Jews and Vanguardists


This is why we need to splinter off and work towards the goal of creating our own Christian nation-state in Dixie.

Instead of sinking ourselves in this morass, I think we need a common sense message that can resonate with ordinary White Southern Christians. We need to take a hard look at the separatist movements in Québec, Scotland, Flanders, and Catalonia and see how we can apply their methods to our own circumstances.

What kind of message do we need? Instead of “destroy Christianity” and “exterminate the Jews,” it ought to focus on talking points like “we’re going broke” and “we’re losing our culture” and “we’re losing our freedom” and “we’re being displaced in our own lands” and “the federal government is out of control.”

The last thing we want to do is convince people that we are more out of control than the federal government!

Note: It was stuff like this which over time changed my attitude toward my Christian neighbors. I went from looking at them as YECs who believe dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark to a generally friendly and resourceful group of people who make good neighbors.

This is not the image we want to project:

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What’s the difference in principle between Pastor Martin’s proposals and Jewish calls for extermination of non-Jews in their religious texts?

  2. There’s a case for it in Africa. Not here though. The US is t exactly full to the brim with people. The idea would be to keep the black population in check in North America and Europe by cutting off welfare to blacks as specifically as possible, then to promote abortion among their ranks and encourage their emigration to Africa or someplace they belong. The black population in the US isn’t big enough to require anything drastic.

    The continent of Africa? That could be scoured clean. It will be colonized by Chinese in the next 50 years, so why not us too?

  3. Yes nyuntermensch, the government of the Church, in common with every other Western government has been infiltrated, subverted and retooled to serve the Kosher Imperium.

  4. TMT — Episode #152 — What will Civil War II Look Like? — 9Dec12

    The Scheduled “Debate” betwixt Neo-Dixie/Southron Nationalist Hunter Wallace/Brad Griffin and the gut-sick guido kiken-weasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS Rabbi Lender/Linder fitfoolly ‘moderated’ by Jim ‘Roid-Rage-ReTard’ Giles is off again thanks to the man-crush being off the rose given that Jimbo doesn’t want to go against the Mississip Dunkin’-Xians and Rabbi Linder wants to carry out the Talmudic injunction of putting some ‘dead jew on a stick’ to boiling in a caldron of burning bloody shit freshly squeezed out if itz unruly bleeding and ulcerated kike bunghole.

    Of course what was interesting is that Rabbi Lender/Linder admitted to Jimbo Giles that Christian Identity had the exact same racial and political platform of exterminating all the jews, but for some unstated reason — probably because Linder is a jew running a ZOG false front tard corral and real DSCI really means to kill not only jews but all of the mamzers and most of the whiggers as well — that CI isn’t allowed on Lender’s/Linder’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral, oy vey.

    Of course actually making these observations set Hunter’s meercats, especially the Hibernigger Capo “Jack Ryan” and the delusional jewboy tard “Rudel/jewdel” into a tizzy. The Bull-Skank from the Sapphiracy of Klunt, i.e. Lynda, hasn’t been heard of as yet; she’s probably re-trimming her personal meercat or putting on a tinfoil helmet to repel pallet slat attacks.

    None of these mental and moral midgets have the sense to realize that if one cannot speak frankly of the death of ZOG/Babylon that there is no point of discussing the birth of theyz own particular Whiggerstan. Be is a regional ethno-state like the NorthWest Republic or Neo-Dixie or one of Ten Thousand Warlord Feudal Theocracies, the birth process will be a bloody one involving ripping ZOG/Babylon apart and in the process silencing forever with extreme prejudice meercat tards as well as other ZOGlings of all classes, conditions, ages, sexes, races, creeds, colors and place of misbegotten origin.

    None of them have the sense to even realize that by making open and free speech curtailed that they are in the same boat as the [d]ruling whigger race-traitors and jews now [mis]running this mighty Evil Empire, and thus purging such will be the first priority, cf, 1919-21 IRA under Michael Collins.

    Hunter Wallace is hereby invited to call in for a friendly debate in which he can tell us all how ‘peaceful’ secession is possible and how it will all cum about. I, of course, will politely tell him that he is full of shit, and that there never will be any such thing as Civil War II unfolds.

    Also discussed will be the Mayan/Melungeon/Sephardic jewboy CI-Telegonical 12-12-12 event in which marrano jews, melungeon pisser-possums, including Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possums will be like Faux News and showing transgendered mangina, and sundry delusional whigger and mamzer fuktards will be showing and I’ll be trolling.

