CofCC: Under the Microscope

Bob Barr Addressing CofCC

OD now reaches around 30,000 unique visitors a month. Last month, Occidental Observer had 90,000 unique visitors and TOQ Online reached 18,000. At a minimum, Stormfront, Amren, and VDARE combined must be reaching over hundreds of thousands of unique visitors a month. The other pro-White sites in America reach tens of thousands of more unique visitors and cater to any number of diverse sub-cultures within the movement.

Here’s the rub: with such a huge online media presence, why are so few people involved in pro-White organizations? I’ve lost count of the number of people over the years who claim they want to do something. Most take a look at the existing organizations and find some objection that deters them from joining. The ubiquitous splinter groups in the White Nationalist movement and the social penalties that follow from membership aren’t exactly inspiring.

This troubling fact raises important questions. The long term plan here at OD has always been to spend a few years building up a huge online media presence and then create an activist wing down the road. With pro-White sites already reaching so many people, why aren’t more Americans coming out from behind their computer screens? What is the point of reaching more people with more media if the extent of their involvement is limited fighting with each other on internet blogs and forums?


In this post, I want to take a hard look at the Council of Conservative Citizens. I’ve known of the CofCC for seven or eight years now, but until recently I haven’t paid much attention to them. What are the strengths of this organization? What are the weaknesses? Where is the CofCC headed in the future? What are the objections to joining? What are the counterarguments?

This is a whole can of worms that hasn’t been explored here. I believe this is the first post in OD history (correct me if I am wrong) about the merits of a pro-White organization. It is a small mystery in itself why we have talked about Red Jeffrey and Guy White over a dozen times, but until now haven’t discussed the ways in which we can get involved in the real world to bring White Nationalism out of the fantasy realm and into reality.

Pros and Cons

1.) I would rather start my own organization.

One of the most demoralizing aspects of White Nationalism are the thousands of splinter groups that have one or two members, do absolutely nothing, and wither and die within a year. It gives new recruits the impression that the movement is hopelessly disorganized and will never get its act together.

This problem can be traced to the radical individualism that has always been prominent in American culture. Everyone wants to be the chief. No one wants to be the Indian. In the White Nationalist movement, this translates into hundreds of little micro-fuhrers each with their own small website that they call an organization. Several Facebook groups of this sort come to mind.

It is usually a better idea to join an established organization than to start a brand new one. Established organizations have the resources, networks, and knowledge that micro-fuhrers lack. If you join an existing organization, you can work within a community to make your own division or unit a success.

There isn’t as much pressure. You will be taken more seriously. It is easier to make a name for yourself and get things done.

This is probably the greatest strength of the CofCC. They have been around for twenty years now under that name. Their roots can be traced to the Citizens’ Councils of America which fought integration in the 1950s and 1960s. CofCC has a fifty year legacy of resistance to integration and multiculturalism.

In a manner of speaking, CofCC is the oldest bank in town. It is a safer place to invest your time and resources. Of the existing pro-White organizations, it is the largest and most stable.

2.) I haven’t joined a pro-White organization because they are full of cranks, kooks, losers, or sub-cultures that I would rather not associate with.

I’ve been involved in pro-White discussion groups for almost ten years now. This is the major reason why I stayed on the sidelines for so long. My impression of the movement was that it was full of individualists who cared more about parading around in white sheets or flaunting their swastikas than making a serious effort to preserve our racial and cultural heritage.

Now that I am meeting people in real life, I have discovered that the loudmouth types who I see all the time on the internet, who I mentally associated with White Nationalism, are usually keyboard commandos. I’ve been to a few pro-White events and the people I met there were ordinary, intelligent, and normal Americans.

As the old saying goes, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Similarly, you can’t judge the White Nationalist movement by the crazy people you see on internet forums.

CofCC has managed to ward off most of these types. They have done a better job of this than any other comparable pro-White organization. If you want to be around sane, normal, ordinary Americans who are concerned about their racial future, I can’t think of a better established organization.

3.) I haven’t joined a pro-White organization because I can’t afford the membership dues.

The cost of joining the CofCC is $25 a year. That is trivial. Anyone can afford that. It is equivalent of two cases of Bud Light or eating a steak dinner at a chain restaurant.

4.) I haven’t joined a pro-White organization because I want to protect my identity.

Use a pseudonym. If you join under your real name, the information is confidential and your privacy will be protected.

5.) I’m still not ready to join an organization.

Every White Nationalist should determine his or her own level of involvement. If you aren’t ready to join an organization like CofCC, there are still things you can do.

You can show up at events. You can donate. You can write articles for the newspaper or blog under a pseudonym. You can buy things like books and t-shirts. You can participate in online blogs and discussion forums. You can advertise and recommend pro-White organizations. You can invite people to the relevant Facebook groups.

6.) I’m a White Nationalist, not a faileoconservative. Why should I join the CofCC?

I’ve had this debate several times with Matt Parrott. I consider myself a White Nationalist. He calls himself a “conservative” and “White Advocate.” When you get beyond these labels, there isn’t much difference between our respective views. This is mostly an argument over semantics.

There are lots of White Nationalists involved with CofCC. At the 2010 CofCC Conference, Sam Dickson bluntly described himself as a racial nationalist in his speech. Everyone involved in CofCC is pro-White and anathema to mainstream conservative circles.

Personally, I want to create a Jew-free, White ethnostate in North America. That’s why I call myself a White Nationalist. Moving beyond that minimum, I flesh out the details:

– I want to see a White ethnostate created in the American South.

– I want Anglo-Celtic Southerners to be the ethnic core of the White ethnostate. In other words, I want the White ethnostate to be a Southern homeland.

