About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Another reason to keep talking about the Jews is for the purpose of self-education in WN circles. Very few people know that Jewish activism is the main cause of race-replacement. Most White Nationalists who know about the Jewish problem do not realize its full extent.

    For example, the Jews seem to be the main agents behind the phony modern art. What could be their motivation apart from hostility against White people?

    The same is probably true of modern education theories, also known as “Anything But Knowledge”. I now think that those theories owe their success to the Jews and their hostility to White people. How many White Nationalists who enjoy naming the Jew would agree that the “whole word method” owes its success to the Jewish hostility against White people? Very few. But my guess is that the Jews played a central role in having schools and school books use the whole word method, so as to make it harder for White children to learn to read.

    If it is too difficult to believe that the Jews are so nasty, it can be argued that they practice the art of self-deception. They see themselves as liberals (except when Israel is concerned), rebels and anti-traditionalists, not necessarily as anti-white crusaders.

    • Jews are a negative influence on our culture.

      That much is easy to establish without getting into long drawn out debates about the relative importance of other factors or the merits of conspiracy theories or the history of the Third Reich.

      What comes after (a) people are successfully educated about the problem and (b) outraged by what the Jews are doing? My point is that WNs are perpetually stuck on (a) and (b) because there is no thought out step beyond that. Hence, that’s why I keep asking, what happens after the Jew is named?

  2. Yes I am, and that really bugs you, doesn’t it?

    It doesn’t bother you that you only put White people in your crosshairs, even though there are a ton of black and brown racists and dregs of society out there?

  3. Ideally, what happens after the Jew is named is some kind of resistance.

    Until then, I’m afraid nothing much will happen: people will keep explaining to each other why race-replacement is not really a good thing, why the “piss-christ” isn’t real art, how the whole word method has been shown to give poor results, and so on, in every field of society. Zog will not be under any threat. People will also try things like the Tea Party, or even the Republican Party.

    Among people interested in politics and alarmed by the race-replacement crisis, how many are well informed about the JQ? 5% ? 10% ? It would be useful to take an opinion poll every year so as to measure the progress made. The information is slowly spreading, but you cannot expect an immediate result. In the United States, the first amendment will probably soon be under attack by the Jews. Maybe that will start a rebellion.

    It is true that there is a lack of organizing on the ground, but it does not make the work of spreading information on the net less important. Most people who talk about WN issues on the internet are unlikely to organize something on the ground anyway.

  4. @Hunter Wallace

    Only 17 percent of Jews live in the South and most of those are elderly snowbirds in South Florida.

    that doesnt mean anything. As I have written, absoulte number doesnt count. Jew media CEOs and executives and porn kings count.

    In the case of secession, jew CEOs and execs would remain inplace, jew bankers would remain in place, jew porn shit would still flow unabated, jew-infested consumer-idiotism (a la Bernays) would remain the same, etc.

    Are you this naive, or you simply refuse to acknowledge this?

    As for the banking system, wouldn’t seceding from the United States necessarily end the use of the dollar as our currency and the power of the Federal Reserve over us?

    Not at all, bc the crux of this issue is not the “dollar”, it is the banking system, which enables jew money to be created and lent out of thin air. Going back to gold and/or silver standard is not the solution, for a number of reasons. All the major bankers are jews. All the major banking frism and houses are jewish. Goldman Sachs, JP morgan Chase, etc.
    I suppose that they have banks in the South, right? Of course they do. So they influence would remain exactly the fucking same.


    Thanks Comrade.

    • Re: European Light

      1.) You’re absolutely wrong too.

      The United States (minus the South) has a Jewish population the size of Israel. Those Jews are also concentrated in key areas like New York City and Los Angeles that generate mass popular culture.

      2.) The Jewish attack on the South through social issues (abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun control, etc.) always comes at us through the federal government. It comes down on us through the federal courts because the vast majority of Jews don’t live here.

      3.) You’re wrong: the banksters who control us are the US Congress, which regulates the financial industry, and the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, none of which would have any power over an independent South, which would be free to set its own fiscal and monetary policies.