    This could be some good shit, Maynard.

    Show runs from 8:30 pm to 2:00 am CST

    P.S. If you can’t make it Hunter, then fine. The Movement Turd usually lasts up until midnight Central Time and often later, and it ain’t as if ZOG/Babylon will finish falling tonight while you are nursing a hangover. There will be later Movement Turds. My fellow DSCI maniac, LoganHunter has a voice that would deafen a rock but if you call in then he will beg off so your sore head can mend.

    If some of your meercats want to call in and kvetch in your place, that’s great. They will be verbally raped. I’m not extending this invitation to Greg Johnson’s meercats, though. Dem meercats, they be furtive lil’ critters, unsuitable for anything other than flattery and colostomy-bag lickin. But they have given me an idea of writing a series of articles about Bowel Movement Tard Corrals and “Big Dogs” and Meercats which I can distill into “The Bowel Movement” Board Game.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  5. White Aryan Ninja Warlords and THE NEWS FLAG of Buddy Tucker over the new White Kingdom of Yahweh. Martin Lindstedt is right about Tribulation and Implosion of Babylon. No more Ransome Money and infrastructure down—the Muds will go crazy and they wont be nice……by the way….more Muds arrive everyday on Jets at Airports—plus they breed like rabbits….For a good laugh look at ANGRY BLACK MAN AT HOME DEPOT UNEDITED….YOU TUBE

  6. “The US isn’t exactly filled to the brim with people.”

    Country folks don’t see it that way. It’s much too crowded nearly everywhere, hardly any truly rural space left, no privacy, no freedom.

  7. More important than the number of people who are “Squeamish” are the number of people who think WN is a joke, it’s people who have goals and no chance of hell of reaching them. Thus aside from disagreeing with the final objective, WN is correctly disrespected for being incompetent at that incorrect objective.

  8. Jews? Did some-one post something about Jooz? Hi every-one. I’ve bene super busy of late, but I wanted to pop in and say Howdy!

    Hunter – I think you ought to do whatever works. I, in 3D world, play to the audience. You have to keep movingeverything along. Indeed use common sense arguments. Alas – people ONLY react t odisaster when disaster shows up on their door.

    I do not EVER talk aobut the Spawn of Satan, when discussing secession. Not once. This would derail everything.

    The chances of secession will increase exponentially, as the Kenyan mulatto does what he/it appears to being doing, and growing more and more unhinged. He’s apparently going full on TNB delusional. That Ngr Jamie Foxx is helping our cause along; it appeared on SNL, babbling about killing all the Whites, and Obama as Our Lord and Savior…in 3 short weeks the real looting, and fun, begins.

    Please remember though – once you GET Dixie – you must hurl out the Hebes – or you’ve killed the Baby at birth.

  9. Rudel – Edie Gorme was a trash act. Ewwww. Now I know why she instinctively repelled me. For SHAME, Rudel. If you want to drool over Jewesses, at least pick some-one like Betty Perske.;_ylt=A0PDoYAoY8VQjU0AaUuJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

  10. What really makes me laugh at white nationalists is the idea that the speak for the majority which would agree with them if not for the Jewish media.

    Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan may genuinely have a big base of people which is undercut by the disproportionately Jewish and completely capitalist media.

    White Nationalists are as tiny as the media makes them seem.

  11. What’s the difference in principle between Pastor Martin’s proposals and Jewish calls for extermination of non-Jews in their religious texts?

    Lew is a man on a mission. Extermination, he has been convinced, is a purer strain of racialism and only a Jew would contend that maybe it’s, you know, a bit excessive, so Lew ain’t giving the damn Jew an inch of breathing space.

  12. Jews don’t wring their hands when other Jews make excessive statements.

    Alan Dershowitz vs Meir Kahane.

    That’s just to use a fairly prominent name that you’re probably familiar with. Now, it could be that Dershowitz is completely full of shit, that he doesn’t believe a word he’s saying, that he’s just recommending a line for other Jews to take in public, but whatever the case I’d say it qualifies as hand-wringing, wouldn’t you?

    Also, there’s the point that what Judaism or Jewish identity is “all about” is already fairly well established, so the occasional extreme view that crops up isn’t seen as likely to displace and replace existing views. In contrast, WN (or whatever) is still in a process of defining itself and the extreme views that are sometimes expressed are at consequently much greater risk of coming to define the whole.

