South Africa: Eugene Terre’blanche Martyred

Eugene Terre'blancheI just heard the news: Eugene Terre’blanche, a well known South African White Nationalist leader, was hacked to death by two negroes with machetes on his farm this afternoon. It involved a labor dispute over unpaid wages. The BBC isn’t reporting the race of the suspects, but President Jacob Zuma’s “appeal for calm” telegraphs that this was yet another black-on-white murder. The Afrikaner Resistance Movement is claiming the murder was racially motivated.

Terre’blanche became a controversial figure in South Africa after founding the AWB in 1970 and opposing the end of apartheid in the 1990s. Since his release from prison in 2004, Terre’blanche had been advocating Afrikaner secession from the failed state of South Africa, the so-called multicultural “Rainbow Nation.” Back in October, Terre’blanche received some press coverage over his plan to petition the United Nations to recognize an independent Afrikaner homeland. I blogged about the story at the time.

Like many of you, I wish I could say that I am shocked and surprised. That’s not the case. Whites are brutally raped and murdered all the time in South Africa. For years, South Africa had the sobriquet (a label it might still carry) of being known as the “rape capital of the world. It once had the highest rape rate on Earth. A woman is raped every 26 seconds in South Africa; 40% of those are children, 65% are gang rapes. It is commonplace for children and babies to be raped in the new and improved South Africa. Blacks even molest animals to avoid catching HIV. Under black rule, South Africa is also an innovator and world leader in murder, assault, robbery, and hijackings.

Black supremacy has gradually made the country unlivable for Whites. Since 1995, 800,000 of 4 million South African Whites have abandoned the country and moved abroad. In fact, the level of White emigration out of South Africa is “at a pace consistent with the advent of widespread disease, mass natural disasters or large scale civil conflict.” The majority of White South Africans are victims of negro violent crime themselves or have a close friend or relative who has been victimized by “people of color.”

Young Whites are crushed under the weight of affirmative action. Many White families in South Africa now live in poverty. They don’t have the resources to escape. Last year, Canada granted asylum to a White South African man who fled the country to escape persecution. He had been stabbed three times by blacks. The South African government denounced the ruling as “racist.” Whites live in fear of South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe. Blacks have threatened to drive Whites out of the country after Nelson Mandela dies: the most likely endgame for the world’s first “post-racial” society.

South Africa is a case study of what Whites in the United States can expect once we lose our majority status: wealth redistribution, institutionalized racial discrimination, epidemic levels of violent crime, endemic poverty, historical revisionism, destruction of cultural symbols, rule by racial grievance groups, gated communities, economic stagnation and decline, environmental degradation. White women in South Africa wear an anti-rape device in their vaginas that cuts off the penis of their black attackers. Under non-White rule, White technological ingenuity might find similar outlets in America. The home security industry will undoubtedly flourish.

No one in their right mind would prefer to live in such a hellhole. An Afrikaner ethnostate would remove all of these problems in a single blow. Violent crime would disappear. Affirmative Action would be outlawed. Multiculturalism would be abolished. Public services would flourish again. The government would be controlled by competent personnel instead of racial grievance groups who reward their co-ethnics with plush government sinecures. The economy would recover. South African expatriates might even return.

Eugene Terre’blanche died for the dream of an Afrikaner homeland. I hope his sacrifice was not in vain. This outrage must not be forgotten.

Note: Occidental Dissent is very interested in providing a platform for South African writers who wish to speak out against black supremacy and tyranny in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and other African nations. This website has always felt a sense of kinship with other colonial Whites in the European diaspora.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In South Africa’s case, it was Jewish subversion combined with living on top of a racial volcano, and outside economic pressure from the rest of the PC infected Western world. Basically what happened in the American South with a foreign twist.

  2. “In South Africa’s case, it was Jewish subversion”

    It’s interesting, then, that Apartheid South Africa’s only ally was Israel, and that Apartheid itself had many Jewish supporters within South Africa. Are you suggesting that Jewish subversion came from without—from America? That would make sense.