  5. 1.) I agree that Jews control Hollywood. I agree that Whites are being replaced. What shall we do about it?

    What, you dont have a clue? Yeah, what is to be done whith jewlywood anti-white shit?
    You dont have an idea at all?

    That is quite revealing. If you’re thinking that Secession will be the magic bullet for this (as well as for every other problem you seem to think of), well, you are mistaken.

    By simply seceding, people would still watch hollywood shit 24/7. Why wouldnt they?
    Porn and consumerist propaganda would still flow from the TV. Why wouldnt it?

    As for the “Southern Whites are well aware of the destructive nature of the jew media”, Well, I’m not sure whether it is the case. In fact, I highly doubt it.

    An average American watches at least five fucking hours of TV every day. I dont know the data for Southerners, but I doubt it would be much different.

    Every media (with the possible exception of certain Christian media-outlets, i.e. NOT Christian Zio media) is Jewish media. That is the origo, the baseline. This is where we start.

    Media consumerist politically correct jewing WORKS to brainwash people. What is to be done with it?

    Most people who learn the “truth” about race or Jews do a good job of keeping quiet about it in the real world – am I right?

    Including you, am I right? Bc so far I havent seen anything proactive regarding tackling the jew problem. You ask questions, that you should already have had the answer to, after 13 years in the Movement.

    Don’t bloody tell me mate, that you don’t even have a clue.

    • Re: European Light

      1.) As long as the Union exists, nothing can be done about cultural degeneracy (including pornography), which is protected from censorship by the First Amendment, Supreme Court precedent, and sacrosanct private property rights from state interference.

      There’s plenty of opposition to degenerate Hollywood movies, but it can’t go anywhere for the same reason Larry Flynt’s Hustler magazine is on sale in convenience stores in the Bible Belt. The federal government won’t allow state and local governments to interfere with it.

      The states used to set standards and censor the mail (promoting miscegenation, for example, was once a felony offense in Georgia), but lost that power to the federal government a long time ago.

      2.) Did you know the FCC regulates public airwaves in the United States? Probably not.

      3.) White Christian Southerners dislike the Jewish media which is labeled “the liberal media.” They are already aware that the Jewish media is poisoning our culture, but once again there is no legal means to do anything about it within the present system.

      4.) As proof, I will cite the polls which all show the public, especially in the South, has little trust in the news and entertainment media.

      5.) Your premise is false.

      The New York Times, which is the most authoritative newspaper in the US, is owned by Jews. Do Nicholas Kristof op-eds reflect modern Southern politics?

      6.) Cite your sources.

      7.) The media resonates in different ways in different parts of the United States.

      In Massachusetts, for example, they eat that shit up. The New York Times is authoritative in a way that it has never been in, say, Alabama or Texas.

      8.) Mitt Romney lost every country in Vermont and Massachusetts to Obama. He won every county in West Virginia. Why? The Jewish media was in the tank for Obama.

      9.) Secession will solve our Jewish problem by removing the power of the federal government over us.

      10.) The movement’s answer is to “name the Jew” ad nauseum while never, ever, doing anything in the real world about the problem.

      11.) If the Jewish media is so omnipotent, why isn’t there a single Jewish governor or US Senator from the South, or a single Supreme Court Justice from the South, or even one Jewish House representative from the South who represents a majority White Christian district? The only one in the House was Eric Cantor who lost his recent primary election.

      The reason Jews have so much power in the United States is because Yankees agree with them! That’s why Jews represent California, New York, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey and so on in the Senate.

  6. ‘Larry Flynt’s Hustler magazine is on sale in convenience stores in the Bible Belt’:

    So why aren’t southern pastors picketing those stores and making a ‘big stink’ in the community until they stop stocking it? Picketing has worked that way in this area. Is the South really in the Bible Belt or is it really just a ‘live and let live’ culture down there?

  7. I already know what enables jewish destruction in the US, my question was that how the new Seceded South would be any different.