  13. Silver,

    Let’s see some examples of Jews getting worked up when their co-tribalists theoretically speak about a possible need for the mass extermination of non-Jews.

    As recently as a few years ago, the Jewish writers Martin Von Creveld and David Perlmutter stated that Jews should be open to incinerating Europe with nuclear weapons.

    If they were censured, condemned, disparaged or ostracized, I missed it.

  14. Our comments crossed.

    One likely reason Jews don’t denouce their ultra-extremists is they take it for granted people understand the entire Jewish community doesn’t necessarily agree with every utterance ever made by ultra-extremists. Not that Von Crevald and Perlmutter are extremists on the fringe like Kahane. They’re ordinary, professional Jews who still have jobs and respect in the Jewish community as far as I know.

    Also, as far as I know, there are exactly 2 people around the WNist community that support extermination under certain theoretical circumstances like some currently living Jews do: Linder and the Pastor here. Pierce did when he was alive.

    The only way the views of two people on one issue can get associated with the whole WNist community is if people dishonestly ascribe those views to the whole community.

  15. nyuntermensch says:
    December 8, 2012 at 4:07 am
    Please let me begin by putting my cards on the table: I am of jewish origin, but do not associate with mainstream jews, I have signed secession petitions for numerous states, including for Southern states (as well as for a number of predominantly-White North Central and Western states, and for my home state of New York), and I think the Anti-Federalists (i.e., the real Federalists) were right to oppose the creation of the federal government by the usual coalition of plutocrats and their dupes. I wish General Lee had captured Washington and executed Lincoln, thereby probably preventing the slow-motion genocide of the White race.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I have a lot of personal experience with people such as you claimed to be. I lived in New York City during the most racially chaotic years (late Koch, Dinkins years 1986- 92). I wish you success in your personal life.

    I suggest that you try to work modestly with other Jewish people, Jewish groups and do some cross over activism, networking with White Gentiles, Southern Nationalists etc. It simply has not worked well for us to welcome Jews into our ranks, organization, Jews who supposedly have “Seen the Light” and want to come over to our side. Ever since Pharisee Saul of Tarsus first did this on the “Road to Damascus” and became the Christian St. Paul, supposedly ending the divisions between (White Nordic) Greeks and Jews, men and women:

    “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
    Galatians 3:28

    Hey nyuntermensch, Pharisee Saul of Tarsus/St. Paul is simply BSing the Greeks in Galicia, everybody then and now “in the know” understands that there have always been Jews and non Jews. Greeks and Jews, Russians and Jews, Germans and Jews, Palestinians and Jews, Blacks and Jews, White Americans and Jews etc. That’s the way it has always been and the way it will always be. Let’s try to make the best of things. It simply does no one any good to pretend that Jews are coming over to our side because they want to be just like us. A lot of this has to do with Jews looking to break in to White Gentile society, get accepted at once White Gentile Ivy League Schools, accepted at Country Clubs, get to date, marry White Gentile women like Christie Brinkley, all the Shiksas you see on the MSM news shows.

    I was once naive enough to believe that New York Jewish intellectuals like the Neo Conservatives at Commentary Magazine really were coming over to our side and these new Jewish Conservatives, “Neo Conservatives” would be a great additional to Conservative magazines like National Review.

    The result was these lying Jews took over once solid Conservative magazines/organizations like National Review – purged all the racially loyal Whites like Peter Brimlow, John O’Sullivan, John Derbyshire and made modern American “Conservatism” in to the Neo Con/Israel Uber Alles beast it is now.

    But, all is not hopeless. Please read my discussion of the positive events in New York City that led to Jewish New Yorkers joining other White New Yorkers to elect Mayor Guliani and take back the city from the Black criminal underclass, Sharpton etc.

  16. Silver is right.

    William Pierce and Alex Linder are much more of defining voices within White Nationalism than a handful of Jewish extremists are representative of Judaism.

    The mainstream Jewish organizations like the ADL or AIPAC aren’t stupid enough to call for the destruction of Christianity, the extermination of Gentiles, the genocide of White America, etc.

    Instead, they promote causes like amnesty for illegal aliens, open borders, multiculturalism, redistribution of wealth, separation of church and state which indirectly has the cumulative effect of weakening the White Christian majority.

  17. Lew says:

    “Also, as far as I know, there are exactly 2 people around the WNist community that support extermination under certain theoretical circumstances like some currently living Jews do: Linder and the Pastor here. Pierce did when he was alive.