  3. I’m confused by Kemp’s comments. He says that Terre’blanche was basically an old fashioned “White Man’s Burden” racist who thought he was bringing Christian civilization to blacks. But from what I’ve read Terre’blanche became Christian in prison and since being released he’s done nothing but push for a seperate Boer state free of blacks.

    Confused facts or self-promotion by Kemp?

  4. Did Terre’blanche ever put forth an actual proposal on how to achieve a separate state? In other words, what were the proposed boundaries and how did he expect to achieve self-determination – violently or otherwise? We’ve seen the Orania way. What was his way?

  5. I sympathise with Jim Crow and the CSA, you guys are exactly like White Africans.

    Deo Vindice

    Well said and nice to hear it. I agree, if anyone understands the American South it’s the White South Africans.

  6. I see what you mean. It’s too bad that Jewish leaders are so excesively liberal, although Jews in general and as a group are fine by me.

  7. #22 David Matthews – your reference to the ‘K-factor’ made me smile. A friend who is a civil engineer told me of a project he worked on, building a road in Lesotho. While discussing the design with a colleague, he used the term ‘K-factor’ and was immediately challenged for ‘racism’ by one of the local contractors. He patiently explained that, in road design, the K-factor is the speed for which a bend in the road is designed.

    I obviously can’t speak for all White South Africans, but the attitudes of those I know are varied. Many of them have adjusted to the situation. It’s a beautiful country and you can live well, if you can get a job, and if you’re prepared to accept living behind high walls, razor wire and electric fences. And if you can live with the risk of hijacking, robbery, rape and murder. People adjust. When I speak to young people and say, things didn’t use to be this way; this is actually unacceptable; they reply “maybe so, but this is all I’ve ever known, so to me it’s normal”. Everybody knows someone who was murdered, but they are like a herd of wildebeest. The predators are picking them of, one by one, but it hasn’t happened to them yet.

    Some are desperate to escape, but have nowhere to go. I spoke to a woman last week who is in this position. She is a divorced mother of a 12-year-old girl, and she had just received an email of a screen shot from a face-book page of the Julius Maleme mentioned in the article. It threatened, in the most vile language, to rape and murder white women. She is really scared, but can’t find a job overseas.

    Orania illustrates the problem with separatism. Afrikaners found a patch of desert where they could live among their own kind, and built a thriving community. Black squatters built a shanty-town 25 miles away. The government then proclaimed the two settlements a single municipality. They explained it was a matter of “making the best use of available resources”. What that means, is that the numerically superior squatters get to elect the town council, who then levy property taxes to raise money to build houses for all their indigent population. Separatism can only be accomplished by violent rebellion. Wherever we go peaceably, the parasites follow and outvote us.

    Violent rebellion is a pipe dream. The security forces, at least the elites, are still white and very competent. We get an occasional berserker, but they are poor doomed souls. As Reginald #16 correctly says, it wouldn’t be necessary to fight them if you people in America would just – please – STOP FEEDING THEM!

  8. Hunter, yes, Terreblanche was very much a Boer version of a Neo Confederate.

    His ethnostate was to comprise all the historic Boer territories. I think he was prepared to concede Johannesburg though.

    This isn’t so good if you’re a White (Afrikaner or otherwise) in the Cape Province or Southern Natal. Also, it probably isn’t the most realistic homeland as it’s based on historical justifications not today’s practicalities.

  9. @Pip Pockets
    ET was always a Christian, as are most Afrikaners/Boers. He just became a “super” one after his release from prison after beating up one of his black workers.

    The old Boer republics aren’t coming back and they had a troubled and short history to start with. Yes, ET wanted them back. But, I’ve seen dozens of maps over the years over where the white etnostate should be and the best place is around Orania, not where you had the old Boer republics. Mind you, Orania is largely a failure as well.

    “push for a seperate Boer state free of blacks.”