    Yes I know there is an authority regulating the airwaves. My question is: Does the LOTS have a united position regarding this? Seems like they DON’T.

    You argument seem to me that basically, “states’ rights will take care of everything”. Which is a false assurance.

    Southern States’ legislators are just as just as corrupt and jew ass-kissers, as their Northern counterparts, if not even more (Christian Zios).

    People dont know anything about jew banking, which pervades the whole economic system. They would just leave everything as it was before in this regard.

    And let me express my grave doubt that southen states legislators will ever, ever take steps towards stopping this endless barrage of consumer-idiotist propaganda with endless commercials and pop-culture filth (MTV) that is flowing from the Box.

    Cite my sources regarding to what? this is the TV watching:

    “once again there is no legal means to do anything about it within the present system.”

    Yes, that is why I’m askin’ the third time, how would the new seceded South would be any different. Seem like the universal answer to that is “individual states will take care of it” Or they wont…

    Are you a liberal, (in a European sense)? Total privatization, total economic freedom (“free trade” and the usual shit), total corporate power, no workers rights and unions whatsoever, total rule of the fat cats?

    “Mitt Romney lost every country in Vermont and Massachusetts to Obama. He won every county in West Virginia. Why? The Jewish media was in the tank for Obama.”

    Who gives a a dang about false controlled opposition Mitt the mutt neocon Romney? I sure as hell don’t. If Romney had won, We would have been in World War fucking 3 by now -war with Iran, boots on the ground in Syria, war with Russia, etc. Not that Obama would be any significantly different, see the events transpiring now, he’s only using a different approach -arming guerillas instead of sending in GI Joes.

    BTW, Kerry (jew) is as much a warmonger as Romney was, and Hillary too. As things are transpiring, jews will get their world war, only some years later (if for example, Hillary gets elected).

    “They are already aware that the Jewish media is poisoning our culture”

    So that is why they are watching it for hours a day?

    “The New York Times is authoritative in a way that it has never been in, say, Alabama or Texas.”

    So the South doesnt have polcorrect jew-ass kissing newspapers? isn’t Christian Zionism the unofficial religion of the South? Tell me. Restricting the term “jewish newspapers” to the NYT or to the North only, is a very amusing proposition indeed.

    “Secession will solve our Jewish problem by removing the power of the federal government over us.”

    the jews’ power is only partly in the political realm. It is cultural and above else, financial and economical.

    If jewish banking houses are allowed to operate, nothing will change. Not a thing. I think it should be pretty much self-evident, but I can elaborate if needed.

    “If the Jewish media is so omnipotent, why isn’t there a single Jewish governor or US Senator from the South, or a single Supreme Court Justice from the South, or even one Jewish House representative from the South who represents a majority White Christian district”

    bc they have shabbath goyim doing their bidding…?

    “That’s why Jews represent California, New York, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey and so on in the Senate.”

    This may come as a surprise, but I dont think jewish background counts that much as long as you vote for what they want every single time. And that is what exactly Southern republicans (and republicans in general) are doing, when it comes to Israel. (The Democrats are not always that consistent, but they are messed up in other ways-abortion, immigration, etc)

    “10.) The movement’s answer is to “name the Jew” ad nauseum while never, ever, doing anything in the real world about the problem.”

    Well, would you be so kind to enlighten us, how do you fight against jew banks, porn studios, TVs, radios and newspapers In The Real World, Hunter?

  8. You’re absolutely wrong too.
    The United States (minus the South) has a Jewish population the size of Israel. Those Jews are also concentrated in key areas like New York City and Los Angeles that generate mass popular culture.

    So every Southern Newspaper is Sunday School material?

    2.) The Jewish attack on the South through social issues (abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun control, etc.) always comes at us through the federal government. It comes down on us through the federal courts because the vast majority of Jews don’t live here.

    The “Jewish attack” on America in general is mass foreclosures, unemployment, hopelessness etc. The legal machinations are only a part of it, and in the light of what I referred to economically, I dare to say, a SMALL part of it.

