After causing a major scare over “comprehensive immigration reform” this afternoon, President Trump seemed to back away from the idea in his address to the nation tonight:
Our take on Trump speech:“Press reports that Trump might embrace comprehensive immigration reform turned out to be a cruel hoax."/1
— Frank Sharry (@FrankSharry) March 1, 2017
"Instead of reaching to the middle, he moved even farther right. He offered nothing but enforcement and deportations for undoc immigrants"/2
— Frank Sharry (@FrankSharry) March 1, 2017
"This adds up to an unprecedented attack on immigrants here, and a nativist attack on the ability of US citizens to sponsor loved ones"/3
— Frank Sharry (@FrankSharry) March 1, 2017
..then called 4 deep cuts in family reunification under our lgl imm system.A shift away from family immigration is code for deep cuts" /4
— Frank Sharry (@FrankSharry) March 1, 2017
"Trump isn’t making a sincere attempt at bipartisan reform, he’s embracing a cynical strategy of scorched-earth xenophobia.” /5
— Frank Sharry (@FrankSharry) March 1, 2017
Important @ByBrianBennett analysis of Trump's real immigration goals: Reshape U.S. demographics for the long term. https://t.co/SyTTQicNPo pic.twitter.com/yksdKP8yJc
— Kate Linthicum (@katelinthicum) February 28, 2017
Here’s the whole speech:
foxnews website shut down the commentary or maybe i’m excommunicated. last post:racism card fleecing taxpayers.
Trump flip the middle finger to shysters lawyers.
Once or twice during the presidential campaign, as I recall, there was this sort of thing, i.e., a vague report that Trump was to make a public statement that would trouble his supporters.
I remember those as well, and they always turned out to be fluff. I’m still nervous, though. But he of all people knows not to cave in to the opposition when cutting a deal.
What if he was just waiting to get in before the full reveal?
What would have happened in the election had he moved towards Amnesty?
That’s possible, Afterthought. At the moment, all that can be said, I guess, is “We shall see,” as Mr. Wallace has said in the present blog entry.
At least Bush waited till September to do 9/11, Trump is/could be betraying us and the golden toilet in Trump Tower is still warm!
Stop it.
Cable news network contemplate the state of duh union. Local regular programming station a circus zoo gyration.
Trump may scold congress resulting in 2 options. Congress submits to Trump or congress bucks him which will be the beginning of a Nationalist/Populist split with the 2 parties.
Or he could cuckout.
One and or both of the parties, Mr. Saint, are notlikely going to survive the Trump Administration…
How to stream the State of the Union.
He’s already strengthened ICE and made it easier for law enforcement to detain and deport illegals which is happening.
He might soften his stance because all the Demonrats and a good portion of the GOPe are begging for some sort of amnesty.
He needs McTurtle and Lyin’ Ryan to help him with his agenda.
Both have been slow as molasses in getting his appointments confirmed and implementing his proposals.
If he tosses them a few bones it wouldn’t surprise me but being a wheeler dealer he probably has a few aces up his sleeve… I hope.
Trump, and even the Republicans have to realize that amnesty is electoral death. You just can’t go there. Tom Cotton knows it, he’s trying to cut levels in half and stop chain migration.
I agree.
An irrational wave of anger is a great demonstration reaction to any hint of betrayal and Amnesty. Make it crystal clear what the consequences will be. Even if it is fake news.
Remember that despite the polarity in the country and culture, the government is not polarized.
The GOP has both Houses, the Executive, and is poised to reshape the Judiciary. The GOP dominates at the State level as well.
Where is the payback to the voters, the base?
Melania is gorgeous, as per always!
R u a dyke .. it sounds you wanna eat her out..
Starting off strong! Condemn anti-semitism!
Shouldn’t you be on NPR?
I’m being facetious.
Yes, but you’ve been blackpilling almost this entire thread. That’s really not necessary
It flows naturally from the ambiguity of the actions and results of the Trump administration. It is early, but Trump needs to hear the disquiet in the ranks.
Cynicism is often a mask for fear and despair.
It always is, Miss Denise; and what’s troubling about it is that cynicks often laud themselves for their faithlessness, by a selective accumulation of facts.
My uncle was a world famous scientist who had the temerity to tell me ; don’t trust scientifick reports, because they are not objective.
When I askt how that was, he answered : ‘Junius, the study compiler chooses what questions will be askt, to whom to ask, and then, once the information is compiled, he adjusts it to support the conclusions he had before the study began.’
Cynicism is self-defeating. Literally.
If there is something I live in, that ain’t in the gospel, Miss Denise, it’s this :
‘Meine Ehre HeiBt Treue’
Are you familiar with it?
I HATE that Jew Ryan. 5 minutes alone is all I want.
Ryan is a Jew, M’am? I thought he is a Yankee?
He’s a Crypto. And Yankees are New England. Not the Midwest cucks.
Alright, M’am- you call him a ‘crypto’.
For me he is a Northern bozo.
If the speaker makes one more remark about our great flag, I may blow my very civil stack…
He’s gotta go back.
I agree, but, for now, he seems very much installed.
That said, even if he went, Miss Denise, what would be the point?
The speakers previous were as godawful, and worse, as Ryan – not as people mind you, but, a politicians.
The JewEngland Government system produces some very scary people.
I think he’s just a Megacuck.
I hope not, Bannon and Miller have to be advising him against “comprehensive immigration reform” maybe he thinks he’ll throw the left a bone for the 750,000 DACA kids, but the left will take that as weakness, he’ll give them that and get and even more obstruction from them. I say phase II of the illegal alien crackdown should be going after those that are a public charge. Find out who owes on all these unpaid hospital bills, check their status, and if a wetback, toss them out ASAP.
