South Africa: Eugene Terre’blanche Martyred

Eugene Terre'blancheI just heard the news: Eugene Terre’blanche, a well known South African White Nationalist leader, was hacked to death by two negroes with machetes on his farm this afternoon. It involved a labor dispute over unpaid wages. The BBC isn’t reporting the race of the suspects, but President Jacob Zuma’s “appeal for calm” telegraphs that this was yet another black-on-white murder. The Afrikaner Resistance Movement is claiming the murder was racially motivated.

Terre’blanche became a controversial figure in South Africa after founding the AWB in 1970 and opposing the end of apartheid in the 1990s. Since his release from prison in 2004, Terre’blanche had been advocating Afrikaner secession from the failed state of South Africa, the so-called multicultural “Rainbow Nation.” Back in October, Terre’blanche received some press coverage over his plan to petition the United Nations to recognize an independent Afrikaner homeland. I blogged about the story at the time.

Like many of you, I wish I could say that I am shocked and surprised. That’s not the case. Whites are brutally raped and murdered all the time in South Africa. For years, South Africa had the sobriquet (a label it might still carry) of being known as the “rape capital of the world. It once had the highest rape rate on Earth. A woman is raped every 26 seconds in South Africa; 40% of those are children, 65% are gang rapes. It is commonplace for children and babies to be raped in the new and improved South Africa. Blacks even molest animals to avoid catching HIV. Under black rule, South Africa is also an innovator and world leader in murder, assault, robbery, and hijackings.

Black supremacy has gradually made the country unlivable for Whites. Since 1995, 800,000 of 4 million South African Whites have abandoned the country and moved abroad. In fact, the level of White emigration out of South Africa is “at a pace consistent with the advent of widespread disease, mass natural disasters or large scale civil conflict.” The majority of White South Africans are victims of negro violent crime themselves or have a close friend or relative who has been victimized by “people of color.”

Young Whites are crushed under the weight of affirmative action. Many White families in South Africa now live in poverty. They don’t have the resources to escape. Last year, Canada granted asylum to a White South African man who fled the country to escape persecution. He had been stabbed three times by blacks. The South African government denounced the ruling as “racist.” Whites live in fear of South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe. Blacks have threatened to drive Whites out of the country after Nelson Mandela dies: the most likely endgame for the world’s first “post-racial” society.

South Africa is a case study of what Whites in the United States can expect once we lose our majority status: wealth redistribution, institutionalized racial discrimination, epidemic levels of violent crime, endemic poverty, historical revisionism, destruction of cultural symbols, rule by racial grievance groups, gated communities, economic stagnation and decline, environmental degradation. White women in South Africa wear an anti-rape device in their vaginas that cuts off the penis of their black attackers. Under non-White rule, White technological ingenuity might find similar outlets in America. The home security industry will undoubtedly flourish.

No one in their right mind would prefer to live in such a hellhole. An Afrikaner ethnostate would remove all of these problems in a single blow. Violent crime would disappear. Affirmative Action would be outlawed. Multiculturalism would be abolished. Public services would flourish again. The government would be controlled by competent personnel instead of racial grievance groups who reward their co-ethnics with plush government sinecures. The economy would recover. South African expatriates might even return.

Eugene Terre’blanche died for the dream of an Afrikaner homeland. I hope his sacrifice was not in vain. This outrage must not be forgotten.

Note: Occidental Dissent is very interested in providing a platform for South African writers who wish to speak out against black supremacy and tyranny in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and other African nations. This website has always felt a sense of kinship with other colonial Whites in the European diaspora.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I know a guy from South Africa. He’s a White, very racially conscious, an ex-officer in the South African military and keeps telling me, in private, that all the “change” in the United States lately is basically how South Africa collapsed.

    It’s nice when someone, technically a “foreigner”, who has only lived here about 20 years knows more than the average person you pull out of a crowd on a street or college kid.

  2. A great loss to the Afrikaner people and white nationalists worldwide. My condolences to his family and friends. His deeds and spirit live on.

    Eugene Terre’Blanche’s mutilated body was found on his bed along with a broad-blade knife and a wooden club, police said.

    “He was hacked to death while he was taking a nap,” one family friend, who did not wish to be named, told Reuters.

    So they’re cowards too, attack a man while he sleeps. That’s why it’s always good to have an alarm system or a dog.

  3. The problem is that even if the Afrikaner people could seceed and build their own country, its sure success would draw the rest of the dysfunctional continent who would attempt to storm the new country to gain the benefits of a civilization that they couldn’t conceive of creating in their best wet dreams. The white man will never again be left to his own, without violence.