– I want to restore the Confederate States of America as an independent nation.

– I want the South to be South again. I want to return to traditional, authentic Southern culture. This means doing away with the garbage that is pumped in here through print, radio, and television.

– I want a healthy Protestant Christianity to be the predominant religion of the South: old school, middle class, sensible and sturdy Christianity, not the Evangelical nuttiness that spread like kudzu here in the twentieth century.

– I want a federal national government and a constitutional republic. The states should have more of a say in their own affairs than they do now.

– I love Confederate monuments. I was raised to believe that Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis were heroes. There is no conflict between White Nationalism and wanting to conserve the history, heritage, and tradition that made the South great.

The moral of this story is that there are plenty of things about the South that I wish to conserve, namely, our race and culture. I’m simply of the belief that revolutionary action – a dissolution of the United States – is the indispensable prerequisite to any Southern racial and cultural revival.

7.) The CofCC isn’t strongly enough opposed to the Jews.

There is no shortage of Jew-awareness in the CofCC. Everyone involved knows about the problem and understands its significance. Get involved and you will see for yourself.

The Jews played a prominent role in destroying the Jim Crow South which the CCA fought so hard to preserve. That fact has hardly gone unnoticed. At the same time, most people in the CofCC are intelligent enough to recognize that they are all sorts of factors pushing American decline. The Jewish Question is only one aspect of a larger problem.

8.) The CofCC is hostile to Westerners and Northerners.

This is not the case. The CofCC has chapters in New York, Indiana, and California. They are based in the South, but are eager to expand into a national organization.

It would be great to take back the whole country. I’m all for it. If I had to choose between a Southern or American ethnostate, I would choose the latter. I don’t think it is practical or possible to take back all of America, but we should certainly try, and Northerners and Westerners should be actively building chapters in their own states.

9.) The CofCC is Christian. I am not a Christian. We should be attacking Christianity which is a Jewish religion.

There is no religious litmus test for membership. I think attacking Christianity – the religion of 85% of White Americans – is a complete non-starter. Instead of attacking Christianity, we should encourage Christians to return to their roots.

For 300 years, American Christians didn’t have a problem with “racism.” If Christians examined their own religion, they would find that mainstream churches didn’t embrace anti-racism until the twentieth century, and then on dubious theological grounds. The Southern Baptist Convention didn’t embrace anti-racism until the 1990s.

10.) CofCC is a bunch of old fogies. We need a brand new organization that caters to White Nationalist youth.

I’ve already explained why a new organization is a bad idea. In the podcast, I explained why the age ratio within CofCC favors younger members: simply put, there are plenty of opportunities to advance. Within twenty years, younger CofCC members will be leading the organization.

CofCC has evolved in the past. In 1988, it changed its name to Council of Conservative Citizens from the Citizens’ Councils of America. What could Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers with the CofCC? That day will inevitably come.

11.) I want to get involved in mainstream politics.

CofCC is the largest pro-White organization and the only established organization that has any influence in state politics. If you live in the South, CofCC is the logical organization to join.

Conclusion: It is better to join an established organization and make your mark than to launch a risky new start up with zero name recognition. Of the established organizations, CofCC is the largest, oldest, the most normal, the most tolerant and flexible, and offers the most opportunities for young people (in particular, Southerners) to advance. They already have connections to the political mainstream. See the image and caption.

OD reaches thousands of racialists in Virginia, Texas, and Florida. We have a lot of people in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina as well. Shouldn’t we join existing chapters or start new ones where they don’t exist? What is the purpose of pro-White media aside from promoting pro-White activism?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I pay my membership dues for the CofCC every year and I give $50.00 to Stormfront every 6 months or so. I even gave a couple hundred dollars to the KKK when Obama got elected. I would very much like to get involved with activism and join a National Socialist Movement or something similiar but I keep hearing how many of these White Nationalist organizations aren’t legitimate but fronts for the FBI and law enforcement. I didn’t say that because I’m looking for trouble either. I want to be part of something sincere and i don’t want my money going in some Jew’s pocket. There needs to be something or someone out there to certify these organizations as bona fide pro-White causes.

  2. @ Free America

    I have often had a similar concern. I try to periodically donate to the poor/hungry, but I would like to restrict my funds as much as possible to White families. I have had a hard time finding charities that I can feel confident that most of my money will go to Whites.

    The more I dig into the leadership of charities the more Jews I find. I worked with a lot of charities at a previous job and found that they were almost all staffed by Jewish lawyers. Really they were nothing more than a moneymaking venture (and an opportunity for them to go on lots of conferences to places like Vail and Hawaii). It is also obvious that most of the food banks in my area focus efforts on minorities.

    I wish there was a directory of White charities, although I am almost certain that White specific charities have been made illegal. Of course donating to certain churches might be a good way of going about it, but I am not a churchgoing person so not sure about that.

    Anybody have any experience with White charities (if there is such a thing)? Maybe I should take it to the forum and ask there.

  3. I attended several meetings of the Chicago chapter of the CofCC/Amren. It seemed almost perfectly pointless. It was headed by a Jewish individual who seemed to feel Philosemitism was the most important thing. They do nothing, are about nothing and serve no purpose that I can see. And they seem to be proud of their pointlessness!

    Perhaps I am expecting too much of local organizations here in occupied Chicago?

    I have to say that I would be delighted to be an Indian, after several years in activism I can second what Hunter says that starting your own organization is extremely difficult.

    Anywho, my efforts to reach out to fellow race activists here in Chicago have been deeply disappointing thus far.

  4. Very good article.

    I agree with most of the positive things written here about CofCC.