    You are wrong, since ET, as his followers, all use black labour. Seperate Boer state? Yes. Free of blacks? No.

    Kemp is right, but emotions take over here. Not a good idea.

  10. Great article by Patrick Cleburne on this travesty, and tragedy, over at VDare –

    Almost a generation has passed since the Afrikaners – the descendents of late 17th/early 18th century white African settlers in southern Africa who speak their own unique language derived from Dutch – were betrayed by their leaders in a transaction which I believe probably cost the CIA a pretty penny. Always beset by lies, the memory of the Apartheid controversy is now also obscured by ignorance, as I see Richard Spencer acknowledges on Alternative Right.

    Far from being white supremacist, Apartheid was actually a sophisticated solution to the problem of sharing living space with rapidly growing numbers of untalented and (we are reminded again) brutal blacks. The lynch-pin was the granting to the surprisingly numerous black tribes territories they would politically control.

    A privilege which Israel – with US support – appears to be determined to deny to the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank.

    Terre Blanche himself, while skeptical – probably correctly – that Black rule would be anything but a disaster for everyone concerned, was himself latterly interested in the fall-back idea of an independent white homeland.

    The fact that the US was so hostile to White Christian South Africa, yet is now engaged in two Middle Eastern wars for the convenience of the closely parallel phenomenon of Israel is really the definitive word on the state of ethnic politics in America.

  11. are there any official proposals for an afrikaner homeland, with maps and so forth? would the afrikaner homeland exclude non-afrikaner whites?

    my understanding was that even though whites make up only a small portion of population, they own a much larger portion of the land — a large number are engaged in agriculture. Terre’blanche himself obviously owned land, and had to employ blacks on it. So a white-separatist state would require giving up lots of land, and changing the Afrikaner way of life. Or not?

  12. “Orania illustrates the problem with separatism. Afrikaners found a patch of desert where they could live among their own kind, and built a thriving community. Black squatters built a shanty-town 25 miles away. The government then proclaimed the two settlements a single municipality. They explained it was a matter of “making the best use of available resources”. What that means, is that the numerically superior squatters get to elect the town council, who then levy property taxes to raise money to build houses for all their indigent population.”

    AnalogMan, I had not heard of this shanty town outside of Orania. Has anything been written about this that I could review?

    Also, as to the young whites for whom violence is normal and living behind barbed wire just a fact of life, how does this affect their racial consciousness? Do many of the white females engage in miscegenation?

    I think it’s important to understand how whites react to various stressors, although I’m not sure how analogous it will prove with our situation in Europe and North America. For white South Africans, the sad reality is that they are a tiny minority on a vast Dark Continent, with no prospect of help from the outside world. Talk about being out there on a limb. Obviously, this could all change if the Kwa implodes or breaks up, but until then they are pretty much screwed.

    Our situation in North America and Europe won’t be that bad for a very, very long time – even if present trends continue (and I don’t believe they will, in fact I’m optimistic that we will win. I just hope there are enough Afrikaners still holding on when that happens). But still, however imperfect the analogy, there are probably lessons to be learned.

    One lesson that I learned recently is that the snarky, anti-white media will not die out even under South African conditions. You can be the murder and rape capitol of the world, the rape a baby to cure AIDs capitol, and STILL the liberal psycopaths will be there, tittering away, trying to undermine any form of white resistance, however peaceful.

    In the last couple of days, I’ve tried to read everything I can get my hands on about Orania. With Orania you have a relative handful (may it grow in time!) of Afrikaners that have chosen to escape the madness and live amongst their own. This in a land where people are cowering behind barbed wire and razor lined fences. Now, in a land where people have to live in a modernist version of a medieval fortress, one might think that the Oranians would be cut some slack. Shouldn’t their decision be entirely understandable under the circumstances?

    Well…not to a liberal. To the liberal, at least the hip liberal, the decision to move to Orania is genuinely puzzling (or so they claim). Silly, even.