  4. What tragic news. Eugene Terre’blanche was a revered figure among all White Nationalists, who knew of the plight of S.A. Whites. He tried his best to warn about, and prevent exactly what has now befallen him. Talk about a ‘warning from history’! May there one day be a White people’s liberation army division named after him.

  5. Mark,

    Oom Eugene did have dogs, but they were poisoned; before the attack.

    As for President Zuma’s calling for calm.. thats rather interesting considering, that the Zimbabwe Mail, reported last week, that ANC planning Zimbabwe style land invasions after World Cup:

    “HARARE – South Africa’s ruling party ANC is planning Zimbabwean style land invasions after the FIFA 2010 World Cup, amid reports Zimbabwe’s Zanu PF and War Veterans Association will provide crucial support for the programme, sources in Zimbabwe said on Monday.”

    The week before that, the Min. of Agriculture threatened SA farmers that if they werent more accomodating about selling their farms cheap, for ‘transfromation’ to be handed over to landless blacks; farmers would face a worse land-reform program than Zimbabwe.

    This is while 90% of the land that has already been handed over to blacks has been reported, by the same Minister of Agriculture to have been a failure, in that all that is growing on those once flourising abundant farms, now is weeds.

  6. Hunter,

    Fitting that your favorite blog, Stuff Black People Don’t Like, has been predicting the fall of South Africa in the run up to the World Cup for some time.

    I to believe this World Cup could offer the one glimpse into racial realities that no one can hide.

    Everything WNs believe is true. Each passing day only confirms the worst of what we think.

    On this Easter, may God protect the souls and bodies of all white South Africans.

  7. “Black people have turned the once relatively peaceful South Africa into a nation that even John Carpenter would have grave difficulty having Snake Plissken escape from in one piece.”

    ^^ That’s a good one!

  8. Why are we carting food across the Atlantic Ocean to keep the bloodthirsty Congoid savages alive again?

    The problem for the Boers would be solved if only the Black South Africans were starved into non-existence.

  9. I was very impressed by TerreBlanche’s interview with that repulsive Jew from England, Louis Theroux. I have to wonder, after all Southern Africans have been through as a result of hiring black farm labor, did TerreBlanche really hire blacks to work on his farm? I saw a speech by Arthur Kemp in 2007, and he said the whole problem began with hiring black farm labor.

    I hope Eugene took some of them with him! RIP Eugene TerreBlanche.

  10. I’m with Hunter, this is a great tragedy for not only Boers but White Nationalists worldwide. Like him as well I’ve always felt a connection to the Boer; the heritage and history of South Africa and America are so similar. We must learn from them and work overtime to prevent the same fate happening to our people here.

    As for that arrogant kike from the BBC, he should have asked him if an Arab can be a Jew? Or if Israel will be a “new and exciting” country when Jews are a tiny minority surrounded by Arabs? WHOOPS then he would have been denounced as an “Anti-Semite”.

  11. White women in South Africa wear an anti-rape device in their vaginas that cuts off the penis of their black attackers. Under non-White rule, White technological ingenuity might find similar outlets in America.

    That’s a very irresponsible thing to say. The article said such a device had been invented, not that it had been enthusiastically taken up.

    (What kind of a crazy woman would wear such a thing? That’s just asking to be murdered. A far better idea would be a device that poisons the racist or infects him some disease.)

  12. “The downfall of civilization is exciting to you.” – Eugene Terre’Blanche, in response to “exciting multi-cultural republic”
    Consider 3 quotes from Ronald Reagan:
    1. Within the covers of the Bible are all the answers for all the problems men face.
    2. Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.
    3. Man is not free unless government is limited.
    Are White conservatives in denial of the K-factor, as well as the J-factor? Is the problem that the K-bucks run wild while the federal reserve bucks keep on flowing to the J-sharks? Can there be a civilized government based upon the South African K-factor (or the N-word people)?
    In our time the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries. – Ezra Pound
    Do our overlords think like John D. Rockefeller?
    1. Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.
    2. I have ways of making money that you know nothing of.
    3. I would rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
    4. The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.
    5. Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one’s aim.
    6. The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other.
    Are we being dealt with by people who know more and manipulate more than we imagine?
    Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws. – Mayer Amschel Rothschild
    We are like the mechanisms of a watch: each part is essential.
    – Nathan Meyer Rothschild

  13. ET was used by the media, before the fall of apartheid, to portray the whites in SA as neo-nazi lunatics. Sorry, the AWB was/is not an example to follow. These Afrikaners are also rather primitive, lowest IQ of all whites.