    But one thing I still have “issues” with is the “Conservative STYLE” of the organization.

    They’re older, respectable “Conservative” – older men in suits.

    Since you say there is a strong “youth” element to CofCC why don’t see Youth culture – Youth music, youth videos, sexy (but not slutty) White gals, and wild rebellious White young men.

    The CofCC puts out the idea that they want to make things….

    Like the used to be – in the Good Ol Days.

    Those of us who never even lived in the Good Ol Days of the 1950s when Blacks were supposedly nice, respectful “Colored folk” – we never knew such a world, and m’thinks this world was largely an act – Blacks were brutal in Kenya, East St. Louis, Haiti forever.

    I would like to make this 1950s Nostalgia….

    A thing of the past!

    Let’s live, work and fight in the here and now and work for real victories now and….

    a future for White children.

    “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

  5. The South Carolina CofCC has done more in the state of SC alone than any other “pro-white” group has done in the entire nation during the same time period. We have a history of having huge rallies, including one with 1,000 people in 2006. We have a member who is a county supervisor. We have several GOP state delegates who are members. We have former state legislators. I’ve personally been a guest on two of the largest talk radio show in SC where the host was agreeing with me and allowing me to promote the CofCC without opposition.

    I’ve also been quoted in numerous newspaper articles on immigration, where I am simply treated as “the other side.”

    During our anti-amnesty fight of 2006-2007, we even had a black reporter for a major SC daily write a an article supporting us and put an opt-ed piece from the CofCC in the editorial section.

    We pass out our literature freely in places were groups like the NA have been thrown out.

    After we had 1,000 people at an anti-Lindsey Graham/anti-Amnesty rally, which by the way helped spark the entire TEA Party movement in this state, like clockwork the hollywood uniformed fetishists descended on SC to try to ruin everything.

    A group called the “National Socialist Movement” held a “skinhead concert” in the state to get people to come to their “anti-amnesty” rally. Their rally was led by a convicted arsonist and a self-proclaimed “warlock” who says he can cast “spells on people” and follows the teachings of the notorious homosexual activist Alastair Crowley.

    The media which CENSORED the CofCC rally. We actually had 125 people protest in front of the Greenville NBC station just to get our rally covered on the news. They filmed it, but when they say how many people we had, they nixed the footage and lied saying we had “dozens.” We actually forced the media to show their footage of our rally. We were so effective that the media was HIDING news about us.

    But when the uniformed fetishists rallied it was covered for two days on every affiliate and newspaper in the state. They all screamed, “see, see, this is who doesn’t want amnesty, lunatics who wear hollywood neo-nazi costumes.”

    The interviews with the nazi on tv made any normal person wince. The only people who showed up to the nazi rally were an army of police and protesters.

    Guess what. About a third of the protestors were right-wingers, even some white nationalists. Some of the same people who came to a CofCC co-sponsored speech by Jared Taylor at Clemson University informed me that they had protested the nazi goobers. They drove 2+ hours to support Jared Taylor, but protested the arsonist and the warlock. They were furious that these hollywood directed freaks were trying to destroy all the inroads we have made in SC.

  6. Kyle Rogers

    But when the uniformed fetishists rallied it was covered for two days on every affiliate and newspaper in the state.

    This is the kind of thing that needs to be directly confronted, up to and including naming the Jews that run the local station and do this sort of disinformation.

    Make them famous in the state, get their names and publicize them.

  7. I hope I’m not counted among the lunatics who need to be kept out.

    Jacob C: I save up the things I want to donate until I go to visit relatives in a White area, and give the stuff to a local charity there. If they’re going to give it to Darks, they’ll have to pay for shipping.

    Jack Ryan: Wild, rebellious young White men ought be drawn to motorcycles. Perhaps WN who ride could form the core of a CCoC offshoot. A caution: no Harley fetishes, no slagging those who ride rice rockets.

  8. Kyle,

    You should write something for us about your experience with the CofCC in South Carolina. We have lots of readers in your state and quite a few commentators.

  9. Things have to get worse before they get better. Much worse. Do not worry; they will. Then real leaders (not intellectuals like the well-meaning JT) will rise to the surface and unite all hardrights into a mass, militant organization that will take down the ZOG. Don’t know if a white ethnostate will be part of the ultimate outcome. We’ll see what the body-count is when the dust settles, then decide.

  10. The CofCC is a conservative, Christian, and (implicitly at least) Southern organization. Obviously it is not going to have much appeal to Northerners, secularists, or people of a more liberal or independent political orientation – i.e., probably something like 85% of American whites.

    It also doesn’t seem like they do much. What do they do? Hold rallies now and then? Promote a mixture of mainstream conservatism and watered-down racialism?

    It’s hard to see much potential in this organization, frankly.

    I think separating the promulgation of ideas from “real world” activities makes sense at this stage. If you want to promote white nationalist ideas, promote white nationalist ideas and not paleoconservatism. Have an explicitly racialist organization for that. But if you want to “get things done”, better to join a non-racialist group that has interests that intersect with ours, like an anti-immigration group or an anti-Zionist org. These organizations can accomplish things much more effectively without the stigma of “racism” attached to them.

  11. It doesn’t make any difference that the CCofC is Christian, Southern, or conservative, nor does it matter that the CCofC has a limited appeal to a minority of Whites.

    What is important is that is already exists, it already has room for explicit White identity, and it’s a known and respected brand. That’s already far more than anyone else has. The post about the SC branch is good news, local politics are far more important and effective than worrying about which actor reads the teleprompter on TV.

  12. The CofCC is a conservative, Christian, and (implicitly at least) Southern organization.

    In other words, the CofCC can and does appeal to mainstream conservatives in the South whereas the National Alliance never attracted a strong following in the region. The South is the most likely locale of resistance to the status quo.