    Check out this article:

    Lots of pages, lots of pictures. It reads fast, so take in the whole thing.

    It’s young and hip, well written in that snarky liberal way. Fairly funny, which is unusual for the sanctimonious prick that is the typical anti-white lefty. I assume it was written by a white lib, or perhaps a Jew. It’s not ridiculously hostile – yet it clearly views Oranians as ridiculous. Oranians are just so, well, pathetic. So yesterday, so unhip.

    Yeah, it’s really nutty and pathetic to want to live in a safe community made up of your own kind instead of the murder/rape capitol of the world. Like, totally weird, man. I guess rape and murder become the new hip for these sick fucks.

    The take home point seems to be that, no matter how bad things get, the libs will continue to do whatever they can to cajole, mock, ridicule and otherwise harass their fellow whites into situations where they will likely be raped, maimed or murdered. It’s hip, Daddy-O!

    Not advocating anything, merely analyzing. It is quite clear that the anti-white power structure will never “come to its senses.” It will never reform itself, or allow itself to be reformed by others. Its ideology is utterly immune from and indifferent to reality. It will have to be removed by force, if it is to be removed at all.

  13. Why did ET have black workers?

    The only viable white state in SA would be a whites only state. Replicating some sort of mini-apartheid state would be doomed even without outside agitation and interference.

  14. Afrikaners found a patch of desert where they could live among their own kind, and built a thriving community. Black squatters built a shanty-town 25 miles away. The government then proclaimed the two settlements a single municipality. They explained it was a matter of “making the best use of available resources”. What that means, is that the numerically superior squatters get to elect the town council, who then levy property taxes to raise money to build houses for all their indigent population.

    The problem in N.America & Europe in a nutshell.

  15. I see what you mean. It’s too bad that Jewish leaders are so excesively liberal, although Jews in general and as a group are fine by me.

    And undoubtedly it means a lot to them to have the support of such a prominent internet lunatic.

  16. I see what you mean. It’s too bad that Jewish leaders are so excesively liberal, although Jews in general and as a group are fine by me.

    As the old Russian proverb goes –

    “???? ????? ? ??????” = “A fish rots from the head down”

  17. As much as I hate the society imposed silence regarding any discussion regarding race (and yes, it pisses me off that discussions of jews are verboten too and I think that’s in fact what grows the legions of the paranoid losers) I’m starting to consider the possibility that you fucks are the real danger to me and my family and that I should side with the contemptible SPLC and other racial rackets simply to annoy you and get you guys laughed out of good company.

    The human fuel that motors your movement is shit. Fuck you.

    Geesh, relax mnuez.

    Although I can’t speak for everyone, I think I can safely say that few here ‘hate’ Jews for simply being Jewish, or wish them ill for the same reason. It’s the super-Liberal actions on the part of many Jewish persons (that are harmful to us all) that many here predominantly criticize.

    *Even though you can be tetchy and petulant at times, I still think your heart is in the right place – so its all good.

    (BTW – good comment over at HBDBooks you left yesterday.)

  18. mnuez’s comment ought to have been left up as a testament to his derangement and venomous hatred.

  19. Okay, let’s try this again and see if a comment can get past the curtain of these brave free-speechists this time.


    Thanks Landser. I don’t agree with you about what the sentiments of the majority happen to be with regard to Jews but I’ll take those to be YOUR sentiments and they’re mine as well at least with regard to the special interest whines by people claiming to be “Jewish leaders”).

    I think some evidence in favor of my understanding regarding the site owners and the majority of their readership is the fact that, as of now (and within just five minutes of my comment) they deleted my comment from their rolls. Brave people these folk are!

    Anyhow Landser, I’m sorry for having spoken in such broad terms about the people here. The fact that I keep hoping that a good number of folk here have similar sentiments to my own is what makes the paranoid and delusionary judenhass all the more stinging. I speak publicly and regularly against lies and against the real physical dangers that those lies bring about. As you can imagine there’s a price to pay for that sort of speech, so it pisses me the fuck off to see that so many of the people who speak similarly are not only delusional losers but violent haters of me and my kids just because I can speak Hebrew.