Wow, you should have seen Mitch McConnells pale face as Trump wants to end unskilled immigration.
I did!
Uh oh, he believes in that Devos’ voucher non-sense. Community Organizers will be sure to organize all the Laqueshas into signing up all her little bastards for vouchers to all the Parochial Schools the left wants to defile. School Choice will bite conservatives on the ass.
It’s ok. He will give the Orcs the rope they need to hang themselves.
Pompe disease:
minorities disparities paper money expenditure wasteful endeavor.
Al FrankenJew. I really HATE Kikes.
I just saw that reptilian face. Unreal!
The camera flashed on the depraved kike when Trump was rhapsodizing about the amazing inventions of White men. FrankenJew was sulking, and sitting like a juvenile delinquent in study hall. I hate kikes.
The look on his face and his body posture revealed how disgusted he was by Trump’s comments.
Al Franken Jew REPORT TO THE OVEN!!!!
Hi doll! How are you?!!!
Yes, M’am – Franken did look toxick, indeed.
But, then again, I recall listening to his ill-fated attempt to replace Rush Limbaugh, but, after only a few times, I grew so sick of his state of mind, I could listen no longer.
Give the man his due, Junius, he made the best joke of the Clinton years:
“Of course, this whole Monica Lewinsky thing has brought to the fore the question whether oral sex is adultery. After much discussion, my wife and I have decided yes, it is—and that’s why we haven’t had it in years.”
That is funny, John – even if it is a guilty laugh.
Well said, Junius.
The Demons are walking out. En masse.
Justice will be delivered unto them.
They didn’t even stand and applaud Civic Nationalism and God.
I know. So does America.
No surprise there. They’re Godless commies.
Look at what just happened to that sheenie Alan Colmes. The Curse of the Don fell upon him!
Yankee Jim is smiling somewhere,
I know. Mighty Lord Kek smiles on His Children.
The Almighty will strike down those whose ancestors murdered His son.
Or in more blunt English: Kikes are going to burn in hell.
Then God will have to do it, Miss Denise, because we don’t have enough capacity to administer it ourselves, so great are the crimes.
No betrayal. But our reaction was appropriate to even the hint of one. There can be no ambiguity.
Deeds, not words.
Every-one- call the Demons that walked out. Call their offices, and tell them that America saw them for the TRASH they are.
jewish cemetery? lol
Being serious, was that another hoax?
sacrilege hoax.
Of course.
The bomb threats are clearly hoaxes.
I wish Trump hadn’t mentioned that jew cemetery vandalism hoax but at least he didn’t condemn it as an act of “rising anti semitism”. He probably realizes the jews themselves are responsible for knocking over those tombstones.
crap polluted airways.
I think he said that because earlier he suggested that these are hoaxes.
Yeah, he came out with that right off the bat to defuse the media.
I’m glad he did. He obviously already has the identity of the hoaxer in his hands. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af182c975882f55b0d955ca3a89de711c4a2d15be5f6aa364f8250b2856fd954.jpg
The New York Times was running with the angle that Trump called the cemetery attacks a false flag. They probably were a hoax, but I haven’t been following the story. Anti-Semites in the current year make cartoons on the internet, they don’t vandalize cemeteries: too much work.
paid vandalism by none other SJW.
False Flag would be the best term for the Cemetery stuff. The stones were pushed over.
The Demonrats were not happy about ‘voice’ at all.
@occdissent @mayberry1488
Lakesha failed 3rd grade TWICE but now getting her degree in…. Social Work !?!
Well, that’s a SLAM DUNK!
I Aver ?? @i_aver
College educated GOP White women love that stuff.
I though that was hilarious! The “adorable” niglet was outed for having failed the 3rd grade TWICE, and then gradjumacated in a “special learning center” It then has gone on to achieve a degree n sheeeyit for dat soshul werk.
Well done Nigletta!
Can Joe Manchin, Senator of West Virginia, be persuaded to switch parties? An extra vote would defang McCain some.
Israel’s corner stone of democracy. sic joke.
Tucker Carlson on Fox News commenting on the Democrats’ response: “They found the only person in Kentucky who didn’t vote for Donald Trump.”
Hysterical, Sam!
In a shocking move, Democrats opt for a White Southerner to deliver their response to president Trump.
That said, Governor Bevins is either a scalawag and a half, or just plain deaf to his own words; this because much of the polite barbs he aimed at our man was double or triply applicable to President Obama.
Study Beshear’s history. Impressive in a bad way. He’s a disgrace to Dixie.
Who’s this Beshear guy?
The repulsive traitor that gave the Democrat “response”.
Oh, I see, M’am.
And yes, he was, despite the fact he sent me the right aural and visual signals, spiritually wretched.
Scalawags are scary, aren’t they? – including those sitting behind him.
Scalawags must been seen for what they are – and PURGED.
It’s quite a dilemma for me, Miss Denise, because Jesus Chryst is my Lord & Savior.
Yet, you have absolutely no idea how similarly I feel to you – perhaps, even, BEYOND you.
That said, in recent years I have come to realize that you and I are far from being lonely, on this score.
Amnesty cave?
How many times has the ‘fake news’ reported that Trump was going to say/do this or that and it doesn’t happen?
cbs stephonopolues still on the airways, decrepint propagandist.
quite a contrast from 2016 campaign bigotry moral cowardly.
If Trump will just build the wall we’ve got what we need. When he is gone and this nation splits apart that wall becomes the South’s wall…
That afternoon rumor about “compromise” and “reform” turned out to be the mother of all head fakes! Beautiful!
Hopefully, this signals Trump is taking back the word “reform” to mean something worthy of the term!