    Obviously it is not going to have much appeal to Northerners, secularists, or people of a more liberal or independent political orientation – i.e., probably something like 85% of American whites.

    The CofCC is a national organization. They have chapters in several Northern and Western states. White Nationalists are never going to attract partisan liberal Democrats in any significant numbers. There are lots of atheists and secularists within the WN movement who support CofCC.

    It is a myth that CofCC is repulsive to independents. Kyle already mentioned above how the South Carolina chapter helped launch the Tea Party movement in the Palmetto state and how involved they are in the anti-amnesty movement there.

    It also doesn’t seem like they do much. What do they do? Hold rallies now and then? Promote a mixture of mainstream conservatism and watered-down racialism?

    They hold rallies and protests. They get involved in mainstream politics. They try to influence the system where they can.

    What’s more important is what the CofCC ISN’T doing: they are focused on the United States, not Europe; they don’t parade around in costumes; they don’t spend half their time attacking other pro-White organizations; they don’t advocate the destruction of Christianity; they aren’t involved in violence or drug dealing like some of the more shady groups that come to mind.

    As for watered down racialism, Sam Dickson, Tom Sunic, James Edwards, and Jared Taylor spoke there. Paul Fromm was there. Don Black was there. I was there. The only reason people accuse the CofCC of “watered down” racialism is because they don’t know the people who are involved with the group.

    It’s hard to see much potential in this organization, frankly.

    I will ask again: seriously, what is the alternative to CofCC?

    I think separating the promulgation of ideas from “real world” activities makes sense at this stage. If you want to promote white nationalist ideas, promote white nationalist ideas and not paleoconservatism.Have an explicitly racialist organization for that.

    Read the About page of this website.

    But if you want to “get things done”, better to join a non-racialist group that has interests that intersect with ours, like an anti-immigration group or an anti-Zionist org. These organizations can accomplish things much more effectively without the stigma of “racism” attached to them.

    Why would anyone support Rand Paul, but not the CofCC? That makes no sense.

  13. and it’s a known and respected brand.

    Uh, no, actually I don’t think it’s either of those things.

  14. 1.) CofCC has been around since the mid-1950s. It is known within the movement. The SPLC attacks them all the time.

    2.) CofCC has more mainstream cache than any other racialist organization.

    3.) Those who criticize the CofCC should create a superior alternative. It ultimately doesn’t matter which organization we join so long as the work gets done.

    4.) In my experience, 90% of the time the criticism amounts to excuses not to do something. Why bother to start a grassroots political organization when “the collapse” (aka the WN Rapture) will take care of all the hard work of changing our miserable circumstances?

  15. “Uh, no, actually I don’t think it’s either of those things.”

    It absolutely is to political types, and “conservative” in general is still the self-identity of at least half of White people, and virtually all racially conscious Whites aside from the tiny fringe (like myself, I’m not in any way a conservative.)

    CCofC is hated by non-Whites, but so is the GOP.

    As HW said above, joining CCC is like voting for Rand Paul. It’s basically the least you can do. I support A3P and will probably support CCC now that I’ve read these few articles. I had assumed they were dead and had no idea they had chapters outside of the South until now.

    Don’t reinvent the wheel. There is existing infrastructure all over the place that is just waiting for a new generation of leadership.

  16. Let me just note for the record that I am not attacking the CofCC per se, just the Chicago branch. I obviously was attracted to check the group out from the website but found the reality uninspiring to say the least.

  17. “the collapse” (aka the WN Rapture)


    It ultimately doesn’t matter which organization we join so long as the work gets done.


    Slightly off topic but not really, we do need a “religion” of some kind. My proposal is a pro-White version of the UUs. It’s a modern form of freethought/desim with a Christian/Western tradition, virtually all White but all self-hating Whites, to an extreme, almost comical degree.

    Religion has so much legal and social protection, explicitly guaranteed in the first amendment, that it’s a great loss to not have a national pro-White religious organization.

  18. The South is the most likely locale of resistance to the status quo.

    Unlikely. The status-quo is Jewish domination of our institutions and the South is intensely philo-Semitic.

    The CofCC is a national organization. They have chapters in several Northern and Western states.

    Technically it’s a national organization. Realistically it’s a very Southern organization.

    They hold rallies and protests.

    Rallies and protests are worthless unless you are getting serious numbers of people (say, 10k+) organized under an overtly racialist cause (i.e. not merely “conservatism”).

    They get involved in mainstream politics. They try to influence the system where they can.

    But what have they done? Who are they influencing? It seems like this organization offers the illusion of accomplishing something when in reality it does nothing.

    they don’t advocate the destruction of Christianity

    They actively promote Christianity, which is problematic. Christianity repels the intelligent sort of people that we want to attract.

    I will ask again: seriously, what is the alternative to CofCC?

    Everyone realizes that most WN orgs are worthless. The problem is that CofCC is just another one of those orgs.

    There are organizations like TOO and TOQ that are involved in creating high-quality white nationalist media. And there are many non-racialist organizations that are actively involved in fighting immigration (these mainly conservative) and fighting Jewish power (these mainly liberal). Those are much better ways to get involved in the fight than supporting CofCC.

    CofCC is not white nationalist, has a very limited appeal, has little potential for appealing either to a mass audience or to an elite, does not produce quality media, and does not get anything done in the real world. What is so good about it?

  19. The Man,

    Come to our June workshop. Indianapolis isn’t that far away. While doing it monthly would probably be a hardship, I believe it would be worth the drive. You’re not under any obligation to join the chapter nearest you or in the state you’re actually located in.