    Again though, I like your hopeful comment but I see no evidence of it accurately representing the tone or belief system here.

    – Oh, and I had to proxy an IP to get this one through. Good people your webmasters, good people.

  20. I see what you mean. It’s too bad that Jewish leaders are so excesively liberal, although Jews in general and as a group are fine by me.

    Your excessively liberal Jewish leaders (we’ll ignore the “for thee, but not me” liberalism of Jews in general, and Israel in particular, for the moment) depend upon those “fine by you” Jews in general, without whom they are nothing.

    Jews love this shit. One minute they’re all just a bunch of individuals, and it’s always “the next Jew over.” The next, they’re whining and gnashing their teeth over the “suffering of the Jewish people.” You’re a good example.

    Anyone who judges Jews by what’s coming out of their mouths, or the mouths of their useful idiots, is doomed to confusion (a particular kind of confusion that never seems to randomly benefit themselves, rather than Jews).

    Anyone who judges Jews by what they do, keeping “is it good for the Jews?” firmly in mind, can avoid such confusion. Then their behavior actually makes sense.

  21. Svi: “Your excessively liberal Jewish leaders (we’ll ignore the “for thee, but not me” liberalism of Jews in general, and Israel in particular, for the moment) … “

    And also, liberal Jewish leaders will claim that “we white people” are the cancer of humanity, as if they were white liberals spitting on their own people, and then, next thing you know, they will be saying that the worst crime imaginable is “antisemitism”.

  22. The plight of the South Africans really struck a chord with me today, especially in light of a possible pending ‘Operation:White Out”. But, an hour’s worth of surfing yielded no evidence of any kind of “underground railroad” for SA refugees.

    Wouldn’t this be a worthy project? Can we put some of this brain power here at OD to work strategizing about a system to rescue WN SAs?

  23. mnuez,

    As a Jew, we are not trying to appeal to you, or argue with you about the merits of our cause. It doesn’t surprise us at all that you are supporting the SPLC. That’s what we have come to expect from your ilk.

    After careful analysis, we have concluded that future generations of Whites will flourish best in a White ethnostate without a Jewish minority. Jews are free at anytime to relocate to their own ethnostate. It already exists. It’s called Israel.

    We believe in peaceful separation of Jews and Gentiles. Experience has shown that Jews nurse historical grievances against Europeans. They are unlikely to abandon these grievances any time soon. In every European nation, Jews have climbed the social ladder, and have proceeded to tear down their host societies after reaching the top.

    This is an intolerable situation. Why can’t you leave us alone? Why can’t you relocate to Israel and live a Jewish life in the land of your ancestors. That would solve all our problems.

  24. Mnuez,

    Your original comment was deleted because it was unnecessarily profane and abusive by any reasonable standard of decency.

    As Hunter said, we do not want you trolling here, period. This has nothing to do with irrational “judenhass” and everything to do with human nature. You are not one of us, and you vociferously and obnoxiously assert your own Jewish, ethnic genetic interests, which naturally conflict with our raison d’être (a Jew-free White ethnostate in North America), and thus you’re not welcome here.

    We wish to discuss our own affairs, in our own space, among our own people, and if you claim to be a free-thinking man, you should respect our right to such free association. As Jared Taylor often says: “We have a right to be us, and only we can be us.”

  25. Hunter and Robert, I appreciate your clarifying the position of this site for the innocent Landsers of the world who imagine this space to be filled with reasonable people whse understanding of the world isn’t consumed by rage or delusion. I sincerely wished that he was right but your clarification is helpful.