    3.) You’re wrong: the banksters who control us are the US Congress, which regulates the financial industry, and the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, none of which would have any power over an independent South, which would be free to set its own fiscal and monetary policies.

    Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Cahses, all the major banking houses and brokerage firms, the all represent jewish power. Money-lending. Dont tell me you dont even know this.

  9. Your pious devotion to the truth is just a pose, though, when you meet arguments you can’t challenge. Like mine. Then you just turn into another vulgar liar and troll.

    It’s hard to disagree with this assessment. Hadding can be a very incisive commenter and although I fully consider him an enemy (as forgiving as I am of WWII Nazis, I cannot afford to be so nonchalant regarding modern day Nazis) I have had great respect for his intellect. I suppose I should find it encouraging that it turns out he’s a sad little man, but sad little men are such a pathetic sight I get no joy from it even when they represent the enemy.

  10. Lew, you are essentially correct. The gas-chambers are the Holocaust. Once the gas-chambers have been debunked, there’s nothing left about Jewish suffering during WWII that’s unique and deserving of a special name.

    When Johnson claims there’s still “Holocaust enough” even after the gas chambers tales have been debunked he means there was still suffering enough that Jews can use it to instill guilt in whites. It doesn’t mean Johnson himself has any interest in continuing to call this suffering a “holocaust.” When Johnson claims that holocaust revisionism doesn’t perform as advertised it doesn’t mean he believes it completely ineffective; it means it’s not the game-changer that revisionists often claim it to be. From personal experience I believe he’s correct. Even if I myself could not look at the world the same way afterwards, numerous people I’ve convinced to varying degrees of the validity of revisionism have not, as far as I can tell, revised their basic worldviews, principles or priorities significantly as a result; they’ve simply continued on their merry way. They didn’t care much about the holocaust when they believed it to be true, and they don’t care much about it now that they consider it false.

  11. Re: European Light

    So every Southern Newspaper is Sunday School material?

    Here in Alabama, lots of Southern newspapers are owned by conglomerates like AL Media Group or Gannett. My hometown newspaper is owned by Warren Buffett.

    Do the people who live here even read the newspaper though? If so, do they read anything besides the locals news and sports section? Does their political preferences reflect the editorial stance of any of the major newspapers here?

    The “Jewish attack” on America in general is mass foreclosures, unemployment, hopelessness etc. The legal machinations are only a part of it, and in the light of what I referred to economically, I dare to say, a SMALL part of it.

    Trade policy, fiscal policy, and monetary policy is set by Washington. The tax structure we have here is set by Washington. Energy policy is set by Washington. Healthcare policy is set by Washington. And so on.

    Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Cahses, all the major banking houses and brokerage firms, the all represent jewish power. Money-lending. Dont tell me you dont even know this.

    New York investment banks and brokerage firms do have enormous leverage over American politics in Washington. Through Washington, they exert influence over us here in the South.

  12. Silver says:

    ‘Lew, you are essentially correct. The gas-chambers are the Holocaust. Once the gas-chambers have been debunked, there’s nothing left about Jewish suffering during WWII that’s unique and deserving of a special name.’

    Has anyone seen the ‘The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (2014)’ found on Youtube? It reveals the lies and deceitful measures Holohoax disinformation specialists employ.

    It is utterly fascinating.

    Watch how hoaxers claim to have found evidence that Star of David tiles were used to lure jews to gas chambers. Many other spurious claims totally debunked.

    Tile deception from 59:19- 103:45.

  13. ‘New York investment banks and brokerage firms do have enormous leverage over American politics in Washington. Through Washington, they exert influence over us here in the South’:

    The South has it’s own rich heritage of usury, Charleston having been the original Talmudic ‘New York’ (‘Our Jerusalem’) until the late nineteenth century — and today, the second-largest financial center (after New York) in the states is still in the Carolinas: https://carolinahistory.web.unc.edu/charlotte-soars-to-become-the-nations-second-largest-financial-center/

    ‘The Jewish attack on the South through social issues (abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun control, etc.) always comes at us through the federal government. It comes down on us through the federal courts because the vast majority of Jews don’t live here’:

    Sophism. Statistical exaggeration. The majority of WHITES don’t live in the South either.