    Even ET could not do without black workers. They are addicted to black cheap labour and that was their downfall. Read the book by Kemp, lie of aparetheid.

  14. to Lowlands:
    Terreblanche was a real fire-eater in his early days, his speeches peppered with threats of violence. He apparently mellowed out following a religious conversion while in prison. His post-Apartheid goal of an independent Afrikaner Republic was entirely reasonible and just.
    Afrikaners have about the same IQ as other whites and are in no sense “primitive.” Where did you get such nonsense?

  15. “South Africa and Zimbabwe are among few cases in which I am willing to put my principled isolationism on the shelf.”

    Me too. I say immigration moratorium. But let’s let in all the White South Africans and give them welfare (5-10 years, max, say?) till they’re on their feet. After all, MY generation (tail-end baby boomer) never owned slaves nor participated in Jim Crow, so I owe blacks nothing. But my generation (Carter) DID force SA Whites to give their country over to their enemies, so I DO feel we owe them.

  16. silver,

    That was the first article that popped up on Google. It was a negative one. Women in South Africa really do wear that device. I’ve read other stories about it over the years.

  17. “These Afrikaners are also rather primitive, lowest IQ of all whites”
    They built a First World country with functioning nuclear power plants. Hard to believe dummies could do that. The Afrikaners came from Holland. The Dutch are no intellectual lightweights.
    Isn’t Christiaan Bernard, the guy that pioneered heart transplants in 1967, an Afrikaner? And he did it in SA hospitals. No WAY would he have been able to achieve what he did unless the hospital / support staff were skilled and intelligent.
    (As a contrast, King/Drew in LA is the quintessential example of a hospital where incompetent staff kill people. Police who suffer gunshot wounds in Watts will often request the ambulance crew to NOT take them to King/Drew even if it’s the closest hospital.),1,2026457.storygallery)

  18. Why are we carting food across the Atlantic Ocean to keep the bloodthirsty Congoid savages alive again?

    The problem for the Boers would be solved if only the Black South Africans were starved into non-existence.

    Indeed, we are indirectly causing more crime against whites in South Africa and other countries by helping non-whites, we are increasing their population. We wouldn’t have to starve them, just leave them to their own devices.

    I reject that whites are responsible for the welfare of every non-white on Earth. NumbersUSA has shown conclusively that the best way to help third world populations is by reducing their population, not increasing it. But then you have black militant conspiracy theorists that think whites are out to genocide them.

  19. Afrikaners have about the same IQ as other whites and are in no sense “primitive.” Where did you get such nonsense?
    @F. Roger Devlin
    South Africa: IQ 72

    The IQ for South Africa has been calculated as follows. The study by Owen (1992) gives the following IQs for the four racial groups. Whites: 94; blacks: 66; coloureds: 82; Indians: 83.

    English are better educated then the Afrikaners/Boers, so… You obviously don’t understand Afrikaans, never had much to do with them. Btw, they love blacks (even the AWB), as long as they work cheaply. Apartheid was doomed from the start.

  20. @Hunter Wallace
    Arthur Kemp’s ex-wife exposed him as an informant. No one takes him seriously on this side of the Atlantic.

    Duh, an ex wife! Kemp wrote a pro AWB book a year or 20 ago, I have it. Kemp has a lot more interesting things to say then most from SA.

  21. @ Hunter Wallace
    Kemp works currently, as far as I know, for the BNP. Who are those “multiple sources”?

    I doubt he does, nothing indicates he is. Sounds like typical internet gossip.

  22. 17Kievsky

    I was very impressed by TerreBlanche’s interview with that repulsive Jew from England, Louis Theroux.

    He’s not Jewish.

  23. I have nothing but positive things to say about Afrikaners, all the ones I’ve met are good, salt of the earth people. I dated a Afrikaner girl before, she was very Nordic, blonde, traditional and respectful. Definitely far above most of the modern girls around here.

  24. My father’s from SA and I lived there for eight years between 1993 and 2001.

    Everything you hear is true, I was discriminated against for work coming out of college.

    I was class medallist in Finance and on the Dean’s List for all four years of my degree. When looking for jobs in Asset Management I was told YT need not apply.

    I was also the victim of an armed robbery in central Cape Town at dusk which has given me PTSD to some extent.

    Luckily my father had first gone abroad in the Seventies so I had European nationality and could come to England where I’ve been happy for the past eight years.