    The only way the views of two people on one issue can get associated with the whole WNist community is if people dishonestly ascribe those views to the whole community.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    OK, fair enough. But people here and anywhere even remotely associated with White Nationalism, Southern Nationalism have to be on guard against kooks, infiltrators who discredit our legitimate movements with wild, insane rants about illegal acts of mass murder. Chances are in 98% of the time, people making these comments advocating murdering other races, Jews have extremely bad motives and are looking to set up others for persecution/prosecution.

    The solution is to simply not tolerate extremely violent, hateful “Talk”.

    OD has good comment guidelines. For some reason, the filter didn’t work here and we’ve got a bad sort working to bring down OD.

  18. There will always be wannabe tyrants amongst us, Part 1

    Lew says:

    “Also, as far as I know, there are exactly 2 people around the WNist community that support extermination under certain theoretical circumstances like some currently living Jews do: Linder and the Pastor here. Pierce did when he was alive.

    The only way the views of two people on one issue can get associated with the whole WNist community is if people dishonestly ascribe those views to the whole community.”

    Lyin’ Ryan responds:

    OK, fair enough. But people here and anywhere even remotely associated with White Nationalism, Southern Nationalism have to be on guard against kooks, infiltrators who discredit our legitimate movements with wild, insane rants about illegal acts of mass murder. Chances are in 98% of the time, people making these comments advocating murdering other races, Jews have extremely bad motives and are looking to set up others for persecution/prosecution.

    The solution is to simply not tolerate extremely violent, hateful “Talk”.

    OD has good comment guidelines. For some reason, the filter didn’t work here and we’ve got a bad sort working to bring down OD.


    Hunter Wallace owns this blog and a forum to which I occassionally reply. Hunter seems to keep on making the same mistakes over and over again, of allowing his meercats to get uppity, decide that they get to decide what is and is not said, worm their way into positions of trust, then ‘take over’ and end up not only banning Hunter’s friends and allies, but Hunter himself. Lyin’ Ryan indeed explains his modius operandi above:


    The result was these lying Jews took over once solid Conservative magazines/organizations like National Review – purged all the racially loyal Whites like Peter Brimlow, John O’Sullivan, John Derbyshire and made modern American “Conservatism” in to the Neo Con/Israel Uber Alles beast it is now.


    In place of “lying jews” put in “lying hiberniggers” specifically Lyin’ Ryan. In place of John Derbyshire, et. al., put in Pastor Lindstedt and other Vanguardists. But not the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Chrons/jew ass-AIDS, i.e. Rabbi Lender/Linder, because such already has itz own Greater Free Range Tard Corral paid for out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland Insecurity, courtesy of Sgt. Snitch. In fact Rabbi Lender is already menstruating from out itz bleeding blistering kike bunghole over what Hunter allows on his very own blog. Lyin’ Ryan is one with Vargina the LinderMiller Colostomy-Bag Likkin’ Meercat in that I myself should be censored.

    Genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity holds that jews are the literal Spawn of Satan through the Devil’s seduction of Eve. That non-jew non-whites are the Sixth-Day Beasts of the Field, without souls, Covenant with YHWH, and nothing more than sub-animals without any rights that Christian Israelites need respect. Mongrels are abominations to be exterminated, cf. Matthew 15:13. Thus by definition we are simply unable and unwilling to live in peace with non-Christian Israel and thus our political program is to take advantage of the Great Tribulation to get our own way, to form at least Ten Thousand independent feudal theocratic military dictatorships upon the inevitable crackup of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

    In the past few years I’ve been busily exposing sundry jew, mamzer and ZOGbot infiltration inside the above-ground DSCI Church. jews such as Eli James, MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie, jewromy Visser and sundry pisser-possums, Dan Johns, and whigger ZOGbots such as James Wickstrom, MoGulett, SciFi Faber. But I always have venom enough for the regular Whigger and Anglo-Mestizo “Nationalists” like Rabbi Linder, etc.

    Now on these Genesis 3:15 foot-patrols I cannot help but observe mattoid meercat snarls. Genesis 3:15 — YHWH’s Command of perpetual enmity between the Spawn of Satan, both biological and adoptive versus the Sons of True Men — is perhaps the only Law of YHWH always kept on both sides. I see and mark those who would do exactly as the jews have done against even the ostensible White Nationalists, i.e. impose a speech code and bewail when censorship fails, as if they get to becum-cum the new jews over us all, after first kicking out the most wild of White Men.

