Do Black People Support Obama Because He Is Black?



“Surviving slavery, segregation and discrimination has forged a special pride in African-Americans. Now some are saying this hard-earned pride has become prejudice in the form of blind loyalty to President Barack Obama.

Are black people supporting Obama mainly because he’s black? If race is just one factor in blacks’ support of Obama, does that make them racist? Can blacks’ support for Obama be compared with white voters who may favor his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, because he’s white?

These questions have long animated conservatives who are frustrated by claims that white people who oppose Obama’s policies are racist. This week, when a black actress who tweeted an endorsement of Romney was subjected to a stream of abuse from other African-Americans, the politics of racial accusation came full circle once again.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why are they using a “Cavuto Mark”?

    Of course blacks vote black because he’s black. But, they also vote Dem because the Dems give them free stuff.

    Why can’t they just STATE the fckn obvious, instead of the passive aggressive question?

  2. The Democratic plantation managers and their well-trained field hands can bear no one leaving the fields, it sends the wrong kind of message, you see.

  3. Translated into English:

    “Myths about slavery, half truths about segregation and alleged discrimination have forged an unwarranted pride in African-Americans. Now it is obvious that this has become racial hatred of whites in the form of blind loyalty to President Barack Obama.”

    Does anyone else want to decode the AP into understandable reality based American English.

  4. “Blacks are supporting Obama mainly because he’s black! If race is just one factor in blacks’ support of Obama, that make them racist, duh. Black support for Obama can be compared with white voters who may favor his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, because he’s white. But most out and out racists really don’t care for Romney truth be told.”

  5. These questions have long bewildered conservatives who are confused by claims that white people who oppose Obama’s policies are racist. No really most msinstream Republicans are pro-black. This week, when the black chick from clueless who tweeted an endorsement of Romney was subjected to a stream of abuse from other Blacks, the insane politics of insane racist blacks came full circle once again and destroyed a rational black person, to encourage the others.

  6. I’m not saying that there aren’t any black voters who survived slavery not voting in this coming election. I’m sure that there’ll be several voting. But I’m damned sure none of them are actually eligible to vote since they’re dead and all.

  7. I found this to be very well done upon first viewing. I now think it is inspired. This is how you speak to the soul.

    I agree Porter, I love it and post it around as much as possible.

  8. Liberals tie themselves in knots trying to not notice/explain away the racism of their negro pets. The bizarre combination of disingenousness and condescension in the quoted article is all too typically reveals the manifest stupidity of antiracism and and all other similar liberal delusions.

    If you close your eyes you can never see what is right before your face. Duh, indeed.

    Deo Vindice

  9. “Surviving slavery” – typical liberal lingo meant to make it appear that they were always at death’s door. Blacks Americans survived because of slavery not in spite of it. They probably lost a lot of kin who didn’t make it onto those slave ships.

    Ya just gotta try and ignore the bullsh*t which is constantly being used to program the masses.

  10. What about a billboard campaign where we find an area with the most anti-white violence and at the nearest interstate say. “Stop the anti-white violence”?

    I’m sure it would attract attention for being “controversial”, but in the “discussion” that followed the truth would triumph.

  11. Back in ’08, before I retired, all the blacks in my work area, whither they were religious or not, were Obamabots. Their support for Barry superseded their loyalty to God and country.

  12. Apuleius says:

    “Liberals tie themselves in knots trying to not notice/explain away the racism of their negro pets. ”

    No one these days ever defines the meaning of racism, but functionally, how the term is used in the language, racism is a quality only white people have. It is used the way nigger is used. It has the same sharp sounds that allow it to be spit out with derision, “Goddamn niggers stole my garden gnome again!”, or “Goddamn racist killed Trayvon!”

  13. ““Surviving slavery, segregation and discrimination has forged a special pride in African-Americans. Now some are saying this hard-earned pride has become prejudice in the form of blind loyalty to President Barack Obama.”

    Last time I looked, Pride is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins. And yet, Blacks are to be congratulated for it? “one law for me, and another for thee?”

    Or, let’s look at it/put it another way-” Thou shalt not be Uppity, N*gger.” – God.
    That about sums it up nicely.

  14. “Pride is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins.”

    Where in the Bible is there any mention of the “Seven Deadly Sins.” Your papist origins are showing.

  15. “Do Black People Support Obama Because He Is Black?”

    Of course.

    The question then becomes, should White people support Romney because he is white?

    Should we mirror the logic of blacks? Or should we utilize our racial gifts of intelligence (what’s left of it) and strategy?

    Reread the so-called ‘fire-eaters’. They were right but nobody listened to them in time. We, otoh, still vastly outnumber our enemies and grossly outman our white DWLs. Keep staring at your stool and this equation will change.

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