    Also, cool move on deleting my comment. The whole thing about my support, deep concern and physical activism on behalf of the White minority in south Africa is gone. All that’s left for your readers’ judgement is your own charicatures of my comment. You must really trust your readership. Should you gentlemen ever succeed in your noble goals I hope your present readership enjoys the totalitarian, censoring, dictating regime that you’ll set up for them. If memory serves your mentors, the Nazis, were less than appreciated by the volk after a few years of rule. I’m pretty certain that your own volk will feel similarly. They’ll reap what they’re currently sowing and they have only their ignorance of history to blame.



    The Asiaphile contingent which infests the HBD community is firmly ensconced at Alternative Right. Alternative Right just published an article by Scott Locklin in which John Derbyshire is praised for his miscegenation. In the comments Locklin says he prefers Turks to his co-ethnics. Also in the comments, a juvenile degenerate Asiaphile by the name “Joe G.” tries to insult ethnonationalists by saying they “can’t get laid.” Joe G. says, “the children of white-asian couples are freaking beautiful. If that’s what we have to look forward to, I say bring it.” Also, Joe G. amusingly mistakes mentally ill Andrea Freiboden/Middletown Girl/Theya for a woman.

  27. Anyhow Landser, I’m sorry for having spoken in such broad terms about the people here. The fact that I keep hoping that a good number of folk here have similar sentiments to my own is what makes the paranoid and delusionary judenhass all the more stinging. I speak publicly and regularly against lies and against the real physical dangers that those lies bring about. As you can imagine there’s a price to pay for that sort of speech, so it pisses me the fuck off to see that so many of the people who speak similarly are not only delusional losers but violent haters of me and my kids just because I can speak Hebrew.


    Well, to be fair, you were blocked because of the of the tone of your comment, not its ideological content (which I know you recognized and apologized for – thx). We have some Jewish and part-Jewish fellows here that we all get along reasonably well with — Crypto-Aryan and Iceman, for example — both of whom I admire and respect, even though we may disagree or have a different perspective from time-to-time. So disagreement with us here is not really an issue, since it gives us all a chance to debate and discuss things with others.

    Again, I firmly believe that the overwhelming majority of those here
    are in no way violent haters of you (and especially your kids) due to the fact that you are of the Jewish faith. Our disagreements with many Jewish folks is due, as said before, to their strong embrace of Liberalism (which is detrimental to the interests of the White American Majority) and their equally or greater embrace of Zionism — which seemingly betrays a double-standard on how Jewish persons get treated … and how Gentiles, but especially White, NWEuro folks get treated (commenter Svigor outlines the issues and challenges in this dilemma.., any of his recent comments on this thread or the ‘Sally Kohn’ thread elucidates our general consensus rather well).

    I feel, after reading your comments over the months, that you are sincere in your beliefs Mnuez, that you are not a dissimulator, and of your wish that pro-White activism and Jewishness and/or Zionism need not be mutually exclusive.

    Well, many of us, often fervently, wish for the same as well. However, it has been the Jewish leadership, both of the Liberal Left and the Zionist Right, that has been the primary stumbling block in this regard (that is what I meant by my ‘fish rotting from the head down’ comment — since I believe that there are many good Jewish folks who really do sympathize and relate with White Nationalism — just that their community leadership often discourages many of them from thinking otherwise, thus preventing them from fully bonding with and seeing their common interests with the rest of White America).

    But, nothing is written in stone, and there always can be a new and better generation of Jewish (and Gentile) leadership – and/or at least good role models. Perhaps we can start and take the lead in this respect, Mnuez. Equally, its alright (or at least should be alright to acknowledge that sometimes our interests may differ as Jews and Gentiles within America, without thinking that this is going to lead to disastrous ends. Most importantly, it shouldn’t be a big deal whether we agree or disagree, as White Jews and White Gentiles, here and there, since no matter what we say or think, we at the very least can learn from our debates and dialogues with eachother.

    Thanks for hearing me out, Mnuez et al.