  14. Hunter, would you review the history of Talmudism in the southern colonies and states? A lot of books and studies published recently on the subject.



    ‘The first Jew came to North Carolina decades before the first Jew came to New Amsterdam. In the 1800s, South Carolina was home to the largest Jewish community in the US. The first Jews to serve in the US Senate were born in the South (…) Jews settled the South as peddlers and merchants. Now, retirees look South for a comfortable place to live out their sunset years. Academics are drawn to Southern college towns for opportunity. The Bentonville, Arkansas Jewish community is booming due to the Walmart headquarters’: http://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/_blog/The_ProsenPeople/post/jewish-books-booming-in-the-heart-of-dixie/

  15. Here in Alabama, lots of Southern newspapers are owned by conglomerates like AL Media Group or Gannett. My hometown newspaper is owned by Warren Buffett.

    Do the people who live here even read the newspaper though? If so, do they read anything besides the locals news and sports section? Does their political preferences reflect the editorial stance of any of the major newspapers here?

    So your local paper is owned by a conglomerate. Nice.

    Well, do those people vote, thereby validating the rotten, corrupt 2-party system?
    Do the Southen whites vote for republicans, thereby validating them? I suspect a significant number of them do. So yes, they are manipulated just like other people in other neighborhoods. White middle class is certainly no exception when it coms to brainwashing, for further info see “Chritian Zionism” and “the worship of Ayn Rand”.

    So “southern” media is just as fucked as the Northern one. In the (imaginary) case of Secession, it would just spout its false narratives further, nothing would change.

    Trade policy, fiscal policy, and monetary policy is set by Washington. The tax structure we have here is set by Washington. Energy policy is set by Washington. Healthcare policy is set by Washington. And so on.

    that is avoiding the answer. How the Southern economic policy would be any different, jew-wise? You dont have the faintest idea, so you bullshit me with evasion.

    New York investment banks and brokerage firms do have enormous leverage over American politics in Washington. Through Washington, they exert influence over us here in the South.

    So what, The new seceded Southern stets wouldnt have a stock exchange (or multiple of them)? Wouldnt they have banks? Through the banking system, wouldnt they exert exactly the same influence as before?

    You dont understand elementary finance and economics.

    • Re: European Light

      So your local paper is owned by a conglomerate. Nice.

      Yes, it is.

      My hometown newspaper is owned by Warren Buffett, a Gentile billionaire. Almost every newspaper around here is now owned by a conglomerate: The Birmingham News, The Mobile Press Register, The Columbus Ledger Enquirer, The Montgomery Advertiser, The Huntsville Times, and so on. According your retarded theory, the people who live around here are mindless automatons who are “brainwashed” by the Jewish media.

      The obvious problem with that is that the editorial stance of the media elite in Alabama – see, for instance, the Op-Ed page of The Birmingham Times or The Montgomery Advertiser – couldn’t be more opposed to the political preferences of White Alabamians. While it is true that ordinary White Alabamians read the newspaper, they tend to read the sports section while ignoring Op-Ed page.

      Well, do those people vote, thereby validating the rotten, corrupt 2-party system?
      Do the Southen whites vote for republicans, thereby validating them? I suspect a significant number of them do. So yes, they are manipulated just like other people in other neighborhoods. White middle class is certainly no exception when it coms to brainwashing, for further info see “Chritian Zionism” and “the worship of Ayn Rand”.

      I’m familiar with all the newspapers here in Alabama – The Montgomery Advertiser, The Columbus Ledger Enquirer (GA), The Dothan Eagle, The Anniston (Red) Star, The Birmingham News, and so on – and all of those newspapers are opposed to the Republicans, and yet Republican have monolithic control over this state. The same is true of Georgia where The Atlanta Journal Constitution is a liberal newspaper.