    I’d love to move to one of the North American White nations in future because I’m a colonial at heart (much as I like Europe).

    God bless all at OD for your positivity and sympathy for the White African Colonists.

    I sympathise with Jim Crow and the CSA, you guys are exactly like White Africans.

    Deo Vindice

  25. “Occidental Dissent is very interested in providing a platform for South African writers who wish to speak out against black supremacy and tyranny in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and other African nations.”

    That would be great. What I’d really like to see, however, is a white South African explain the mindset of his fellow whites.

    We know that huge numbers of whites have voted with their feet and emigrated. But what of those who remain? What’s the deal with them? I’d like to know how many have gulped down the multiracial kool-aid, how many are solidly opposed, and so forth. I’d also be interested in learning what the typical white South African thinks about projects such as Orania, not to mention the separate state idea.

    I still remember the critical vote that pretty much marked the end of apartheid. While certainly racially conscious, I wasn’t really a white nationalist at the time. I simply didn’t think in terms of an all white nation at that point. But even I could see that a separate nation for South African whites (better yet, two white nations) was critical for them. I seem to remember that some libertarian put out such a plan back then, I believe calling for a loose confederation of small states, including white states. The resulting book (can’t remember the title) actually achieved a certain level of recognition, but obviously nothing ever came of it.

    Huge, huge mistake on the part of white South Africans. They should have carved out a couple of pieces of territory for themselves, at a minimum. The time was ripe for it. It still amazes and saddens me that they failed to do so.

    But hey, that “cheap” black labor is soooooooo indispensable. Right. I think it was Eric Thomson who first hammered it through my head: there is no such thing as cheap labor. He’s absolutely right. White South Africans have paid for their cheap labor many thousands of times over. Cheap black labor has turned out to be the most expensive labor on the planet. Cheap mestizo labor will undoubtedly provide some competition in the near future.

    This “cheap” non-white labor is a scam. In the short run, the society/taxpayer has to pay all sorts of costs that are going to more than cancel out the value of any savings in labor costs. It’s just the old privatize profit/socialize cost scheme. Employers gets to pocket extra cash, the taxpayer picks up the bill. Of course, in the long run, you lose your country, your culture, and your very bloodline.

    “Cheap” labor, indeed.

    The small town of Orania has it right, though. Sustainable development, whites do all of the work. If there is a need for a ditch, whites dig it. No black labor is allowed. Kievsky, if you see this, you might want to check out Orania. They have an English version of their website. It’s not great, but it does have some decent information. They are into a lot of the same things that you are interested in. You might have some valuable advice for them, or them for you.

  26. This song is in honour of the tragic passing of Our Bruder and Kamarad (Brother and Comrade) Eugene Terre’blanche,

    …whose steadfast character and courage in the heights of his people – the Boers – dispossession,

    …may he be an example to all of us in the coming battles and struggles ahead for Our People.

    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13

    Like his Boer ancestor Jacobus Herculaas ‘Koos’ De la Rey …

    Eugene Terre’blanche demonstrated and proved himself as ‘…the lion of the West Transvaal’


    … Oor die khakies wat lag

    ‘n handjie van ons teen ‘n hele groot mag

    en die kranse lê hier teen ons rug

    hulle dink dis verby

    Maar die hart van ‘n Boer lê dieper en wyer,

    hulle gaan dit nog sien

    Op ‘n perd kom hy aan,

    die Leeu van die Wes Transvaal

    De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?

    De La Rey, De La Rey

    Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.

    Generaal De La Rey.


    And the Khakis that laugh

    — [just] a handfull of us

    against their whole great army —

    With the cliffs to our backs,

    they think it’s all over [with us]

    But the heart of the Boer lies deeper and wider,

    that they’ll still find [out]

    At a gallop he comes,

    the Lion of the West Transvaal

    De la Rey, De la Rey,

    will you come to lead the Boers?

    De la Rey, De la Rey

    General, General, as one man

    we’ll fall in around you

    General De la Rey …


    De la Rey Song – The Boerelied

  27. It is an honor and a pleasure to see F. Roger Devlin reading and commenting here at Occidental Dissent…

    Welcome Roger!

  28. Re the mindset of SA Whites

    They’re in many ways similar to Whites elsewhere, except coming from Africa even the liberals know obvious truths of race ie driving into townships is dangerous and black males coming at you means trouble.

    But speaking for the young middle class guys, they’re concerned about getting good jobs, earning money and not doing things that make them unpopular with the opposite sex.