    Anyone listening to my Podcast, The [bowel] Movement Turd, should know that I advocate that my listeners not join any above-ground organization, or get on ZOG’s radar, but rather to:

    1) Get close to YHWH and beg YHWH for survival and mercy;

    2) Evaluate which of your family and friends you wish to take with you to the other side of the Great Tribulation;

    3) Knowing your local situation, know which regime-criminals and their supporters to purge once the Great Tribulation has done most of the heavy lifting and killing.

    Thus my Ten Thousand Warlords Program means understanding that current social order and living together in peace with non-Whites or even with whigger herd animals. We are not concerned with building anything until all that is evil –this mighty Evil Empire, this ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final — is destroyed even unto the very foundations.

    So therefore we Deep-Woods Dual-Seedliners are the ultimate Secessionists because we will not recognize any earthly Authority other than Christ Jesus when He returns and our own elected Pastors and Congregational Deacons until then.

    Now if Hunter wishes to say that this reality means that I am a “Vanguardist” then on his own blog so be it. I don’t see what I am a Vanguardist of other than Racial Religion Separatists, who have the Law of YHWH written on their hearts. Hunter was the one who in fact made an observation concerning “jews and Vanguardists” to which I have responded, as most of Hunter’s blog entries concerns nothing other than the care and feeding of Hunter’s own meercats and right-Worsesheepfool tards. If one doesn’t want the Devil to appear, then don’t mention his name.

    When I write and speak of what will happen and make unflinching observations as to what needs to be done, liars, jews, fools, femnisheviks, mamzers, goof-heads, ass-clowns and ZOGbots, etc. immediately proclaim that somehow 120 million whiggers, 170 million muds/mamzers and at least six million jews are going to form up in a copulating, fussing, fighting, yapping, yowling, fuktarded line in front of my hovel — which incidentally is larger than Die Lender’s juden-feeben- fartin-fuktarded- grannyz-basement-bunker in Kirksville — to be machine-gunned down during normal business hours and that somehow I’m a Mad Dog or something. (Well, in point of fact I am a MD, and also Chief Resident of Saint Gustaphus Adolphus’s Clinic of 1630 Swedish Homeopathy and I have the funnel and tin bucket to prove it.)

    End, Part 1

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  19. There will always be wannabe tyrants amongst us, Part 2

    Now that it should be understood that I am a guest on Hunter’s blog and not in any way wanting to get Hunter in trouble, but rather providing a different view in relationship to Hunter’s notions. The reason that the v-bulletin forum with its meercats and tards providing mucho muh-dikkery has been replaced by the moderated blog with comments enabled within this bowel Movement of ours is because it allows for dissent and dialogue. I’m merely a visiting “Big Mad Dog” and thus far from being any danger to Hunter, add value to his blog by adding to the debate. Even Rabbi Lender/Linder must cum over here at times to escape itz meercat tards over on the Greater Free Range Tard Corral and Colostomy Bag, i.e. VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF.

    Now grown White Men and Women understand instinctively that there cannot be any Free Society without Free Political Speech. Which is why there is a supposed First Amendment of the Bill of Goods to the CONstipation of the jewnited $nakes. Yet there be amongst us ever since Eve thought that an incarnated demon disguised as a nigger had the most delightful blacksnake and turned all roundheeled like a whigger skank (according to the Willie Martin DSCI Heresy), we have sundry serpent-seed hue-mamzer devils running around trying to tell us what we must accept and what we must not claiming that they know what is best for us. Hunter’s Gang of Three Fuktarded Meercats, i.e. Lyin’ Ryan, jewdel/Rudel, and Lyinda so far detected. One would hope that like Mitten’s and Hunter’s niggers and beaners that they would self-deport theysselfs, but instead, being at best moral minors and at typpycull being mining mattoids, they all want to tell others what they can read by taking it upon theysselfs as to what should be allowed to be read.

    Now Lyin’ Ryan might be used to trying to train some sundry hi-yeller sub-animals at least 10 points dumber than Koko the Mountain Guerrilla and five points dumber than Rin-Tin-Tin in the open-air zoo in the South Side of Chicagoland, but this isn’t itz own personal tard corral. A right worshipful meercat native to this place need only skim over my comments if it will give such high blood pressure or even slight indigestion. After applying Lyin’ Ryan’s, itz hibersheenie Talmudic protocols about warning the goyim as to how it will do unto Occidental Dissent what the rest of the Tuatha De Heeb did unto National New-jew Review as read, I suggest that the Real White Men take itz chirpings as the bark, bark, bark of a judensheeniemeerkatz despairing Final Solution’s final oy vey and that we all simply move out smartly.