      So “southern” media is just as fucked as the Northern one. In the (imaginary) case of Secession, it would just spout its false narratives further, nothing would change

      The media spouts its false narratives now … it was uniformly in the tank for Obama in 2008 and 2012, and 88 percent of Whites in Alabama voted against him, as did Whites in every Southern state, including the ones Obama won. How do we explain this? It is because when Southern Whites read the newspaper, they pay attention to the local news and sports section, and ignore the Op-Ed ranters, whereas in the Northern states in places like Massachusetts or Vermont, they read the newspaper, and they buy into the shit they read, which is why Jews overwhelmingly represent Northern states.

      that is avoiding the answer. How the Southern economic policy would be any different, jew-wise? You dont have the faintest idea, so you bullshit me with evasion.

      Oh, I see.

      Trade policy, monetary policy, fiscal policy, healthcare, the tax code, energy policy, environmental policy, federal civil rights laws, and so on – this has nothing to do with economic policy! LMAO.

      So what, The new seceded Southern stets wouldnt have a stock exchange (or multiple of them)? Wouldnt they have banks? Through the banking system, wouldnt they exert exactly the same influence as before?

      Pop Quiz: what’s the name of the central bank in the United States, and who controls that central bank, which prints our currency?

      You dont understand elementary finance and economics.

      All right.

      What’s the name of the institution that sets long term interest rates in the US?

  16. Re: Brad Griffin

    Arent republicans just as much part of the system as the democrats? Yes they are. Are the republicans the hope of the white folk? Most definitely not.

    It doesn’t matter the slightest which shill you vote for. You are unable to understand even this.
    So, yes, the Southern whites are just brainwashed into believing in the system as other folks are. The thing that they dont vote democrat can mean that they have other newspapers or informal channels to receive the intel on issues. Still, it is part of the establishment.

    “it was uniformly in the tank for Obama in 2008 and 2012, and 88 percent of Whites in Alabama voted against him”

    This only means that instead of believing the bullshit about Obama they did believe the bullshit about neocon McCain and Romney.

    BTW, I really have a hard time believing that the republicans were such underdogs that you depicted them to be. Both the 2008 and 2012 electons were quite close. This couldnt have happened if the republicans had been so disadvantaged. BTW, if the republicans had won, it would have been WW3 by now, so good riddance.

    “Trade policy, monetary policy, fiscal policy, healthcare, the tax code, energy policy, environmental policy, federal civil rights laws, and so on – this has nothing to do with economic policy! LMAO.”

    1) You didnt even mention the things above before

    2) How would these things -transposed into the hands of the states- solve the problem, jew-wise?

    The jew-affilate bank doesn’t give shit about whether it is Secession or not. It continues to scam people and exert influence. Similarly with the jew corporations.

    long term interest rates in themselves have nothing to do with jew influence. It has to do with jew banks, corporations and other corporate entities, jew media, porn. etc.
    Take the interest rates or the FED -that sets it- away from them, everything would just remain the same.

    You tackle b>one problem out of a b>hundred, and yet you have the face to imply that it would solve everything.

    • Re: European Light

      Arent republicans just as much part of the system as the democrats? Yes they are. Are the republicans the hope of the white folk? Most definitely not.

      That’s not your argument.

      Your argument is that White people are mindless lemmings who do whatever the Jewsmedia tells them to do. It’s a retarded theory because 1.) the polls show the public doesn’t trust the news media, 2.) White Christians dislike the entertainment media, 3.) the media is balkanized these days, 4.) and finally because Southern voting patterns don’t reflect the partisan bias of the media in this area.

      It doesn’t matter the slightest which shill you vote for. You are unable to understand even this.

      Is that so?

      How many recent posts here have been about the 2016 midterm elections?

      So, yes, the Southern whites are just brainwashed into believing in the system as other folks are. The thing that they dont vote democrat can mean that they have other newspapers or informal channels to receive the intel on issues. Still, it is part of the establishment.

      If that were true, every county in West Virginia would have voted for Obama like every county in Massachusetts and Vermont since the mainstream media was in the tank for Obama, but because Whites in West Virginia are culturally alienated from the Democratic Party, they rejected Obama.

