Eli Mosley and about 25 people including Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Matthew Heimbach held a protest outside the White House over the Kate Steinle verdict.
The backstory here:
- The Kate Steinle verdict has created outrage on the Right.
- Eli Mosley resigned as the head of Identity Evropa.
- Patrick Casey took over as the new CEO and announced IE’s new direction.
- Identity Evropa created a Kate Steinle shrine in San Francisco, CA.
- Eli Mosley and Richard Spencer launched a new group called Operation Homeland.
Why it matters: Matthew Heimbach and Tony Hovater of the TWP were at this event. The internal tumult within IE has spawned Operation Homeland. This was a bold move which was announced on short notice. It was high energy, looked good, got the message out and was more interesting than the previous flash demonstrations since Charlottesville. The inclusion of Heimbach and Hovater suggests the public infighting is subsiding and this is the beginning of a new direction for the Alt-Right. Notably, this was the first public rally for the Alt-Right since Unite the Right.
Perhaps the result of Tim Heaphy’s independent investigation has changed the negative atmosphere on the Alt-Right. These lawsuits are probably going to go away now.
— Richard ?? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) December 3, 2017
But BLM is wrong for protesting Zimmerman…Stop the bitching
He was employed as neighborhood watch. The hoodlum was cruising for bruising.
He was self-“appointed”, Tray von was just defending himself against a paranoid vigilante
All fairs in love and war
Defending himself by stalking a righteous citizen, who was doing was he was supposed to be doing after a rash of robberies by niggers, in his own neighborhood, after the initial encounter, when Zimmerman departed, and jumping on a righteous citizen, and attempting to beat him to death?
Kikes have a lot of Negro DNA, so I understand why you are incapable of understanding the rules of Human Civilization. Did you mother ever tell you which Negro client of hers supplied half of your DNA Did she remember his name, or ever know his name?
Ummm… That’s the cops job. It’s the neighborhood watch’s job to CALL them…
Trayvon was looking for problems and he found one. Had he acted like a human being he’d still be alive, probably in prison, but alive.
Trash Can Martin got what he deserved.
I don’t know where you’re from, but where I’m from defending yourself against a potential child predator is normal human behavior…. Zimmerman is the one with an arrest record
Zimmerman is the future. A small brown man shooting a large black one.
I notice you’re always bellyaching about so called nigger victimhood. You Are not a wetback spic,my man. You are an impostor. A real fraud on this blog…..Be real El Crapo…… Man up to the fact that you are Black. I lived around Hispanics all my life and trust me…Mexicans don’t give two fucks about the Nigger’s plight.
Actually, he’s probably a scrawny, smug, low-T, metrosexual, latte-drinking, self-hating white shitlib in some clean, mostly white neighborhood of Seattle or something of the like, pretending to be a beaner. Who is beaten up by his 190 lb blue-haired, butch feminist girlfriend when he gets home late, which he enjoys. `
El Chapped @ss is El Kike-O. Know the signs.
That makes more sense Denise. I think you’re right.
I am. It’s every post drips with the smell of rancid lox.
Turn him over to me– I’ll break his ass down in Spanish and we’ll see how he does. Ya got that Chapo?
Ja, ja, ja . . ¿Y qué sorete?
It requires such courage , character and integrity to disrespect a lady through total anonymity…. El Crapo…..
Flaxen – Chapo is Chapsteinberg. It’s not some mestizo troll. It’s a HEEB.
Steve, Denise is no lady…
Black or mexican…. It’s still better than what you are
Whatever El Greaso really is, it isn’t White. Nor is it human.
Would you just kiss a shotgun already, shitskin?
I do it every night, hoping you give me a (legal) reason to use it….
Schlomo – why don’t you practice pulling the trigger? Load the gun, put the barrel in you fish lipped mouth, and pull the trigger.
Whores…(oops) I mean, ladies first…
The time’s coming soon when we won’ t need a reason to use our weapons other than It’s not white.
BLM doesn’t… matter, that is. Next question?
the speech by mike enoch was terrific
I understand the outrage of this on one level and I suppose that it’s a good thing that some normies got at least a low dose red pill out of this, but if the record of Steinle family utterances is examined it indicates that the whole lot of them were really quite on board with the whole open borders, diversity and “immigrant rights” crowd.
So I’m perplexed by all of this hoopla.
ANOTHER “rally.” ANOTHER “protest.” ANOTHER “march.” Still no BRAND or BRAND IDENTITY. 10 years from now nothing will have changed. You all might as well order a kosher pizza and watch sports. Until someone starts THE CONFEDERATE PARTY … it’s ALL just a bunch of BS.
Today, I rewatched “The Second Civil War.” It’s an H.B.O. film that was made in 1997. The Governor of Idaho decides to close the border to prevent a planeload of Pakistani refugee children from taking up residence in the State. In many ways, this film captures the paradoxes and inconsistencies, and the divisions and conflicts, that currently define the Country, and it pokes at all of the sore spots. It’s a little crude, but there are several scenarios that are very unsettling and present distinct possibilities. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of copies floating around, but if you can find one, I think it is worth watching.
This verdict has pissed off a lot of people all across the right wing spectrum. The message: Our overlords don’t care if 3rd world invaders are “legal” or “illegal”. Whites are expendable because Diversity will go on and keep on chasing you down.
I’m glad the rally went well. The Jews News has not uttered one word about this event.
Great news bitch!
Ms. Steinle was only one of literally tens of thousands of innocent White Americans who are assaulted, raped, robbed and murdered every year by greasy brown illegal alien scum. Hopefully as the power of the conventional jewsmedia begins to weaken the White man will wake up from his electronic trance and recover his BALLS.
>The inclusion of Heimbach and Hovater suggests the public infighting is subsiding
There never really was any infighting, just a few personalities taking umbrage that an apparent majority of the Alt Right is not ready to give up on the idea of a white *America*. Once those few people see past their stung vanity it is obvious there is no inherent infighting as to goals.
Here’s the problem they’re always going to have: talking about European this and that and National Socialist Workers Party will never sell. They will remain a small, fringe group. It is in fact LARPing because it’s living in a fantasy world that will never work in reality.
Southern nationalism is the only thing that will work in America because we already have a cultural and historical basis.