  20. Reader: I don’t think it so radical a notion that a national organization would take on a different shade in different parts of the country. It’s called the Council of Conservative Citizens, not the Good Ol’ Boys in Suits. Unless the national organization tries to enforce some kind of Southern orthodoxy, a CCoC branch in Colorado will likely have a different take on cultural issues than a branch in Alabama. I suppose that the current leadership might be leery of Neo-Nazis or closet Reds forming a chapter and discrediting the entire organization, and would therefore try to place some limits on local chapters, but that’s going to be an issue in any organization. Maintaining a balance between freedom and order is part of the life of any community, and no reason to stay away.

  21. Personally, I want to create a Jew-free, White ethnostate in North America. That’s why I call myself a White Nationalist. Moving beyond that minimum, I flesh out the details:

    – I want to see a White ethnostate created in the American South.

    – I want Anglo-Celtic Southerners to be the ethnic core of the White ethnostate. In other words, I want the White ethnostate to be a Southern homeland.

    – I want to restore the Confederate States of America as an independent nation.

    – I want the South to be South again. I want to return to traditional, authentic Southern culture. This means doing away with the garbage that is pumped in here through print, radio, and television.

    – I want a healthy Protestant Christianity to be the predominant religion of the South: old school, middle class, sensible and sturdy Christianity, not the Evangelical nuttiness that spread like kudzu here in the twentieth century.

    – I want a federal national government and a constitutional republic. The states should have more of a say in their own affairs than they do now.

    – I love Confederate monuments. I was raised to believe that Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis were heroes. There is no conflict between White Nationalism and wanting to conserve the history, heritage, and tradition that made the South great.

    You’re not really what I’d call a WN. I don’t think someone whose focus is entirely on the South is really a “white nationalist”. You’re basically a Southern nationalist, or neo-confederate, or whatever. Which is fine, but it’s not white nationalism. I mean, what is there in the above list that a white person not living in the South would want to support?!?

  22. Maybe “Southern Traditionalist” would be a better term for you and CofCC. Definitely not white nationalist.

  23. Thank you, Hunter, for bringing some much deserved attention to the Council of Conservative Citizens.

    I’ve been a member of the C of CC for many years now. Gordon Baum really does an outstanding job attempting to defend white interests whenever possible. Kyle has been faithfully manning and editing the website as far back as I can remember with articles that we wouldn’t even know about otherwise. Both deserve a standing ovation for their hard work and relentless commitment to our people!!!

  24. You’re not really what I’d call a WN. I don’t think someone whose focus is entirely on the South is really a “white nationalist”.

    Genus: White Nationalism
    Species: Southern ethnonationalism.

    Logically, I am focused on the South because: I am an ethnic Southerner; my entire family lives here; I have lived here my whole life; I have never lived outside of the South; the South is all I know.

    This is like saying British Nationalists are not White Nationalists because they are focused on racial and cultural preservation in Britain instead Poland or Romania.

    You’re basically a Southern nationalist, or neo-confederate, or whatever.

    I would like to create the White ethnostate here. I think we have a better shot of achieving this goal in the South than in other regions. I support the Northwest, Alaska, and Vermont independence movements. If Indiana bolted the Union, I would support them and consider relocating there.

    Which is fine, but it’s not white nationalism. I mean, what is there in the above list that a white person not living in the South would want to support?!?

    Why should Northerners oppose Southerners who want to create a White ethnostate in the South? I don’t oppose the Northerners who want to create “Cascadia” or whatever in the Northwest.

  25. Maybe “Southern Traditionalist” would be a better term for you and CofCC. Definitely not white nationalist.

    A White Nationalist is a White person who wants to create a Jew-free, White ethnostate. Thus, a French Nationalist who wants to create a racially exclusive, Jew-free France as a homeland for the French people is a White Nationalist.

    The most destructive myth that is spread around about White Nationalists is that we want to destroy European ethnicities and cultures and mix them into a cosmopolitan racial polygot. I don’t know of anyone aside from the Pan Aryan types who promote this.

  26. But what have they done? Who are they influencing? It seems like this organization offers the illusion of accomplishing something when in reality it does nothing.

    They have successfully infiltrated the Tea Party movement.

    They have successfully inserted themselves into the political mainstream.

    They have influenced a number of state delegates and representatives.

    They have successfully held massive rallies and protests.

    They have successfully broken into the local news media in the various states.

    Sure. I will grant the CofCC hardly controls, say, the Alabama state legislature, but whose fault is that? Is it their fault for actually trying to do this?

    If anyone is to blame, it is the hundreds of thousands of racialists who browse popular internet blogs and forums, but refuse to get involved in any organization whatsoever because no group conforms to every detail of their of their own little ideology.

    They actively promote Christianity, which is problematic. Christianity repels the intelligent sort of people that we want to attract.

    Who are the intelligent people that are repelled? Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Tomislav Sunic, James Edwards … the most gifted people in the movement, several of whom are hardly Christians, are friendly with the CofCC and speak there regularly.

    The problem is this crazy idea that we can build a national mass movement out of the 2% of atheists and agnostics who are pro-White and by attacking the 85% of Americans who claim to be Christians. What kind of political strategy is that? And people wonder why WN never goes anywhere!

    Everyone realizes that most WN orgs are worthless.

    I can’t think of a dynamic WN organization. There is a reason for that though. For every 100 people who posts on this blogs and forums, 1 will actually consider doing something in the real world.

    The problem is that CofCC is just another one of those orgs.

    What is your solution to this problem? Where is the superior WN organization that you are creating?

    Unlikely. The status-quo is Jewish domination of our institutions and the South is intensely philo-Semitic.