      This only means that instead of believing the bullshit about Obama they did believe the bullshit about neocon McCain and Romney.

      How is that possible if the Jewsmedia is molding the minds of lemmings like putty?

      BTW, I really have a hard time believing that the republicans were such underdogs that you depicted them to be. Both the 2008 and 2012 electons were quite close. This couldnt have happened if the republicans had been so disadvantaged. BTW, if the republicans had won, it would have been WW3 by now, so good riddance.

      Why do all these lemmings ignore the endorsements of major newspapers like The Birmingham News or the Atlanta Journal Constitution? Is it because they are just reading the local news and sports section?

      1) You didnt even mention the things above before

      Yes, I did.

      2) How would these things -transposed into the hands of the states- solve the problem, jew-wise?

      For starters, the Federal Reserve would no longer control our banking system, which wouldn’t be regulated by Congress, and the US Treasury would have no authority over us iether.

      The jew-affilate bank doesn’t give shit about whether it is Secession or not. It continues to scam people and exert influence. Similarly with the jew corporations.

      If we seceded, we could do anything we want with our banking system, and corporations would have to do business here on our terms.

      long term interest rates in themselves have nothing to do with jew influence. It has to do with jew banks, corporations and other corporate entities, jew media, porn. etc.

      So, long term interest rates have nothing to do with the Federal Reserve, but something to do with … porn? Ok, I see now. LOL

      Take the interest rates or the FED -that sets it- away from them, everything would just remain the same.

      So, the Jews don’t control the Federal Reserve?

      You tackle b>one problem out of a b>hundred, and yet you have the face to imply that it would solve everything.

      Secession is a magic bullet that takes down all kinds of problems in one stroke.

  17. Suppose you did secede in disconnecting formally from the Talmudists of the Boston-to-Washington metropolitan zone. There would still be thousands of wealthy, intelligent, young Talmudists fully entrenched in key positions in the southern states — some entirely ‘southern’-derived going back a dozen generations — according to those maps and census data links I posted above. And don’t forget: Last time you seceded, the real ‘Brains of the Confederacy’ was one of them. Imagine if General Grant’s order of expulsion had been supported, instead of revoked, by Lincoln….

    Now for a different ‘beef’: Finland assaults Russian Christianity with Talmudic postage stamps http://www.dailyslave.com/anti-gay-russian-lawmaker-protests-homoerotic-finnish-stamps/ — and neighbouring Estonia is fighting on the same side: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/stephen-fry-unholy-alliance-of-us-and-russian-christians-fight-estonian-gay-rights-9775793.html

  18. “Your argument is that White people are mindless lemmings who do whatever the Jewsmedia tells them to do.”

    My argument is that the jewsmedia is smart enough 1) not to upset the status quo, and 2) there are many jews among republitards as well, doesn’t change a thing.

    That is exactly what a shill game is about: you can “rebel” against a democrat, by voting a republican. And the majority of southerners went along with it. you have been jewed.

    “How is that possible if the Jewsmedia is molding the minds of lemmings like putty?”

    Repulicans are for blowing off the steam, controlled opposition. Still part of the system.

    You are not brainwashed oonly in the special case when you do what you are told. You are brainwashed when you go aginst the system by reinforcing it (->voting for republican). Again: that is the characteristic of a shell game.

    “If we seceded, we could do anything we want with our banking system, and corporations would have to do business here on our terms.”

    So far you have revealed absolutely zilch zero nada about your plans regarding to nullifying jew influence, so I assume there are none.

    “So, long term interest rates have nothing to do with the Federal Reserve, but something to do with … porn? Ok, I see now. LOL”

    I was pointing to the basic fact that even if somehow you remove jew economic influence, their cultural influence will remain. I tried to be concise and exact, but you failed to understand.

    “So, the Jews don’t control the Federal Reserve?”

    Yes they do, along with all the major banks and corporations, regarding to which you dont have the slightest clue what to to about. Eliminating the fed in itself would solve one problem, and leave a hundred behind untouched.

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