    How in the world can any of us live in peace with those who are not of us and yet would rule over us?

    How in THIS world will we, after having to do all the bad nasty distasteful things to ensure that once we have gained our supposed freedom, will we have to endure those who claim that they get to decide what we get to read — and write? Will not all the oceans of blood spent in ruthless implacable determination to free ourselves be rendered less-than-worthless because we left the cancer intact to flare up yet again and to bring us all back into captivity to the same non-us parasites? Maybe Sauron’s Ring was merely a tangible expression of the never-ending tyranny of the foreign and yet, more ominously, the domestic slavery of Whiggerdumb?

    My vision of secession means separation into the ultimate indivisible tribalism. The Revolution never ends, not in this world, and like Patrick Henry said, “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance against Tyranny.” Both foreign, but yet eternally domestic.

    End, Part 2

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  20. Jack Ryan,

    You, as a White man, have every reason not to welcome jews into your movement — the first thing any outsider must realize before he volunteers to help you is that it is YOUR movement. Thank you for wishing me success in my personal life; I wish you the same.

    However, the notion that Giuliani’s election was some sort of major victory for Whites is ludicrous. Are you perhaps unaware that Giuliani made NYC a haven for illegal aliens? Or that he is a slave of the Israel Lobby? It’s true that he improved things, but you should remember that he was pro-White only by JYC standards.

    Talking to so-called “jewish White nationalists” or “jewish conservatives” is pointless, because there isn’t a critical mass of them, and they never accept the malicious nature of the jewish body politic, claiming instead that the jews are misguided, and that paleos, WN, neo-Nazis, et al. — or even great scholars such as Professor Kevin B. MacDonald and Professor Revilo Pendleton Oliver — are simply “anti-Semitic”, which is the kiss of death in today’s political climate.

    For those who are racially jewish, but who do not practice the jewish religion and who associate primarily with Whites (you read that right — jews aren’t White) in their personal lives — the friends I have made on my own are all White or, in a few cases, Asian –, there is little or no common ground with jews. Where am I supposed to find jews to help me in my quest to save whatever little is left of the White America I remember from the early nineties? Should I try my local Hillel? My local Chabad chapter? My local AIPAC chapter? Perhaps I should call up the ADL or the $PLC and ask them what I should do to help Peter Brimelow save White America…

    Further, your suggestion that jews might want to help Whites so they can make it into the Ivy League is comical. The Ivy League rejects agrarian Whites (especially with leadership roles in what they view as stereotypically “Red State” activities such as 4-H Club and High School ROTC), and strongly prefers urban, liberal/Marxist jews. I have no desire for contact with these subhumans.

    As for “shiksas”: I have never been interested in romance, sex, marriage, or children, so your women are safe from me. I can assure you that I dislike rich jewish toads with beautiful White women as much as I dislike coalburners/mud sharks.

    You are, of course, right that the disgusting neocohens, typified by the scum at “Commentary”, took over the conservative movement, and that White Gentiles must be on guard against jewish infiltration. You are also right that Saul of Tarsus was full of it with respect to the supposed unity of all in Christ, which became the supposed “brotherhood of man” in Communism.

    But you are ignoring that William F. Buckley, Jr. had set up a culture in which the genuine Right was purged (as Murray Rothbard pointed out) from the conservative movement decades earlier. Do you think it is an accident that Professor Revilo Pendleton Oliver, supposedly a personal friend of Buckley, was purged by the self-same “founder of modern conservatism”, who later welcomed and abetted the neocon takeover (which, ironically, led to Buckley’s being purged as a supposed paleo over his denunciation of the Iraq War)? Do you think it is an accident that the “conservatism” founded by Buckley has proven to be such a monumental failure?

    Finally, do really you think my views are to be found amongst Jew York RepubliKwans or jewish “WN” such as those whom you will find fawning over Jared Taylorwitz? If so, I think you learned very little during your time in New York. Some of the more intelligent New York jews have realized that blacks, hispanics, and moslems dislike them and do not support Israel unquestioningly, and they have therefore realized that, at least for now, they should support White interests. That, however, is as far as their “White nationalism” goes; it has nothing to do with visions of happy, White heterosexual couples with blond children playing safely outside — which mine does.

