the witnesses quoted above mentioned that, initially at least, she assumed what was happening on the sidewalk to be “consensual.” On the sidewalk!!

    The truly disturbing thing is, I believe her to be telling the truth. That probably was her initial reaction, showing how degraded we have become as a people. That’s how far we have fallen (or been knocked down, to be more accurate).

    Our ancestors would have seen a white woman being attacked and, given the much healthier culture in which they lived, would have taken for granted that she was a decent woman in need of direct assistance. It would have been shameful and dishonorable not to render direct assistance.

    But now? The culture has been so degraded that we’re more likely to assume that the white woman is some sort of skank mudshark who is involved with the negro. But on the sidewalk? Oh, well. I guess things change. I mean, I don’t really approve…but who am I to judge? Maybe I should call the cops just to cover my ass, though.

    So we don’t act. We’re not sure, we hesitate. Even if we have sense enough to understand that something is amiss, that something is very wrong, then of course we still should not act, other than to contact the local bureaucracy (police). So, even then, we are emasculated. We cease to be moral actors willing to physically act. Hell, if we get involved, maybe we’ll be arrested on some charge or another. And, after all, what is honor anyway? Sounds kind of racist. And who talks that way?

    And so it goes.

    This all ties in with the massive campaign of neutralization and demoralization that white people have been subjected to for the last couple of generations. This campaign is multifacted and operates at every level. There has never been anything quite like it, and it has been amazingly successful.

    A possible antidote is a culture based heavily on personal honor, along with a societal demand that able bodied males act physically if necessary. It would be incumbent upon such a society that each citizen be trained physically and morally to exercise this fundamental responsibility – to exercise his moral sense. It must be a point of honor to not only stand up for a particular victim, but for the whole tribe. Today, we lack this. We will find it difficult to win until we start getting it back.

  12. This happened in Toledo, a large city. But, if this had happened in a smaller city, or town, would it ever have been noticed by anyone?

    The difference is, it happened in Ohio. Being Yankees they’re typically effeminate liberals. They voted for Obama. So it doesn’t surprise me that they ignore a white woman in distress. According to that clueless woman interviewed, “it looked like two teenagers having sex.” Law enforcement there is incompetent and lame as well, “Sgt. Sam Harris says he doesn’t blame drivers for not stopping because they might not have known they were seeing a rape.”

  13. pm1Mark

    More to the point there are young teenage niggers who will rob, rape, and/or kill you in broad daylight. Ones who neighbors describe as a “normal kids.” Just another example of how multicultural propaganda disarms whites and turns them into clueless victims.

    Apparently the victim hasn’t learned anything. She’s been assaulted and robbed before by “youths.” Now she’s been raped in broad daylight and not helped by anyone. Even after the rape she approached a man to ask for help and use his cell phone and he just ignored her and walked by. Yet she still plans to live in the neighborhood and continue to walk alone to the library defenseless.


  14. “Sgt. Sam Harris says he doesn’t blame drivers for not stopping because they might not have known they were seeing a rape.”

    Yeah, cause Rape is one of those things where it’s hard to tell when you’re looking at one or not!

    Anyway, it’s because of things like this that I would see all of America wiped off the face of the Earth, in preference to so much as one bomb falling on Iranian territory.

  15. @Mark

    Toledo is a blue collar shot & beer town. The big Jeep factory is there. Lots of transplanted Southern hillbillies, and Roman Catholic Polish persons. The Russian Jew Block family own the Toledo Blade…

  16. The only way this genie goes back into the bottle is through applied violence. We live in a major city and if you are a minority you were born with a hunting license for Whites. I’m not suggesting a course of action, just noting that criminals and savages do not respect civilization or law unless they are tougher than the savage. At this point the savage rules the streets as this story clearly indicates.

  17. In Plato’s psychology, the part of our consciousness that takes offense, that is galvanized by outrage to fight injustice, is called “thymos” (sometimes transliterated as “thymus”). It was viewed, properly, as an essential part of any healthy human soma. It was thought to be focused in the chest, about the solar plexus region.

    Back in the late 1940’s, C S Lewis wrote “Men without chests” as an essay in his indispensable “The Abolition of Man”. The struggle has been going on for a long time.

    Pitching most of Freud’s debilitating poison for Plato’s more accurate and manly psychological insight would be a good step in the right direction.

  18. “The difference is, it happened in Ohio. Being Yankees they’re typically effeminate liberals. They voted for Obama. So it doesn’t surprise me that they ignore a white woman in distress.”

    You can find tons of black on white crime in the South too. What’s the excuse when it happens there? And voting for Juan McCain was any better?

    As the above poster mentioned, many of the people who live in Ohio and other parts of the Midwest(especially Indiana, Illinois and the Detroit area) are the descendants of migrants from the South and most Ohioans are German and Eastern European.

    Where does this hostility towards other whites that so many American racialists have come from? Is it some kind of displaced guilt over their own weakness? I’m constantly reading these kind of comments about “Yankees.” If you hate white people who don’t live in the America South, why would you care if they get raped by blacks?

    These kind of comments also appear anytime there is an anti-white outrage in some European country.

  19. The real story here is the brazen daylight rape of a white female by a black teenager, not the lack of response by the community, if you can call them that these days. I don’t think people knew whether or not the act was consensual. The media is making it a story of surrounding community non-response, which makes sense as somehow the story needs to be spun in a negative fashion toward the community rather than a story highlighting the epidemic violence of black rape against white females. That would be racist.

  20. It appears that Mark has done a proverbial pimp-slapping of his Midwestern comrades. A bit of healthy competition wouldn’t hurt, I suppose.

    What state are you from, Mark? What kind of work is going on there?

  21. Sgt. Harris does not want the public to become involved and let the cops deal with it….Yes, by all means just let things go like they are…and look what that has produced. Move along now, no story here, move along…
    If you do become involved, settle the matter with the perp, let the victim flee and don’t stay around to become victim number two.

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