    This is a myth. Ordinary people in the South don’t think about the Jews on a daily basis. They are considered just a bunch of rich people who live in other parts of the country and were persecuted in Europe.

    Technically it’s a national organization. Realistically it’s a very Southern organization.

    Why is that a problem?

    Rallies and protests are worthless unless you are getting serious numbers of people (say, 10k+) organized under an overtly racialist cause (i.e. not merely “conservatism”).

    Why don’t you organize a WN rally that can draw 10,000 people to denounce Christianity?

    There are organizations like TOO and TOQ that are involved in creating high-quality white nationalist media.

    I personally run OD and TOQ. I work with Kevin MacDonald at TOO. He is involved with the A3P in California. What is the point though of creating these websites though if all people are going to do is argue with each other on the internet?

    And there are many non-racialist organizations that are actively involved in fighting immigration (these mainly conservative) and fighting Jewish power (these mainly liberal). Those are much better ways to get involved in the fight than supporting CofCC.

    So, your criticism is that the CofCC is insufficiently WN, and your prescription is to support people who are openly hostile to WN? What do we get out of this?

    CofCC is not white nationalist, has a very limited appeal, has little potential for appealing either to a mass audience or to an elite, does not produce quality media, and does not get anything done in the real world. What is so good about it?

    The conclusion is obvious: WNs should support anti-racist, multiculturalist leftists, attack Christianity which is the religion of 85% of Americans, build a mass movement out of 2% of atheists who are pro-White, and create still more websites that inspire no one to do anything in the real world, but provide useful venues for people who like to complain why the movement has stalled!

  27. One resource of CofCC articles that ran in their foundation’s publication, “The Occasional Papers,” can be found at I found “Karl Marx’s American Triumph” to be especially interesting. I mention this because for some reason the national CofCC webpage no longer has a link to the Arkansas chapter.

  28. Why should Northerners oppose Southerners who want to create a White ethnostate in the South?

    And you plan to do what with the black population, boot them all into the north, as I believe you’ve stated previously? That’s a major reason to oppose your plan right there.

    In general, I oppose the idea of dividing the United States into a gazillion microstates for a variety of reasons, the main reason being that it would almost certainly lead to the decline of the US (and thus, the white race as a whole) as the world’s major military power, which would obviously have disastrous consequences for whites. The people who think the US should be divided up in this way have not thought this through.

    A White Nationalist is a White person who wants to create a Jew-free, White ethnostate.

    Whoa there, I don’t buy that definition. Wanting to create a white ethnostate with only a limited subset of whites does not make you a white nationalist. You wanting the South to secede while saying fuck you to northern whites is not white nationalism

    “White” nationalism implies whites working together as a group, hence the term “white” in the title. This essentially means “Pan-Aryanism”. “Pan-Aryanism” has been the dominant current within white nationalism probably since Lothrop Stoddard in the 1920s – really, since there has been white nationalism at all.

    Supporting white nationalism does not mean that other divisions between various groups of whites cease to exist, or that all whites become homogenized (this would be difficult to achieve even if it were desired). It does, however, imply that you see the white race (specifically, white Americans) as a nation to some extent. If you don’t see whites as constituting a nation, then it does not really make much sense to call yourself a “white nationalist”, does it? So I disagree that the philosophy you espouse can be called white nationalism, or even a subset of it.

  29. You have still failed to point out a single achievement of CofCC, despite its 50+ years of existence. Although, I guess being able to competently put a conference together does put them ahead of American Renaissance.

  30. And you plan to do what with the black population, boot them all into the north, as I believe you’ve stated previously? That’s a major reason to oppose your plan right there.

    The plan is to pass laws that will make them so uncomfortable that they will self deport. Arizona is already doing this with Mexicans. It is creating a domino effect in neighboring states who will be forced to pass their own version of Arizona’s law.

    That’s a good thing. It will translate into fewer Mexicans in the Southwest. It forces the hand of other states who have sanctuary cities (California) and pathetic laws that cater to illegal aliens (Utah).

    If lots of noxious blacks pour into the Northern states, the ripple effect will spread there, and it could provide the necessary catalyst to get White Nationalism off the ground in the most liberal areas of the country.

    In general, I oppose the idea of dividing the United States into a gazillion microstates for a variety of reasons, the main reason being that it would almost certainly lead to the decline of the US (and thus, the white race as a whole) as the world’s major military power, which would obviously have disastrous consequences for whites.

    I can’t imagine why any White Nationalist would want their state – whether it be Alabama, Idaho, Arizona, or Massachusetts – to remain under the foot of this disgusting, anti-White despotism presided over by Barack Hussein Obama.

    I support secession everywhere, not only in the South, but anywhere it could get off the ground and secure a homeland for Whites who would like to relocate there.

    The people who think the US should be divided up in this way have not thought this through.

    If the South was an independent country, the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1968 would never have passed. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have died an obscure figure. Integration would never have happened. The anti-miscegenation laws would be enforced in every Southern state. Every public school would be segregated. Mexicans wouldn’t be flooding across our border.

    How haven’t we thought this through?

    Whoa there, I don’t buy that definition. Wanting to create a white ethnostate with only a limited subset of whites does not make you a white nationalist.

    Then you are defining a White Nationalist as someone who wants to destroy all ethnic identities and create a racially based superstate that includes all White people on Earth.

    You wanting the South to secede while saying fuck you to northern whites is not white nationalism

    I would be delighted if they seceded too and created their own racially healthy societies. There are certainly a number of the Western states where this might be possible.

    “White” nationalism implies whites working together as a group, hence the term “white” in the title.