    Pretty much the same as most people I’ve met in England (other than movement guys)

  29. TabuLaRaza, thanks for posting the Orania video. I wish there were some videos in English, but the visuals alone are inspiring and very telling. I’m also interested in Orania’s educational program. They have developed the KenWeb approach, in which students work mostly at their own pace, with teachers acting as guides. Highly computerized. You can catch a glimpse of this with the older children in the video that you posted. Anyway, I’d like to learn more about KenWeb. They have a website, but it doesn’t seem to be available in English. If anybody knows of an English version, please let me know.

    Also, the book that I mentioned above, but could not remember the title of, is “South Africa: The Solution” by Leon Louw and Frances Kendall. Apparently it was a best seller in South Africa, but again, nothing came of it.

  30. Mainstream news sources are slyly insinuating that the victim was murdered for allegedly not paying his farm workers. The catchy headline was something like “White Supremacist murdered” instead of “black supremacists murder white man”. As usual there’s objective facts mixed with disinformation in all the news stories but there’s enough to conclude that this was in all likelihood an assassination ordered by radical elements within the ANC. The AWB has promised retaliation and I hope they stay true to their word.

    Indeed, the declining fortunes of white South Africans should serve as a dire warning for white Americans. Rather than a “new” South Africa based on racial equality promised by Mandela and media hucksters most whites have been disenfranchised by government decree. Only whites with money and connections manage to keep their heads above water. Americans will find themselves in the same predicament in the not too distant future if Obama has his way.

  31. I’m not an authority on S. African history but the area was sparsely populated by warlike black tribes (Zulu & Xosa) when the Boers arrived. The Boers and other Europeans adroitly exploited the country’s natural resources to create the only prosperous, first world nation on the African continent. The rapidly expanding economy attracted blacks from all over sub-saharan Africa.

    Black migration coupled with their natural fecundity led to a black population explosion within South Africa. The minor race problem became a major one in the blink of an eye with blacks demanding “equality” and a greater share of everything even though they lived better than blacks in other African nations. Of course, there were a few chosen ones who began organizing the blacks, inflaming their passions and creating the legal framework for the ANC. Minor details.

    Will America’s struggle with Mexican illegal immigration and the associated population boom of mestizos within our borders turn out any different? Or, will whites go gently into the good night like their S.African kinsmen?

  32. Hunter,

    Whether Kemp is an informant or not, he is right about his one main point — don’t use colored labor. It seems like White in hot climates are addicted to colored labor. Up North, I’d work myself to death before I’d hire a colored. I spent today working in the dirt. I can’t even stand to look at black people.

  33. F. Roger Devlin,

    Thank you for comment #24. “Lowlands” was way out of line with his “Afrikaners are primitive” remark. True gentlemen defend those whom our rotten culture viciously attacks.


    Your work ethic is astounding. For those who don’t know, RF has been translating “Culture of Critique” into Russian. He has also translated a chapter from an important Russian book into English.

  34. Trainspotter, I see that you are familiar with Eric Thomson’s writings. He is a literal gold mine of racial, political and psychological insight. The guy is a real diamond-in-the-rough, and an astute a gadfly, and observer of human nature, as I have ever encountered. I have read and absorbed a lot of his wit and wisdom. His acerbic observations of the historical process are without peer, since Oliver and Pierce are now gone. It’s too bad that he refuses to get computerized, as he has a lot to offer WN thinking. Maybe someone will one day sift his prescient writings and come up with: The Best Of Eric Thomson.

  35. What is at the center of the rot? Christianity. Or shall I say Judaism-stripped-for-export?

    As long as we are indoctrinated to turn the other cheek and bow down to rabbinical rule, we will be exterminated.

  36. “Maybe someone will one day sift his prescient writings and come up with: The Best Of Eric Thomson.”

    Junghans, I couldn’t agree more. It also amazes me that he refuses to enter the computer age.

    His writings aren’t for everyone, sometimes me included. He often heads off on subjects that don’t strike me as relevant, and I’ve found myself not reading him much in recent years. But there is definitely some gold in them thar hills and, if anyone took the time to sift through it, there would definitely be some insightful finds. Hell, just the fact that he opened my eyes on the cheap labor question was well worth the price of admission. Prior to his doing that, I was still in the “guest workers might be o.k.” frame of mind. I suppose that was a holdover from my more libertarian days.

    In any event, I’ve found the “there is no such thing as cheap non-white labor” approach to be very effective in real world debate. It’s also something that even some white nationalists need to more fully appreciate, though I think we’ve won that argument pretty soundly.

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