    I have no interest in helping jews. I have not grown up with them, cannot pass for one in daily life, do not share their goyophobia and megalomania, and prefer associating with conservative (often Eastern Orthodox) Christians in my personal life. Had it not been for my respect for the personal faith of my Christian friends coupled with my feeling that modern Christianity has contributed to White decline, I would probably have become an Orthodox Christian out of political solidarity.

  21. Jack Ryan,

    Sorry; I meant not “The Ivy League rejects agrarian Whites (especially with leadership roles in what they view as stereotypically ‘Red State’ activities such as 4-H Club and High School ROTC), and strongly prefers urban, liberal/Marxist jews”, but “The Ivy League rejects agrarian Whites (especially with leadership roles in what it views as stereotypically ‘Red State’ activities such as 4-H Club and High School ROTC), and strongly prefers urban, liberal/Marxist jews.”

  22. I think aside from their failure to understand capitalism, the other big problem with white nationalists is that they fail to see the equivalency between “low brow” attacking Jews and non-whites and attacking other white nationalities. White nationalists are always saying “no attacking other white nationalities.” But to normal people, attacking say “micks” and “dagos” is no different than attacking “niggers” and “kikes.” Normal people can see this equivalency, white nationalists can’t.

  23. I would have posted this comment on the forum, but since it is shut down, I found an appropriate topic.

    I think people in general can react to the Jewish question in four ways:
    1) Proactively name the Jew (going out of the way to blame everything on Jews, letting everyone else off the hook)
    2) Reactively name the Jew (name Jews when they actually are misbehaving, but name non-Jews as well).
    3) Ignore the Jewish question altogether.
    4) Defend Jews even when they are wrong.

    It’s people in group 1 I take issue with. I have no problem with naming real Jews who oppose your real political goals, whatever they are, given that it’s relevant.

  24. Metal Gear:

    I think it’s people who are in Group IV who are the biggest problem. The Holocaust tm gives jews an all-purpose get-out-of-jail-card. And, boy, do they ever use it.

    What Whites absolutely don’t need in re: jews-behaving-badly is yet ANOTHER guy defending them, shouting down as naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews anyone who, even in the mildest terms, would like to politely point out malfeasance of big machers.

    That being so, it’s entirely possible to be sympathetic, if you’re truly pro-White and not merely engaged in subverting WN to serve jewish interests, to the fellow who, in trying to be heard over the YOU ANTISEMITE din, goes a wee bit overboard in his zeal to make his point about the facts of jewish misconduct, thus giving the impression that he hasn’t taken full notice of the sins of nonjews.

  25. Since Jews vote 80% Democratic and the other 20% are neo-conservative hawks for Israel I see no need to adhere to your absurd distinctions.

  26. @barb
    I’m neither wn nor a Jew trying to subvert wn.

    What I really am, am a poster who has a chip on his shoulder and has decided he isn’t going to be mr. nice guy. I tried doing my own thing, but then the situation was reversed – I was receiving the attacks. Now I have no problem dishing them.

  27. I think a useful categorization of Jews is:

    1) Jews that run the media
    2) Jews that do not run the media

    Who cares about group #2.

  28. @landshark

    That actually makes sense, if we’re discussing American only (leaving Israel out of the question).

    I really don’t care about Bernie Madoff types, they scam within a rotten system. And politically Jewish politicians got to where they are fair and square – they are probably no less corrupt than other politicians.

  29. I know it was simplistic, but if we could simply get some balanced media the rest would be easier to marginalize.

  30. What kind of message do we need? Instead of “destroy Christianity” and “exterminate the Jews,” . . .

    Hunter, what type of message do you think we need in regards to the Jewish Question? I’m fairly new here, so I apologise if you have answered this elsewhere.

    . . . it ought to focus on talking points like “we’re going broke” and “we’re losing our culture” and “we’re losing our freedom” and “we’re being displaced in our own lands” and “the federal government is out of control.”

    Those are all good messages to get the people to come our way, but I would like to critique the wording in your last point. The US government is an alien entity; it is a foreign occupier of our land and an enslaver of our people. It is thus not the federal government. The US government ceased being the federal government the moment our ancestors departed from it. It was the federal government only when we were in a voluntary union with it.

    It must be stressed first and foremost that the USA and its government are foreign occupiers.

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