    How are we not working together as a group? What you are essentially saying here is that France, Britain, and Ireland must be governed from Brussels or Washington … and Mississippi, too.

    This essentially means “Pan-Aryanism”. “Pan-Aryanism” has been the dominant current within white nationalism probably since Lothrop Stoddard in the 1920s – really, since there has been white nationalism at all.

    I’m a “Pan-Aryan” only in the sense that I support the efforts of White Nationalists around the world to restore their own nations to pristine racial and cultural health. I don’t want to merge America with Canada, or Sweden with Italy, or Russia with Argentina.

    Supporting white nationalism does not mean that other divisions between various groups of whites cease to exist, or that all whites become homogenized (this would be difficult to achieve even if it were desired).

    That is exactly what you are saying here.

    It does, however, imply that you see the white race (specifically, white Americans) as a nation to some extent.

    How so?

    If you don’t see whites as constituting a nation, then it does not really make much sense to call yourself a “white nationalist”, does it? So I disagree that the philosophy you espouse can be called white nationalism, or even a subset of it.

    Traditionally, “whiteness” has been a marker of American ethnicity, especially Southern ethnicity, along with other markers like the English language, Protestant Christianity, and republicanism.

    There was never a “White” nation. That’s ridiculous. There were, however, Americans and Southerners who defined themselves, who distinguished themselves from non-Americans and non-Southerners, by drawing racial boundries.

    What you are advocating here sounds more like Communism than White Nationalism: dissolve all ethnicities, dissolve all cultures, dissolve all borders, and proclaim loyalty to some ahistorical White Imperium that includes all White people everywhere in the world.

  31. Ignore the naysayers and trolls.

    There are all sorts of nit-picking reasons why CCofC is not pro-White enough, not radical enough, too radical, not logically correct “White Nationalism” etc.

    We could spend years engaging in Talmudic hair-splitting or arguing over how many White Nationalist Angel can dance on the head of a pin. Who cares?

    “So I disagree that the philosophy you espouse can be called …”

    Blah blah blah.

    Instead of complaining about what an organization has done in the past, it’s often helpful to focus on what an organization can do in the present and in the future.

  32. You have still failed to point out a single achievement of CofCC, despite its 50+ years of existence. Although, I guess being able to competently put a conference together does put them ahead of American Renaissance.

    Let’s compare notes.

    Describe to us the superior WN organization that you have created, the rallies you have held which attracted tens of thousands of supporters, the state legislators you know, the newspapers, radio stations, and television stations that you have done interviews with, as well as the 50 years in which you have consistently opposed the status quo.

    Show us the superior organization you have created and we will support your efforts instead of that of CofCC.

  33. Reader,

    And you plan to do what with the black population, boot them all into the north, as I believe you’ve stated previously?

    You wanting the South to secede while saying fuck you to northern whites is not white nationalism

    Where has HW said any of this?

    In general, I oppose the idea of dividing the United States into a gazillion microstates for a variety of reasons

    And who is suggesting this?

    …the main reason being that it would almost certainly lead to the decline of the US (and thus, the white race as a whole) as the world’s major military power, which would obviously have disastrous consequences for whites.

    I’ve got news for you, the U.S. is already in decline.

  34. I agree that CofCC can be a useful platform. As far as it being to “tame”, it is important to understand that the masses will have to be radicalized slowly. There’s a learning curve involved. You don’t feed your child steak right after you wean it off the breast, right?

    I also agree that there’s a little bit too much nay-saying going on.

  35. “The Jewish Question is only one aspect of a larger problem.”

    The only problem more pressing than the Jewish Problem (it’s not a question, it’s a problem) is White apathy. The CoCC doesn’t even build awareness about Hebrew media control, I just checked the site and couldn’t find a word about it.

    Anyone who thinks Blacks or Mexicans are a bigger problem than Jews, or an equal problem to Jews, is delusional and needs their head examined. Black crime and illegal immigration are due in large part to Jewish influence – they are symptoms of the disease.

    As for the southern focus of the group and your desire to re-create the CSA I can’t help but find it ridiculous. Sorry.

    Ah… why can’t there be a new National Alliance – a group dedicated to creating a Cosmotheist Theocracy that basically deifies Dr. William Pierce? He had answers and told the whole truth, unlike the CoCC.

  36. Matt: Thanks for the invite I will try like hell to attend!

    Reader: what’s with the antagonism? I don’t recall Hunter ever suggesting that Northern Whites “F off” or however you put it. His focus is on the South, I get that, why is that a problem for you?

    I am more Northernly focused for the exact same reasons he states. I am from a Northern State, though I’ve traveled and worked all over the country the Midwest is home for me and my Wife, and when I think about a White Ethnostate I think of Northern/Midwestern Whites.

    I just don’t get where the anger and antagonism is coming from?

  37. mediapatriot

    The only problem more pressing than the Jewish Problem (it’s not a question, it’s a problem) is White apathy. The CoCC doesn’t even build awareness about Hebrew media control, I just checked the site and couldn’t find a word about it.

    Anyone who thinks Blacks or Mexicans are a bigger problem than Jews, or an equal problem to Jews, is delusional and needs their head examined. Black crime and illegal immigration are due in large part to Jewish influence – they are symptoms of the disease.


    As for the southern focus of the group and your desire to re-create the CSA I can’t help but find it ridiculous. Sorry.

    Ah… why can’t there be a new National Alliance – a group dedicated to creating a Cosmotheist Theocracy that basically deifies Dr. William Pierce? He had answers and told the whole truth, unlike the CoCC.

    Disagree. “Cosmotheist Theocracy” made me lol. A3P and CofCC are more practical solutions. “Cosmotheist Theocracy” sounds like a fun conversation though.