  28. I have bene MIA for approx a week, due to 3D issues, in my life – but this thread is fascinating.

    A Jew pops on, starts making demands, immediately begins the foul-mouthed obscene spitting and hissing routine, gets block for same, and gets are hurt and sniffy, about Evil Racist Nazi Bigots hurting his widdle feewings, and those of his poor innocent widdle hatchlings. (FYI – Jew hatchlng tend to be just as obscene and foul-mouthed as their spawners. Must be genetic…..)

    The Jew puts the onus on us , as per usual, to make amends, explian ourselves, clarify ,etc.

    Why do we reflexively respond to this abuse?

    The Jew needs to explain that absolute hatred of his Tribe, for Gentiles. Account for the malevolent actions of his Race. This behavior has been occuring for centuries.

    The Jew must account for the millenial hatred, subversion, and destruction wrought by Jews, against all others. But especially the White Race. The Jew must confess.

    The Jew must atone.

    The Jew must humbly and pentinently agree to remove every trace and vestige of his Demonic Tribe from all other Nations.

    The Jew must go away.

  29. Pip – Post 58:

    “Confused facts or self-promotion by Kemp?”

    That question could be applied to every single moment of Kemp’s life, n’est ce pas?

  30. MGLS – post 86 re: that noxious article be some nobosy named “Scott Locklin”?

    Pure garbage.

    I followed the links to the original “study”. It’s not a very thoughtful survey, but it does serve on very valuable purpose – it shows that healthy people prefer their own kind. The more alien the traits (genetics) the more repelled healthy, sane populations are, by The Other.

    Re” Locklin? He’s mental. As wel as delusional, or a liar. I cannot fault his attraction to lovely White women (Race is Nation. I don’t care much about White country of origin) – but if he seriously believes that foriegn-born females are less avaricious than American women – well – I hope the foreign gals take him for every cent he ever earns. Which will be a most likely outcome, if he mates with a Gook.

    Gook females are the most greedy, materialistic, ammoral she-devels that have ever befouled the Earth, They are simply mosre deceptive and cunning that White women. Gosh – they make Jewish females look like a buncha nuns, when it comes to greed and sluttiness.

    They have no sexual morals what-so-ever. Hence that snarky assessment by the one Commentor, Joe D, or whatever his name is. Yes – it’s beyond easy to nail one of ’em. They’d bang anything – and do. Why do you think Asian males are so harsh with ’em?

    That darling little slant-eyed wifey, of DerbRaceTraitor, would “f” a donkey, for cash money, under the right circumstances. So bragging about bagging a Yellow Insect is not a really worthy, difficult endeavor. Says things about the genuine prowess of Untermenschen White males – but what it says is not what they think…..

  31. 86MGLS

    The Asiaphile contingent which infests the HBD community is firmly ensconced at Alternative Right. Alternative Right just published an article by Scott Locklin in which John Derbyshire is praised for his miscegenation. In the comments Locklin says he prefers Turks to his co-ethnics. Also in the comments, a juvenile degenerate Asiaphile by the name “Joe G.” tries to insult ethnonationalists by saying they “can’t get laid.” Joe G. says, “the children of white-asian couples are freaking beautiful. If that’s what we have to look forward to, I say bring it.” Also, Joe G. amusingly mistakes mentally ill Andrea Freiboden/Middletown Girl/Theya for a woman.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately it’s only the tip of the iceberg, but a significant case because of Derbyshire’s position and influence. He has set a bad example for his peers and admirers to follow. Would be interesting to observe the reactions if his wife were black, would they be so quick to overlook it and defend him? I’ve seen HBDers claim mulattos are beautiful too, like Halle Berry and others. I think someone who posts here said it. But racial preservation is just crass, sinful, “holier than thou,” and trolling to many.

  32. MLGS – re that Lockloonie article – one good point – Lillian Gish is one of my favorite actresses of all time. Her career spanned decades, and she was superb in every role she played.

    She was a sexy, spirited little dollface. Her beauty was exquisite, and shone, like a beacon, even in advanced age. Most of you ought to be familiar with her work in “Birth of a Nation” (the genius D.W. Griffith worshipped her) – but please view her other films. Acting, in silent movies, was a real art from. Try to see “Orphans of the Storm”, a Griffith opus about the French Revolution. She starred with her sister Dorothy, who was considered to be a more “serious” actress (Lillian was just a flat-out star. You cannot buy, bargain, or steal what Lillian had). The movie is thrilling, and the performances are marvellous. I was screaming at the screen, at the film’s climax. “They can’t do that to Lillian Gish!!!!!! AAARRGGGGH!” Griffith was a true genuis. A real artist -an a true Son of the South.

    Also – try to dig up “The Wind”. It’s an emotional and psychological tour de force, about a young bride, sent to live in a harsh terrain. You will not ever forget Gish, if you see this film.

  33. It doesn’t matter to me where they’re from. I don’t discriminate against foreign women by race, color or creed: every variety of imported female I know of is better on average than the domestic kinds. Now that America consists of all sorts of racial types, you can no longer tell a foreign woman by an exotic complexion. But we xenosexual men will be able to tell. My F.O.B.-dar is so finely tuned, I can spot a Russian, Eritrean or Serb at 50 paces, and I’ll know if a Korean in America was raised in Los Angeles or is from the old country long before she opens her mouth.

    So he’s anti-American more than anything, but doesn’t discriminate by race.

    His use of xenosexual is not accurate, a non-American white is not an alien, neither is a non-white American woman identical to a white American woman.

    He tries to convince us that obese Lesbians, mannish Jewesses and old feminists like O’Donnell, Bernhard, and Clinton are representative of American women. A gross generalization, in more than one way, and untrue.

    He laments he can’t bring an American woman to orgasm. Sounds like a personal problem to me.

    If white American men desire a culturally foreign bride there are plenty of European women and women of European descent to choose from.

  34. I appreciate your clarifying the position of this site for the innocent Landsers of the world who imagine this space to be filled with reasonable people whse understanding of the world isn’t consumed by rage or delusion.

    Are you capable of introspection? You very rarely come off as reasonable and almost always come off as consumed with rage.

    Please, link me to even a handful of comments from this site displaying anywhere near the hate that you regularly spew in the comment section of Hoste’s blog.

    I’m pretty certain that your own volk will feel similarly. They’ll reap what they’re currently sowing and they have only their ignorance of history to blame.

    Surely we’re better off living under Obama, Bush, McCain, Frank Rich, Tim Wise, etc.

  35. Zeunm:

    “Should you gentlemen ever succeed in your noble goals I hope your present readership enjoys the totalitarian, censoring, dictating regime that you’ll set up for them.”

    Should our current Far-Left elites maintain power, I hope you enjoy the totalitarian, censoring, dictating (,and genociding) regime that they will set up for us.

    Also take a note, they will turn on the Jews, as many “Liberal” Americans of all races will turn into Nazi-esque anti-Semites.

  36. I was beginning to think that Eugene Terreblanche’s other name was White Supremacist as the they were never seen apart in the British press. In the interests of racial equality Nelson Mandela’s description would be black supremacist. To that you could add murderer and ANC terrorist.

  37. Oh come on, SA is becoming a hell hole because it has a majority of basically stone aged savages. The population ratios are reversed here. If we can get the immigration under control things would be even better.

  38. Mark: “Not satisfied with murdering him in cold blood, they must also egregiously lie and defame him after he is gone.”

    This is how they view every White person! We are despised beyond words.

  39. The proof of the black pudding is in the eating.

    In a few weeks time, the rainbow paradise of a free black ruled South Africa will host the World Cup. It might pay dividends for some of the the more discerning bloggers, to withhold comments, as to the predictable behaviour of the negro, until the end of the Cup. This is presuming that the competition is not aborted prematurely by FIFA. In my mind, South Africa is fast tracking its way to becoming a 50 million plus antipodean Haiti.

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