    They will never ban the Confederate flag like they did the NS flag to the Germans. Even the Japanese got to keep their flag. This is not open for debate. You keep your “Cosmotheist Theocracy” and we’ll keep our Stars and Bars.

  38. It comes from the popular idea that if you are pro-Southern, support secession, and advocate Southern independence, then you are hostile to Northerners. I have never seen anyone who supports Southern secession make the argument that Northwest secession is offensive to Southerners.

    I favor the creation of a White ethnostate. I would prefer to create one in the South. I think it would be easier to do here, but I support all secessionist movements, whether in the South or otherwise. I completely reject the idea that we need to abandon local traditions, regional identities, and ethnic pride in order to assimilate into some vague futuristic Whitemanistan.

    Whitemanistan is not a nation. America was a nation. Texas was a nation. The Confederacy became a nation after the War Between the States. The Northern states have their own unique traditions and way of life. Look at what Matt has written about Indiana.

    If the South seceded from the Union, I would expect a lot of the other Red States in the West to go out with it. Montana, Idaho, and Utah are very conservative. All the independent WN controlled states should reconfederate outside the Union.

  39. Instead of arguing with us, Northerners could better spend their time trying to recapture control of their own states. A little healthy competition toward the finish line could be a good thing.

  40. Decades ago, I had a lady friend who was an active member of the Sierra Club in Southern California. In Los Angeles County, they had 40,000 members, and literally a hundred or more hikes or backpacks or camping trips every week. The biggest environmental group in the country was, in practice, a White and Jewish social club. Within the Los Angeles chapter there were dozens of subgroups, each sponsoring its own activities, which were open to all members and anyone else who wandered by.
    What does the CCoC actually do? I don’t know, but I saw that the strength of the environmental lobby rested in large part on having a large number of dues-paying members to support the lawyers and lobbyists. And the reason they had so many paying members was that they put on outdoor activities that were both educational and sociable.
    So what is that to us? There is a current post here about WN adopting abandoned libraries and forming de facto White clubs. Could the CCoC help there, coming up with a template for organizing such clubs, er, private libraries? There are local chapters of the CCoC in the South and elsewhere, what can they do, socially speaking?
    Some here might scorn the purely social aspects of the CCoC, but I think they’re vital. Why are most of us here, reading and posting anonymously? Because there’s nobody at work that we can sit down with and talk honestly about things that matter. Just today I had a veiled conversation with a teacher neighbor about Mexicans and Blacks and the damage they do. He wasn’t about to spill his guts, and I didn’t press the matter because he can’t afford to say what he thinks, but he knew the truth. Those are the people we need to reach, and there are tens of millions of them. We won’t win by organizing massive rallies, but through dozens of personal conversations, dialogues, not speeches. Most White people have had the same negative experiences that we’ve had, and will tell us all about it if they feel at ease. They won’t all become WN, but they will at least have their morale lifted and their spines straightened a bit.

  41. “What does the CCoC actually do”

    What does the Sierra Club actually do, aside from take millions from a Jew to promote anti-White immigration?

    “40,000 members, and literally a hundred or more hikes or backpacks or camping trips every week. The biggest environmental group in the country was, in practice, a White and Jewish social club.”

    So what does the Sierra Club do again, aside from hiking trips with Jews? And you are complaining about what precisely?

  42. VVD: The issue has been raised, What does the CCoC do, what success have they had? I am unfamiliar with the group, save what I’ve read here. One poster wrote that the Chicago chapter in particular didn’t do anything. I mention the Sierra Club as a model of an effective political group that is based on sociability. I think perhaps the CCoC could learn from them. The Club’s views are irrelevant to that point.

  43. The social events idea is a good one.

    I think the model of informal groups holding regular social events is the best. This is the model used by North East White Pride in New England, and a similar group which recently disbanded called East Coast White Unity. They ran a forum, once a month had a meetup in a park or house of a member (cuts down significantly on costs), periodically would organize public rallies, would attend in groups at events ranging from Cancer Walks to Tea Parties to David Irving presentations. That said, if one is looking to organize a local group under the umbrella of a national membership organization, the CofCC seems to be the game in town for the reasons mentioned by other posters.

  44. I am not trying to be a mico-fuhrer (LOL!) or trying to be contentious, but this one point really bugs me:

    “4.) I haven’t joined a pro-White organization because I want to protect my identity.

    Use a pseudonym. If you join under your real name, the information is confidential and your privacy will be protected.”

    USE YOUR REAL NAME. Why in God’s name would you want to protect your identity? We are right, we are honest, we have the moral high-ground in wanting to SAVE THE WORLD! This might be the movements ENTIRE problem! We are living in a moral dark age — and holding the only torch of truth and freedom. Genocide of the people everyone admires and either emulates or directly wants to live with is not moral. Genocide of the only people on Earth to value truth enough to invent science, and to invent freedom and justice based on objective truth, is NOT MORAL!

    The White race is the hope of the future of all life. USE YOUR REAL NAME. Don’t let them intimidate you.

    I was arrested at a protest for illegal immigration a little over a week ago because I was standing in the wrong spot (read: they did not like me being there…). I was the only adult there with a sign (I had my 2 sons with me). If there had been more people, they would not have been able to treat me so poorly. The arrest ws completely unnecessary and suprising. I was a lone, easy target. We need a larger presence and many more people who stand up with absolute moral indignation like I did. We do not need keyboard warriors under psudonyms.

    Read my book if you think we are not the faction standing up for morality and what is right. We ARE. Free PDF:

    Other than that one point, this is a GREAT article!!!!! Absolutely loved it.

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